this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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Tuesday: You see,watching another animal taking down its own prey(less the screaming)doesn't bother me nearly as much,not sure why,and I'm probably numbed to human destruction,but seeing and hearing that pig, ripped my heart out
Jim Dandy: what rod03801 said, animla taking down another animal is nature,they do it to survive. There IS a humane way for a farm to kill an animal,that video is NOT humane.An animal kills to survive...a humane does that because they are frigged up in the head!
Jim Dandy: I am looking EVERYWHERE on Peta's site for an address,went to the forums...oh dear lord...don't even get me strated on those things! Good thing my account got messed up,telling me wrong password,so I try to reset it and it's like..oh,no..thats the right password..oh! whatever..I would have said summin in there I couldn;t take back,lol...anywhoooooo,I am going to try google for an address,see what I can find. And...OMG Tasers!!! I'm SO in!!
Tuesday: They're fighting the good fight,apparently some of them have understandably tough days,but I think they look for those who can make it through,I couldn't,I'd probably take the same hammer to the flunky doing it to the animal
let me know if this link doesn't work and I will paste the story here...they ARE investigating and they are going to try and prosicute these idiots that did this!
Tuesday: Cats remind me of women,impossible to figure out,but a challange I was raised with up to 2 dogs,1 cat,and a military macaw all at the same time.I enjoy them all individually
Jim Dandy: oh,man,if I knew the comment wouldn't be taken off here,what I could say to that cat = woman thing...BUT if you mind slides into the gutter like mine did...ok! there is the edit that Artful Dodger will hit me with,lmao!! I am outta here before he yells at me!
The author of this book loves dogs. It looks like a good book. It's not about dogs but I think the dog in the story is key to the story. It's getting a lot of hype. ;)
Subject: Re: Should Polar Bears be taken off the endangered list?
Tuesday: Canadians hit home runs batting baby seals,we're no better,but you sure wouldn't want to flash it around at election time,that's where I'm confused