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17. September 2007, 22:15:01
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Oh wow!! Looks beautiful!!

17. September 2007, 01:02:13
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Id be in the opposite direction!

17. September 2007, 00:56:23
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Yes it says why but m sure I wouldnt of got close enough to check if it had eye lids!

17. September 2007, 00:55:13
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Now thats interesting isnt it! I must admit if I saw one of those I probably would of thought it was a snake....not a slow worm and definately not a lizard! LOL

17. September 2007, 00:45:22
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: LOL poor Finch wonder if it was a slow worm?

17. September 2007, 00:40:52
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Anyway it explains why I havent seen any snakes in the wild here, I live in the wrong part of the country (or the right part depending on your preference for snakes lol)

17. September 2007, 00:38:30
Yes, it says this on that same site....

All of our UK snakes are completely protected under law, and it is even an offence to disturb them in some cases.

17. September 2007, 00:33:18
Subject: Re:
 Tuesday: I really dont know??? I would have to google that lol

17. September 2007, 00:25:46
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: LOL yes that one caught my eye too on your link! Two heads!!!

17. September 2007, 00:24:25
Dont know what happened with my link but I will try it again

Thanks for your links!! lol

17. September 2007, 00:18:25


some info about the smooth snake!
yay for google

Aw thats cruel about the plastic easter eggs!

17. September 2007, 00:14:31
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Thanks! We must of been looking at snakes at the same time!!

17. September 2007, 00:12:44
Subject: Re:
Modified by Ewe (17. September 2007, 00:22:01)
Tuesday: Ok just looked up about snakes here as I was curious! lol
We apparently have 3 species of snakes in the UK (but not Ireland)...
1.adder, poisonous, native of Scotland & has reported to have killed 10 people in last 100 years!
2. grass snake, none poisonous, mainly in the south of England
3. smooth snake, very rare, none poisonous, southern UK

17. September 2007, 00:05:59
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: We only have a couple of types of snakes I think...the grass snake & adder, which thinking about it I think is poisonous??? I must say though I have never seen a snake in the wild here & I love the country side.
Yes I think Ireland & Newzealand are the only countries without any snakes.

16. September 2007, 23:52:36
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: OMG!! I think I would of fainted! We dont have any poisonous snakes here. Do you think Gracie got bitten today? Eww the head swelling part is very scary! 

16. September 2007, 21:21:47
Subject: Re: Ontarians can't newly acquire pit bulls. Existing owners must neuter their dogs and make sure they are leashed and muzzled in public. Offenders' pit bulls must be euthanized.
Modified by Ewe (16. September 2007, 21:23:59)
anastasia: I think its so terribly sad if ANY dog has to be destroyed if its fit & well. There are only certain exceptions when a termination is justified.
My argument is they shouldnt be bred any more if there is a problem with that breed. To continue to breed means even more animals will suffer in the long term.
I dont think the remaining dogs of the pitbull breed should be killed but I do think the breeding should be stopped & a ban of ownership put into place.

Yes I love you too! This is a healthy & amicable discussion. I know you are a very responsible and loving dog owner, wish there were more like you (infact all)!!

(just editing my awful spelling lol)

15. September 2007, 19:43:23
Subject: Re: Ontarians can't newly acquire pit bulls. Existing owners must neuter their dogs and make sure they are leashed and muzzled in public. Offenders' pit bulls must be euthanized.
anastasia: yes I do honestly understand what you are saying, and I agree with most of what you have said.
Im on the same side as you with most of the issues raised but I also see & fully understand the reasons why certain dog breeds are deemed dangerous & are banned.

15. September 2007, 12:52:17
Subject: Re: Ontarians can't newly acquire pit bulls. Existing owners must neuter their dogs and make sure they are leashed and muzzled in public. Offenders' pit bulls must be euthanized.
anastasia: Yes I agree with the fact dogs are dogs, but not all dogs are equal....Id stand much more of a chance fighting a miniture poodle off than I would a doberman! I think thats the difference.

As I said I totally agree with you the responsibilities lie with breeders and owners.

Very good discussion aswell 

15. September 2007, 12:46:06
Subject: Re: Ontarians can't newly acquire pit bulls. Existing owners must neuter their dogs and make sure they are leashed and muzzled in public. Offenders' pit bulls must be euthanized.
Jim Dandy: Thanks, yes & I think you have just echoed my thoughts with your last post too. If the breed is banned then it cant get into the wrong hands, of irrisponsible owners, and therefore those dogs wouldnt have to be destroyed.

The problems dont just lie with any particular breed, but with the fact that absolutely anyone can own any dog (or absolutely any animal for that matter) without having any prior knowledge of how to care for them etc.

14. September 2007, 21:08:34
Subject: Re:
anastasia: Sorry but I dont agree! The genetic breeding of a pitbull is for fighting....even if the dog hasnt been trained that way its in its genetic make up, thats the way it is.
I think they are lovely looking dogs & Im sure there are plenty of that breed that have lovely temperaments but over all it cant be trusted

14. September 2007, 14:45:30
If people wouldnt breed dogs like the Pit Bull in the first place none of these problems would happen! All dogs originate from the wolf, yet look how different all the breeds are! 

I have two small kids & I wouldnt trust a Pit Bull any where near them, regardless if that dog had always been friendly, the dog has been bred to fight!!

I love & respect all really isnt the Pit Bulls fault but I think the breed should be banned!!

I did the test & I got it right...but I think that was a lucky guess!

14. September 2007, 14:39:24
Subject: Re: Ontarians can't newly acquire pit bulls. Existing owners must neuter their dogs and make sure they are leashed and muzzled in public. Offenders' pit bulls must be euthanized.
anastasia: I understand what you are saying, but as Jason has just mentioned. No its not the dogs fault its the BREEDERS FAULT!

Pit Bulls can live peacefully with other dogs and animals. However,
the Pit Bull has historically been bred to take down large animals.
Early and continual socialization can help a Pit Bull be more animal
friendly. Genetics, however, play an important role in how the dog will
respond to other dogs and animals.

A Pit Bull that will fight another dog if unattended is a normal Pit
Bull. Even if a Pit Bull does not start the fight, it has the potential
to seriously injure or kill a dog once in the fight.

The Pit Bull has been bred to not back down and withstand pain until
the goal is met. This quality does not carry true in all Pit Bulls, but
it is safe to assume it is a potential in any Pit Bull in order to
avoid unnecessary problems.

Pit Bulls have a late maturity, and a Pit Bull that was dog
friendly at 7 months old may suddenly show signs of intolerance of
unfamiliar dogs around two years old. Spaying and neutering the dog may
help to prevent "turning on" the genetic urge to fight another dog.

All dog fights are preventable, however. Socialize a Pit Bull slowly
with new dogs, and never let them play unattended. Remove items such as
toys and food bowls to avoid stress.

Pit Bulls can live happily with other pets; if not left unattended.
Even the "best of friends" can fight, and the outcome may be tragic.
This can be true for dogs that have been together for years. Often,
after the first serious fight, relations between the dogs are never the

Keeping that first fight from happening is a great way to ensure
peaceful relations for the long run. If there is a multiple-dog
household, it is important to separate the dogs when there is no one

Many people use crates for short times, put dogs into separate rooms,
use kennels, or have outdoor areas set up for separation that are safe
and secure. Pit Bulls can get along wonderfully with animals like cats,
rabbits, and ferrets, but for safety's sake, never leave them alone


11. September 2007, 21:51:11
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Awww she sounds so sweet!

11. September 2007, 21:32:39
Subject: Re: Cat Brushing Tip
wetware: Oh dear! In that case I can certainly see why you trim their claws! How did the vet take getting the scratch?

LOL thats brilliant!!I can just imagine them, it conjured up a great mental picture
I love Ikea! They have some lovely rugs, but I bet they didnt realise their rugs double up as posh scratching posts!

11. September 2007, 21:13:40
Subject: Re: Cat Brushing Tip
 Rose: Ahhh right I see! My two never used to fight with each other. Now I only have the one. Yes they can do alot of damage with those claws if they are fighting & with you having so many rescues I bet there is a few fights from time to time. I think I would do the same as you in that case.

Yes the claws have a vein running in them, same with time when I took my dog to the doggie parlour for a spruce up, fur & claw trim, they cut one claw too short & it wouldnt stop bleeding! Can be dangerous!

11. September 2007, 20:47:25
Subject: Re:
anastasia: Gosh can you imagine if dogs coughed up hair balls too!!  

11. September 2007, 20:42:32
Subject: Re: Cat Brushing Tip
wetware: hehehe yes that works for my two small children also!
I dont clip my cats nails...just wondering why you do that? Is it because they are scratching your furniture? 

11. September 2007, 14:40:45
Subject: Re:
Rose: Maybe thats it then??? My cats love to be brushed! So maybe Im collecting most of the excess fur? They are outdoors alot too. I think central heating makes them molt more than necessary too.

LOL medievil I can see your angry face under that suit of armour!! I agree, I would find it hard to control myself too 

11. September 2007, 14:00:58
Subject: Re:
 Rose: So not all of your short haired cats get fur balls? The ones that do, is it just when they are molting?

Aww its so nice you are giving her a loving home. Yes its truely unbelieveable how some people treat animals, I find it hard to control my temper & Im a pacifist!!

11. September 2007, 13:16:54
Isnt that the thing about hair balls....the fact cats are bred to have long fur when naturally they wouldnt have? All the cats I have ever had have been short haired & never had fur balls or is it that my cats just were lucky?

10. September 2007, 14:42:30
Subject: Re: A woman holds a Sphynx cat during a local cat show in Almaty September 9, 2007
Rose: yes agree, they are bound to feel the cold, its just not fair for them.

10. September 2007, 11:49:43
Subject: Re: A woman holds a Sphynx cat during a local cat show in Almaty September 9, 2007
 srnity: Oh that is hiddeous! Its so cruel to breed cats with no fur. Breeders go so over the top, it shouldnt be allowed.

7. September 2007, 21:55:44
Subject: Re:
Jim Dandy: OMG thats horrendous! What an absolute sick man he is!!

7. September 2007, 21:12:34
Subject: Re:
Jim Dandy: It is quite bizarre that they do, everyone always associates cats purring with happiness.

7. September 2007, 17:59:47
Subject: Re:
Rose: lol well I know I didnt & thats for sure!!

7. September 2007, 17:35:16
I heard its what kittens do to their mothers when they are feeding from her, a way of stimulating the milk glands. So it is a memory of comfort. Dont know how true that is either?

Its hard to tell because cats also purr when they are in pain, not only when they are happy. Cats purr when in accidents like being run over etc & when they are giving birth also (and having had two labours & births myself, I know that its certainly not pain free lol)

6. September 2007, 00:39:45
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Yes, something to be very careful about. 

6. September 2007, 00:31:40
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: OMG that is terrible. You must of been in pieces after that

5. September 2007, 22:42:54
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Its so upsetting to see a healthy beloved pet deteriorate that quickly. I suppose it could of been one of a number of things wrong with him, only the vet would of been able to say. Even more upsetting for you that you couldnt make it to the vet. Im so sorry this happened.

One of my cats became very ill suddenly & she had contracted hepititus, she was on a drip for 5 days at the vets but made a full recovery thankfully. I dont even know how she got that.

5. September 2007, 22:29:53
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Aw thats so sad....
I wonder if he was poisoned or something?

5. September 2007, 22:29:06
Subject: Re:
Rose: Thanks. Yes thats true, shes as playful as ever! Glad yours are all well too!

5. September 2007, 22:12:47
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Yes she may be even older as she was a rescue. My cat that died last year was over 16 too. Shes absolutely fit as a fiddle, you could easily think she was only about 6 or 7

5. September 2007, 22:03:41
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Wow! If that applies to cats too, then mine is nearly 80!! Old age pensioner!

5. September 2007, 21:48:48
Subject: Re:PLEASE CALL!
srnity: Firstly can I say...WELL DONE to you! Im so glad to hear you have called, after what I have just read those owners need a good beating!!!
You have done the right thing in informing the correct authorites. I hope that dog finds a good home he deserves

31. August 2007, 11:18:15
Subject: Re: Dog In "Crate/Cage" Question
srnity: Hi, you are very kind to look after your friends dog for them.
12 hours does sound like a long time for the dog to be left in the crate though.
My advise would be to leave a bowl of water & a couple of toys in there for him to play with. Preferably a toy to chew to keep him busy & stop him getting bored?
Do they usually leave him in there over night? If so atleast he is used to the crate for longer periods.
Hope thats a little bit of help.

31. August 2007, 00:07:01
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: its just like this

30. August 2007, 23:49:54
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: yes its great, no problem if Im out all day or through the night etc.
Its a little bit draughty in winter but not too bad as the flap is ridged plastic & fits flush.

30. August 2007, 23:42:32
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: I have a cat flap fitted into my back door so she just comes and goes at her own leisure

30. August 2007, 23:36:12
Subject: Re:
 Tuesday: Yes I know what you mean, cat litter boxes stink!!! My other cat who has now died used to have a litter tray..YUK!! cleaning them out
My other cat doesnt have one, she digs neat little holes in one corner of the garden! Much better.

LOL yes Im with you there about the bathroom

30. August 2007, 23:14:10
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: If I lived close I would bring my cat round, shes an excellent ratter & is litter trained!

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