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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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30. October 2006, 14:37:33
Subject: Re: What goes around comes around
wetware: That's so kool! Aren't calico's such neat cats? I have one in my herd.

BTW, love your icon!

29. October 2006, 15:12:18
Subject: Re: What goes around comes around
anastasia: I'm not sure if I told you about 'Shivers'. She is a tiny kitten at the local vet emerg hanging on to dear life. She was not quite 3 months old when her owners boyfriend whacked her with a 2by4. She has so much neurological damage that she just shakes now as if she has bad parkinsons. It is so sad. They took the cat away from the owner but no charges were laid. I asked why not and the reply I got was that by the time the SPCA investigates it the guy wouldnt be around to be tried in court. OUR laws need to change and these animals that hurt inocent creatures need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!!!

29. October 2006, 13:36:33
Subject: Re: What goes around comes around
Tuesday: I hope his head was kicked in and he was stomped on too before his demise. This is whyI love animals over people most of the time. Animals show unconditional love. Some people dont even know love.

9. October 2006, 19:13:54
Subject: Re: Brag time!!!!
The wonderful thing about our pets is the unconditional love. Doesnt matter what we look like, act like or dess like they dont judge us like people do. They love us for how we treat them.
I love each an every one of my kitties, can't imagine life with out em really. I never meant or dreamed we would have 13 but it just happened that they needed a home and loving.
Loki and Punkin our latest newbies are settling in nicely with the rest of the clan. It doesnt take very long, a few weeks usually for the hissing to calm down. We get help from a rescue group that donates food to us which enables us to be able to take in a few more if need be. If I had my way and tons of money I sure would have a ton of dogs, cats and what ever else needed a home.

20. September 2006, 14:03:16
Subject: Re: I did it again Asia
wetware: Aww you are an amazing person. I can relate to the amount of money you spend. My mom in law is always saying things like " why do you spend so much money on them? You arent taking in another are you? If everyone was like that we wouldnt be a very good society. I spent $1200 last year on an abandoned siamese. She had bladder problems from drinking water off leaves in the woods ( or lack of drinking enough water) she is 100% healthy now and I wouldnt give her up for the world. We named her Chigger cuz she was full of chigger mites when we found her. To this day it is kinda funny to watch her drink from the water fountain. She still laps up as if trying to get water off leaves.. guess that wont change.
Congrats to wetware on saving the calico! She has the perfect home now!

20. September 2006, 01:04:13
Subject: Re: I did it again Asia
 anastasia: We keep all the ones we rescue. We've had a house fulla cats for about 10 years now. But this is the most we have ever had. The oldest is about 11 ish we figure. Youngest is this new one and I put her at about 16 months.. if that..
If the animal rescue society didnt help us with food and vet bills we couldnt do it. I so wish I could take in them all. I get calls every week to take in cats. I always, always tell people that I am the last resort. When folks exhaust all other resouces and before a cat is headed to the SPCA to bring em to me.. we know our local SPCA puts down dozens a week.. It makes me so angry

19. September 2006, 23:39:15
Subject: I did it again Asia
Another kitty was abandoned so we took her in. The neighbours behind us moved out Saturday left two cats alone in the house for 4 days.. landlord came in today an found em.. damn shame.. people should be shot.. one neighbour took in one, we took in the weakest.. going to take her to emerg in a bit to see if she is ok... what a cutie tho. I dont think I will ever understand how people can move away and leave a pet behind. We are also taking in an unwanted female this week so the house is going to be crazy for a few weeks.. the new scent thing takes a bit of getting used to. If we do take in the other new one that puts us at 13 in total. I need a bigger house, this 3 story one isnt cutting it anymore!

12. September 2006, 13:47:40
Subject: Re:spraying
CinnamonGirl: Yes youre right they can. Scarey isn't it?
Maybe by us discussing it here we can spread the word a bit. I know there are vets in every city around here that will fix a cat if a person has absolutely no money at all. My vet also takes a payment plan if you really need to get your animal spayed or neutered and are low on cash. There is no reason to NOT get it done.

12. September 2006, 13:38:55
Subject: Re:spraying
anastasia: I've always said if I ever won the lotto and had a lot of money I would pay all the vets in my province to have one day a month to advertise spaying and neutering cats (cats run wild here not dogs so I want to concentrate on lowering the feral cat population). I would foot the bill. It would help a little bit. It drives me mad when I see cats outside in my neighbourhood and then see them preggo every year. I am also a firm believer that cats in cities and urban areas do not belong outdoors. Too many things to harm them like disease, cars, people, not to mention fleas. If you love your cats keep them in doors and get them fixed! I have 11 cats and each one was fixed as soon as they were old enough.

30. August 2006, 22:03:34
Subject: Re: don't want to depress anyone
srnity: Ya it is sad how many are put down each year. The shelter for homeless animals here near me turns down at least 40 kitties a day. That is soo sad.

Tuesday Arent cats kool? Once youve been around cats you notice how different they all are and what personalities they have. Like kids!

30. August 2006, 21:50:26
Subject: Re: don't want to depress anyone
Tuesday: If everyone did as you and got their cats fixed when they got them and if possible kept them indoors we wouldnt have the big problem with wild cats. It's such a shame to see wild cats in the city, breeding disease etc. The over population is sooo high here. If I could take them all in I would.

30. August 2006, 15:17:03
Subject: Re:
anastasia: Animals are soo intelligent. They can sense danger or even the slightest changed in temperature before we can. I say animals are smarter n most people!!!

30. August 2006, 01:31:58
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: I read an article about him not long ago. Pretty amazing stuff eh?

29. August 2006, 21:33:10
Subject: Re:
Modified by Rose (29. August 2006, 21:33:35)
Tuesday: This is what I got off Wikipedia. I often call my husband a cat whisperer because of how cats react to him. The meanest ornary cats will curl up at his feet and purr and want a belly rub
(Nice to see you back BTW!)

A horse whisperer is a horse trainer who adopts a sympathetic view of the motives, needs, and desires of the horse, based on modern equine psychology. The term goes back to the early nineteenth century when an Irish horseman, Daniel Sullivan, made a name for himself in England by rehabilitating horses that had become vicious and intractable due to abuse or accidental trauma. He kept his methods secret, but people who managed to observe him noticed that he would stand face to face with the troubled horse. They seemed to think that he must be saying something to the horse in a way the horse could understand and accept because the horses were quickly gentled by his mysterious techniques. His techniques were passed over to Willis J. Powell, who learned them well and traveled widely in the New World to help the most seriously traumatized horses. His fame spread, and more and more people sought help from him. He wrote his own book and later cooperated with John Solomon Rarey. Rarey was protective of the tradition he had thus learned, and in early versions of his own book did not reveal how the most severely traumatized horses were salvaged by the methods originated by Sullivan and passed to him by Powell. He did, however, always give Powell full credit for his methods of gentling horses. Finally he became convinced that it was better to reveal the secret method to the world than to risk its loss. That method is fairly faithfully represented in the novel and motion picture The Horse Whisperer.

The first horse whisperer is thought to have been Xenophon. Today, numerous trainers and clinicians call themselves horse whisperers, often building on the work of Daniel Sullivan, Willis J. Powell, and John Solomon Rarey in the 1850s. The early twentieth centuries exponents of securing the horse's cooperation by kindness include Tom Dorrance, and somewhat later Ray Hunt.

4. August 2006, 13:29:32
Subject: Re: advice please
Dolittle: Gezhundheit! lol

6. June 2006, 16:40:49
Subject: Observation
Modified by Rose (6. June 2006, 16:41:24)
Observation for the day:
What is it with cats? I just sat watching two of mine who are siblings, lay in the same bed, all wrapped around each other and wash each other. There were no qualms about sticking a tongue in the others ear to clean the ear goop out, or lick the eye goo off of even lick the other ones butt.
BUT, try to feed them a new food an they stick their noses up as if to say, 'I aint eating that!'
What is up with that?

25. May 2006, 01:43:02
Subject: Candy22
CANDY22: WOW 15? Ive not ever heard of that breed living that long. Kool

3. May 2006, 20:27:05
Subject: Re:
BUNNY22: Hey Bunny and welcome.. They call it nettiquette with the caps an such. When your use all caps it is referred to as Shouting like asia said! NO offence taken by you I hope but it is also so much harder to read your posts when they are all in caps!
Welcome to the board!

15. April 2006, 19:09:19
Subject: Re: cute cats
Groucho: Those are awesome pix!

6. April 2006, 00:27:19
Subject: Re: Faith the dog ;)
Groucho: u da man, Dan.

5. April 2006, 23:40:24
Subject: Re: Faith the dog ;)
Groucho: I could send it to you and you could put it on your server? It is kinda big but not too large (5.77MB)

5. April 2006, 23:38:33
Subject: Re: Faith the dog ;)
Groucho: thanks for adding that you!! Now everone can watch it, that hasnt seen it before.

5. April 2006, 23:25:35
Subject: Re: A dog named Faith..
missymarie: Awesome video. Thanks for sending it!

5. April 2006, 23:12:17
Subject: Re: A dog named Faith..
missymarie: Tanks!

5. April 2006, 23:07:19
Subject: Re: A dog named Faith..
Modified by Rose (5. April 2006, 23:07:34)
missymarie: Is the video online anywhere? Not every one watches Montel. I hadnt heard of the dog an would like to see more on her!

26. March 2006, 21:09:41
What surprises me is the amount they kill. I know they say part of it is to keep the population down because they are eating up a huge amount of the fish supply. Fur coats are just about banned here. Folks are so looked down on if seen wearing them that I havent seen one in years cept on lil old ladies that have had the same mink for 40 years.
Must be sold some where other than here.
I also dont get why these hunters dont take the meat but just leave the carcass'(sickening and sad to see that). If they are going to hunt then at least take the meat and use it/sell it. And no I dont condone how they do the hunting before someone gets nasty at me about my comment.

19. March 2006, 05:04:11
Modified by Rose (19. March 2006, 05:04:48)

after thought, I do like the 'pawfect' idea alot!

18. March 2006, 21:22:09
Subject: Re: How about this?
Groucho: lmao! u are bad

Ali- The only word we use is critters
Is critter sitters kinda ick?

18. March 2006, 21:05:56
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC: I guess you are right in that but we are offering it to cats and small critters. Like folks who have guinea pigs or ferrets or gerbils etc or even snakes too. We just wanna get away from dogs for now due to the amount of work and attention they need daily over smaller pets. Running the website and computer biz still takes up a lot of our day so we figured if we stuck with smaller pets we could say do our rounds first thing in the morning then again at supper time (and still work the other biz) with Dogs you have to see to them 3 or 4 times a day really and we dont have that kinda time.

18. March 2006, 20:10:37
Subject: Re:
Modified by Rose (18. March 2006, 20:10:49)
WatfordFC: Just gimme your opinion on names I have listed below!
Im starting up a pet sitting service
The original name I had planned isnt allowed so I have to come up with a new one by Monday!

18. March 2006, 19:46:35
Subject: Re:
Modified by Rose (18. March 2006, 19:47:02)
Tuesday: No, I have to pay for each search.. What sucks is the lady who took the form and money showed us two companies that had pampered in the name but neither were sitters so she said it would go thru. Lot she knew!

Thanks you guys for the input. It means alot.

18. March 2006, 19:34:55
Tanks u guys.. Hubby just added one to the list.. sigh lol
paws & claws pet sitters.. He likes that one.. Wish I had asked you lot before I applied for the first name! hahah this is fun getting input! tanks!

18. March 2006, 19:26:12
Subject: Votes?
Need your thoughts folks on a company name:

Paws-Awhile Pet Sitters
Pawfessional Pet Sitters
Perfect Pet Sitters
Pink Paws Pet Care
Paw Pals Pet Sitters


18. March 2006, 19:00:42
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: lmao!!! funnnny!!

18. March 2006, 18:49:18
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Dolittle and I are racking our brains. I already applied for 'pampered paws pet sitters' Paid 45 bucks to have them tell me I cant use it an to come up with something else lol
I want to concentrate on cat sitting only for now because it is too much work with dogs and dog walking and hubby an I still run the other biz..
I wanted something cute about cats but.. I'm at a loss.. doh!

18. March 2006, 18:39:45
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: ya kinda easier. I pet sit for the neighbourhood cats and decided to turn it in to a second business so looking in to business names now. Surprising how many folks dont want to board their cats (I wouldn't want to). It is so stressful on them. Nicer to stay home an have the pet sitter lady come visit em!
I found it very hard the last few years taking vacations. Not many folks want to come in twice a day to mind 10 or 11 cats for an hour or so each visit. It is a lot of work for sure!

18. March 2006, 18:30:17
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: brrrrrr (is happy she has indoor kitties, specially on cold days!)

18. March 2006, 18:10:56
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: ya I call it upbringing. To me pets are like kids so I call em kids an say they are brought up! LOL

18. March 2006, 16:38:40
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Ive not got a lot of experience with those animals really. I had a friend with a rotty pitbull mix and he was just a big slurpy baby! (up bringing Im sure) He wagged his tail at every one that came to the door, even idiots!

18. March 2006, 16:33:10
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: I'm certain pets can read people better then we can read people. when hubby an I are around strange animals they flock to him even if they have never met him before. I call him the animal whisperer cuz of his love for animals. They can read that in him right away.

16. March 2006, 00:37:36
Subject: check this out

16. March 2006, 00:35:51
Subject: Re:
Modified by Rose (16. March 2006, 00:36:11)
Tuesday: YES YES YES

it can kill cats and dogs
it's like poison

6. March 2006, 22:09:27
Subject: Awesome board!
Sorry it took so long to find your new board ladies!
Trying to catch up on the posts now.
Bernice, we have a product called ProSolve that takes the stink right outta anything even furniture! No clue if you can get it down there tho!

As for calico's Torties and gingers, well I have one of each! Yup the Calico an Tortie are both female and the ginger is male. I call him our special cat cuz if he could wear a helmet he would ( as in really special) I wonder if it is possible for a cat to have downssyndrome?)
We have 11 cats in all right now ( cat rescuers but we fall hard for em when we take em in to heal em up an get em fed then refuse to find homes for them)
Our latest adoptee is a Maine Coon cat who I just adore. She was emaciated, had very little fur on her and beside flea bites was just a wreck. The SPCA said if they took her they would put her down cuz she was far gone in their books. Well today she is a fat, sassy beauty who sits on my desk or monitor all day long with me! Can't imagine her not being part of our family!

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