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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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16. October 2008, 16:03:46
Too bad they dont cut the horns off to give him some ease on his head and neck.. Poor animal having to carry them around all the time just so they can make a profit on people coming to ogle him. 

30. March 2008, 23:15:47
Subject: Re:
Artful Dodger:
cant access your coffee link

You don't have permission to access /archives/bloggraphics/44334153_3e9114058d.jpg
on this server.

4. March 2008, 03:31:54
Subject: Re: Dogs as cancer testers
anastasia: Absolutely! I've read articles and seen images that just make me ill. How can humans be so cruel I wonder? I guess Im just glad every one isnt like that and there are groups that are trying to stop animals abuse all over the world!
We can all do our part by supporting these groups, support the organizations that want to stop cruelty to animals.

4. March 2008, 03:06:59
Subject: Re: Dogs as cancer testers
wetware: I believe they have known for years about dogs capabilities. I recall reading a Stephen King novel in the early 80s (Talisman) A dog character could smell death on an old man in the story (the guy was riddled with cancer)
Unreal how intelligent not only dogs but dolphins and other animals are when you think about it!

12. January 2008, 17:57:08
Your browser caches the old image.. If you do a Ctrl+F5 ,  a hard refresh, it will show you the persons new image

12. November 2007, 04:33:15
Rats can be very cool! I at one time, had 4 rats as pets, 2 hooded, one brown, one beige. At the same time that I had these rats I also had 6 cats residing in the house. When it was time to clean the rat cage we would take them out of their really big cage ( a converted jewlery display case) and put them on the couch. While we cleaned their cage out the cats would come around sniffing. Each cat would slowly crawl up to the couch to sniff the rats one at a time.. when the rats got curious and came up to sniff a cats face the cats would dart away terrified. We though it was hilarous! as much as they were curious they were afraid of the rats. Never once did they try to pounce or eat. Too cute. I miss the rats. The down side to owning rodents, they dont last very long so u end up with tears and heartache very soon after getting used to them!

10. October 2007, 01:31:23
Subject: Re:
Tuesday:  Ive heard that dog food is not good for cats.. Too harsh on the system. What about putting their food up high so the dog cant reach? A counter top or even on top of the fridge. Every one of mine can get on top of the fridge...

5. October 2007, 14:59:24
Subject: Re: Does anyone have any tips
Modified by Rose (5. October 2007, 14:59:41)
Ewe: ya it isnt ideal but I keep it really clean and also she isnt voiding much so there is no real issue. She isnt eating very much so there is next to no waste. I think the drugs were effecting her appetite too. Shes a really large cat so no issues with her losing a pound or two anyway.

wetware. Very sound advice. We had a cat who peed on our bed at one time. Talk about constant washer and dryer going. We used to put plastic on the bed but she just peed on that. I didnt think to use foil. They hate the sound and feel of that. If I ever have that issue again I will try that..
I found that keeping the box extra clean encourages frequent use. Cats do not like stinky boxes. In my house it is a part time job cleaning all 4 boxes 4 or 5 times a day but well worth it.  Keeping boxes in private areas helps promote frequent use as well. I have one friend in a bachelor apartment that put up a chinese screen around her cat's box so the cat has privacy! LOL

The things we do and put up with for our fur babies.

5. October 2007, 01:44:33
Subject: Re: Does anyone have any tips
Tuesday: One of my cats is soo stresssed out that the doc gave us cat prozac ( in a tuna chew tab) we are anti drugs so I really didnt want to give them to her but her body is breaking down due to the stress. we gave them to her for 3 days.. and Ive stopped. I dont like how glassy eyed she looks and shes lethargic.. I have her quarantined in my bedroom with her own toys, food, water and litter. The tv is on thru the day for her.. and shes got much less stress. I realize she was stressing over the other cats in the house.. shes perfectly happy away from all the other cats.. Poor puddums. Once I get her all well and back to normal i guess I will have to find her a new home with people who have no other cats.. sigh... Shes a beauty and so good with people. I will miss her.

11. September 2007, 20:54:20
Subject: Re: Cat Brushing Tip
Ewe: I clip my cats so they dont scratch each others eyes out bascially..  I have them pretty much trained not to scratch the furniture and they have many scratching posts around the house that hubby made for them. But every so often one wants to dominate and will start swinging at another. This way I know there wont be major damage to any other cat. most get used to the clipping in time and just sit and patiently wait until I am done. Only the front paws and I dont clip their dew claws.  It just takes the really sharp pointy part off. You have to be careful when you clip. I have a vet teach me how so I dont clip too short. That would really hurt!

11. September 2007, 18:17:55
Subject: Re: Cat Brushing Tip
wetware: Fantastic idea. I have a hard time clipping the nails on 2 of mine..( they cry and pull back their paws just when I try to clip lol) So I will try it b4 feeding time! Woohoo... very wise.

11. September 2007, 14:23:31
Subject: Re:
Ewe: Right, not all my short hairs have full balls. I think it attributes to how clean some are. We try to brush each one but with this many its very hard and some just do not like to be brushed. Some are super clean and always licking others only clean themselves when they have to. We nick named one kitty Pigpen cuz she doesnt clean herself too often! Must be in her teen years! The cats that are super duper clean have the odd fur ball but it isnt daily or even weekly. The long hair kitty has them at least once a week. I have a Maine Coon cat with really long hair and she never has fur balls so her digestion must be top notch. AND does she shed! When I brush her I take clumps out every time. She has very different fur than the others.

You're right about the cruel people. I'm sure if I ever got my hands on someone that abused an animal I would go medievil on them. lol

11. September 2007, 13:50:28
Subject: Re:
Ewe: Some of my short hairs do have the odd fur balls but nothing like the long haired one I have. She's a beautiful cat but we have to shave her 'beard'. If not she licks it so much that she eats too much fur. This beauty was a rescue that was abandoned in the rough part of town. She has many issues so we cant adopt her out. She was horrible treated and likely beaten or kicked by a previous owner and still bites and scratches at times. Lost her Canines from being kicked no doubt. Has taken me since November last year to get her to trust me enough to give her a small rub on the head. I will never understand how people can be so cruel to other living creatures.

11. September 2007, 00:24:00
Subject: Re: A woman holds a Sphynx cat during a local cat show in Almaty September 9, 2007
wetware: LOL right on that one.. I've read up on hairballs the last while as I have one that has them a lot. If we brush her often (she is long haired) it helps cut back on the furball prezzies.. There also is food out now specially for cats who get them a lot. Interesting reading up on hairballs and why some cats have them often and others don't.

10. September 2007, 14:09:41
Subject: Re: A woman holds a Sphynx cat during a local cat show in Almaty September 9, 2007
Ewe: I'm thinking those hairless cats sure would get cold easy. They look so frail too. Poor puddums arent posta have no fur.

7. September 2007, 17:42:03
Subject: Re:
Ewe: lol women sure dont purr when giving birth!!! lol

7. September 2007, 14:12:18
Subject: Re:
anastasia: Ive read books on it hun and vets are stumped as to the true reason they do it! One says they are taken away too early from their moms. I dont buy that.. Other vets say its just a comfort thing.. When they are truly comfortable and happy its like their happy dance on your belly!
I believe they do it when they are content and happy. One of mine drools when she does it on me. EWWW lol When they do it they purr and when they purr they are content. They do have scent glands in thier paws but not as many as in their faces. When they rub their faces (whisker area) on you THEY really are scent marking you then!

5. September 2007, 22:17:47
Subject: Re:
Lambyless: Glad your cat is healthy! 16 is a great age. Lots of chasing in her yet! Cats rule!

5. September 2007, 22:11:30
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Oh for sure.. just liking losing one of your own.. Ive been lucky to have only lost one so far.. That was brutal.. She had lung cancer ( and I dont even smoke!!!) poor thing.. she went quick tho and wasnt in pain. But as mine get older I keep worrying about THE day.. going to be hard for sure.. but hopefully thats years from now!

5. September 2007, 22:08:07
It isnt rare for cats to live to be 21 or older now days. I have one that is 14 that still acts like a kitten at times. I keep waiting for him to start to slow down but not yet he isnt!

25. August 2007, 19:16:31
It is illegal in most places now days to own monkeys or chimps. if your chimps lives out doors I assume you live in a hot climate?

23. August 2007, 22:20:33
Subject: Re: The article
srnity: I had to turn the you tube video off. I found it very disturbing. (had no sound on so no idea if the speaking part was cute) You could see the visible fear in the cats as they tried to swim back. Not cute in my books.

21. August 2007, 18:53:15
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Is that the football guy you are talking about? I'd like to see the same thing done to him that he did to those poor dogs that lost their fights.

3. July 2007, 13:23:04
Subject: Re: for anyone who is interested :)
Bernice: Only works on Fellowships, music board and profiles.. No other public board supports it

3. June 2007, 20:57:49
Subject: Re: BrainKing's Flying Dragon
wetware:Cats are kool. We have one that sits on my desk and tries to catch my mouse pointer!

29. May 2007, 14:09:29
1.    foolish, unintelligent, or silly; stupid: It is surprising that supposedly intelligent people can make such asinine statements.
2.    of or like an ass: asinine obstinacy; asinine features.

'Bout sums it up I would say!!!! Cruel as hell too but hey some folks are asinine and cruel.

18. May 2007, 20:36:14
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: oh wow i had no idea.. didnt mean to sound off on my comment.

NO wallyworld? Yikes! LOL

18. May 2007, 20:23:59
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Wow that is soo different than here or many other places.. Im surprised. Is there no animal control organization there?

18. May 2007, 20:10:28
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Why isnt animal control catching them an taking them to the SPCA? here you wont see a dog on its own for more than a day before they scoop em up an take em in to the SPCA. If they are healthy they try to adopt em out

11. May 2007, 01:52:44
Subject: Re:
Bernice: i think camphor is the same thing in our moth balls.. Boy does it every work!

2. May 2007, 00:01:27
Subject: Re: Melamine in pet foods
wetware: Yes I read that last week.. I was pretty ticked off myself... The manufacturers arent to blame from what I have read though. Its the company selling the protein to the food companies that boosted the powder with the melamine..
I also heard the bad food was given to pigs in the US and now they think its reached humans.

18. April 2007, 14:15:04
Subject: Re:
BerniceC: Sounds good.. Prob is I dont have one or two cats. Hubby and I do cat rescue and currently have 15 in our home. We cant afford to buy raw food or chicken an rice. It would put us in the poor house. We rely on a rescue group that donates food to us for the babies. They give us the hard food an we still buy wet food. They all get about two tbsp's of wet for breaky a day.. Plus we buy a bag of CD its a salty food that was recommended for cats to encourage them to drink water. If we had to buy all the hard food too.. oye!

Im so glad you got the food that cheap! I would have stocked up as well!

18. April 2007, 01:13:47

The Natural Balance venison an pea dry food was just found to have the same chemical as menu foods. Melamine is a plastic thts been found in rice protein now from china..
I coulda killed my cats if I had fed this to them. I was given enough to last me 3 months. OMG Im sick just thinking about it.

17. April 2007, 19:07:42
Subject: Re:
Dolittle: Do u put it in their food? the calcium

17. April 2007, 18:54:48
Subject: Re:
Dolittle: I just read that today about meat an rice that they lack calcium if you give them that.. i also didnt know there were pet supplements..
I wish I could feed mine food not store bought but i have too many .. id go broke in no time cooking chickens an such

17. April 2007, 15:40:32
Modified by Rose (17. April 2007, 15:44:02)

another recall NATURAL BALANCE venison and Brown Rice Dry Dog Food and Venison and Green Pea Dry Cat Food has been recalled.
 My cats ate it last nite .. we have just gotten it last nite.. so they only had it one time.. We heard on NBC it was recalled for causing kidney failure.. If you use that food stop feeding it to your pets right away and contact your local vets ASAP!!!!

28. March 2007, 22:08:30
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Did they keep doing it while you moved em? LOL

23. March 2007, 18:53:40
Subject: Re:
anastasia: If they did know it was toxic an sold it anyway I hope they all burn for it. Pets are considered 'kids' to many ppl and to lose them thru neglect from a food company is sad. I am lucky to have heard about it early as we had some store brand wet in gravy that we avoided using. 

23. March 2007, 01:49:12
As most of you animals lovers in North American likely already know, there has been a recall in many major brands of pet foods. For those that dont, please read

14. February 2007, 19:17:52
glad you got your 'kid' back!!!

9. February 2007, 01:35:00
Subject: Re:
anastasia: No Sams in Canada.. YET!  the stuff I had to get was shipped to me as is! US product of course!

8. February 2007, 21:49:04
Ive used feliway... Its a replica of the happy cat pheromone. I have a kitty who pees on my bed every time we bring a new cat in to the home (we rescue cats and most times dont adopt them out once we get attached.) This spray makes her feel happy and not aggitated by the new arrivals.. it works pretty good.
Ive never found anything else to work. She has been with us 6 years or longer and she is fine until we bring in a new kitty then for days she will pee. Once she gets some feliway sprayed around her she gets contented. Mind you we have to give her tons of rubbings and pettings ( more than usual) so she knows we still love her. They are like kids I tell you.
Good luck with your pee kitties
If you need a good product to get the stink out there is a locker room deoderant called Knock out. used in gym bags. It takes the stink outta anything.. even works on eliminating the odor of male spray ( which we had to deal with this week with out latest arrival who is at the hospital right now getting snipped OUCH!)

How long have these kitties been living in the same home? Maybe its a time thing.. I currently have 14 in the home and with in weeks  ( some times months for some) they all tend to get along. They eat, sleep an play together usually.

18. January 2007, 23:53:14
Subject: Re:pigs ears
This from a dog safety site:

dogs can easily choke on it when the original large rawhide object is
chewed down to a smaller piece. “Choking is a hazard, and rawhide can
cause gastric irritation when dogs chew on it often,” he says. Wedeking
adds that gastric irritation can also cause vomiting and extreme
discomfort in dogs. 'Tests on imported pet products made from animal
hides by UK health authorities revealed many carried the salmonella
bug, a common cause of gastro-intestinal infections in humans." "They
found that one in three batches imported from Thailand and one in eight
from China contained salmonellas that had survived processing and

this from
 R A W H I D E S,   C O W   H O O V E S,   &   P I G S '   E A R S

These well-liked dog treats are purchased in large numbers, especially
around holidays, by well-meaning dog owners hoping to give their pets
something special. These toys are favorites for many dogs and are
popular with owners because they keep their pets occupied and
supposedly out of trouble during holiday activities. There are
definite risks associated with these treats, however. All three types
are supposedly made of digestible animal products. However, they are
digested quite slowly and, if consumed rapidly, can cause either
vomiting or diarrhea from the many pieces still sitting undigested in
the GI tract. If the treats are swallowed whole or in large chunks,
there are additional dangers. Rawhide chews can lodge in the throat
and cause choking, or a large piece may be swallowed, scraping and
irritating the throat and esophagus on the way down. Once in the
stomach or intestinal tract, a large piece of rawhide can also create
a physical obstruction. An additional danger that is less widely known
is the practice, in some countries, of using an arsenic-based
preservative in the processing of rawhide toys. We recommend that, if
you do purchase these products, stick to brands processed in the U.S.
There has also been a recent FDA alert about the risk of Salmonella
accociated with dog chew products made from pork or beef-derived
materials: refer to the FDA advisory or
call 1-888-INFO-FDA. See below (discussion on pigs' ears) for more

I had no idea.. I'll make sure I talk to my local pet store about it. they sell ears by the bucket load.. they are an awesome store who arent just in it for the money. They sell all types health products for pets..

11. January 2007, 20:29:25
Subject: Re:
Modified by Rose (11. January 2007, 20:29:41)
Matarilevich: Condolences on the loss of your pet. Hopefully it was a peaceful passing and he/she wasn't in pain.

11. January 2007, 19:27:15
Subject: Re:
mybirthdaysoon: Ozzy is the lil dog

30. December 2006, 20:29:27
Subject: Re:
Gr☺uch☺: hehe caught in the act! 

30. December 2006, 17:51:37
Subject: Re:Dogs
srnity: Pets are smarter then SOME humans, that is for sure.

19. December 2006, 20:38:54
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: awww I am sooo glad you and the other lady where there to save the possums life. I will never understand how cruel humans are when they refer to creatures as pests. Wouldnt like it if a bear took a hammer to them would they??
Nice to see you Tuesday, we miss you!

9. December 2006, 16:39:11
Subject: Re: angry cat
anastasia: I sure hope you are right hun. This poor kitty was left out to die a few weeks ago in sub zero temps.. she has frost bitten ears, one Canine tooth missing (im guessing she was kicked) she is a very beautiful cat that is so confused. She purrs when I am near and rubs up against me for attention but when I slowly take my hand up to rub she automatically bites.. I assume a women abused her as my hubby can give her big rubs with just a slight nip here and there.
She is a long haired, almost angora type cat.
My question is how can people be so cruel? I dont think as long as I like, that I ever will understand that kind of neglect and uncaring feeling for another living animal.

9. December 2006, 16:10:08
Subject: angry cat
That cat isnt angry, he/she is terrified.. What a sin. No doubt that one has had a bad go of life.
Ive got a real scared one in that we rescued a few weeks ago. She is such a beautiful cat but is terrified and likely has been batted around as when you go to pet her she lunges to bite. Hopefully with lots of love, in time we can get her feeling happy and safe.

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