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Fencer, is it possible to introduce a Joker in Dice Poker ... ? I mean the second 5 in a row could work like this and the player could freely choose h/is/er score ? Andy.
ever considered playing Yahtzee scientifically ? this little, funny game has deep mathematics behind every roll. there is a new book entirely about Yahtzee and its strategy. check it out.
krybulon: lol! i didnt even realize there is no bonus at all in the single version .. i thought it just wasnt displayed .. will change my tactics indeed :)
but surely I am adjusting to our Dice Poker without a bonus. Tactics changes dramatically. There is no more conflict between upper and lower portion of a scoring table. 55564, for example, is always recorded as 3 of a kind now. There is no more fight to get at least 3 of each kind ... rather than this, upper portion is used as a trash can, especially spaces for 1's, 2's and even 3's ... a race to fill in a lower portion is on ... is it better or worse ? well, it's different and it took me a while to accept the fact that I will never have a bonus points in our Dice Poker. Regards, Andy.
have you ever played card game GIN ? and did you try to score using Hollywood scoring tables ? Here is how it works: there are 3 games played and the same time ... each player has three columns, first one for the first game, second for the second, and so on, lol. For our purpose we substitute card's hand or deal with Poker Dice roll. The idea is the same for both types of games. Results for the first game (here, our roll) is posted into the first column, just like in regular Dice Poker game. Second roll is posted into the first and the second column and of course, the player decides where to score in these coulmns (he may choose to score in different spots, for example, in the first coulmn he ma score 66655 as a 3 of a kind while in the second column he may choose to score Full House). Third roll is recorded in the first, second and third coulmn. From now on, every roll is recorded into 3 coulmns ... Whoever wins 2 out of 3 games is the winner of the whole match. Very interesting variant of recording scores and winnings. Regards, Andy.
joshi tm: doubling cube should keep Dice Poker simple ... but without a bonus this game is missing very important feature. there is a book about Yahtzee strategy called "Advantage Yahtzee" ... check it out on I have this book, it's very interesting for Yahtzee players. Bonus makes this game very exciting and without it we miss huge portion of the flavor. Doubling cube would substitute this lacking excitement. Tripple Yathzee is a different spiece. It's a very complicated game and there is no need for any doubling cube at all. Regards.
joshi tm: please explain what is your point ? I believe I am not following now ... I was thinking about doubling cube only for Dice Poker not for Triple variant ...
joshi tm: it's interesting idea and I was thinking about it recently ... however, I think that doubling cube should be enough for Dice Poker, at least to the point that it would pass a test with many games ... putting too many things to calculate the outcome would cripple the fun of the game itself ... and we are suppose to play for fun with a little touch of gentle gambling ... I think that building gammon and backgammon combined with a doubling cube into Poker Dice would call for extensive statistical tools to solve any move ... let's talk to Fencer to implement doubling cube. Thanks for your consideration. Andy.
krybulon: Then there should also be possibility for something like Gammons of BG's. Say, a difference of 50 points should be a gammon-type thing? And 100 points for a BG thing?
joshi tm: exactly the same what it does for backgammon game. let's say you have 150 points and there is only one turn left for you and the only empty slot is 6's in the upper portion of the scoring table. Your opponent is going to roll after you and he/she has 140 points so far and the only option is to go for 40 points (big straight). What are the options for you ? You may get 18 points fairly easily or maybe 24 with a good roll, so you score may go up to 168 or 174 ... Opponent, when lucky, can get 40 points and outscore you with 180 points ... without a doubling cube you go for win/lose result but with a doubling cube you may force your opponent to resign and get your win without risking a losing game. If an opponent accepts your doubling cube he/she take a hudge risk of losing 2 points since to get 40 points is problematic ... there many similar situation during the game that may call for a use of a doubling cube ... I hope it explains my thinking ... What do you think now ?
Pafl: the maximum is to fill all fields with 5 of the same (except the straight ones) .. and if possible 5*6
this means : 5*1 = 5 5*2 = 10 5*3 = 15 5*4 = 20 5*5 = 25 5*6 = 30 bonus = 35 5*6 = 30 5*6 = 30 5*6 =25 (i think this counts as full house as well :)) 1234/2345/3456 = 30 12345/23456 = 40 5*6 = 50 5*6 = 30 ----------- total 375 (if i did the math right (by head))
talon: it happened to me as well .. but there is also a chance that rerolling the dice will give the same numbers .. chance 1/6 for rerolling 1 die chance about 1/36 for rerolling 2 dice etc.
is anyone else experiencing the dice not changing after a roll? It has happened to me in a number of the Dice Poker (not yet in the Triple) games. I use a WebTv browser so maybe its a WebTv thing? But what a fun game!
i have the newer version of webtv, it's the msntv2, i can see the opponents last move highlighted in blue, but the # are way too small, rod can probly tell me how to set it so it would be larger, i'm back on my laptop and there is a huge difference in how the game looks.
Fencer: Any chance to make it when you click on the dice themselves, it will also check that box. Just makes for a little bigger target then the small boxes.
There has already been a few times I thought I clicked the box, but must have been off just a little and too quickly hit roll before I noticed my mistake.
Being able to click on the dice to also check them would hopefully get rid of a few of those mistakes.