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Line4 and variants.

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8. January 2005, 03:18:02
Subject: Re: reply to prefered color
I think black (player 2) definitely has the advantage at this game.

5. January 2005, 15:13:58
Subject: Re: computer program
Yes, I think I have a program I wrote to play spider line4 (and the other variant where the pieces come in from the edges until they hit another piece). Anyone who wants it can email me:
msmammel at starpower dot net

5. January 2005, 14:24:54
Subject: reply to preffered color
You would rather play black? I would rather play white. You find playing black easier? I am undefeated still at this (8-0-0) and I always play white.

21. December 2004, 01:14:22
ah yes i see now :), how dopey am i lol

21. December 2004, 01:09:13 
Otherwise the 2nd person can just keep placing their piece on top of the 1st, and sooner or later, the 1st player will make 4 in a row on the bottom row.

20. December 2004, 18:36:21
i dislike the fact that you can't place a piece on another persons, seems so strange to me, as to why you wouldn't be allowed

23. November 2004, 23:09:05 
Subject: Variants

Spider Volcanic Line4 (Kind of like Gold Tokens Blackhole 4 in a row) - except with spider rules.

Start the game out with 1 square (Randomly picked) which is a "volcano" which is unusable for both oppenets. (Maybe even 2 volcanos - but that might be too much for the current board size)

Spider BONUS Line4 - (Kind of like Gold Token's Hotspot 4 in a row) - Except with spider rules.

There is a bonus square randomly put in the board which can be used by both players to make their match. the "Cross dressing" piece which will wear both players colors. :-)

23. November 2004, 17:39:10
Retired on 2700 
Subject: Re: Study Guide...
Yes SLAYER, I learnt how to play Spiderline4, & to get to 2700 pts, by beating you, Master! ;) lol! I learnt the game by wanting to know why I got beat by better players...Also I expanded these games with my own ideas & also looked at other peoples ideas too...its all about learning it then expanding it.

Anyway, what is this 'white is always a forced win' rubbish? If you play me, then my black is near always a forced win too! What Im trying to say is that yes, white has the advantage BUT only if you know how to win with white against a certain black, and conversely the player does NOT know how to play a good black! To me black can just take longer to win thats all, and therefore there is no advantage, unless however, I play the very top players!...but I would say out of a lot of very top players Ive played over ther years, there are ONLY about 3 or maybe 4 players who have 'mastered' the white & can always win every time, but sometimes they dont! lol! ;)

23. November 2004, 15:01:58
Gone and exit 
Subject: Re: Study Guide...
Shouldn't be randomly I think, then u r much too dependent on what piece the server (computer) takes away.....should then be yr opponent who has the abillity to take away 1 piece after eacht fifth move....Then I think that u will get a lot of draws (which are very rare in the normal Spiderline games) because it is then easy to block the threats of yr opponent and try to craete a new one by yourself but after the 5th move that one is blocked draw at the end...Black picks away a piece and will put one down itself...1 piece ahead for five moves but black was already in it will be a game of blocking till there are no squares least that is what I think of it. You often need a key move to win in a forced way and when that one is taken away and also filled with an oppent piece you can start all over again and likewise for Black 5 moves later.I will have to test it, if it is true what I am saying, but good players will draw I think. But you can create the game and M4tt and I will test problem!

23. November 2004, 14:45:09
Subject: Re: Study Guide...
SLAYER: What about a variant where one placed piece randomly disappears each fifth move? :-D

23. November 2004, 13:39:54
Gone and exit 
Subject: Re: Study Guide...
Thanks Nugsson and do you know from whom M4tt learned the game? Yes, me, lol! And I, myself learned it from studying the games from the early tourney winners at IYT from the year 1999 and 2000. I also think (When I play concentrated) I know every forced win for White (Purple) You can only lose with White while making a big mistake. Anyway I know a huge lot of forced wins what makes the game less interesting for me nowadays (some winning sequences already appeared in hundreds of my games and that is getting pretty boring, when u know u r gonna win but it still have to take 6 moves or so...) and are retiring soon (from IYT).

21. November 2004, 10:19:31
are the boards with a height of 7 solved as well ?

21. November 2004, 01:41:51
Subject: Perfection is overrated
I was white in this game with "John's Connect Four Playground," a "perfect playing connect-4 program" Its "12Kbyte database of all 8 ply positions" did not stop it from making a losing mistake on its second move.

1) d1 - a1
2) f1 - b1??
3) e1 - g1
4) c1*

No human expert would let me win in four moves, regardless of who started. What constitutes perfect play as black is subjective, of course, but that is exactly why humans are better at it.

21. November 2004, 01:18:42
Programs that can play connect four (6x7) perfectly:
4 in a row (, Mustrum(, TitOT (, Velena (, and John's Connect Four Playground (

But the purpose of games is to provide entertainment for human players. Therefore, computers will not discourage me from playing "solved" games. Only when connect four is solved for me (that is, when I know how to always play perfectly myself), will I abandon it.

20. November 2004, 23:52:25
Right. I could find many chess programs I could beat, even though I admit that I am terrible at chess. Does that mean there aren't any good ones?

Yes, there are many more programs that don't play perfectly but there are also those that do.

19. November 2004, 22:35:29
Subject: Re: Study Guide...
Nothing I'm afraid.... the best thing to do is to study how good players win their white games. I learnt at from players like M4tt and SLAYER... nowadays I guess you could look at some of my games. Try to play the same lines again and again until you remember the best way to play that line. If you need any advice I am happy to help.

19. November 2004, 22:04:18
Subject: Study Guide...
Does anybody have a good study guide for Spider Line4?

19. November 2004, 02:28:47
Computers are not all so strong. Here follows a game I played with the program found at Since there was no option for me to play second, I used the opening move a1, which is a proven loss for player 1.

BuilderQ vs

1) a1 - d1
2) d2 - d3
3) d4 - d5
4) f1 - d6
5) f2 - f3
6) g1 - c1
7) e1 - c2
8) e2 - c3
9) g2*

Since the program never learns from its mistakes, unlike a human player, you can go to that site and play all of my moves, and it will respond with the moves I have recorded.

19. November 2004, 02:02:09
Many people still enjoy playing the 7x6 board on other sites, despite its being solved, so I don't so why BrainKing shouldn't have it in addition to the 8x8.

Odd board heights are workable, but require revised strategies.

18. November 2004, 08:43:40
Subject: another question
the original board was 6 heigh ... the board on here is 8 heigh .. is there a reason to stick to even numbers for the height ?

18. November 2004, 07:23:24
ah thanks :)

17. November 2004, 23:36:19
The original Connect4 board game is 7 x 6. That size has been solved to be a forced win for player 1 from the start, and there are actually quite a few programs that, when playing first, WILL WIN (not draw) every time. That's why 8 x 8 is used here - it hasn't been solved (at least not yet) :-)

17. November 2004, 17:11:28
Subject: *ponder*
do i have to learn counting ... or is the board i have at home 7 tiles wide ?


3. November 2004, 14:41:23
Subject: Re: Solved?
There's no doubt about it, white should win every time. I don't know if anybody has 'solved' the game as such but I don't doubt it can be done. Every response black makes can be followed by a 'best' move by white, and 3-4 moves in it's very often a forced win for white.

3. November 2004, 00:24:06
Subject: Solved?
Does anyone know if this game has been solved yet? (if there's a sure win for either side).
From my experience (and from this site's stats), white has a big advantage but I haven't found a winning sequence yet...

Note: I don't want to know the sequence, even if there is one... just to know if anyone found it.

31. October 2004, 12:40:49
Subject: 4x4x4
I have got a 4x4x4 game at home, you cannot place the pieces everyware, you have to start at the lowest layer and then work you way up, very interesting game

15. October 2004, 09:48:21
not in a 4x4x4 board (cube)

you will run out of the board

try it on paper

.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....
.... .... .... ....

those are the 4 layers .... place on top of each other

15. October 2004, 07:08:41
If you can place a piece anywhere, to connect four is very trivial for player 1 to force.

14. October 2004, 15:03:31
Subject: 3d line 4
no gravity .. its like the five in line game .. you can place your pieces anywhere

14. October 2004, 02:04:04
By the way, here's another variant:

14. October 2004, 01:59:49
Subject: Re: 3d line 4
What sort of "gravity" exists in this variant? Or can pieces always be placed in any of the 64 spaces?

10. October 2004, 23:37:55
Subject: Re: Spiders
nice pattern :)

10. October 2004, 20:43:20
Subject: Spiders
Well, click here to see one possilbe web pattern.

9. October 2004, 18:48:02
Subject: Spiders
I like that, BuilderQ! ... maybe some sort of web throughout the board too? (dim, so as not to look TOO "busy")

9. October 2004, 16:49:09
Subject: Spiders
Based on the example of Froglet's success, I wonder if the popularity of Spider Line 4/tris could be elevated through the use of pieces with a more thematic quality. Click here for an example of what I mean. :)

8. October 2004, 04:24:32 
Yea, I thought it would be cool if any full line would disaprear.

7. October 2004, 23:44:13
I just found out (though it says so on the rules) that only the borders can disapear. A complete line in the middle of the board will remain there... (too bad, the game was being interesting)

But now, what if, after removing a full line in one of the borders, another full line takes its place? Is this one removed as well?

7. October 2004, 14:42:45
Subject: 3d line 4
i came here to post a suggestion for a variation but found out Sprietzsche already posted abot it in the past

noone ever comment about it though ?

are there any reasons why noone responded about an 4x4x4 board for line 4 ?

26. September 2004, 19:31:34
No, even in this case the rules are the same as for Spider Line4. All squares between target position and the corresponding wall must be filled.

26. September 2004, 17:28:33
Subject: Rules
Can pieces left floating (unconnected to any edge or other pieces touching the edge) serve as bases to stack from?
Maybe the description of this board should be modified? :)

24. September 2004, 21:52:06
Retired on 2700 
Subject: Re: Prefered colour?
Yeah I find it a little easier playing black

Thanks :)

24. September 2004, 16:27:59
Subject: Re: Prefered colour?
I would say black. Zugzwang generally forces white to be the one to complete the bottom row, enabling black to stack four vertically in the newly-created spaces at the top

24. September 2004, 15:49:40
Retired on 2700 
Subject: Prefered colour?
If you had 2 top linetris players evenly matched, then who has the advantage, is it white or black?

11. September 2004, 12:50:05
Then I should add it. Thanks for notifying me.

10. September 2004, 20:26:50
No, it isn't mentioned in the rules, but thanks for the clarification.

10. September 2004, 08:26:59
Isn't it mentioned in rules? When only one column remains, a piece can be placed on top of opponent's last piece.

7. September 2004, 20:16:24
Subject: Spider Linetris sounds exciting
As for a spider web shape... the spaces have to be a shape that can tessellate. Or is it the general shape of the board that we are talking about?

7. September 2004, 13:21:56
Retired on 2700 
Subject: Re:
yeh hexagons, pentagons, octagons or whatever seems to work. It will be an intresting concept

4. September 2004, 23:32:28
By "Spiders Web shape" do you mean hexagons? (ie: 3 directions to create lines rather than four?)

4. September 2004, 18:32:42
Retired on 2700 
Subject: Spider Linetris!
Geez! Sounds crazy!! I would be absolutely gutted if a line just totally disappeared after spending hard work building up a win! lol! Just the thought of trying to work out the new moves Spider Linetris would create is hurting my head! lol! Sounds good though, maybe worth trying, as one line disappearing could turn a game completely on its head!

How about changing the square shape board to a Spiders Web shape! As BBW said, 12x12, & Web shaped would be cool. Have the middle space reserved for a spider there..and call the spider SPIDERM4TT!! lol :-)

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