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10. February 2009, 04:10:42
The Usurper 
Subject: A sower went out to sow...
Some seed fell by the wayside, some on rocky ground, the fowls of the air ate it up, etc. Some sprang up, but the plant had no root in itself (i.e., no passionate hunger for Truth at any cost) and soon withered. But some fell on good ground.

The seed has been sown. 9/11 was an Inside Job. Dare to research it!

All these other questions are pointless....left vs. right, Dems vs. Repugs...this bailout bill or the last one...they distract us, and purposely so. The seeds (the other seeds, the evil ones) of your servitude are being sown as we speak.

How many can find their way out of the Matrix?

But you know, most people wouldn't touch Truth with a thirtynine-and-a-half-foot pole.

There, the Prophet hath spoken. :o)

10. February 2009, 02:25:56
Subject: GREED nows thats a good topic
like when a school teacher gets paid to teach BUT the same teacher won't share his pay check with the kids that have to be there to listen to him

10. February 2009, 01:52:39
Papa Zoom 
For those critical of capitalism and free enterprize

something to consider and understand why it's the best system anywhere.

10. February 2009, 01:16:12
Subject: Re:
Czuch:I dont allow smokers to use my shop floor for an ashtray...but last I checked...cigarettes are still legal in missouri, so its every adults right to be within their rights and fire one up.

10. February 2009, 00:37:07
I agree about the butts everywhere.... I dont know where or when it got acceptable to use the ground as a place to throw cigarette butts?

People constantly throw them out their car windows, or onto the sidewalks, and it almost seems so common that nobody even blinks an eye at it?

9. February 2009, 23:22:06
Subject: Re: RIGHTS

9. February 2009, 23:15:01
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
Bernice:YES MOM     

9. February 2009, 23:12:24
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
Czuch: the ONLY reason I am leary about a real reply is because we were all yelled at once already about this *see posts below* and dunno if our stuff will end up getting deleted or not

9. February 2009, 23:11:33
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
"GERRY": well,see,whats the problem then?? you can stil smoke in your home,you can still smoke in public,outdoors,mostly now,and still be considerate of others.
hey,if you wanna kill yourself quicker with every puff,have fun!! I'm not here to judge you,just asking you not to take me with ya :)

9. February 2009, 23:11:23
Subject: Re: not to mention the damn butts on the ground everywhere
Artful Dodger: LMAO :)))

9. February 2009, 23:07:01
Subject: Re:
Artful Dodger: hahahahaha.....variety is the spice of life..........

9. February 2009, 23:06:55
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: not to mention the damn butts on the ground everywhere
Charles Martel:   where else will people sit if there are no chairs?

9. February 2009, 23:06:32
Subject: Re:
Charles Martel: yep that also...

9. February 2009, 23:06:10
Papa Zoom 
Only on  a politics board can a thread start about 911, morph into a discussion on smoking, and then change once again into comments about abortion, back to smoking,  and end with my dumb comment here. 

9. February 2009, 23:04:46
not to mention the damn butts on the ground everywhere

9. February 2009, 22:59:48
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
anastasia: and is a filthy habit....not only does it ruin your lungs/health, but your clothes stink, your breath stinks and fingers that are nicotine stained aren't pretty....

and you SHOULDN'T smoke around anybody, anywhere.

9. February 2009, 22:59:48
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
anastasia: I will start collecting my old pension this year & i don't plan on being in any cribs,schools,or nursing homes. And i do respect others:))

9. February 2009, 22:58:49
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
"GERRY": im a smoker who is trying to quit
and i agree with the others when you walk past someone and get a nose full of there smoke
makes it very hard not to light one up yourself

9. February 2009, 22:58:25
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
anastasia: Well, that is what we get... a woman has a right to do with her body what she wishes.... but that we can understand that smoking effects more people than just the smoker, i wonder why we cant use the same logic with abortion???? The father has no rights, the unborn have no rights, its all about the woman, without regard to how her choices effect others.

9. February 2009, 22:52:03
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
"GERRY": Is it ok to smoke around babies in a crib? kids in school?? elderly that have breathing issues??

9. February 2009, 22:49:28
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
Czuch: no,I don't think that at all..

9. February 2009, 19:20:04
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
anastasia: you're effecting EVERYONE'S health around you...not just your own

What about abortions?????? You think that effects only the woman who has one?

9. February 2009, 18:53:23
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
anastasia: Why do our goverments allow people to grow weed & sell it to people who say they need it? THATS BIG TIME SMOKE:))

9. February 2009, 18:38:36
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
anastasia: Well maybe EVERYBODY should quit breathing than because theres more stuff in the air that does affect your health than my SMOKE LOL:)))

9. February 2009, 18:30:18
Subject: Re: RIGHTS
"GERRY": but if you're standing there smoking,you're effecting EVERYONE'S health around you...not just your own

9. February 2009, 18:28:42
Subject: RIGHTS
I am a smoker all my rights are being taken away and this is suppose to be a free country.Thank the local natives for selling us cheap smokes they sell us.That are not filled with cemicals like the tailor mades do.Because they will kill you.

9. February 2009, 18:08:42
Subject: Re: take your pick
Artful Dodger: EXACTLY!!! like French told Jack Nicholson in "The Departed" " Its a Nation of Rats". No doubt there would be people spilling their guts
I remember when Flt 800 blew up and some were saying it was a missile,, believe you me, there would have been 1000s lining up to sell their story

9. February 2009, 17:07:02
Subject: Re: take your pick
Artful Dodger: It is the same in Canada & other country's.911 had a big effect on the whole world.

9. February 2009, 16:58:39
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: take your pick
Bwild:  Clinton blundered and the US is mistaken to let aliens into our country unabated.  The system allows for aliens to attend our colleges and train in our other institutions.  We believe in "freedom" but officials seem to have forgotten the lesson of the Trojan horse.   Not only do we let the horse in, we built it in the first place.  Time to burn that thing to the ground. 

England has a huge Muslim problem.   America will too if it doesn't wise up.  Some people want to enter our country not for the freedoms we offer, but they mean to do us harm. 

9. February 2009, 16:33:53
Subject: Re: take your pick
Artful Dodger:you also have to wonder...why clinton didnt pull the trigger on bin laden when he had him in his sights....or how these kamakazee pilots could train in florida, completely undetected? 

9. February 2009, 16:25:16
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: take your pick
Czuch:  They just find another site that "refutes" the findings.   How many men were involved in Watergate?  Just a few.  And they couldn't keep their mouths shut as they ratted each other out.  So now we are to believe that a major conspiracy involving perhaps hundreds of participants has succeeded in doing the impossible.  When something happens in my classroom and I want to know who did it, I know that everyone will rat out the offender.  And once the offender is ratted out, he will tell all he knows about others.  He's not going down alone.  That scenerio is far more believable than a host of offenders keeping themselves collectively quiet about their crimes. 

9. February 2009, 16:20:14
Subject: Re: take your pick
Artful Dodger: Thanks for posting those.... I was worried that I was going to have to waste my time looking for that stuff myself.

Anyway, i have yet to hear someone like Usurper, who talks about examining the facts of a situation etc, ever read stuff like what you have posted, then come back and admit they were wrong

9. February 2009, 16:07:13
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: All joking aside...

9. February 2009, 12:08:50
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: All joking aside...
Vikings: lol

9. February 2009, 11:56:49
Subject: Re: All joking aside...
The Usurper: I'll say it for Bill Clinton since he isn't here...

9. February 2009, 07:43:27
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: take your pick
Bwild: fixed

9. February 2009, 07:41:00
Subject: Re: take your pick
Artful Dodger:ummm....they dont work

9. February 2009, 07:38:44
Papa Zoom 
Subject: take your pick
Modified by Papa Zoom (9. February 2009, 07:43:01)

9. February 2009, 06:40:00
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: All joking aside...
Bernice: Thanks for your opinion, Bernice. All I suggest is that those who are willing to examine evidence, do so. After all, in the end it is not your opinion or my opinion that is significant. Only facts are significant. I certainly agree that the implications are disturbing. However, there are many rational scientists, architects, engineers, military personnel, professors, theologians and the like who profoundly question the official story about 9/11...and for good reason. It is because they have examined the evidence. Considering it IS my country, that would seem to me to be the patriotic thing to do.

9. February 2009, 06:29:22
Subject: Re: All joking aside...
Czuch: OOPS........sorry Czuch....I should have read ahead before I posted to Greg

9. February 2009, 06:28:20
Subject: Re: All joking aside...
Modified by Bernice (9. February 2009, 06:40:23)
The Usurper: what a strange thing to say about your own country.....I will admit that America isn't (wasn't)all that well liked, but I feel you are going overboard and I always read the links that are posted in here but your links would be a waste of time for someone on this side of the world

9. February 2009, 05:49:18
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: All joking aside...
Czuch: I don't deny 9/11, Czuch. It certainly happened. I simply argue that we did it. As you correctly surmise, so do the sponsors of the websites mentioned. I think you are right on one point. It would be a waste of time for you to look. :o)

9. February 2009, 05:45:26
The Usurper 
Subject: Re:
Czuch: Thanks Czuch. :o)

9. February 2009, 05:40:29
Subject: Re: All joking aside...
The Usurper: I have not looked at any of the web sites you posted... but if I get the gist of this post, these are all web sites dedicated to debunking 9/11?????? If that is the case, i am glad I never wasted my time looking... and (well I have looked into this in the past) its too bad for you, but anyone that denies 9/11 like holocaust deniers, doesnt get much of a look when arguing other political topics
Sorry for that bud, but you are a whack job without a credible leg to stand on right now, IMHO!

9. February 2009, 05:32:36
Subject: Re:
The Usurper:

My main criticism of Obama is that he's too conservative. :o)

Thats great, nice sense of humor Usurper!!!!

9. February 2009, 05:28:56
Subject: Re:
Jim Dandy:

I don't care how you judge his stimulus package, at this point it hasn't had time to fly or flop in its intended forum

I am not judging the stimulus package... I am judging his "handling" of it.....Using fear tactics, no bipartisanship, saying things like no lobbyists, except for a couple in my cabinet ETC... I am willing to let his ideas blossom and thrive before condemning them, but it is the process, which was part of his platform, that he has blundered in so far!

9. February 2009, 02:00:59
The Usurper 
Subject: All joking aside...
My main criticism of Obama is that he will not investigate and prosecute the multiple crimes of the American Empire in the 21st Century, which include the orchestration and carrying out of the 9/11 so-called terrorist attacks. And the reason he won't do so is because he is a part of that American Empire, the very nominal leader of it now, in fact. He will, admittedly, give it a more pleasing face to the rest of the world, but cannot and has no intention, I'm afraid, of changing the nature of the beast.

I'd recommend to those who are not afraid to break the molds of their minds, the following sites:

Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth

Veterans for 9/11 Truth

Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice

Pilots for 9/11 Truth

Etc., Etc. I didn't believe any of this at first either. But I was willing to investigate. And also willing to call a spade a spade.

If the myth of American moral supremacy & benignity is too vital for your mental-emotional stability, I'd recommend you avoid these sites and remain in the dark. Ignorance won't pay off in the end but it certainly 'seems' the less precarious road to travel in the short-term.

9. February 2009, 01:29:34
The Usurper 
My main criticism of Obama is that he's too conservative. :o)

8. February 2009, 23:36:56
Subject: Re:
Jim Dandy:given the choice, I wont let someone stick their hand in my pocket...just to see if their taking or putting.   Blind followers is what democrats are hoping for! why else would they scream "our country needs this" yet they cant provide us with the information on how putting our country another 8 billion in debt, is actually going to help curb the giant snowball thats forming.
and whos going to pay this additional debt???

8. February 2009, 23:34:38
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Jim Dandy:  It's not garbage to criticize it.  Obama and his crew are trying to ram this bill down out throats when clearly it's a huge mess.  It's not just Republicans that are calling attention to the problem, economists are too.  Why spend all that money without careful analysis of the ramifications of each measure?   

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