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9. December 2005, 04:57:15
Hes stuck in Kualar Lumpar doing some training I believe.

5. December 2005, 12:46:58
He hasn't beaten me

23. November 2005, 13:22:31
Subject: A Real Live tablut One - SIGN UP

A real tablut tournament for real tablut players. Switched colours for both teams ensuring a proper fair fight guv'nor and none of this holiday namby pamby m'larky.

7 days per game, up to a maximum of 15 days will ensure this competition will not last over 6 months without a winner!

The final will be a 5 games match, the winner being the one with the most points afterward.

23. November 2005, 12:08:46
The top is an illusion created by Fencer to give you all a moment of grandeur

22. November 2005, 17:51:52
Nothing at all. Just that if that bug had not been introduced by Fencer, the rankings table would still be truly reflecting the games top players. That is all.

22. November 2005, 16:36:55
Subject: Petition to prevent mis-selling on Brainking

Tablut Titans.

According to the description of this tournament, "This Tablut tournament is created in order to let the top Tablut players of the moment battle each other directly."

That is a blatant lie. In my mind, you are as good as your last game. So that counts out at least one of the privately invited members. Stuarts never been a top player, so thats two.

You can't have a top players tournament without including the top players. Mirjam and Mely, for example rank higher than some of the invitees. And finally, no titans tournament is complete without king of tablut, ugiahbu!

(This post may or may not have been created in jest

10. October 2005, 11:56:16
Subject: Beginners Tablut Finalists (so far)
Winners of the beginners tablut series are invited to an invitational final event. So far the list is as follows:

mikkyT (#2)
George Miller (#3)
Robsaranga (#4)
Ferjo (#5)
Bratr (#8)

Waiting on #1, #6, #7, #9, #10

10. October 2005, 11:53:35
Subject: Re:
Fwiffo: Last move: 26. April 2005, 19:03:03

So whats the point here?

29. September 2005, 18:51:11
Sorry, I'll correct that last statement, I dont mean to infer that its not really a bug. I accept this. Its hard to display in simple text that I am having a bit of light hearted fun. But at the same time I do think there are important issues underlying as well.

29. September 2005, 18:49:19
Subject: Re:
redsales: Well, if I've been penalised for selecting my opponents based on how much BKR I'm going to gain (which is what this 'bug' was based upon) then I put forward that coercing your opponent into playing to your strengths is just as bad!

29. September 2005, 14:03:06
I have a proposal (serious one) for a new BKR, although I have yet to work out how this could be achieved.

Basically, with Tablut being a game with uneven sides and different strategies for both sides, the BKR should favour those who can win with both colours.

Certain people (referring to one individual in particular, lets call him Stuart, to protect his real identity) can only play with white. When he looses, 90% of the time it is with black. Ideally, that score should be representative of his lack of skill with the black pieces.

29. September 2005, 13:50:45
It seems those of us who where selective in their opponents and worked hard to achieve maximum BKR have been penalised for doing so.

28. September 2005, 16:27:34
You worked hard? Don't make me laugh. You played white. I on the other hand, worked damn hard for my 2070 BKR, and now its been cut down to a lowly 1814. You don't seem to have been affected. I didn't realise you had gone to Europe for your holiday ;-)

28. September 2005, 16:06:56
Subject: Re: CHEATS
mikkyT: We can pretend it was all a bug if we want but I know different! It was just a way to subtly alter the top ten lists.

28. September 2005, 16:02:50
Subject: CHEATS
What gives with all the cheats and the BKR? Sure, the powers that be can pretend there was a bug in the system all they want, but I know different.

I lost over 200 BKR points, whereas the likes of that nobody, cryptoguru stayed roughly the same.

And we all know Storm is in the pay of Fencer. So, when do I get my BKR back?

15. June 2005, 01:37:14
Subject: Beginners Tablut Event #4 WINNER
Congrats to Robsaranga for winning beginners tablut #4 -

As a winner, he/she will be invited to the Beginners Tablut Series Finale, which will begin when all other events have completed.

Theres still time to enter one if you haven't already, #10 has yet to start, you have just under a week to enter.

18. May 2005, 11:35:59
Subject: Beginners Tablut
The series is now half way through (although the first event has yet to finish) and already we have a lot of new entrants - I hope you are all enjoying the series.

But theres still time for new blood to experience the game, unrated players are welcome to wet their feet! A maximum BKR of 1500 is all you will be up against, so there's plenty of opportunity to explore without fear of getting slaughtered - I removed myself from the remaining tournaments once my BKR had increased beyond this limit.

Next event starts this coming Monday, so register now!

Remember, the winners will be invited to a tournament of champions at the conclusion of the 10th tournament.

6. May 2005, 13:16:15
Modified by noscere (6. May 2005, 13:16:38)
Why is he able to post on some boards, such as Battleboats, but not this one? This would suggest only a local banning, rather than a global one.......

29. April 2005, 19:55:06
Subject: Beginners Tablut
Need more participants for the Beginners Tablut #3, due to start on Monday! My BKR has risen above 1500, although I registered for the tournament when it was much lower. As the system will not automatically kick me I think it only fair that I remove myself since I am billing the tournament to be aimed at beginners - I will do this if more than the minimum people are registered.

Best of luck!

26. April 2005, 21:18:32
I was not intending to be flipant or require than I scratch a up a win, but rather to stimulate debate. I know now that this move is currently allowed (else I would have won) however I was at first suprised to see that the 'move into a capture position' rule applied also to the king - this situation had not arisen before in any of my games.

What if white had enough pieces to go and build a 2nd fortress? I would rather not have the king privy to the same rules. These games are obviously based upon real life events. Do you think the Moscovans would stand around, drinking tea with the king? I think not! ;)

26. April 2005, 21:02:33
Subject: Re: Moving into Checkmate

26. April 2005, 21:01:03
Subject: Moving into Checkmate

Surely a king cannot move into this position and the game be allowed to carry on...

22. April 2005, 15:59:04
Yes the fortress is very difficult to achieve. Storm has managed it, and in a game against George Miller I attempted it but failed to see a capture threat, he took my piece leaving me with only 3 spare white pieces :(

22. April 2005, 12:48:20
Subject: Re: Perpetual Raichi
Why can't this site have decent forum software. Shouldn't be hard to integrate phpbb or ubb or something! I need seperate threads for each discussion, not one page where everything is lumped together heh.

Stormerne: I think the crux is, as you state, taking into account possible draws from the outset. If black lets himself into a situation whereby white can force a draw, it's a mistake on blacks part and therefore he should not be rewarded with a win through that mistake.

If on the otherhand, a draw can be forced from the very start of the game through no fault of black (which I doubt) then in this case, the rule has be be changed.

21. April 2005, 17:30:57
I prefer the BK version - however it seems the other variant is played (or has been played?) alot, as many websites state corners as the only way for the king to escape. It wouldn't be harmful to implement the other variant I suppose... :)

21. April 2005, 16:53:28
Subject: Corner Tablut
Someone earlier mentioned about having the king move to the corner rather than any edge. Here is an example of the game played at the corners rather than the edges. As you can see the rules of capture become slightly more complex, but perhaps it could be another Tablut variant at BrainKing?

21. April 2005, 12:54:45
Stop playing devils advocate...

21. April 2005, 12:26:02
When I'm getting hammered and I want to force a draw, is one :D

21. April 2005, 12:21:32
Subject: Perpetual Raichi
To continue the debate, ug has put forward this game as an example of the drawback with our present rules.

Now whilst I apprieciate the frustration this must cause, after only 10 white moves , Bobes has forced a draw - I still have to agree with the draw descision. It would be ungentlemanly to play deliberately in this manner to get a draw, but to change the rules to a win in favour of black would be wrong in all other circumstances except this one.

18. April 2005, 18:38:52
Subject: Re: Perpetual Raichi
ughaibu: You're just wanting those 5 draws to turn into wins... :)

18. April 2005, 14:45:01
Possibly, which is why I thought may be an automatic replace was perhaps too much. Maybe with a dice roll, 50/50 that the piece will come back. But as it stands currently, white has the advantage.

18. April 2005, 11:46:17
Subject: Re:
harley: Yes, lets get back to talking about Tablut - does anyone have any thoughts on my suggested variant?

16. April 2005, 13:54:44
I was wondering the same thing... everyone seems to be replying to posts I cannot read!

15. April 2005, 16:53:21
Subject: Calling Tablut newbies

Beginners Tablut tournament for 1500 BKR. Sign up!

15. April 2005, 16:25:52
Subject: Suggestion for a new Tablut variant : ZOMBIE TABLUT
I've messaged Fencer with a suggestion of a simple variant for Tablut, the idea comes from the film Night of the Living Dead. (I must admit, it is not of my own originality but from )

The throne represents the basement of the farmhouse, which has been surrounded by zombies. Whites represent the surviving humans, the king represents the lead character in the film.

The game plays as regular Tablut, with the exception that when black (zombies) captures a piece, a dice roll will decide whether that piece will remain on the board but as a new black piece! You could also have an automatic change of colour, but I think the dice roll would add a slight twist without the balance tipping towards black too much.

15. April 2005, 16:21:47
Subject: Re: RAICHI! A suggested rule change
Stormerne: Effectively what you are saying is that Raichi is check, Tuichu is checkmate...

Subtle difference is that the interface would not allow moves that do not stop the Raichi... interesting.

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