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13. July 2004, 21:18:38
Subject: New tourney!
Try your hand at maharajah chess, this tourney will start as soon as 4 people have signed up!

8. July 2004, 11:23:01
People don't agree with each other, so there! :oD

And to keep it on topic, I thought LongJohns post was funny too! I doubt eagleeagle took it too seriously. If he/she did, then please send me $50 too! (LOL I'm kidding!!)

20. June 2004, 11:05:20
Yes, Walter you can change the section size, but since its set to 4 players by default, thats why most tournaments are 4 players per section. People don't worry too much about changing them.
As for which is best, well I guess thats personal choice. I like the 4 players per section because its a quicker tournament, and more chance of getting through to the second round. Higher number of players = more games, longer tourney and less chance of winning. But more of a challenge!

19. June 2004, 22:11:08
I know, isn't it exciting?!

19. June 2004, 21:44:20
I've had a +1 on my main page for a few days. Has anyone forgotten to start round 2 in their tourney?

10. June 2004, 00:15:30
Rogue, don't do that, I also think you did the right thing. As you say, you were between a rock and a hard place. I don't see you had any other option, I'm sure I would have made that decision too.

12. April 2004, 10:40:13
Subject: Re: graphic (spiderline4)
It looks the same to me, I don't see any green background. Is this happening for you in any other game types?

17. March 2004, 21:05:24
I do beg your pardon Steve, I'll not try to help next time :o)

17. March 2004, 20:23:02
Steve, '+1' on your main page is normally a final round in a tourney, not a new tournament starting. If you go through your running tourneys you should find one that the second round is waiting to start.

17. March 2004, 11:07:15
Jason, you can't delete tournament games, but pawns can still enter Linda's tourney even if they're in others. All they need to do is message Linda and say they want to join.

11. March 2004, 08:59:16
Sounds like theres three winners, Scarlet Rose :o)

24. February 2004, 23:05:29
Subject: Re: sponsorship
Steve, I can't go as high as a dollar a player, but I can do 50 cents a player, hows that?

23. February 2004, 21:33:57

23. February 2004, 21:24:36
Any chance of a link for that tourney, IMupChucKing?

23. February 2004, 17:21:20
I probably would, Caissus, except I'd feel like I was stepping on BBW's shoes... er.. paws!
And does it really matter if its BBW starting them, or a lot of different rooks?

23. February 2004, 15:39:47
Aww, I like BBW's tourneys! It means I can usually find a tourney thats likely to start that day or the day later, and because they're only 5 people I don't have to wait forever for them to finish. They're simple, quick and easy. Huh, go figure why I like them so much!

18. February 2004, 14:27:17
Subject: Re: Bernice
Bernice has some quite valid points. I don't know all the answers but I can try!

Would he be expected to refund if this was the only money forthcoming???

No, mainly because I hope its not the only money forthcoming! We need to keep on and on until the amount is raised for a new server.

Secondly.....are people giving Fencer the money they have pledged already??

I have no idea. Theres still a link for the 'get a better server' on the 'temporarily out of service' page you sometimes see when BK is down. Some people choose to upgrade a friend, and donate that way. Linda has ideas about collecting the money for her tournament - once she has enough people. Other people hold tournaments with a membership as a prize. And I guess some would just send in what they can. Its all donating.

I have read where "So and So" will donate $40 if the sun dont set etc....
ok....assume it hasnt set....has the $40 been paid...we have to look at this realistically(sp)

I guess that would be between the person pledging the money and Fencer.

This isnt a hypothetical situation...for Fencer it is real, for the rest of us it is playing with people who in most cases will never meet and will never have any contact with apart from the internet

Its real enough to me. I may never get to meet half of you, but I feel I know you as well (maybe better in some cases) than I know people I mix with daily. I can't see you or touch you, but you are just as much my friends as anyone in my 'real' life. Some may think that is sad, I like to think of it as an online community. My home inside my home. I would be disappointed if I couldn't get online to 'speak' to you all each day. It wouldn't seem the same at any other site. BrainKing is special. I feel it every time I log on, and it never changes no matter what is happening on the surface. Fencer has built a site like no other, and I for one will work my socks off to keep it online.

13. February 2004, 23:23:44
Thank you :o)

13. February 2004, 22:52:25
Yeah, it timed out and was restored. I dont think LongJohn started the next section? I don't have a maharajah game with Nightstorm.

13. February 2004, 22:10:11
Ohhhhhh, thanks, BBW, I see whats happened now. Fencer, this may be one for you! I hadn't realised that maharajah game was the decider in this tourney. Sorry!

13. February 2004, 21:04:19
Subject: Waiting games
I've had a +1 on my amount of games for a few days. Has anyone forgot to start a second round of a tournament?

9. February 2004, 18:04:38
I wasn't going to say anything more either... but it has to be said, a 4 day tournament is just that, 4 days. a 10 day tourney is 10 days, not 5! You can't sign up for a 4 day tourney and complain if people don't move in 2 days. Sign up for a 2 day tournament if thats what you want to move in... any emergency and you have holiday days. But at least you'd know your opponent would have to move in 2 days.
And the idea of making lists of slow players will only antagonise people. I'm a fast player, and I've had people apologise to me for taking a while to move - my reply - take your time! Its a game, not a race. Move when you feel ready, if you're not ready when the time limit is up, book a holiday day! Its a game! I have plenty of others to keep me going!

8. February 2004, 13:04:12
I have to agree with ughaibu. I'd be very careful which tournaments I joined if I thought the creator might award the game to my opponent if I took too long or someone complained. And it would create extra work for Fencer having to check out every game that a creator wanted to finish.

For me the answer it quite simple, if you have a problem with a tournament, contact the creator, tell them which game, and what the problem is.
If the creator sees that the game is hopelessly lost by one player, and it is severely holding up the tournament, send a message politely asking that person to resign. Any reasonable person wouldnt mind at all. I've been asked to resign games, and have done so. And I have also been in a position where I asked someone to resign (so a pawn could advance to the next round).
With manners and a bit of consideration, tournaments do not need to be such a headache.

7. February 2004, 13:02:48
Its not possible yet, but it could be a good one for feature requests! :oD

30. January 2004, 10:07:36
Ooh! LOL I didn't even realise! Thanks, Scarlet :oD

12. January 2004, 08:59:05
My rating is 1133, I'm JUST over! :o(

2. January 2004, 02:43:03
LOL I was just about to switch off, if I didn't do it straight away I'd have forgotten! So you just need one more for Maharajah. :o)

2. January 2004, 01:54:38
I did struggle a bit with that one! Cheers, Backoff :o)

2. January 2004, 00:32:19
Harleys BIG ONE (2)!!! (All Games)

Everyone welcome, all playing levels, all games! Come join in!

30. December 2003, 20:41:15
Thats up to you, Lythande. You can let them play, or remove them before the start of the tourney.

29. December 2003, 11:31:21
Bernice, do you want a couple of unrated games to get the hang of it? (Tablut)

26. November 2003, 21:51:03
LOL Whisperz! Ohhh yeah!! I knew there must be a reason!

LMAO Bumble *eyes watering* Ouch!

26. November 2003, 09:10:55
Just curious, Zuggie. What do you suppose happens when two paid members play? That could throw a spanner in the works.
And you've won loads of gammon games, your rating is way higher than mine. I really don't see how you come to that conclusion.

25. November 2003, 19:49:16
Thats not true at all, zuggie. I play backgammon and the variants a lot and I lose just as much as I win.

13. November 2003, 19:04:45
Subject: Gothic Chess vs. Janus Chess discussion
I thought it was quite interesting, Ed. :o) I found out some facts I didn't know before.

26. August 2003, 22:06:57
Zucan, Rabbitoid is captain for HOME team so I've messaged him about it. But I only have 3 members, as one member did not renew his membership so cannot be considered for this tournament. But I'm sure we can find another player in time if this is to go ahead :o)

26. August 2003, 21:59:34
I'd be up for that! I'm not sure how many atomic chess players are in HOME though! (rushes over to check!!)
Give me a shout when you want to get this started and I'll see which players want to join in :o)

26. August 2003, 21:37:02
Ahh, I'm seeing what you mean now, Zucan! 4 separate fellowships, one member from each fellowship in each tournament... is that right? That would work :o)

26. August 2003, 20:23:24
I don't want to be a wet blanket, Zucan, but I don't see how you can make sure players from opposite teams end up against each other? What if players from the same team end up as opponents!

25. August 2003, 00:06:14
Its to do with how many games your opponents have won and lost, Gubbe.

If the person you lost to has lost to 3 other people, then your points will be less than a person who has also lost to one other person.... but the person they lost to only lost to 1 other person.

Sorry, its complicate dand difficult to explain! Hopefully BBW will have better luck!!

24. August 2003, 17:49:46
SAD Monkey? OMG whats that all about then?!

9. August 2003, 19:54:17
Subject: Re: Damian
Also the game time limit was suspended for a while. If the 4 weeks he took to move occured during this time it would explain how it happened. Along with vacation days :o)

8. August 2003, 18:38:16
I'd go for that, Zucan. I've not played for ages. My rating is pretty low though, so I couldn't join if you set the rating too high!

24. July 2003, 09:24:07
Subject: Re: Clarification Please
From what I understand, if you contact Fencer he will eliminate you from that tournament so you will be able to join another of that type.

19. July 2003, 09:56:48
Thats right, Watson, if you have 2 or more sections you will have at least one more round after the first games are complete. You will get a note in your mailbox saying 'All Sections Completed', you then visit that tournament page and start the next round. Good luck :o)

1. July 2003, 11:10:13
Just 9 hours left for brain pawns to sign up for the tablut prize tournament! Win yourself a membership!!

26. June 2003, 10:48:52
Fencer, everyone is a beginner because its a new game, but IMHO you stand as good a chance as anyone of winning. You're great at chess, and have only lost one game of Gothic in the prize tournament. Go for it!
And great news on the private tournaments :o)

25. June 2003, 21:59:17
Hey I like that one, Big Bad Wolf. That would be great!

21. June 2003, 13:06:19
You have to start over unfortunately.

18. June 2003, 18:20:46
No, the games will just appear on your game sheet.

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