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14. November 2003, 18:49:38
Subject: first (as usual) there are a lot of gothic apologies pending
bet they won't be even half way excuses ...
so merely again start to misuse a public board.

We are not interested to see your porcupine jokes here. Please, finally
consider keepin your inessentials out. You gothic Mr. are definitely
beyond the last who should swell as reference for behaviour, here.

So better keep those mental masturbations privat ~*~

14. November 2003, 09:22:50
Subject: Sorry for your mood
I could just offer a naughty joke in The Cave to cheer you up :")

the chess boards are my domain here
- as I stated repeatedly without success.
I know too well how it is when every now and then,
- there's of sudden noise around and you're told it's
about you, not only then I prefer to be left alone anyway - darn ...
I cannot please all folks either - not with every post after all.

good morning, chief :D
thanks for you have spoken ;)
guess Mr. Trice will not be pleased to hear that
you have made VERY clear that he cannot command
you around, here. He's really a bit hard on grasping. ~*~

14. November 2003, 04:56:58
Subject: the core
<I complained about a deliberately canceled tournament
- I had already won my group and an announced prize thus ...

onto that I made a bit fun at a poll consisting of only 3 votes ... :P

big deal.
c'mon this is the tournament board we aren't in kindergarden are we ?? >8(

he could have left it by that one growling comment, my *promises promises*
and end of my debate. no not so mister obsessive nerd. he started
an endless chain of uncreative and illiterate provocations like
he did also - out of the blue - last weekend at the board
(violating any intelligence, remember guys ? I was supposed to have
taken illigitimate advantage by uhhhm double vacancy days .... :O huh ??
so because I had official vacancy days while the server was down anyway,
I gained advantage ?? no way to play so why should I waste vacancy ...)

I succeeded in lightmindedly dodging that ridicoulous assaults beyond
any niveau and intelligent observation - not without help of course
- from the Holy Lotos and ... :D ... Auntie Margarete ... :P ... ~*~

14. November 2003, 04:13:22
Subject: Billy Joel
we didn't start the fire. ~*~

14. November 2003, 03:15:37
Subject: well Filip
you should better try that with the notorious goatic cheater !
who's always off topic when behaving like a wildboar to
waste the boards and, who rabies-like attacks erraneously
when screwing up periodicly as many here have had to suffer.
(do you want me forwarding the complete board of yesterday
before he started his uhhmm selective deleting to blur traces ?
insulted me continuously, hours ! while I dodged like a boarero.)

about two dozens complaints about his bullying, to his domain
here at your server, have also been deleted silently - ah blah !!

He offered 'unlimited' cheater support to all my opponents and,
you dare to warn me for documenting where the money stinks ?

Careful, deadend of culture, I sadly have to warn you. :(


if somebody doesn't show firm resistance against cheaters, he
might be pulled into the unfortunate twilight of cheaters as well ...

you cannot have 'just a bit' honesty, neither you cAn
have just 'a bit' peace, corruption or, pregnancy period ~*~

saved as usual Ed, fiddling in my message again would be futile.

13. November 2003, 22:24:18
Subject: oops b4 eye 4get
you seem to stand easily losses of data.

but would be a bad idea next time when it comes to losing a gothic game
against a Janus expert, instead of again exposing the same strange amnesia
you suffered last time - dunno whether you have green teeth, but that's no
bluetooth yet - anyway when server-crashes should continue to have direct
impact, on your own memory too, you probably should stay disconnected
- i.e. sheer technically - oh yes, from sportsmanship you cAn,
easily of course, since long, as we know. good job for a start ... :P ... ~*~

13. November 2003, 22:08:46
Subject: still wondering
what has poor Auntie Margarete done to you ? 0:)
ah blah, you have been a rude rowdy anyway - all the time
that's not auntie's fault - now Uncle Theodor is solely your problem ... ~*~

13. November 2003, 14:47:40
Subject: well even single german grandmasters cAn be very dense
as Huebner prooved vs Korchnoj ... :P ... ~*~

13. November 2003, 07:13:54
Subject: that does not count for auntie margarete
and I hereby ban all speculations about how long
she was taken into the spheres of rumour ... :P ~*~

13. November 2003, 02:08:00
Subject: those who signed in
to the tournament cAn merely be
counted as willing to continue in general ...

explicitely contradicting only was required here.
- who didn't, agreed to play on thus. dozens.

if I draw a quick poll at night when only
Auntie Margerete is awake yet I get funny results too ...

ah blah promises promises ~*~

12. November 2003, 22:26:00
Subject: but if I'd be forced to speculations
I know only one person who would have also economic interests in
a server-crash to blur the verbal traces left by weeks of his execrable
notoriousness, awww and what a nice co-incidence, probably the only
one too, who's granted to upload scripts to brainking, because the
gothic homepage is hosted there ... now that is a speculation ...

documented then that I already had won my tourney-group,
but easy speculation again who was not pleased by right that ... blah ~*~

12. November 2003, 22:12:45
Subject: I'm not speculating
documenting was always my first choice btw.
that is why I'm particulary picky about manipulated documents. ~*~

12. November 2003, 22:09:51
Subject: no the question is
will there ever be something else than just promises ?

gothic tournaments seem to be canceled randomly when cheats
that the creator offered publically don't show the desired impact. ~*~

12. November 2003, 15:56:09
Subject: gothic world championship
promises promises - I am a prophet ... ~*~

5. November 2003, 22:05:22
Subject: New Battleboats Prize Tournament - *Swimmers On Your Marks !* ~*~
Framed by the KillingMachine's 'Adopt A Pawn Program' you now
have got the chance to win half a year Knight Level Membership ...

Only stipulation for a signup: today, you must have been on brainking
one full month already - to minimize creation of redundant accounts yano ... 8)

please make sure you have four game-slots free - YAY !! only four
- that's like so consumerfriendly - great !! my modest and humble
consideration is worldfamous indeed ... 0:) ~*~

PS sign here for a frolic splish-splash,
in warm waters - that is if the heat-backup works ... :D

12. September 2003, 04:36:17
Subject: Re: By the way...
realtime chess-variants@brainking seem desirable ...

e.g. yahoo is just too chAotic for quickchess-tourneys anyway,
and gothic/janus surely would be attractive in kinda otb-atmosphere ...

although for pente there already are quick-tourneys weekly - why not ... ~*~

10. September 2003, 00:11:12
Subject: to clarify
before less wanted translators offer their services ...

I have posted my ideas to discourage cheaters ...

and somebody who has paid by personal transfer to brainking,
therefore should be spared out from further bothering by idle control ... ~*~

9. September 2003, 23:53:54
Subject: and Household - what does it mean anyway ?
I have two valid addresses myself, in the same
house but different households - the effort seems
fuzzy as IP tracking is undermined by local network
and all the fancy stuff from my treasure chest of
sophisticated programs making an apple a prune.

Let's say it stiff ... superficial nonsense !

Robert J. Fisher made it although the Russians
evidently cheated by making easy draws against
each other while focussing against capitalism ... :D

Kasparov made it although Karpov cheated by occupying
the mental capacities of thirteen grandmasters and their ideas
which to use they were not allowed without first offering to him,
in the time of a desired lasting soviet chess dynasty ...

Sportsmen have always had only two secundants throughout history,
of course only for the daily game-aftermath ... ~*~

9. September 2003, 23:31:12
Subject: Sales ?
oops - I'll shush and wait until end of october to post it at the new board ... ~*~ 0:)

9. September 2003, 22:19:18
Subject: Gubbe
75-25 my final offer ... >8) ... ~*~

9. September 2003, 21:05:43
Subject: Age Restriction :D
That's okay - we call that business-entry age
and 12-14 years are tolerable as limit ... ~*~

PS e.g. the father who has signed for his 5 years
old girl being brainknight merely be excluded ...

9. September 2003, 20:56:04
Subject: Re: The rules
No !
especially the spirit of those so called rules makes no sense altogether.

As previously ignored, CaoZ' siblings are strong enough
to play any tourney here on their own strength ...

and who could stop anyone from cheating anway ...
ever've heard of telephone ?? ( basic technics in Europe )
it cAn deprive you from the need of living
in the same household with any imaginable helper ...

Again I second the idea to exclude pawns from the Championship,
3000$ should be luring enough to afford 10$ for a Knight-Strike ...

or - as peacepickle said - revealing sensible personal data
prematurely should (if anyway) be obligatory only for pawns ... ~*~

8. September 2003, 21:55:05
Subject: Janus and Fortress, Prize Tourneys terminated.
My apologies to all who had patience for quite a while ...
But after almost a month without the required 15 players
signing up, I sadly had to close them now ... :/

The Janus Tourney will be re-opened around end of october ...

To attract a higher number of occasional players I'll create
a Crowded Backgammon Prize Tourney (Pawns only) ...

For more paying members on a site worth it. ~*~

8. September 2003, 06:46:03
Subject: Re: not too bad idea ...
it would help brainking ... I second ... ~*~

8. September 2003, 05:28:54
Subject: is it the head or the ratlle that bites ?
if Fencer knows bwildman's addy and name he just cannot use
the same name and addy for other IDs, and if I'd invoke friends
any control-sense should volatilize at the latest ... ~*~

8. September 2003, 05:20:15
Subject: usurper
I joked too ... but a serious background, maybe here we
are just a bit sulky towards ashcrofted college-libraries ... ~*~ ;)

8. September 2003, 05:15:11
Subject: Re: you're wrong
you're right --- it's still your money ... :P

just to stop the going spin ... Fencer may reveal as soon as I win ...

lil peace poem ( peace-math -> if every1 else uncovers, I'm nailproof ) ... ~*~

8. September 2003, 05:10:11
Subject: you're wrong
I've got no 2nd ID in the tourney and,
I see it's idle and innecessary before the event ...

as ( just to re-iterate ) Fencer knows my name and addy ...

for the GCF whose privacy policy is entirely unknown to me,
I would use only a messenger for the inevitable cash traffic ... >8) ... ~*~

8. September 2003, 05:01:13
Subject: big families
I forsee the Pente ratings in a frolic flipping when all
our Maharadscha's siblings would take bk under siege ... :D
and actually they could do it without consulting, by their own strength ...

advisory during a game violates the rules of online-tourneys ...
- but, happens regardless of people living together or not ...

e.g. I have a spooky feeling when my online-opponents list
shows two people watching a game of one of them versus me ...

nonetheless I hope for an appropriate sportsmanship,
that no control cAn entirely ensure ... ~*~

8. September 2003, 04:53:01
Subject: Re: Gothic Chess World Championship
My addy and name are known to Fencer - that should be sufficient ... ~*~

8. September 2003, 04:25:41
Subject: last minute flights - nize prize ... :D
Fortress Fortune - one player missing
Janus' Eyes - two players missing

Now no longer mucking about -
To the weapons, Pawns ... Be a Knight ... :) ~*~

5. September 2003, 02:34:17
Subject: two prize-tournaments still waiting for people to sign up, 3 each
C'mon guys - I know it was my fault to assume 15 players to be
no problem of resembling, Chess-Variants do not hurt I tl ya ... :D

the tournaments below will stay yet open until sunday, but then
sadly I'll have to close them to avoid idle chaining of pawns ...

in that case the Janus Tourney will be restarted as soon as
Fencer's is finished - maybe two simultaneously are too much yet ...

Fortress Fortune
Janus' Eyes

Entré - entré - voulons nous se rassembler ... :P ... (lil lure-poem) ... ~*~

3. September 2003, 18:01:36
Subject: re: congrats to
I use this opportunity to summon a strong *Hurray*
in praise of Erika and shaggath who made it as first
to win their 50th tournament at brainking ! good job, guys ~*~ :)

24. August 2003, 22:06:23
Subject: but there are yet two prize tourneys waiting to start ...
sponsored by nobody but me without any merchandising ... :D

maybe I was a bit blonde-squared to set the minimum players to 15 for
kinda exclusive variants - it was to avoid the impression it's just for a few ... :/

I shall wait some days yet - else I'd sadly have to close them
and re-orgagnize it as lucky game prize tourney gammon and bb,
to safely attract a higher amount of pawns ... hope to see you :") ... ~*~

5. August 2003, 01:09:16

5. August 2003, 00:47:00
Subject: Re: Tournament question
I believe to remember that the 'minimum players' restriction
counts only for the total amount of players in a tourney ...
i.e. not for the subgroups required to be generated now ... ~*~

3. August 2003, 07:37:00

25. July 2003, 04:10:07
Subject: oops I missed the telegraph :")
thanks for the info ... :) ... ~*~

24. July 2003, 22:41:58
Subject: tournament section setup
I would like to suggest an advancement.

The highest rated player is set to group 1
- the next-highest to group 2 and so roundrobin on.

Such a system would come close to the World Tennis Tour setup
and avoid annoying asymmetries in the first rounds imho ...

Perhaps implementable as option for the tournament creator ... ~*~

27. June 2003, 01:19:56
Subject: Gothic Chess WC
I just hope the planned tournament doesn't
include the harrassment I had to suffer from
Mr. Trice during our games ...

My trust in such a cash-orgy is limited since then. ~*~

18. March 2003, 23:39:53
Subject: Re: 13 X 13 Keryo Pente
and I'm just not understanding why it bugs
you so heavily - I felt lost on a big board
at the beginning period ~*~

18. March 2003, 21:06:51
Subject: Re: 13 X 13 Keryo Pente
I gave a reason ! *pout*

imho it's a way for beginners to get familiar
with basic structures and elements of tactics ~*~

18. March 2003, 13:15:20
Subject: Holy Number 9
as it appears in chinese and japanese mythology
- even treated with such a respect that it was
avoided entirely as aim ... the imagination of
perfection is stronger than any manifestation.

take eight time eight squares, voila - you have
the xianxi board the 'yellow river' not counted in.

played is it at the nine times TEN crosspoints.
the fortress three times three crosspoints ... :)

go/pente/keryo board contains four quarters
of nine times nine squares - again played on
the 'lines'- happens to be a running pattern in
asiatic games to CLOSELY avoid perfection ...

actually sense of the game, as a go-master said,
goal is not, to win but to snapshot a momentary
cosmic divergence of the tiniest possible kind.

real masters try to win by just ONE stone plus :)

18. March 2003, 12:19:23
Subject: keryo - maybe just a definition problem ? :D
a protected name therefore a leading
'c' for 'children' is missing or 'b'
for beginner ?

I'm enjoyed trying it out, but at the latest
when I met CaoZ I knew it makes almost no
sense to be player 2, on such a small board, on
top without move restriction - my opening book
for C-Keryo basicly is the complete collection
of the games he lost at iyt. ;) not too many ...

regarding chess ... I bet the Chinese would
claim Xianxi as the only RIGHT one, as Shogi
would be worshipped equally in Japan ... :)

same roots - but continental drift to say so :P

not to mention that the original inventor India
almost lost it, because as 'Schaturanga' kind of
oracle and banned by religion for some centuries.
the persians saved it and deprived it from dice.

I don't know why D'mitri is growing annoyed with
the variations, as one also could declare all those
games obsolete, for being not the original 'Go' ...

I'd enjoy that we have
the choice and, made mine:
NO B-Keryo furthermore YAY ! ~*~ ;)

18. March 2003, 01:13:43
Subject: sportsmanlike players
I did not target any players
- just that certain 'tourncontol'
and I admit until summer 2002 I had no
objections about quick and proper responses.

btw - no lists please I'm sure everywhere
folks going for an easy score happen to exist :P

Savage was very co-operative ... we really
did everything in private initiative to avoid
additional work for IYT farest possibly ...

we delayed our moves up to the limit, suggested
to just add Grandpatzer to our group as simple
solution - nothing happened ... as we figured
the sweat spilled, when a server for a million
goes down, no pushing, we were patient, idle. ~*~

18. March 2003, 00:52:26
Subject: snobbish IYT tourney director
indeed I have to agree with Gary ...

how often the real Keryo was suggested as
improvement, (we offered Keryo-Pro as name)
not even a single answer - guess I've not reached
12 tries yet or a diffuse other restriction ... :p

in a particulary remarkable case, during the
Durham power outage (which understandably casted
a lot of messed up results 1st) and, re-instating
and catching up with 'orphane-rounds' promised,
I found myself in a chess final - as deserved :D

but a game of the previous round, supposed to be
drawn was timed out by my opponent, I re-instated
even before official intervention - but the final
ran ... :O - my main competitor in the semifinal,
grandpatzer, should have tied up - but my win was
falsely counted ... got to meet 'savage' alone ...
we protested via game-diagram-link, via email more
than a dozen times - peakhold of the bluntness
I encountered was, they nagged me for bothering
*what the heck I was up to as *I* was qualified
and playing* ... I don't even mind - grandpatzer
owed to be there ALSO, THAT was my point !

I won the tourney but, with him in the final group
it would have been much tougher and more valuable.

guess they don't know how sportsmen think :/ ~*~


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