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9. February 2004, 09:48:13
Can it be arranged so that internal fellowship tournaments of fellowships of which we are members appear on the normal tournament page?

8. February 2004, 16:43:03
It will be automated :-)

8. February 2004, 16:22:48
Que Sera ... Sera

8. February 2004, 16:11:52
A man of many words! :-)
What will be what?

8. February 2004, 15:32:48
It will be.

8. February 2004, 14:39:59
Subject: Re: Determination of Tournament Sections
If something like this was added, I think it SHOULD be automated. It would be a shame to be the person who loses out, just because the creator didn't figure it out right. Yes, many times it is obvious, but in the closer tournaments when the S-B is used, I can see the potential of not every creator understanding it..

I would like to re-request that when there is a tie in a final round, that the tied participants play it out until there is a single winner..

8. February 2004, 13:55:53
Subject: Re: Determination of Tournament Sections
That could even be automated. I guess BK server will beat most of the tournament creators in maths :)

8. February 2004, 13:49:24
Subject: Determination of Tournament Sections
Proabably been put up before but here it is again ... Kitti suggested, on the tournament board, that when a Tournament Section is absolutely decided that the tournament creator could be able to "declare" that section so that the competition can move on ... good idea Kitti :)

8. February 2004, 11:42:25
Everything is written down.

8. February 2004, 01:59:16
Subject: Re: Adding notes to Profiles
yeah - i suggested this to Fencer a while back - though i was thinking of notes that would appear on the Friends page so you wouldn't have to take the extra step of going to the person's profile - but i didn't know the Feature Requests board existed at the time. :D

i'd also like to see "Enemies" renamed to "Ignored Players" or something like that. "Enemy" is a much harsher term than is applicable here.

and i'd like to be alerted when a tournament i created is scheduled to start. i think tournaments should still be started manually, as they are now, but a reminder would be nice so the scheduled start time doesn't come and go without the creator's notice.

8. February 2004, 01:02:23
Subject: Adding notes to Profiles
One thing I would like is the ability for me to add (private) notes tied to another person's profile. This might be an address they have sent me, or some clippings from a discussion we have had. PRobably pretty low on the list but an idea just the same W:)

7. February 2004, 21:54:26
Subject: Re:
and a "sent messages" box?

7. February 2004, 12:55:06
Will BK2 have any changes to the message box, like being able to sort by sender name etc?

6. February 2004, 15:36:08
crawling cariad ... crawling

6. February 2004, 14:58:49
Subject: Re: error alarm
What is sleep? hehehehehe
j/k Liquid SIR, you do need your sleep to properly think out how to continue to improve BK. :)

6. February 2004, 13:40:26
@Rougue Lion:
and after a week we would be sending him greetings cards/get well soon cards, to the first mental institution next to his town :-)

6. February 2004, 13:33:02
Subject: Re: error alarm
May be we need sleep over night when we working in full time jobs and BK over day. :-)

6. February 2004, 13:21:01
Rogue Lion 
Subject: error alarm
Fencer : Maybe you could configure an alarm clock to the hard drive that would wake you up in the event of any system error. That way you could get right on it. :)

6. February 2004, 09:28:23
jeez, Fencer, you didn't read the whole message, did you?

chill out. relax. drink some hot tea or whatever'll make you feel better and take care of yourself.

6. February 2004, 09:20:26
Okay, let me say this:
1) Don't get me started again. I am not feeling well today.
2) This is Feature Requests board, not Complaints board.
3) When BK goes down during our night time, we are usually sleeping and can do nothing with it. When we have money for it, we'll be able to pay some people to monitor BK activity 24 hours a day and solve any problems immediately. But not now. We cannot afford it.

6. February 2004, 09:16:26
on the one hand, yes, he created and runs BK in his spare time, and i think we'll all agree he does a great job. but on the other hand, a lot of us pay money for our levels of access to the site, and that, to my mind, puts some responsibility on Fencer to keep things functional. the moment you start charging money for a service, arguments like "he created and runs BK in his spare time" stop being all the excuse one needs.

that said, i will say again that nothing i've experienced on BK lately - even four or five hours of downtime at a stretch - is anywhere near as disagreeable to me as the persistent "temporarily down" page of times gone by. the site is far more reliable than it used to be, and i'm sure Fencer is doing the best he can with what he's got. so i'm not complaining; i just want to make sure he's aware of the problem and that this last time was not the first time i've experienced it. just want him to have the facts in the hopes that they'll help him fix the problem.

really: overall i'm very satisfied with the site. hell, it's the only one of the four or five sites of its kind i've used in the past that i still play on. it's got the best feature set of any multi-game site i've found, and i intend to keep playing - and paying - on it. it's well worth it.

6. February 2004, 08:34:14
Just looked at the Customer Service DB we have. Fencer has no idea what caused the problem, but will look into it. He has other things to deal with at present, remember he created & runs BK in his spare time.

6. February 2004, 08:05:44
it went down for me around midnight GMT.. but went to bed... after a few tries...

6. February 2004, 06:07:03
there we go: i was unable to get to brainking between midnight and 5 am GMT today. i wasn't trying between 4 and 5, but i was trying pretty constantly from midnight until 4 and got no response.

was i the only one? the status of my games indicates otherwise...

5. February 2004, 23:47:29
yeah, maybe the server's running a maintenance routine at that time or something. but like i say, compared to the old days i don't think it's anything to get bunched up about. i just wanted to mention it in case 'twas of interest.

5. February 2004, 23:36:19
Subject: Re:
I think we're all getting a little confused.

10pm Eastern would be 3am GMT.

I also notice it a little slow in the evenings, but c'est la vie.

5. February 2004, 23:30:51
yeah, don't get me wrong - it's still a *lot* better than it used to be in the days of the "brainking is temporarily down" page...but i do hit a point almost every day where i get blank pages and/or an alert saying my browser "could not load any data for this location" for a period of time...sometimes five minutes, then the other night it happened for a few hours...and then the problem just up and goes away (i like that part)... :)

5. February 2004, 23:23:49
I havent had a major problem since the last software upgrade of brainking, there have been the obvious couple of data base probs, but other than that its been fine, and I can be on anytime of day or night which covers US day time too

5. February 2004, 23:19:17
So thats 5.00pm here (GMT), thats odd, never notice any problems then.
They seem to start about 11.00pm GMT for some reason. I guess more people from the U.S. are trying to get on the site. The same happens about 1.00pm here as well, morning over in the states.

5. February 2004, 23:11:28
Subject: Re:
hmm. i don't think its disappearance has reduced the incidence of lockups on *my* end...i can almost count on the site becoming unavailable around 10 pm eastern U.S. time every night (almost)...

5. February 2004, 22:56:03
I dont think Fencer will put it back until BK 2.0 is up released. He thinks it was one of the things causing the database server problems, and locking the site up, so he has disabled it.

5. February 2004, 22:05:52
Subject: BKR
Yes, I miss something ... I miss the BKR's of all the games ... when will that be returning to the main page ???? Why is it gone in the first place.



3. February 2004, 04:35:50
Yes, lines of action is fun :-)

(the only discrepincy in the rules on this site compared to the tournament rules is that according to the tourament rules, if both players "win" on the same turn it is a draw).

2. February 2004, 15:16:32
Subject: games request!!
progressive chess, Line of action, Rolling chess.

2. February 2004, 09:05:17
game request: abalone.

2. February 2004, 07:35:40
game request: Xiangqi (Chinese Chess).

if/when the game is implemented, i'd ask that brainking provide an option for each player to choose between displaying traditional and westernized pieces. some people won't want to deal with learning the Chinese characters, while for others (myself included) the Chinese characters are part of the game's appeal.

2. February 2004, 07:30:24
Subject: Re: fellowship tournaments
ah. i wasn't thinking about fellowships that limit the types of games their members can play. but still - one could just join a fellowship for their favoritest game type and play all the other games they like in one-on-one games and public tournaments...or one could join a fellowship that allowed its members to play all the games that person likes to play.

but i don't really care enough about this to keep typing. so i won't. :)

2. February 2004, 06:30:27 
I don't think a limit of 1 fellowship would be a good idea, since each fellowship gives something different - and for example if you wanted to join my Gammon Cube Fellowship, then you would not be able to join any teams for other games in other fellowships.

It had been brought up to limit it to 5 or 10 - but I also don't like that because it would limit the membership of any new fellowship that is yet to be created. But if it was to be limited, it should be NO LESS then 10 since you could easly get that number with the amount of individual game type fellowships and other "non-game chat" fellowships we currently have.

2. February 2004, 06:20:48
Subject: Re: fellowship tournaments
That would be as good as restricting play only to the one game that they like. In other words I don't like the idea at all.

2. February 2004, 06:06:28
<I think it would stink. :>

2. February 2004, 06:04:37
Subject: Re: fellowship tournaments
and what would people think about each BK member being allowed to join only one fellowship? as it is now, association with a given fellowship is pretty much a throw-away thing, because fellowships are a dime a dozen and a lot of Big Bosses seem to invite members for no other reason than to increase their fellowship's member count. if each person could only join one fellowship, i think it would lead to the fellowships' becoming more unique - each developing its own distinct personality and identity which would draw the kind of people who like its style.

oh hell, i'm tired and i've got to go to bed. but i'd be interested to know what people think of that idea.

happy gaming... :)


2. February 2004, 05:41:09
Subject: fellowship tournaments
Since fellowship tournaments are all about one game each, it would be nice if you could see on your list (on the fellowship home page) how many players had signed up for each one.

On the flip side, it would be nice if you could create a fellowship tournament in the same way you do a public tournament, except that the list of games would only include those with a corresponding team. Thinking about this, though, it might be counter-productive of the future vision of inter-fellowship matches. Perhaps, then, a new feature to allow intra-fellowship tournaments as described above, with a different link to define them or an option on the edit tournament page (check this box and open a list of games to chose from). :)

1. February 2004, 23:46:23
All you can do to see if there is anyway to help with coding is to ask Fencer.
No decision has yet been made by Fencer when to release BK 2.0.
He has to finish re-writing all the games and then a short testing will be done.

1. February 2004, 23:32:46
Subject: Re: Backgammon reminder
If that's the answer, that's fine. When can we expect version 2.0? The offer of help with the code still stands.

1. February 2004, 23:04:07
Subject: Re: Backgammon reminder
grenv: I think i am safe in saying you will have to wait for BK 2.0 to be released.
Fencer is spending all his time writing the coding for that & will not be making and changes to this version.

1. February 2004, 22:59:01
Subject: Backgammon reminder
Just wondering when the backgammon bug that allows a player to move one piece when it is possible to move both will be fixed?

Also, the doubling cube?

I could probably help with the coding if you like! :)

1. February 2004, 22:53:19
<And just -think- how busy we could keep the moderators getting rid of useless game-stopping messages. :>

1. February 2004, 13:01:01
Subject: Re:
I did suggest to Fencer a while ago that when a new person becomes a member they automaticly recieve an email or message explaing all about how fellowships operate and also a link to the Fellowships list. They can then at least go through them and see which ones they would like to join.

1. February 2004, 10:17:00 
Well I don't think I would like to recieve an invitation for tons of tournaments. As more Fellowships are created - as more tournaments are created, the invitation could start to add up pretty quickly.

What I think would be a better suggestion is to by default, when a person joins a fellowship, to automaticly add it to their favourites board. (Where they can then remove it if they want to) - But that way more people will see the "XX new" and then go and read the board, and hence - find out about new tournaments and such.

31. January 2004, 23:25:19
Linda J 
LJ sending out invitations to a fellowship is a long slow process. A lot of fellowships are for all members and so public. It would be nice to send out all invitations at once. We list them on public boards to join but not everyone reads te boards.

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