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23. May 2009, 05:05:31
Herlock Sholmes 
Subject: CHELMA - new game proposal
few years ago I created a game that is a combination of Halma layout and philosophy and chess pieces ... today I would like to introduce it to you ... I will give you a link to the original rules which I modified last days to make it a better game ...
Here are the rules:
1. Game is played on a regular chess board and initial setup looks exactly like in Halma but instead of plain pieces we have chess figures in place ...
2. Each player has 10 pieces: 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights, 2 pawns, king and queen ...
3. These pieces are distributed in "halma corners" in a random way (which is a departure from my initial idea you can see when you open the link)
4. The goal, like in Halma is to deliver all your pieces to the opposite corner of the board.
5. Now the rules regarding pieces movement :
Rook: rook can move ONE field in any horizontal or vertical direction ... rook can jump over the pieces only in the direction which are allowed for basic move ...
Look for Halma directions how jumping can be performed ..
6. Bishop: bishop can move ONE field in any diagonal direction ... bishop can jump over pieces only in the direction which is allowed for basic move ... again, look for Halma direction on how jumping can be performed.
6. Queen: queen movement is a combination of rook and bishop movements ... queen can combine jumping
and switch from vertical or horizontal to diagonal any time jump is possible.
7. Knight: knight can jump like a regular chess piece ... only ONE jump is allowed for knight ...
8. King: king can move ONE field in any directions but jumping are allowed ONLY in ONE chosen direction ... it means king is not allowed to change the direction of jumping (like a queen) ...
9. Pawn: pawns are allowed to move ONE field in any directions but can jump ONLY over another pawn either its own or the enemy's ... pawn can change direction of jumping from vert/horiz to diagonal and vice versa ...
30 moves Halma rule is in effect ...
here is the link you can check and get the idea on how this game can be played (some rules has been changed though)
and here is a java apps playing Chelma:

have a nice weekend,

21. May 2009, 02:58:01
Herlock Sholmes 
Subject: Open Dominoes - new proposal
something for you ... the whole world is playing domino why not here ?
Ok, I created a game called Open Domino and this is completely open game, with all the stones visible ... it's nothing more or less than a board game ... without a board ...
This game eliminates remembering why the opponent drew some stones and making notes is not necessary ... below are the rules ...
1. We use set 6x6 (basic 28 stones set)
2. Players get 14 stones each (there is no boneyard)
3. They position their stones FACE UP in front of them in TWO rows ... first row of 7 stones closer to the middle of the table, and the second row exactly below the first one ... so we will have two rows of 7 stones each in front of us ... we should put the stones in horizontal position (it looks better) ...
4. The player with 0-0 in his set start the game by taking any stone from his/her FIRST row (closer to the middle of table) and put it in the middlel of the table ...
5. The two open ends are now are available to the second player ... he/she can take any of his/her stone from the FIRST row and put it on the table touching the first stone ... numbers that touch MUST match of course ..
6. Play continue this way until one of the players used all his/her stones or .... untill the game is blocked and no one can continue the game ... when player has no matching stone to play he/she has to pass ...
7. At this point of the game players compare their remaining pips and the player who got less points is the winner ... if the sum is the same it's a draw ...
8. IMPORTANT ... player can play a stone from the second row (closer to the player) ONLY if he/she used a stone from the first row ABOVE the stone he/she want to use to play ...
Sounds easy ? Try this game at home ... I assure you it's a very demanding game and it offers a lot of fun ...
This time it's really fast game ... and only 14 moves at the most ...
Hope we could see its implementation here at brainking ...

21. May 2009, 01:26:13 
Subject: Re: Massacre Chess Variants ...
ChessVariant: When I think of adding a dice to the game, I can think of 2 ways to do it.... both might work.

1. Being like dice chess, where the dice # is the pieces you HAVE to attack with. Guess the question would be is if for example a knight can't capture another piece (can't move), will it be like Dice Chess where that # will not show up?

2. Dice with either 1, 2, or 3 - meaning that is how many moves you make on that turn. (so if you roll a 3, you have to move & capture 3 times). Might work better in a slightly larger board... might go too quickly for just a 8x8 board

20. May 2009, 23:33:05
Herlock Sholmes 
Subject: Re: Massacre Chess Variants ...
AbigailII: buahahahahaha, u r right ... and next we rename brainking into massacreversionking ...

20. May 2009, 23:29:53
Subject: Re: Massacre Chess Variants ...
ChessVariant: 9. 10x8 version with 8 knights, 8 bishops, 8 rooks, 5 queens, 5 marshalls, 5 cardinals and 1 amazon each.
10. 10x10 version: throw in some zebras, camels, nightriders and other fairy chess pieces.

And each variant can be "wild": the system determines how many of each type each player gets (still filling the board of course, and each player gets the same set of pieces): for instance 4 knights, 10 bishops, 5 rooks and 13 queens.

And then we throw in darkness (you cannot see your opponents pieces), atomic, extinction, dice, we let the knights relay, add a behemoth and a cheshire cat, and we'll have the greatest game ever!

20. May 2009, 22:46:18
Herlock Sholmes 
Subject: Massacre Chess Variants ...
this is not a push to implement them, just some thoughts ... Massacre Chess can be played in several different modes (some of them I mentioned earlier) ...
1. Kamizkaze version where a piece after capturing opponent's piece dies with it ...
2. Sphere version where extreme rows and columns "touch" each other ...
3. Progressive version where players start with single capture ... next player has to capture 2 pieces .... next player 3 and so on ...
4. Double version where players capture 2 instead of 1 piece ...
5. Loser's version where the winner is the one who cannot capture ...
6. Small version played on 6x6 board where players have only 16 pieces each (4 rooks, 4 knights, 4 bishops and 4 queens) and there are random 4 holes eliminated from the board ...
7. Dice version as suggested by some players ...
8. Micro version played on a board 4x4 and each player having standard set of chessmen ...
P.S Abigaill, you were right, white pieces cannot be loser if played till the end ...

20. May 2009, 20:46:51
true. but i have just lost my first game of massacre chess. i lost because i couldn't make moves.

20. May 2009, 20:44:33
Subject: Re:
jessica: If white starts, it cannot be white who loses all his pieces. Black will never have more pieces than white.

20. May 2009, 20:38:21
yes white will start. i was thinking about the person who will be white. now if dice were added to massacre chess it would be interesting.

20. May 2009, 20:36:01
Subject: Re:
jessica: Even so, white will start

20. May 2009, 19:27:53
not unless the person who creates the invitation chooses the random color when creating it.

20. May 2009, 19:25:39
Subject: Re:
Modified by AlliumCepa (20. May 2009, 19:26:18)
jessica: Well, that's what most game rules say - "white starts". This is not always the true - there's the random factor involved as well. For instanse, in Backgammon there is an initial roll and whoever gets the higher score, moves first. Isn't it the same with the Massacre as well? Like "flip a coin" thing.

20. May 2009, 19:13:44
white starts.

20. May 2009, 19:08:41
Subject: Re: Massacre Chess
Modified by AbigailII (20. May 2009, 19:09:05)
ChessVariant: "The player, who lost all pieces, loses the game as well. " And again, the only player who can loose all the pieces is white player

Does black start in this variant? That's not listed in the rules.

20. May 2009, 16:59:22
Herlock Sholmes 
Subject: Massacre Chess Strategy
I posted some hints on Chess variants (8x8) board ... please go there and share your findings ...

20. May 2009, 15:55:37
Herlock Sholmes 
Subject: Re: Massacre Chess
rabbitoid: this game can be played by children (assuming they know the moves of chess pieces) in 5 minutes and also can be played 5 hours by experts ( we still don't know strategies for this game) ... but for average mortal it shouldn't take longer than 30 minutes ... this is why I call it a fast game ... not even mention that it takes around 20 some moves to play ... so, do not be affraid to play it ... thanks for your input ...

20. May 2009, 15:48:31
Herlock Sholmes 
Subject: Re: Massacre Chess
AbigailII: My dear Abigaill, what I would possibly do without your analytical insight ? No joking, I am serious ... of course, you are right that eliminating all the pieces is impossible ... but, like in peg-solitaire rules state that the game is won ...(now listen) by eliminating all the pieces from the board ... and nobody ever argued that it's impossible since one of the stone will stay on board ... it's jus a matter of popular understanding what we have in mind ...
Rules for Massacre Chess posted by Fencer state that:
"The player, who lost all pieces, loses the game as well. " And again, the only player who can loose all the pieces is white player ... do we need to modify this last senstence to make it more clearer for the reader ? Possibly ....
And "think twice" is nothing less than saying "think before you move" ...
Now about the speed of the game ... you can look at this issue from many different perspectives ... if I seat in front of you and we have a chess board with only 32 moves (the most) it's for me a fast game ... if we want to play regular chess we can go easily beyond 32 moves and this is for me a long game ... now, at this site we can make every game a long game by playing our moves every 2 weeks (taking vacations etc) ... so, this is a matter of how we define the length of the game ...
But, thanks for your remarks. They are contributing to better understanding of our games ... and no game is perfect and cannot be improved ...

20. May 2009, 14:02:40
Subject: Re: Massacre Chess
That's not going to be "fast":
Hear Hear. I can just see in my mind the snails' antennae quivering with anticipation

20. May 2009, 13:17:29
Subject: Re: Massacre Chess
ChessVariant: game is a draw when game ends by eliminating all the pieces (which is almost unlikely)

Unlikely? Impossible I would say. Unless the last piece can take itself.

but think twice before you eliminate

Considering "elimination" (which I presume to be the same as "capturing", the term BK uses) is mandatory it's not that a player has the option to refrain from "eliminating".

It's very fast game

On BK? A game which can last 32 moves? That's not going to be "fast".

18. May 2009, 22:31:48
Subject: Re:
Teachme2play: This is a fine place to post about it, or on the Line 4 discussion board. Fencer does read this board, but can't possibly implement everyone's suggestions.

18. May 2009, 21:52:20
SunnY DaY 
Hey, nobody told me what's the procedure of bringing ideas written here to life.

I'm still interested in launching a new version of line 4.

18. May 2009, 20:31:56
Herlock Sholmes 
Subject: I am glad to hear
so many positive responses ... I tested this game and few things are certain:
1. Initial board will never be the same, at least in our life time.
2. this game can be played for fun (which is for most of us) and scientifically ... which means a programmed computer would beat any human opponent every time ... ( I am almost sure it would happen) ...
3. this game can be played in several different modes, like:
- Double Massacre Chess when eliminating piece dies together with the opponent's piece and the game last only half of the time ...
- Anti Massacre Chess when the goal is simply reversed ... the player who can't move is the winner ...
-Micro Massacre Chess played on a 4x4 board with only 8 pieces on each side (regular men from a standard game) ... this is only my idea never really played ...
But ... this game can be really fun and departure from the seriousness of chess and many of its variants ...

18. May 2009, 19:35:30
Subject: Re: Massacre Chess
ChessVariant: sounds great.

18. May 2009, 19:31:22
cd power 
Subject: Re: Massacre Chess
Massacre Chess sounds like a neat idea!

18. May 2009, 19:24:56
Subject: Re: Massacre Chess
ChessVariant: I like it.

18. May 2009, 18:44:39
Herlock Sholmes 
Subject: Massacre Chess
hi, ready for a new funny, fast game using chess pieces ? Here it comes: Massacre Chess ...
1. Every player has 8 rooks, 8 knights, 8 bishops and 8 queens
2. Pieces are randomly distributed an a chessboard .
3. White player starts by eliminating any of the opponent's piece using normal chess moves ...
black player continue in the same manner ...
4. Eliminating is mandatory ... piece cannot just move without eliminating ...
5. The game ends when one of the playes cannot move without eliminating opponent's piece ...
6. game is a draw when game ends by eliminating all the pieces (which is almost unlikely)
It's very fast game with miriad of possibilities ... but be careful ... it's getting tense as the game approaches its end ... first moves may not be so important, but think twice before you eliminate ...
I created it for some summer fun ...
Hope you like it.

18. May 2009, 16:34:27
Subject: Re:
rod03801: Yes i agree with you 100% The block & hide method work's great for me Thank's Rod:)))

18. May 2009, 02:28:08
Subject: Re:
"GERRY": Generally on something like that, I think it is best left up to the moderators of that board.

It should definitely not be argued about on that board, though. It should be dealt with by PM, and if that doesn't resolve it to your satisfaction, then you should go to the Global Moderators.

18. May 2009, 00:02:38
There seem's to be a problem on tournament board on what you can post & can't about font size Is there a rule on this? Because some like it & some don't

17. May 2009, 22:18:23
joshi tm 
On the Achievement page, please add the nmost recent added achievements too please.

17. May 2009, 12:41:18
Subject: Re: new chess variant
nodnarbo: Personally i think its sounds a good game. As i was reading i was wandering about what you mentioned further down, should the piece wearing the Armour, be known or not.

I would say no, even with the check position happening, this should just make you think more

Sounds good to me.

AbigailII:Have to agree with some of the boring games that are just implemented here. I think someone should go back through Feature requests and collate any games that have been asked for or created suggestions. Then maybe one a week, a game could be discussed and even polled for.

That would at least find what people prefer, whether it is implemented or not

17. May 2009, 12:15:41
Subject: Re: new chess variant
nodnarbo: Did you play test this? Extensively? We've seen several five minute ideas implemented here which either turned out to be quite boring games (Frog legs for instance), or needing (repeated) quite drastic rule changes to make the game more balanced (Cheversi for instance).

I rather see different games (I've posted many suggestions in the past) that yet another chess variant.

17. May 2009, 11:45:04
Subject: Re:
rod03801: I have a great idea, how about you just hit the forward button and it tells you where to go

It must know where the boats are

Back to reality

17. May 2009, 00:04:48
Herlock Sholmes 
Subject: Re: new chess variant
nodnarbo: I think it's an interesting concept ...

16. May 2009, 23:45:41
Subject: new chess variant
I know we have too many chess variants already, but I thought of another interesting variant that would give a new spin on the traditional chess strategy.
It would be called Armor Chess, because the only different rule is that each player starts out with one piece of armor. on the first turn of the game they choose one piece to wear the armor for that game. That piece then will not be captured the first time it is attacked by an opponent's piece. Instead the armor will protect it and it will capture the attacking piece. Once this has happened once, the armor is used up and that piece is not like a normal piece and will be captured the next time it is attacked.
notes: Because the king is never technically captured, just put into checkmate, you cannot give the armor to the king. Also, my first thought was to make the armored piece unknown to the opponent, but that would cause certain difficulties, mostly with a check situation where you try to capture a piece to take the king out of check, but that piece does not end up being captured, so I think the armor would be visible to the opponent.

any thoughts?

16. May 2009, 20:55:16
Subject: Re:
martes: Let's say I just chose A1, B2, C3, D4 and E6, but I meant to choose E5. I simply hit the back arrow on my browser, and I then choose E5.

Honest, try it, LOL, your computer won't explode!

16. May 2009, 20:50:45
Subject: Re:
martes: No, I use my back button in that situation all the time. If I'm on my 5th shot of Battleboats plus, and I want to take it back, I just use "back" and I can simply make my 5th shot again.

16. May 2009, 20:44:23
Subject: Re:
martes: are you sure bout that surely it just cancels the move youve just made

16. May 2009, 20:34:40
Subject: Re:
martes: just press the back button on your browser

13. May 2009, 22:23:13
Subject: Re: Tournaments
rabbitoid: I was specially curious to know more information about that because tournaments with brains. In this particular case could be declared a winner, but would be necessary to know the first, second and third place to be given brains, before all games are finished, or for give brains would be necessary wait by the end of all games. It was this my point/question.

Maybe one day, your dream could be real.

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