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26. May 2005, 11:00:06
Subject: Still about the multilingual DB's
Would it be possible to view multiple languages at once without seeing them all?
Right now I want to see the portuguese and the english DB's. When they come along I'll probably want to check out the french and italian ones as well... But I don't care about the german or the slovakian ones (because I know I won't understand them).

I was thinking of something on the lines of choosing my favourite languages (maybe in settings?) and then an option to see all foruns from my favourite languages... or replacing the combobox that there is now with a bunch of checkboxes near each flag or something?

Oh and while I'm at it, maybe the slovakian flag at the top right of the page could use with a grey border line like the chzeck one does... otherwise it fades against the background and seems smaller than the others

24. May 2005, 11:44:36
Subject: Re: Suggestions for the "Finished games" table on the profile pages.
AbigailII: One more:

  • add sorting options for that table</li>

23. May 2005, 19:04:24
Subject: Invitations
Could we please see the date when a game invitation was placed? Sometimes it would be a usefull information to know how long I had an invitation pending before withrawing it.

Oh, and why is it that when viewing a game invitation I placed for an opponent I am shown a message stating that I cannot create a new game because I'm a pawn and am out of free slots? The game is already created, that's no longer a problem ;)

18. May 2005, 15:33:53
Subject: Re:
Fencer: I wouldn't know, I'm not on a slow connection right now, my pages load way to fast to reproduce it :)
but looking for the source code of the page, I can see you did as I suggested. If it still happens to me again, I'll make sure to tell you.


18. May 2005, 15:01:54
Subject: Request for slower connections
This may be a bit technical for some, sorry for that:

On the DoMove page, when you submit the move you are making on a game, the submit button is before the combobox and a few other input values. One of those inputs is the game ID (g).
On a slow connection, because of the combobox options, the submit button is sometimes visible before the end of the form. When I'm on a really slow connection (which luckily doesn't happen often) impacient as I am, I click the submit button when it shows, before the rest of the form has been sent to my browser. In this situation I get sent back to the main page and no move is made. I then have to reload the whole board and do my move once again.
I'm not sure if the option in the combobox is absolutely necessary for the move to be submited but I'd say that the game id definitelly is ;)

So could the hidden input with the game id be placed before the submit button? Maybe this nasty side effect would go away...

17. May 2005, 15:02:57
Subject: More profile info
I know, I know... I was one of those that suggested profile infor should be split accross multiple pages. And I think it's better this way.
But I'd like to see on the main profile page some info about the players favourite games / games (s)he's best at. Something like "Top 5 most played" or "Top 5 BKR".

This way I would know in a snap which game to challenge them to.

Or, as an alternative, place the "Invite this player to a game of..." option in the "Finished Games" page of the profile

14. May 2005, 18:42:15
Subject: Re: feature complete undercover
chessmec: I think JamesHird said it all - the more people appear online the better. And I do like to know about online players to play against... even if they don't

14. May 2005, 16:56:47
Subject: Re: There are reasons
JamesHird: But that way you'd know when you're on someone's friends list ;)

On this issue: there is only one thing cloak mode has messed up for me - I can no longer say when a player is really online, visiting several pages on the site or just on the homepage with auto-refresh on and probably a mile away from the computer. Can't a player just go offline when (s)he's more than 5 min visiting the same page? I don't think autorefresh should give a player online status just because the page is constantly reloaded...

Apart from that, cloacked or non cloaked you're still all invited to play against me

12. May 2005, 11:22:12
Subject: Menu options
Can the menu entries on the left (or top) have a slightly bigger space between them? This would be helpful for those links that wrap around and occupy 2 lines - they look like two separate menu entries and that may not always be obvious, leading to confusion.

I'm used to it by now and know the place of every option by heart. But for newcomers it might help a little.

7. May 2005, 19:46:36
Subject: Re:
Bry: You mean something like going to that players profile and checking the finished games eventually selecting the link "Show all finished games aginst me" (or whatever it says in english)

Is this what you mean?

7. May 2005, 11:26:55
Subject: Re: Castle - en passent
Daniel Snyder: Most of those game's rules state
All rules are the same as chess except...

So, unless castling or en passant are mentioned as exceptions, you should assume they are allowed.

6. May 2005, 23:12:02
Subject: Re: Buy a brain
grenv: You can.. There are a few for sale here

6. May 2005, 23:04:22
Subject: Re: Re:Vaction Days
Universal Eyes: so you could autovacation all year long? no thank you :P

6. May 2005, 10:19:27
Subject: Re: Automatic Vacations
Hannelore: maybe (s)he was just given extra days because the timeouts occurred in one of his/her weekend days...?
Or maybe (s)he really is in vacation. In this case in his/her profile it should say that that player has vacations set for so and so days

2. May 2005, 00:43:42
Subject: Game notes
When adding a note to a game, the ability to clear some of the previous ones would be most welcome.
Or simpler yet: a check box by the submit button that, when selected, cleared the note box before adding the new note.

27. April 2005, 23:50:49
Subject: Glob status
I'd like to suggest that the BK Staff page had the online indicators near the globs names like most pages on this site do. For those moments when you need a quick response, it would be a lot easier to find out who are the glob that are online at the moment without having to go through each of their profiles to find out when their last move was.

27. April 2005, 10:55:21
Subject: Re: Bigger and better Smiley Icons
AbigailII: ... you'd risk not understanding any conversations - Nowadays half the posts have smiles in them

23. April 2005, 16:32:01
Subject: Re: Smileys
wayney: I know that. I even have that page always open on a separate tabon my browser. And that's the smile list I was refering to.
But if you look closely, you won't see this one there yet...

23. April 2005, 15:19:38
grenv: Some games, even with one day per move option can last for more than a year (AntiBG come to mind, for instance, and some Espionage games might qualify as well). The no vacation seems a bit harsh in these cases, and what's the fun in knowing the 2004 WORLD CHAMPION in mid 2005?

23. April 2005, 15:14:41
Subject: Re:
Chessmaster1000 & 657: becoming more than a pawn is not an option for me right now. Maybe in a year or so...

Fencer: Thanks

23. April 2005, 14:22:32
Subject: 2 in 1
1. Can someone tell me what type of smile a (141) is? I already saw it in two messages and in both of them it could either an insult or a joke or I'm being teased to look for a smile that just doesn't exist - I don't know. And I'd like to.

2. Can the smile list be updated automatically whenever new smiles are added? I can live with not seeing the smiles in realtime, but if people keep sending them to me in messages, I sure would like to know what they're talking about

23. April 2005, 14:12:54
ClayNashvilleTn: You can already see if the player is ranked first in the game type by looking nextto his/her name. By the BKR there's always the ranking position.

18. April 2005, 18:17:03
Subject: Re: rating positions
Luke Skywalker: I think even they should be sorted by the value of that ratio and not by the absolute ranking position.

15. April 2005, 02:18:48
Subject: Games messages
Can the message written when accepting an invitation show up in the message archive, under the game board?
Sometimes I send a nice message along with the invitation and never get to see what (or if) my opponent answered.

11. April 2005, 18:06:55
Subject: Re: Re:
Fencer: Aggreed. But I don't think it's the best sort criteria in this particular case. Unless, of course, you're Czech, American or English

11. April 2005, 11:56:06
On the player list page,the country combobox should be sorted alphabetically instead of by number of members. It makes it very hard to search for a particular country that way.

6. April 2005, 15:49:19
Subject: Re: Multi-game tournaments.
grenv: And mine. Even though I'm wondering if it would be made available for pawns (with game slot limitations and all - I guess it could happen for 2 or 3 game type tournaments).
Anyway, if not, one more incentive for some pawns to become paying members

6. April 2005, 14:37:23
Subject: Forward message
Is it to hard to implement message forwarding? I've been forwarding quite a few messages this morning and it's getting tiresome, having to copy / paste it over and over again...

6. April 2005, 10:24:32
Subject: Re: Multilanguage DB's
Fencer: I thought so! But thought I reminded you, just in case ;)

6. April 2005, 10:19:30
Subject: Multilanguage DB's
I know there aren't any portuguese DB's (yet). But since I've changed my language to portuguese I have only two options: either don't see any DB's at all (since there are no portuguese - yet), or see all language DB's.
Would it be possible to select to see only the DB's in the languages we'd be interested in?

23. March 2005, 02:53:14
Subject: Re: Re:
MidnightMcMedic: I don't think it would work on DB's. Just imagine someone with 100 posts per page, trying to keep up with a 3 min refresh, after returning from vacation and trying to read the 76 new posts on his/her favourite DB... It would be a nightmare :)

But I like the idea for the online opponents page... it's the page I hang around most of the time waiting for my opponents to play.

22. March 2005, 19:49:27
Subject: Re:
ScarletRose: Why don't you just take a couple of games each... and play them! Now that would be something new, for a change! People actually playing to solve their problems

22. March 2005, 19:36:31
Subject: Re: maybe a fair way to deal...
nobleheart: One of the things I like about BK is the fact that it has no limits on games (if I was a rook that is). Don't try to take it away... Especially since there are times when there are so few games available to choose from (wait till August and you'll see ;) )

The best thing I think is improving (creating?) some filter funcions on the waiting game page.
Or accepting multiple invitations in one step - people would only need to waddle through the whole list one time for a while, instead of having to come back to that page

21. March 2005, 18:18:33
Deja vu? :)

21. March 2005, 16:06:52
Subject: Re:
Stevie: The more features you "hide" from pawns, the less tempted they'll feel to subscribe...
That said, if you want to remove those pics, fine by me... my bandwith appreciates it * 1 *

21. March 2005, 16:04:05
Subject: Re: Game types and variants
AbigailII: The statistics pages contains a list of players with their BKR sum.
Yep, but they don't necessarilly have played all game types. Or at least be rated in them all. I see most don't.

Anyway it wasn't that a serious wish ;)

21. March 2005, 12:20:42
Subject: Re: Limit number of game invitations
Fencer: Can you please consider the ability to accept multiple invitations at once when you implement those changes? ;)

20. March 2005, 23:44:21
Subject: Re:
grenv: Thanks for the spell-checking * 551 *

20. March 2005, 23:32:38
Subject: Re: Game types and variants
grenv: You see? And I think there are at least three very different types of BG here at BK :)

20. March 2005, 23:26:28
Subject: Re: Game types and variants
Czuch Chuckers:
- It is possible for a player to loose most of his games against great players and so have a BKR better than a player who wins most of his games against weaker players
- It is possible for a player to make lots of multi-jumps on froglet and still have less moves per day than a player who had lots of forced moves on checkers and needed only half the clicks to get there
- it is possible for a player to throw only double-6 at backgamon and still loose the game
- it is possible for the candidate for president in the USA and other electoral systems to have less votes and still be elected
- ...
- it is possible for a player to have fairly good BKR at most of his 40 ranked game types and still not make it to the list of a player of only plays 11 totally different game types

No matter what you do to make a system fair, there will still be the possibility to skew the results. If you go through that list of top players, you'll find out most of them have games from fairly different types. Different game types have different weights here - and if you consider chess I'd say there's at least 5 or 6 of them. Some games have more variants than others and some just are more biased than others. And no matter what you say, no two games are really alike.
I think the current list is just fine. It will be biased no matter how you rank it... Now, what I'd really like to know would be the average BKR of the player that is ranked in ALL game types. But I guess this list would just go blank whenever a new game type is introduced in BK... which on the other hand, would make the competition to be in that list really interesting :)

P.S: (please read "his or hers games" in all of the above . Girls are good players as well as boys)

17. March 2005, 11:38:37
(from previous message: )
"... But when someone POSTS a new message..."

17. March 2005, 11:37:30
Subject: Re: Re:
Hrqls: And it would take less time to implement than the time I've wasted copying and pasting links
And one more thing: the system is already capable of distinguishing if I have read or not the messages from previous screens - if I read only pages 3 and 2, all the messages on page 1 still display the "New" by them when I get to that page. So this wouldn't need change.
The only possible problem is if I read only pages 4 and 3 and then go away. The number of unread messages won't showup until there is a new message on that DB. But when someone pasts a new message the number will show the correct number of unread messages (11 in case of 5 per page), meaning that the system is well built ( to Fencer)
The only thing missing is the hability to jump to the first unread message...

17. March 2005, 11:04:44
And since we're talking about little red numbers, can the number of new posts by the DB name be made as a link to the first unread post?
Nowadays, I have to do it by hand - I copy the link of the db name, see how many new messages there are (the red number), paste the link in the address bar and add the text "&bms=XXX" (being XXX the largest multiple of 5 below the number of new messages - I have 5 messages per page).
If the link was added automatically when building the page, it would be swell

14. March 2005, 16:13:19
maybe a link to the FS could be added to the description of this DB? Just a thought...

3. March 2005, 21:57:25
it has been requested several times a wider player search feature with stuff like gender, age or nationality...

3. March 2005, 21:51:34
If you keep kids from PM'ing and other stuff, they'll just go to their profile and change their birth date to be able to...
If you keep adults from posting or reading on a teen board they'll just need to go to their profile and change their birth date so they can be able to...
There is no way to enforce stuff like these...

And what about mixing conversations from a teenager with conversations from 8 yeard old's? Isn't it kind of the same problem?

17. February 2005, 14:14:56
Subject: Re: Game suggestions.
AbigailII: Scrabble, only if you can select the language of the dictionary to play it with... Anyway, it would be a shame since one woulnd't be able to play a fair game with that good friend from Japan, that doesn't master the english language all that well...

What's mille?

9. February 2005, 19:50:58
Subject: Re:
ughaibu: Deleting a game is seldom needed. However, didn't it ever happen to you to accept an invitation only to find out later it was a 30-day move game? And the opponent never comes back to play? And on top of everything he's a rook and still has 30 autovacation days left?
So you're stuck with a game (or maybe you accepted two or three of the same guy) and you're a pawn and it means that you now get a slot stuck for a 2 or 3 months without being able to use it - resigning is not an option since it affects your BKR.

I'm exagerating a bit, of course, and it never happened to me (except for the autovacation part which I find a bit annoying... luckyly the 30 days should be over sometime by the end of this month) but it's the only justification I see for deletion

On the other end, there is a game on this site that can be finished in 3 moves... If I'm playing black and on the second move I see things are going bad for me I could delete it as things are now... And I think that's unfair too...

Oh what the heck, away with it...

2. February 2005, 14:36:24
Subject: Re:
farmer sam: This could even be an option in the user profile (set by default) instead of an option on that combobox where I think almost nobody would use it...
And it's probably not so hard to implement either: at the end of the move check if the next player has any moves available. If so then set a flag for the game. Then, when that user triggers the "find next game" algorithm this would first check for any games with this flag set (as long as the option was activated of course)
Is this feasible?

(Good idea sam)

26. January 2005, 11:23:05
Subject: Re:
Luke Skywalker: Now there's a concept: "I don't like it - make it for paying members only" [lol]

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