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 Feature requests

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18. April 2003, 17:50:24
I find it easier and quicker to click the goto game list, and then click on the game i want to play, rather than search a drop down. Drop downs seem to lose their value if there's more than 5 or 6 values. Just my 2c, and my usability lab agrees with me!

18. April 2003, 10:48:16
Subject: Re: Drop down list
A very logical thought even if i do say so myself lol
Happy Easter Fencer :-)

18. April 2003, 10:46:49
Subject: Re: Drop down list
MadMonkey: That's really cool idea :-) Maybe I could reduce all buttons to just one associated with an action combo box.

18. April 2003, 10:31:18
lilac fairy 
Subject: Re: Drop down list
Yes that sounds like a great idea monkey. Hear Hear Hear

18. April 2003, 10:21:50
Subject: Drop down list
I had a thought when playing through some games (strange eh lol).
I often getting messages sent to me about all sorts of stuff, but have to go to main page then message box to get there.
I was going to ask Fencer if there is a chance at the end of the game we are in to add one more box to say Move and go to Message box :-) BUT....
then i thought it may be better to have them all in one drop box
i.e. have Move and go to next game as default then
some others incuded in a drop list, so we could make a move and basically go to most the important places we need to on the site :-)

16. April 2003, 08:09:09
pete panda 
Subject: sabotage
can't you make different variations of the
sabotage game?call it war or land battle or
someting else.

16. April 2003, 07:57:45
Dmitri King 
Subject: Re: sabotage
it appears this might not happen. IYT has a copyright and they might not allow it on other sites.

16. April 2003, 07:41:48
pete panda 
Subject: sabotage
i would like 2 see the rush sabotage games at
this site

15. April 2003, 18:28:30 
Subject: Re: To All
I use up to 3-4 different computer in a day - and some of the computers have a "clean" boot from a boot image every time they are turned on - meaning no cookies, no nothing. No trace of any past activities. So I'm pretty sure it is not on my side.

15. April 2003, 17:35:11
Dmitri King 
Subject: To All
Do you refresh your browser pagewhen you load your brain King page? I have brain King set to a favorite place, and whne I load it, ti brings up thel ast page, exactly as it appeared. The (XX new) messages will appear as they duid athe last time I viewed the page. Then I hit refresh and it updates to the current status. I don't knopw if this would solve the problem or not for those who are having this problem.

15. April 2003, 16:58:52
Subject: Re: Problem seeing new messages
BBW I'm also having a problem similar to this. It happens for all boards(however only at times).Another problem is that it says (xx)new and there may be many more than that.

15. April 2003, 16:06:30 
Subject: Re: Still having (XX new) problem with this board.
yea, it is pretty interesting. I'm not sure how this site keeps track of how many un-read messages in each board, but to me it just seems that possible the "counter" for me on the Feature board got corrupted or something - so it is not keeping the correct count.

And since it is not everyone, it has to be something just with my account, and not the board.

15. April 2003, 15:21:38
Subject: Still having (XX new) problem with this board.
So, it seems that some people have the problem and others don't... very interesting... :)

15. April 2003, 15:21:29 
Subject: Problem seeing new messages
Here is my current problem, which it seems it is not happing to many people - but for this board only, I do not see the (XX new messages) message which shows up next to the room when their are new messages.

This message does not appear in my Favourite Boards list, and does not appear when I click on the main "discussion boards" link.

One of the reasons I keep on bringing this up is I'm not sure if this is the only board I'm having this problem - it's the only board that I've noticed - and being a Moderator for some of the boards - I would hate for this feature to be "broke" on those boards also - or it might be weeks before I check on them....

Is anyone who mentioned that were also having problems with this way below still having this problem, or am I the only one now?

15. April 2003, 10:17:06
Subject: Tournaments
Fencer would it be possible so that when we close tournaments in a fellowship & ready to start them, that we stay within the fellowship rather than it jumping out & going instead to the main tournament board?

15. April 2003, 03:52:03
Yep, mine are alphabetical now too! Yay Fencer!! :-)
I've never had a problem with the (XX new) not being beside any of the boards...

14. April 2003, 16:42:56
Subject: Re: better now
i had the (XX) new messages there BBW

14. April 2003, 16:11:22 
Subject: better now
My boards are now in alphabetically order - But I'm still not getting the (XX new) next to this board.

All the other boards, I get the (XX new), but just not this one.

14. April 2003, 15:50:32
Is it better now?

14. April 2003, 04:19:12
Subject: Re:
Count me in to My Favorites Tank Battle is above Freatured Requuests and Backgammon & Nackgammon are at the bottom

13. April 2003, 15:24:38
I will look at it. The strange behaviour is probably the result of several recent database changes.

13. April 2003, 02:06:16
I asked him why they seemed to be never in any particular order, and changed constantly, he said they should be alphabetical and he'd look into it. That's the last i heard of it.

They are not in any order for me either, and seem to change frequently, although not every day or anything.

12. April 2003, 16:33:50 
Subject: re: Help again
My favourites also were in different order today. It does not really bother me that they are not in alphabetically order, but if they start switching around - that does mess me up a little. (and when I still do not get notice of post in this message board - just have to come and keep looking for find them.)

12. April 2003, 15:26:05
Subject: Help again
Hi fencer
This is the second time writing about this on the boards and hopefully you will have time to reply to it this time.
The Favourite boards to the far right of our game pages.... I had originally asked if there was a way we could list them in the order we preferred.. as in alphabetically etc... today I notice when I came online they were in a different order then yesterday ( not alphabetically and not by most messages) any idea why they changed, how they changed or how I can change their order??


12. April 2003, 00:36:42
Subject: A request for tournament organizers.
I have not been on here much recently, so I don't know if this has been mentioned or not.
I would like to see those who are making tournaments give a descriptive name in the title of your tournament so we know what type of game (or games) will be played. I know that I like to play certain game types, and don't want to have to click on each tournament to see if the game I want to play is offered.
So, for example, rather than put something like "Stingers Rock'em Sock'em May Tournament", try naming it "Stingers Rock'em Sock'em Backgammon Tournament". If you have more than one game type, name it something like "Stinger's Rock'em Sock'em Tournament (All games)"...or if it is a specific style of game, try this..."Stinger's Rock'em Sock'em Tournament (All line games)".
This would help make finding an appropriate tournament a lot quicker and easier for me (and I'm sure a few others as well).

Thanks a bunch.

9. April 2003, 17:18:24
Subject: Re: Heh heh...
Seems I'm getting the same problem too, although it appears to be intermittent. Doing a refresh helps, not sure if thats consistent either.

9. April 2003, 17:03:01
Subject: Heh heh...
I was just getting ready to post a message here about the fact that I don't see a count of new messages when there actually are new messages here! As I am catching up on the messages, I see a couple posts about it!

Anyways, just wanted to say, ME TOO!

So far, I have only noticed that this board has the problem. I have grown used to just checking it periodically, since I know something will be new and I won't be notified of it...

9. April 2003, 15:23:23 
Subject: re: problem
A board just for bugs and errors would be good. I started posting the current bug since it affected this board (for me at least)

And no, removing and re-adding did not fix the problem for me.

9. April 2003, 09:29:09
Subject: Re: problem
Fencer, would it be possible to have a board specifically for posting bugs and errors or should we be posting queries like the one below on the board? It would surely seem logical to have queries and bugs directed to one board in particular, for ease of finding what the bugs are and also to get some idea if more than one person is experiencing the same bug.

Just a thought. How about a bug-board? :)

Keep up the good work Fencer. It's so refreshing to see a site owned and run by someone so conscientious and efficient!


9. April 2003, 09:19:25
Subject: Re: problem
Having the same problem here BBW, but with several of my favourite boards not just this one.

Even after I removed them and re-added them, problem still persists.

Did doing that it solve it for you?


9. April 2003, 04:39:05
Subject: Re: re: problem
I got the hint. LOL. If that was your only problem then you are lucky. LOL

9. April 2003, 04:35:27 
Subject: re: problem
Hum... it must just be me... (and of course I did not know there was a new message in here until I come and look!) Ugh!

Well I just removed this board from my favourite boards, and re-added. Now just to wait for someone to post a new message here (HINT HINT) and I'll see if that helped fix my problem. :-)

9. April 2003, 04:04:20
Subject: Re: problem
Sorry BBW mine is working just fine.

9. April 2003, 04:00:00 
Subject: problem
I have this board on my "Favourite boards" list, but for some reason - I do not get the "XX new messages" for this board.

I seems to be working for the rest of my favourite boards, but not this one.

Anyone else having this problem?

9. April 2003, 01:45:53
Frodo Hobbit 
Subject: Re: An Idea for Chess
jondownie: I agree about the pgn thing...

I'd like to evaluate my games

9. April 2003, 00:48:52
Subject: winners
me neither. I didn't know i won the 5-in-line or the backgammon. Too lazy to check I suppose, lol.

8. April 2003, 21:44:39
Subject: Re: Winners
WOW that is a kool page.. I had no idea I had won that many tournies.. Never had a clue! neato!

8. April 2003, 18:57:58
Subject: Re: Winners
Very nicely done!!

8. April 2003, 18:57:03
Dmitri King 
Subject: Question for Fencer
I was wondering what your plan is for the greyed out search function. I have a suggestion, if this isn't what you are already planning. I would like to be able to type in the game number of a game and hit search andh ave theg ame load. That way when someone says "check out this great game of pente that I played" I can easily do so.

8. April 2003, 17:41:34
jondownie: Sure, later. It is at my TODO list.
Pioneer54: I've just added Winners page, check it out. I will improve it later.

7. April 2003, 21:47:53
Subject: Re: re: Winner of a tournament
I think not only should each game type have a separate list of tmt. winners, but after many of them an exclusive list should be initiated showing the most prolific winners in each game type, and maybe one including ALL tmts. It doesn't seem like it would be that hard to arrange.... I made a similar proposal to IYT some time ago, but (as usual) they ignored it

7. April 2003, 18:14:42
Subject: Re: An Idea for Chess
Can we have pgn files of finsihed chess games please. It can't be that hard.

7. April 2003, 18:07:31
Dmitri King 
Subject: Re: re: Winner of a tournament
there should be a page iof tournament winners, as there is at IYT.

7. April 2003, 17:23:18 
Subject: re: Winner of a tournament
Well I was getting ready to write what tournament(s) I win in my profile.... but if there was a list in our profile of tournament wins, that would be nice.. (and save me time in editing my profile) :-)

Currently I don't think anything happens of special when you win a tournament - unless you go search the finished tournaments, you name is now in yellow! :-)

7. April 2003, 17:07:42
Subject: Re: Winner of a tournament
Good point BBW, what does happen if we win a Tournament (not that i will lol), does something show in our profile or anywhere ??
Would be nice if it could be shown somewhere, maybe a seperate board 'hall of Fame' ?? who knows :)

7. April 2003, 17:00:07 
Subject: plus additional very small problem
I found the "finished tournament" that I was in on the bottom of the Tournament list page.

When I went to my profile, and choose only to look at "finished" tournaments, Nothing shows up.

Just thought I would mention it so you can look at it when you have some time!


7. April 2003, 16:55:54 
Subject: Winner of a tournament
I think it would be nice if the winner of a tournament to get a message saying "congrates on winning" or something".

Why I say that is I usually just play games, and I don't really pay attention on how I'm doing in the tournament. As I look through some of the past tournament, I noticed I won one of them - Cool! I can see how I could have missed this if I did not go searching.... and will get worse as more tournaments finish and the list gets longer and longer.

Just an idea... thanks, and keep up the good work!


6. April 2003, 19:54:24
Back Soon 
Subject: Re: Checkbox invites
Think yourself lucky you get so many invites!!! lol :oD

6. April 2003, 19:24:13
Subject: Checkbox invites
Any way to possibly do the invitation games like the message page… meaning instead of having to accept each or decline each, then move on to the next… there could be a checkbox beside each invite that you could check off and then click either accept or decline? Would save the hassel of having to do one at a time.

Just a suggestion.

6. April 2003, 13:37:50
Subject: An Idea for Chess
Please could we have a link where we can get the .pgn for the games we play. This is a highly useful feature of as it allows you to run th ames through all major chess programs so you can improve.

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