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31. December 2015, 04:19:42
Subject: Re: Tournament prizes
Marshmud: ya after I got married I got busy and forgot my password. Back now though.

31. December 2015, 01:53:43
Subject: Tournament prizes
Modified by mctrivia (31. December 2015, 01:55:27)
Would like the option of setting the prize to a year membership instead of just brains. Put a minimum number of players(please increase to 30+) and if more then minimum enter the cost to enter starts to drop for each member in the game.

Right now the only option is set at 100 entry for a tournament like this. Free 1 Year Membership for first 2 places but there is no reason it couldn't be cheaper if 100 want to play.

Final prize should still be brains though just of the amount needed for membership

3. December 2008, 15:31:44
Subject: Re:
AbigailII: nope this is not true. If you want proof that games can be copyright. Look at Scrabble. Hasbro/Mattel have successfully shut down every major copy cat game. scrabulous for example.

12. November 2008, 23:39:05
Subject: Re: Customizable sidebar
Vikings: true but what if you normally want your favourites but not always? with css you can hide reshow at other times. I just went down each part and made a script to allow you to remove what ever you wanted. what you do with it is up to you.

12. November 2008, 20:04:57
Subject: Re: Customizable sidebar
Vikings: unless things have changed you can only turn off the whole side bar. It is far better to have it server side but I just make programs to help people fill requests in the temporary.

12. November 2008, 02:30:01
Subject: Re: Customizable sidebar

6. November 2008, 00:54:45
Subject: Re: Fencer's business strategy (not Mad Monkey)
Vikings: that is a good point.

All: I think we have gotten a little off topic. For myself I will not post more on this topic.

6. November 2008, 00:41:12
Subject: Re: Fencer's business strategy (not Mad Monkey)
KnightFighter: true he has to do nothing. but this is the request board. people make and debate request here. not weather fencer truely has to make them.

6. November 2008, 00:17:02
Subject: Re: Fencer's business strategy (not Mad Monkey)
Fencer: if you want to act like that you should be willing to refund people's memberships. Those of us that paid for longer memeberships have done so believing you will continue to grant the same services you have in the past. You are not obligated to add anything more but to take away the major privileges of posting in public forums is breaking the trust and reason people signed up.

To say his messages were off topic would be fair though.

KnightFighter: Playing games is something I do for fun. I work some times 40 hours a week some times 80. I can't promise to get on a sight every day of the week as some times my job requires me to travel so I pick 7 days because I know I can play it. I usually play in 1 though. But it is possible at 7 days for a game to take months or years and I can't post pone my honeymoon next year because of a game I started this year. My point was just that the most vacation days this site even offers is 50 so how does someone use 120.

5. November 2008, 14:37:20
Subject: Re: Time limits
Fencer: i can't play no vacation games because I like to take vacations some times and work forces me to keep to 7 days per move. I don't care if someone takes 40 days of vacations +7 days to make his first move. I would care though if he took 120 days of vacations to make his first move. There needs to be a feesible limit of say no more then 40 days vacation can be used in 1 game in a 6 month time frame. For most people this would not effect what so ever since they do not get that many days off but would fix those that abuse the sites.

Pedro Martínez:
a life time member does not meen they are happy with a site. There was a time when Fencer was happy to fix bugs take suggestions and even if he did not want to do something he was nice about it. I liked these qualities in him and bought a life time membership. I was fooled though because the things I liked most about this site are no longer here. The only good thing about it is there are still lots of great people in fellowships to chat with. sadly many are slowly choosing to leave when there memberships run out.

Fencer: Do not take the above wrong I do not mean it as a personal attak against you. I do not know what sircumstances are in your life and can completely understand being busy(I have not updated in several months). The time limit problem does not even effect me. I am just trying to push that some fix needs to be made to stop people from using unlimited days off in a row. Maybe even something as simple as adding an abuse button so people can report games they think people are abusing vacation time.

5. November 2008, 00:53:10
Subject: Re: Time limits
Fencer: i do beleive the example given was a 3day/move game where a player has not moved at all in 4 months. 3 days is a fast game and 4 months no moves should be a forfit.

4. November 2008, 23:04:33
Subject: Re: Time limits
Fencer: it is good that you speak your mind and the truth but the fact a fast tournament has been held up for 4 months because someone has not made a single move and has some how not even timed out means you have a serious bug on your site that needs to be fixed. Those complaining here are mainly just upset it seems you do not want to fix it. Addressing the situation and explaining that you will spend some time to fix it will make people happy. Telling them you don't see any reason to fix a bug that makes it so they can not continue a game will make them upset.

23. October 2008, 06:26:23
Subject: Re: speed rating could help in tournament games if you can set an upper limit to what your rating should be to get in to a tournament.

21. October 2008, 18:11:31
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: nope not fair but unfortnetly there is always a down side to changing the vacation rules. someone will be un happy no matter what. My proposal of giving people a speed rating they can use to see if they want to play a game with someone has no downsides because it is not changing things just giving us more information to make intelligent decisions by. It will not guarantee a game will go fast but will at least let you avoid those chronic dodlers if you care. If such a system is implemented then you should be able to set limits for games and tournaments.

19. October 2008, 10:23:05
Subject: Re: Game suggestion: Yavalath
UzzyLady: i to try to get internet connection on road trips and can play a few games occasionally but not all[well usually. right now I have goten rid of most of my games]

18. October 2008, 02:46:17
Subject: Re: Vacation Suggestion
AbigailII: I think what you really need is a speed rating of each player.

Something that before excepting a game with someone will tell you weather or not they will likely on average play daily or wait until the last possible second.

This value should be:
*boldly shown on the screen where you accept games.
*calculated independently for each game(I play ludo games quicker then say chess games) as well as an overal show in the format [this game/all games] ? should be used if no games of that type have been played for a while.

Suggested formula to calculate:
1) 10*average time taken/average time allowed shown to 1 decimal.
2) average number of days/move shown to 1 decimal.

in each of these systems lower number means faster players. for method 1 players could get values greater then 10 if they often take advantage of weekends and vacations as formula should just compute based on time restraints shown.

I.E. 5 day with vacation and weekend would give you
*14.0 if you waited to the last second without using vacation time
*16.0 if you used up 1 vacation day for each move you made also
*1.9 if on average you played 1 move a day but took a week off every 4th week

17. October 2008, 04:29:00
Subject: Re: Game suggestion: Yavalath
MadMonkey: well that can happen but does not have to.

17. October 2008, 03:23:02
Subject: Re: Game suggestion: Yavalath
AbigailII: true but you can set time limits shorter for those games and not allow vacations.

16. August 2008, 17:26:48
Subject: Re: 3rd party app
Fencer: true. I did not say you were wrong with your not supporting 3rd party just in your statement that they do not bring in revenue.

15. August 2008, 21:30:13
Subject: 3rd party app
Modified by mctrivia (15. August 2008, 21:31:38)
I agree there are many parts to running a business other then just programing. But you are wrong about 3rd party apps not bringing in revenue.

*Facebook app may not have directly brought you revenue but it brought in new members and new users to your site.

*Autoplayer makes users happier and more likely to keep wanting to play and pay for memberships.

* and be imbeded into your site allowing for you to make money through advertisement like facebook does with 3rd party apps as well as giving your paying customers something to keep them ocupied and happy when they are waiting for other users to make there move.

Sites like facebook would be nothing without 3rd party apps. It is the 3rd party apps that keep people coming, playing, and spending more then 1 min a day on the site. I will not say I am an expert in any way. All my web sites lose money daily but they are fun to work on and hopefully with hard work will at least break even some day.

14. August 2008, 04:36:47
Subject: Re:
Modified by mctrivia (14. August 2008, 04:39:02) Well my program was open source so anyone could see that I had know hidden spyware systems encoded into it(well those that can model through Java). The only comunication with my servers was an update system to prevent damage do to fencer changing the code. But I was always an advocite for Fencer to implement it on his own site. I made it because I saw a need and Fencer refused to fill it(Current autpass system is not good enough it demands both parties agree to use it when either should have the choice.)

There was a time when Fencer was extremly healpful with trying to make 3rd party apps. He created many feed systems for use with the facebook app but he eventually stoped helping when trying to add more complex options to the app in favour of creating his own group.

Czuch: I agree about the pay to click campain. sure it can be very profitable for him since he has lots of people doing it but it does not help us out by giving us more to play.

13. August 2008, 14:56:56
Subject: Re:
MadMonkey: as for fixing mine with Fencers help sure but everything I can see points to Fencer blocking the program intensionally. The other problem is I am a comercial electrician and this is my busiest time of year so I am working about 60 hours a week. For now if people want to play fast games of ludo use

Snoopy: that is fine that you don't want it. But the number of users that used my program is pretty high considering it required giving
me there password to work. There is more that were using my other version that ran on your home computer and did not require you to give me your password. Can't count how many that was but over 1000 downloads of the program were done.

13. August 2008, 05:15:59
major featur requests people have requested(to the best of my knowledge):
1) Increase speed(fencer is working on now)
2) add autopass and automove(I had a program doing this but it does not work anymore because of some change fencer has made. currently fencer has a system but it is severly lacking)
3) byes in elimination tournaments to allow for non powere of 2 games.
4) tornament go to next round if open games can't effect result.

These are the big ones I can think about that keep getting asked for over and over.

15. June 2008, 23:12:11
Subject: Re: having fun
Modified by mctrivia (15. June 2008, 23:13:01)
ScorpionOct64: 1) Just because someone can come on here does not mean they have there own computer. They may be at the library.
2) You can get a cheap laptop for under $300 here in canada
3) Free membership does not mean they are taking advantage of a site. Sure paying membership makes more money then advertisment but Fencer stil makes something on the free members.

Fencer needs to take care of everyone paying and nonpaying. Some changes take more time then others to implement. Sure it would be nice if he gave us more feedback on what he is working on but in general he is pretty good at getting things done in a reasonable time frame and usually helpful in answering requests.

7. June 2008, 00:25:04
Subject: Re: That would be the best solution. MadMonkey's sugestion would be acceptable if Fencer refuses to do the bye system though. It realy is a problem especcially with trying to make tourneys for all games. some games like backgamon, and chess are very popular and you may get 128 people others though you may only get 7. There is no reason that both should not run if max was set to 128 and min to 4

19. May 2008, 19:30:15
Subject: Missing 1 player games
Well you mentioned in your blog that you are missing 1 player games. You can embed any of my games on into your site for people to play. No membership with me is required though they can win prizes if they do register. I will be adding more games in the near future to and you can embed those also when they come.

4. May 2008, 06:23:37
Auto Refresh System does not seem to update messages or games anymore.

2. May 2008, 19:06:31
Subject: Re: Random color
!Undertaker!:yes this is the wrong place but I can answer anyways.  It is destiny.  Random games are completely random what colour you get.  Just happens to be a coincidence in the few games you have played you just happened to get the same.  Believe it or not I once rolled 13 6s in a row( 1 in 2,821,109,907,456 odds rolling 13 dice).

25. April 2008, 02:17:55
Subject: Re: Feature request Actually sending another user a money order and having them pay through paypal is ilegal. It falls under money londering legislation. However I don't think anyone would care.

13. April 2008, 05:53:31
Subject: AI Ludo
Modified by mctrivia (13. April 2008, 05:55:04)
Well not to many wrote what they though of my ludo player on so I thought I would post it here. What do you think? Would you like it to be added into brainking? Would you like it to be encapsulated into a page like other game boards or just linked to it opening in a new tab?

Quick note: On is a working demo. If it were embedded or linked from then your game would be stored indefinitely(close and come back later your game will still be waiting) and your wins would give you a chance to win the current months prize.

9. April 2008, 15:19:00
Subject: Re: Disabling auto-refresh while editing text
Ceiter: that is true not sure what I was thinking.

9. April 2008, 09:33:14
Subject: Re: Disabling auto-refresh while editing text
Ceiter: using meta refresh the page will refresh after a period of time no matter what. On some pages fencer does not put the command in to refresh and there for it doesn't but it can't be removed after the page is already built. javascript refresh is very easy and can be stoped.

9. April 2008, 02:15:18
Subject: Re:
Antje: How about an X and O like i did for the mobile version of my ludo game. (must log into facebook first)

7. April 2008, 05:15:45
Subject: Re: Disabling auto-refresh while editing text
Ceiter: Not unless Fencer switches to a java based refresh system

3. April 2008, 15:25:30
Subject: Re: Show/Hide list
Andersp: there is remove the wall

27. March 2008, 14:23:31
Subject: Re: fellowships
Snoopy: great idea. you can use notepad as a workaround until fencer implemenets though

24. March 2008, 14:47:36
Subject: Re:
Stingette: It is a good idea. I don't think the country flags and fellowship flags are the same size though. This may cause problems.

22. March 2008, 22:58:19
Subject: Text Option
Would be nice if I could set brainking up to send me a text message when some one sends me a message with a short blurb of the begining of the message. Should also be able to set restrictions such as:

Only between 7AM and midnight local time
Not game invites
Not server messages
Only from Friends

stuff like that.

I sent you a message on how to send text to almost all north american cell companies phones. Anyone else have ideas on what other restrictions should be allowed?

10. March 2008, 11:48:52
Subject: Re: Still on Checkers
Modified by mctrivia (10. March 2008, 11:50:10)
Marfitalu: how about fencer make some kind of encoding system like [add checker rules here] so instead of seeing like checkers but ... you see all the checker rules in a little box labeled checker rules.

This way all 22 languages or so can very easily refrence other game rules.

10. March 2008, 09:17:51
Subject: Re: Dynamic refresh
Fencer: true easiest. but refreshing only when needed will reduce likely hood of the problem and still allow current game list to show. In case you are waiting for a game to play

10. March 2008, 01:34:28
Subject: Dynamic refresh
Ok the real time chat at the top is cool but you lose what you were typing when the page refreshes. My proposed dynamic refresh would fix this.

Feature requests (mctrivia, 2008-03-07 17:16:50)

7. March 2008, 17:16:50
Subject: Smart Refresh
If you used ajax to check if a game was updated every second and return a boolean yes no value. You could refresh the page only when the game board has changed quicker with less bandwidth used then doing the full page every 30sec. Does not work for mobile or webtv users but if you autodetect or make it an option could be a great feature. Real time game play could be possible with minimal code changes.

6. March 2008, 02:10:48
Subject: Star Trek Chess
I would like to see Star Trek Chess on here

not sure how you would lay out on 2d display but would be fun to play on here

1. March 2008, 00:58:08
Subject: Re: All those new games Thanks! But still no....
nabla: yep you are right did not think of that posibility. No problems with chess notation I like chess beter then checkers

29. February 2008, 16:32:29
Subject: Re: All those new games Thanks! But still no....
Czuch: none. Just a mater of when playing in reality you don't tend to pick them up until afterwards. The game play will work the same if you take them off after each jump.

28. February 2008, 02:33:06
How about a 3rd party user interface like facebook has so 3rd party apps can be designed more closely with the sight. Would be nice if people could sign up for my autoplayer just by pressing 1 button on your site then disable it also from a button on your site.

26. February 2008, 02:16:35
Subject: Re: Color-coded board frames I agree. Games with similar boards but very different rules like antichess and chess should have different colours or something to distinguish. Well that is a bad example because antichess does have a nice red boarder to let you know it is different.

23. February 2008, 07:29:42
Subject: Re: Leaving teams well 2 clicks is beter then the way i went but still have you have 10 teams you want to leave just clicking 10 check boxes then submiting it all at once would be nicer.

23. February 2008, 06:27:07
Subject: Leaving teams
On the fellowships tab under My Profile it lists all the felowships and teams you are on. Would be nice if there was checkboxs to remove yourself from this page instead of having to remember which you are in. go to the felowship page. find team on list. look who is on that team then select leave. for each team you want to leave. Leaving a fellowship not as big a pain but might as well add the feature while at it.

21. February 2008, 02:26:55
Subject: Re: Plakoto.
Fencer: if to many combinations you could make the pieces on the fly or just make the pieces with clear background and use css to overlap with the board.

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