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 Feature requests

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13. July 2005, 20:30:19
The Listener 
Subject: Re: Censorship
MidnightMcMedic: The request calls for an AUTOMATIC notification to be sent via PM to the Banned/Hidden User, with a reason attached. Kind of like the AUTOMATIC message you get when you join a pond. Since Fencer's name cannot be blocked, there should be no problem :)

Keyword, AUTOMATIC, not a message from Fencer himself (just so there's no future confusion).

This would be an ideal feature so even if a Mod is banning a user arbitrarily (as they sometimes do) there will haveta be some reason given. It is good for bringing the power-abusers to BK justice, whether they be a Poster or a Mod

12. July 2005, 23:16:50
The Listener 
Subject: Last but not Least
You can state your ideas on this board and argue until your nose turns blue. But unless Fencer finds them personally acceptable, they will not be implemented. Period.

12. July 2005, 23:13:46
The Listener 
Subject: Re: Censorship
Walter Montego: I support these two feature requests:

1) An Automatic Notification message sent via PM to posters who are Hidden/Banned, with a reason given.

2) A list of Banned/Hidden users, and Mods responsible, at the top of every board.

  Nothing more, nothing less :)

12. July 2005, 23:08:49
The Listener 
Subject: Re:
fungame: Understood. I still wonder why the Jokes board states to keep it 'family friendly' when I see many vulgar posts that go conveniently un-noticed by the Mods. While other regular posts are deleted willy nilly because the Mods don't agree, or have a personal vendetta against the poster(s).

Or perhaps breaking board rules is an unlisted feature for paying members?

12. July 2005, 22:53:45
The Listener 
Subject: Re:
fungame: Every feature implemented at BK concerns all members of this site, not just those with certain out-dated beliefs. Therefore, when deciding new features, everyone should be considered, regardless of nationality, race, religion, etc.

12. July 2005, 22:50:12
The Listener 
Subject: Re: Censorship
Walter Montego: Goodness, such verbosity! I cannot help but be touched :)

You know, you're about halfway correct. The elite are power-abusers. But also, such a feature regarding hidden posts, IMHO, should only be visible to the Moderators. There is no reason why a Non-Moderator should see them. How does this better anything? Looks like a frivolous excuse to drag more people in so they can 'Pay to see what's behind the mysterious veil!' -- It's none of anybody's business, unless you're a Moderator.

2 cents and a quarter
for you and your gallant crew

12. July 2005, 22:40:06
The Listener 
Parental lock? Don't make me laugh!
Kids don't even care! They already know about bad words and politics. Hell, probably more than the parents do

This isn't the 50's ya know :P

12. July 2005, 22:23:14
The Listener 
Subject: Re: Censorship
Walter Montego:
Q: Who are these elite that you speak of?

A: I could see a good argument for only letting paying members have the ability

You answered your own question

This part of your post:

I meant my feature request to apply to all users

Sounds much more fair. It would be nice if that was possible, but seeing as this site is run in an autocratic fashion, the feaure will most likely go to the elite, who also, btw, are capable of causing trouble just like the kiddies.

I DO, however, support your other idea about having a list of Banned and Hidden Users, and which Mod responsible at the top of every board. That seems like a logical addition. It would be a good way to solve alot of the corruption going on among certain Moderator circles as well. :)

12. July 2005, 21:57:44
The Listener 
Subject: Re: Censorship
Walter Montego: Mmmm, I think you're asking a little too much there, Walter. The whole idea for hiding the posts is to make it so only MODERATORS of that particular board can see them, and nobody else. Not to mention if your request was granted, it will be a feature available for the elite and therefore unfair to the rest of us.

I fully agree with chessmec, the 'ghost number' is a bug that should be corrected.

And an Automatic Notifier through PM to those who are Banned or Hidden, with a reason attached, should be added. See post: "ON Topic"

12. July 2005, 21:21:29
The Listener 
Subject: ON Topic
BIG BAD WOLF: What is the point of telling people there are new posts when they can't seem them? Doesn't that just confuse the poor souls?

My feature request is something else again -- I think there should be an automatic notification sent in a pm to the person who is banned/hidden, reason stated. And also when they are unbanned/unhidden, no reason required.

Fair idea, no?

12. July 2005, 21:18:15
The Listener 
Subject: Re: I see a ghost in a BK window
nobleheart: Heh, I'm banned from the general board, o well...

12. July 2005, 21:01:18
The Listener 
Subject: Re: [OT] strange ... but can me somebody explain this?
chessmec: Moderators hide people too. I'm sure they have thousands silenced. It's easier (for them) than having a debate. Just ignore the ghosties ;)

12. July 2005, 20:58:28
The Listener 
Subject: Re: If children learn to debate, then they will learn to think for themselves.
nobleheart: Kids would be better off with a sense of reality, life's gonna hit 'em eventually anyway. Parents should quit trying to get off the hook for raising their hoodlums by forcing others to stifle. Oh yeh, and TV is not a babysitter.

12. July 2005, 20:34:42
The Listener 
You can't win in an autocratic society

11. July 2005, 09:14:25
The Listener 
Subject: Re:
chessmec: They tend to hold personal vendettas as well. There are still certain boards that I'm banned from simply because I spoke out against their disorderly conduct.

11. July 2005, 07:55:35
The Listener 
Subject: Re:
nobleheart: This idea for a 'World Events' board has been both suggested and declined in the past.

Btw, you can't be a Co-Mod unless you pay for it.

I happen to think it'd be a good feature, so long as it was run fairly (no 'tiny tyrannies' for Mod regime). If such a board were created, the possibility for 'rants' would always be there, because most people can't hold a real debate without slinging mud in the other guy's face.
However, this also might draw in more potential customers into BK, a'cuz 'Everybody loves to watch the fights'

But.. it's up to Fencer, idinnit? :P

11. July 2005, 07:37:05
The Listener 
Right, BK Freedom of Speech, reserved for the elite :P

24. April 2005, 04:21:08
The Listener 
Subject: Re: Let Us Count the Ways
Rex Nihilo: Pheeeeuuuuwwwwwwwwww...
*Scratches pajama-bottoms - yawn*

24. April 2005, 04:14:47
The Listener 
Subject: Let Us Count the Ways

How corrupt is thee?
Let me count the ways.
Thee is corrupt to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when meetings are hell out of sight
For the ends do not justify the means of Being and ideal Grace.

Thee is corrupt to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light, by most arrogant greed
Thee is corrupt freely, as men strive for the most hideous Wrong;
Thee is corrupt purely, as they turn from Knowledge.
Thee is corrupt with a passion put to use
In their old griefs, and with their childhood's sadness

Thee is corrupt with a hatred seemed to lose
With their lost saints, --- thee is corrupt with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all their life! --- and, if God choose, they shall be served justice better after death

24. April 2005, 04:04:16
The Listener 
Subject: Re: Re:
Rex Nihilo: How corrupt is thee? Let me count the ways...

24. April 2005, 03:58:44
The Listener 
Subject: Re: Re:
Modified by The Listener (24. April 2005, 03:59:25)
BIG BAD WOLF: Like you've been told over and over and over again, any business that doesn't deal fairly with its customers (and potential customers) is doomed...

24. April 2005, 03:43:33
The Listener 
Subject: *sigh*
Modified by The Listener (24. April 2005, 03:46:12)
Lemme try this again -- We need Democracy around here. An Official Moderators' Council would be able to address EVERYONE'S grievances, not just Members. I'm talking about people who post.

24. April 2005, 03:38:59
The Listener 
Modified by The Listener (24. April 2005, 03:39:53)
A fellowship is great if you're a paying member. But it tends to single-out the Pawns :(

What we need is an Official Moderators' Council for EVERYONE

24. April 2005, 03:33:05
The Listener 
Subject: Moderators' Council
Modified by The Listener (24. April 2005, 03:36:31)
Hmmm, a 'Moderators' Council' -- Now that's an idea everyone could live with!
Sounds like Democracy ;)

24. April 2005, 03:10:53
The Listener 
Subject: 'Rules for the sake of Rules'
Modified by The Listener (24. April 2005, 03:13:02)
OptimistMB: Ok -- How do you propose we fix the problem then ?

24. April 2005, 02:36:25
The Listener 
Subject: Benefits of Moderator Reduction
Modified by The Listener (24. April 2005, 02:37:05)
Let's face it, there is no quick fix to 'problem-causers' in high places. BUT, Moderator Reduction is a good start, because it would greatly decrease the possibility for contradicting opinions among Mods, which does affect how a Moderator will act on any given situation. It would also ensure a better chance that many 'problem-causers' will be blocked out.

24. April 2005, 02:23:39
The Listener 
Subject: Whups, almost didn't mention the topic!
Modified by The Listener (24. April 2005, 02:28:57)
Aherm, yeh, Ladies and Gentlemen I shall like to bring up discussion on something which would help this site tremendously. It is called 'Moderator Reduction'.

Take the General Chat board for example, there are currently six (6) people Moderating that board. Now what would be so bad about taking that number down to just 3 (three) Moderators (including the Head-Mod) ?

And another suggestion (you don't have to implement it if you're in doubt) would be to put a limit on how many Co-Moderators can be appointed by the Head-Moderator. Perhaps only two extra Co-Mods could be allowed (just a shot in the dark)
This way we won't have so much Moderator-related clashing and things can get done more smoothly on the discussion boards!

What do ya think ?

24. April 2005, 01:59:33
The Listener 
Subject: re: ~*~

Test ease, test ease, 1 9 9, can you see the real me?

23. December 2004, 00:12:35
The Listener 
Modified by The Listener (23. December 2004, 00:13:14)
The emoticons !
But where's the peace smiley

29. August 2004, 04:20:35
The Listener 
Just don't ask that his majesty's court be re-painted :D *offers other lurkers some poppycorn*

18. July 2004, 05:51:51
The Listener 
Subject: No Sale
Modified by The Listener (18. July 2004, 11:23:48)
Music DB Solution:

Remove those who are power-hungry from power -- simple as that. Furthermore, don't let them get in power in the first place (if you can help it).

Far as the doity words go -- Much reason to believe there is a certain majority of folks here who are sooo afraid of theirselves that they feel it is entirely necessary to enforce and/or inflict their personal opinion(s) upon others who may disagree.

You could try to tell parents that keeping their kids from reality is more harmful than reality itself.
And that it's a much better idea to teach their kids about that stuff, instead of hiding it from them -- which will in turn make them more curious and end up lost & confused.

But this action would only serve to aggravate both you and the parents -- with no results.
You can't tell people how to raise their kids -- it's nearly impossible -- and it's also not your responsibility.

Adults telling adults how to act or think or speak is absolutely ridiculous and in most cases, quite arrogant -- Cut that out! :|

Lastly, the conduct of people on the Boards should be handled by natural common sense. If words are being used to hurt someone, then the sensible Moderator should give a warning to the offender(s). If the person seems extremely un-reasonable and hell-bent on making trouble then the sensible Moderator either hides or bans that individual, depending on the degree of the situation.

       That's my No Sale :D
             ~ SF

16. July 2004, 07:30:58
The Listener 
Subject: Re: Feature Request
I third...

15. July 2004, 10:43:14
The Listener 
Awwww, soomberdy kernt tache der tooth


15. July 2004, 02:05:24
The Listener 
Subject: Re: I must say shadow ... 0:)
hoy hoy hoy, dano z:)

14. July 2004, 21:52:00
The Listener 
Seriously tho, stats are for the boids :D (My opinions, I make 'em up.)

~ SF

14. July 2004, 21:50:19
The Listener 
I know it's discrimination, but I say we MOON (_|_) the Paying Members!!!

*evil laugh*

9. July 2004, 03:45:14
The Listener 
How about having each person's flag next to their username in DBs ?

             ~ SF

22. December 2003, 21:29:33
The Listener 
I happen to know Fencer is always trying his best to help this site and the people who play here.
I'm sure he's quite aware of the various situations pending and that BK V.2 is going to be satisfactory for both the rich and poor :·)

We'll see....

          ~ MS

21. December 2003, 01:05:34
The Listener 
Hey... you... the mall is open, why don't you go buy that last minute gift for that last minute invisible child ?

(Don't you just love those off-topic foolies? neither!)

13. December 2003, 04:34:28
The Listener 
Subject: BrainKing Checkers Graphics
Fencer, I have a friend who would love to come to this site and play Checkers. But the graphics for the pieces are rather confusing. Any chance this will be fixed in BK V.2?

          Thanksabunch :·)

             ~ MS

12. December 2003, 01:15:55
The Listener 
Subject: I think someone asked this question before...
But can anyone tell me if/when the 'Edit' and 'Delete' buttons will return to Pawns?

2. December 2003, 21:17:26
The Listener 
Subject: Just curious
When will the 'Edit' and 'Delete' buttons return to Pawns?

10. November 2003, 01:44:21
The Listener 
Happy B-Day Fencer!!!

Hope you have many fun times!
                  ~ MS

9. November 2003, 06:56:19
The Listener 
Subject: Re: Books DB
I noticed there has been a completely new board created for "Books & Stories". But what I actually had in mind was for the already existing "Books" DB to be modified (as before the crash) into "Books & Stories" (same description as previous message). Would really appreciate it!

    ~ MS

8. November 2003, 02:14:02
The Listener 
Subject: Books DB
I'm sure there are many on the site who miss the good ol' Story-Tag game.

Books & Stories

Join in a game of Story-Tag or post your thoughts about favourite authors & books!

Fencer, could you fix this board, please?

Thanks, :·)
~ MS

12. September 2003, 01:11:50
The Listener 
Subject: Re: The New Imposter Chess file
Whisperz: It sounds like you've got some good solutions there!

I was thinking that instead of making it optional for a player to place their returned piece, it could be an automatic reflex.

Example: The king is Imposterized, the piece is returned to its owner for immediate placing on the sqaure that is chosen by the opponent.

OR it could be made optional to place the piece immediately after it is Imposterized, and perhaps it could be sent to an "Extra Pieces" pile where the Imposterized pieces could be kept until such time they are used. Like having a secret attack plan!

Now we have a new debate, should the "Piece Return" rule be optional to the player OR automatic?

Magenta Spiral
Imposter Chess© Inventor

10. September 2003, 05:28:59
The Listener 
Subject: Re: The New Imposter Chess file
Whisperz: As Co-Exec of Imposter Chess I ask you for your help in supplying me with ideas for what in your opinion would be the best solution.

There has been a loop-hole discovered in your previous plan to return the piece to the board, where to place it?

So far, Fencer suggested a different approach to the problem of a player using the same captured piece on their King. Instead of returning the piece to its owner, it simply dissapears.

There's obviously a debate here, I'm now awaiting a top-notch version of this rule before I add anything more to the File. Got any ideas?

Magenta Spiral
Imposter Chess© Inventor

9. September 2003, 08:07:03
The Listener 
Subject: The New Imposter Chess file
Now you can read about this new Chess Variant here:

Whisperz: May I have your permission to publish your idea on this file along with the proper credit? Lemme know.

9. September 2003, 03:57:06
The Listener 
Subject: Re: chess variants
I had another look at and it has some pretty strict rules for new contributors. For instance, the rule that the Inventor or the friend of the Inventor cannot submit new Chess Variants to them. And that one saying the game must be around for at least a year is a real monkey-deal as well -- though I understand their reasons.

I guess me and my Co-Exec will just have to find another way for Imposter Chess to take flight. Perhaps Fencer could consider adding it on BK in the future? Of course we would make sure to have all the proper rules in place before it got that far -- but it's a nice dream.

Magenta Spiral
Imposter Chess Inventor

8. September 2003, 20:47:23
The Listener 
Subject: Re: Imposter Chess
Indeed we may, Whisperz :·)

I'm going to do some major research at that website, see if there's an easy way to publish this variant.

Magenta Spiral
Imposter Chess© Inventor

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