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 Feature requests

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8. May 2016, 14:37:45
Subject: Re: blocked users and discussion boards
crosseyed: Yes I do. However it doesn't do much good if I can see you on the boards.

8. May 2016, 14:36:05
Subject: Re: blocked users and discussion boards
Brian1971: Not to mention if you block someone a feature could be added to inform the person that they have been blocked by another user.

8. May 2016, 14:34:45
Subject: Re: blocked users and discussion boards
crosseyed: Yes as you would not be able to send them a message or play a game with them.

8. May 2016, 13:51:12
Subject: Re: blocked users and discussion boards
ThunderGr: I don't care what someone says behind my back on a board that I can't see. If someone wants to talk smack about someone when they know they cant see it that makes them look petty and cheap. If I have them blocked it because I do not want to hear from them or see what they have to say. That goes for anyone here. What good is it to block someone from games and personal messages if they can still poke you with a stick on the boards? That is my point is all.

8. May 2016, 03:17:04
Subject: blocked users and discussion boards
I do have a good suggestion that would eliminate fighting on these discussion boards. First if you have an issue with another player, block them so they cannot play games with you or message you. However I have found out that blocking them doesn't stop them from reading your discussion board messages or you reading theirs. So my suggestion is if you block someone they should not be able to read your messages and vice versa on the boards. If you do not see each other in any way then there is no way to provoke each other. It is easy to suggest just ignoring it, but we are human and we can be provoked and feel compelled to defend ourselves when attacked. That would be a great feature that I feel would cut back fighting between two people who don't get along and then you are also annoyed by anything they post that you don't agree with. I am not posting this to start a fight but for the benefit of everyone here as no one enjoys seeing the fights on discussion boards which I am guilty of being in the middle of as well.

7. December 2015, 18:43:14
Subject: Re: For All Games....
ketchuplover: It is funny how there a couple of players who do draw requests in games where there are no way to have a draw like backgammon and ships games. My thought is they just don't want to play the game anymore and are trying to end it without losing the game. Otherwise they are dumb or being an annoyance. If it is a player that always does this, I just ban them from playing games from me. I also ban players who take like 5 of the same games out of the waiting games area so I get stuck playing the same player and not a variety of players. I clearly post in the message to take one match per player at a time but some just don't care.

3. September 2006, 23:31:37
Subject: Re: Action point request
TeamBundy: This is true. I thought people came here to play games anyway.

3. September 2006, 23:21:02
Subject: Action point request
I have a request. For October why not reward tournament and pond game winners with bonus points. My thought would be 25 points for a tournament win and 10 points for a pond win or something like that.

5. July 2005, 02:14:25
Subject: holidays
There is always ways to get around holidays without having it as a website holiday. You can simply make game moves 2 days in length or use a vacation day. If we had a holiday day for every country who had a special day then there would hardly ever have a time out as the time out would be ignored due to a holiday.

5. March 2005, 06:11:14
Subject: Boost a pawn
If I am not mistaken this program doesnt exist at Brainking anymore. I thought it was a good idea. I know there are several players here want cash tournaments but wouldnt it be nice to combine cash tournaments with a boost a pawn program. It would be like a 50-50 deal. The total cash prize would be seperated into half going to the winner and the other half going to sponsor low income people who wish to have a membership for 6 months and then a reduced rate on another 6 months so they could get a year membership for the price of a of 6 months. This would be good for those who are skeptical to join as well a chance to get in for cheap and may prompt them to renew their membership at the regular rate thereafter.

18. January 2005, 19:59:23
Subject: Fencer
Thank you for outlining your reasons. I was asking for this all along. I wrote you a private message in response to it. I hope you will read the message and give it thought and maybe follow through on one of the ideas. For the masses thank you for putting up with my postings. One of the ideas I gave to Fencer was to post his reasons for autopass on the FAQ section so of anyone else brings it up they can be redirected there. ALso a brief explanation of what autopass is would be beneficial to go along with the reasons.

18. January 2005, 19:21:30
Subject: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: It is easy for you to say BBW. Fencer does many things that you ask for and doesnt ignore your ideas. You dont have to fight to be acknowledged. All I have asked for is soem kind of response from the head honcho about the subject I have brought up recently. I dont think that is asking for very much. If he can answer my request sufficiently sighting good reasons then I wont bring it up again. I am a paying member and thought that counted for something. I hear responses from everyone else but the man who can lay the issue to rest. Please Fencer respond in kind. It will put a quick end to the madness.

18. January 2005, 18:38:35
Subject: Hodgepodge
Ok I can understand removing posts that are way off topic for a certain board. I have absolutely no problems with that. I think that is a good thing so we dont have a bunch of pointless rambling going on that has nothing to do with the purpose of the board.

However a game request did come from yesterday's off topic chat. I suggested the the game of Risk or some variation of it. You could have different versions for differnet parts of the world such as a game just for Europe or North America or you can have the classic World domination style game. this would also advance of the idea of more than 2 players playing a game like the ponds idea.

Also it must be nice to threaten banning a paying member for keeping the autopass issue alive. Now I am not going to get on my soapbox about this. However I dont get why Fencer doesnt just outline a solid case against it for all of us or if he doesnt wish to do a public posting, he can just send out private messages to those who wish to ask for it. Make an outline, save it and when someone asks about it, just cut, copy and paste the outline to the asking party. I am looking at it from a customer service angle. Until the majority of masses who wish for this feature get a real answer for not having it, the subject will never be dead and buried. I would think if Fencer wants it dead and buried he would step up and lay it to rest once and for all. Ignoring it wont make it go away. Like I said I would accept a private message from him stating why he is against it. That way if I wanted to debate it with him I could in private and it wouldnt play out on the various boards. Now if I am banned or hidden for making this statement so be it but that is all I have to say on it for now.

Finally, since this is a request board, I have one regarding ponds. Is there a way we can have a section on our main page listing the ponds that we have signed up for but havent started yet. As a brain knight I have a limit of 50 games and like to know the total of outstanding games I have yet started. We could have a similar thing on our main page for tournament signups. It would help in planning my game spaces. Thank you. Now lets have fun playing games.

18. January 2005, 05:51:06
Subject: Re: One word
Vikings: banned for one word??? talk about thin skinned and afraid of a popular word among the masses. lol

17. January 2005, 21:30:30
Subject: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: Though this little geography lesson does lead to another request in having a some sort of Risk game on the site. You could have several using different parts of the world. So you could play one that fits where you live or play a worldwide domination version.

17. January 2005, 21:04:41
I am a flexible. No autopass for Hyper backgammon.

17. January 2005, 20:58:07
Subject: One word

16. January 2005, 20:07:43

2. January 2005, 18:20:33
Subject: Re:
Purple: Right now you could take a shot and miss and then know it was a miss and then back out and try another spot until you get a hit. It would be easy to cheat. By submitting your move you avoid someone from cheating. Without a method to have your turn bounce back to you on a hit it would take forever to play a game. It is like the backgammon deal. If your opponent is stuck without a move you cant continue to play until your opponent passes. With autopass instituted into the battleboats concept, you wouldnt have to wait to continue your turn.

2. January 2005, 18:11:22
Yeah but it doesnt scare me enough to continue to show another reason to have it. I will not end my pursuit of this concept.

2. January 2005, 17:54:27
I was the one that has suggested it for months now. However to avoid cheating you would have to submit your turn after each shot which means adding an autopass feature so the turn would bounce back to the player who got a hit. This game idea will not be brought here because of this necessary step. We all know Fencer ignores the autopass concept even if it means not having a great game added to the site. By the way I called it Bonus Battleboats though I am sure it has a more official name.

30. December 2004, 19:25:06
Subject: Re: Year End List
whatdidyousay: Yes the truth does hurt and I would be open to your suggestion as well. However the problem started off as an autopass issue but as the arguement continues on the debate club board, it is more of a customer service issue. I wont rehash all that has been said there. However as a restaurant manager if I picked and choosed which issues to address and which ones to ignore I would not be doing my workers or my customers proper service. People choose to bring their money to my place of business. If I dont treat them right, then they go to my competition. Likewise if I dont treat my workers right, they will find employment elsewhere and I lose good help which weakens my service to my customers. Bottom line is I just want a feasible arguement why my suggestion is not a good one and if it is a good one, why we cant implement it. The reason this is a tough issue is because it has never been properly addressed. It has been argued but never given a good final answer.

30. December 2004, 18:48:51
Subject: Re: Year End List
BIG BAD WOLF: I have one more. Address all ideas directly as opposed to blowing off ideas you dont wish to address or are afraid to address.

29. December 2004, 21:27:57
Why post anything at all because if it is not liked it will be censored or ignored.

29. December 2004, 05:40:52
Subject: By the way...
did I mention we need to have an Autopass option available?? If I didnt, make autopass an available game option. PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEE!!!!!!

29. December 2004, 02:30:55
Subject: Autopass
Attention We need AUTOPASS Again we need AUTOPASS Can we please get AUTOPASS as an option for games. Make it an option by being able to check a box if we want to play with it or not. Again make AUTOPASS available I hope I was subtle enough.

13. December 2004, 02:37:36
Subject: Special Counsel.
I had a brainstorm idea. Because Fencer is a busy guy and Liquid is as well, I thought of a way to aid Fencer and Liquid. Why not put together a special counsel of paying members to aid Fencer on decisions that involve rule breaking on the part of other players on the site. It could be a 3 to 5 person counsel. If someone is caught for instance playing with multiple IDs, Fencer could simply delegate the situation to the counsel for their thoughts and recommendations. Fencer then can look at their comments and make a decision based on the counsel's thoughts. It is another way for players to police themselves and aid Fencer. A player could also make a complaint to one of the cousel members as well which could lead to things handled by the counsel. Who would be in the counsel?? It would be a paying member for sure. They would be elected by the other paying members of the board. They would get nominated by Fencer. He could make a list of 15 or so people he feels would be good choices. From there we would decide by voting on who we wish to see on he counsel. You could put this on as a poll question. Top 3 to 5 vote getters get on the counsel. Their term would be one year or until their membership status ends, whichever would come first. About 11 months into the terms you would hold another election to see who stays and who goes. Fencer then could reward to the counsel with special renewal rates for membership extension.

8. December 2004, 03:56:40
Subject: Battleboats bonus.
Since we are looking for new games. I would like to see my previously mentioned Battleboats bonus game with autopass feature incorporated. For details on the game, I am sure you can find it on the battleboats board. Hides so Fencer cant hit him for mentioning autopass. lol.

22. November 2004, 00:15:55
Subject: Re:
I understand what you are saying paulo. However if you have a person stalking you get the ID number and put them on your enemies list. This way when they change names to try to stalk you under a different name, you will easily see it.

22. November 2004, 00:07:01
Subject: Re: what about reserved names?
IT doesnt matter what people do to change names to avoid detection or any other reason. You have an ID number on the site which is in your profile. That number is unchangable.

26. October 2004, 18:50:50
Sorry! ???

26. October 2004, 18:37:39
How about parchessi?? ;-)

18. October 2004, 04:08:48
Subject: Re: Re:
They various payment situations and there are different types of webtv machines. The most classic version like I have costs me 19.95 a month. The only thing I really miss having is the ability to use java related stuff. I dont use the internet for much more than I mentioned before. If I want to use yahoo games or something with java, the library is a few blocks away and I use their cable modem computers.

18. October 2004, 03:56:27
I know webtv is limited in its capabilities but it for those who dont want to sit in front of a computer all the time or those who are computer illiterate and want to do e-mail and the basic internet stuff. I like sitting on my couch with a small table for my wireless keyboard and using the internet on my 19 inch TV. I use mine for e-mail, playing games, chat rooms and discussion boards and keeping up on my favorite sports teams. If I need something with more capability, I go to the library and do more.

18. October 2004, 03:48:02
Yeah but webtv people cant play games on yahoo. Besides i am sure he has to have special permission to use that link.

18. October 2004, 02:42:00
Iknow Chucky. You could still incorporate solitaire games. Non rated and just for fun. Some people dont care about ratings and just enjoy playing too. lol.

18. October 2004, 02:17:01
I second that concept Monkey Man. I would like to see some card games here. maybe not necessarily against people though that could happen to. However playing the computer in hearts, cribbage or playing solitare while waiting for moves. As it has been said before this is a GAME site. Discussion boards are great but there are some who just come here to play games and not use the boards. Why not have some individual games they can play while waiting for games to be moved on?

8. October 2004, 19:50:41
Not to mention how much more enjoyable the site is when you are paying member. Being a paying member opens up more fun in my opinion. If someone enjoys the site as a pawn that is fine. However there is much more to enjoy from fellowships to more tournaments and more games that you can play. I would just simply encourage any pawn who loves playing here and wants to get more enjoyment out of it to at least try a 6 month brain knight membership. Not to mention the money can go toward improvements for the website.

8. October 2004, 19:46:30
I do not feel that I was trying to goad anyone into doing anything. I was a non-paying member for a long time. However I was also unemployed for a quite a while too. However I didnt try to influence change here until I became a paying member of the site. The bottom line is without funds th site cannot continue to grow. I have no problem with someone being a brain pawn at all. However if someone wants to bring change for the better, it makes sense to contribute to the change.

8. October 2004, 18:24:16
Subject: Re:
Yes we were all non-paying members at one time. However my point is simply if you wish to influence change and help make it happen, buying a membership can help that effort. Yes I have thought of being a brain rook as well. However when I look at my situation and how much time I can actually spend a day on here playing games, I realize that I would not get the full value of paying for a rook membership which is why I am a knight instead.

8. October 2004, 18:06:45
Subject: Re: new messages shown on discussionboard
Modified by Brian1971 (8. October 2004, 18:07:57)
Yes you do ask a lot of questions for a non-paying member. LOL. If you truly want to get Fencer's attention buy a membership. Money helps make improvements happen more rapidly. You seem to enjoy the site and wish to make it better so why not make a monetary contribution today?

15. September 2004, 04:36:32
Subject: Re: Another BG suggestion.
I think Rex you need to read the section on how acquire brains and what they are and what theyare good for. Brains has nothing to do with playing the games.

12. September 2004, 00:04:38
I dont know if it is really autopass but it is something similar to it. i am not sure what else to call it though. However you would have to submit your move after each shot like ending your turn to avoid cheating. The other battleboats games dont need it as this is something different. I mean imagine like in battleboats plus getting a hit and keeping your turn until you miss completely. A person could get a hit on the first turn and keep shooting until they sink them all. That would be 5 shots each go around. The other player would never get a turn to play. So my idea takes original battleboats and adds a twist. I call it Bonus Battleboats because the bonus is keeping your turn by getting a hit. You can play this version if you get one of those handheld battleship games by Milton Bradley. The handheld battery game has this version on it.

11. September 2004, 23:20:00
Subject: Autopass
I still dont see the taboo on this subject on Fencer's part. I still would like to see my idea of battleboats bonus implemented. To do it without anyone cheating you would have to have an autopass type of feature built into the program however. The idea for those who dont know is you get to one shot per turn and keep your turn as long as you get a hit. However this would be easy to cheat. So you would have to submit the move officially before you know the result. After the submission of the move, if you get a hit on a ship the game would autopass your opponent's turn and allow you another shot. Important the shot would have to be submitted like normal before you would know if it was a hit or not to prevent cheating.

10. September 2004, 22:50:54
More important things like autopass type feature for my battleboats variation game idea.

10. September 2004, 22:15:53
Subject: Re: Request for backgammon.
You could use that cube in all backgammon variations. I am sure most backgammon enthusists would concer backgammon matches without a double cube is not really backgammon at all.

10. September 2004, 22:10:19
Subject: Re: Request for backgammon.
I think a doubling cube which has been asked about in the past would be a great addition to multiple game matches. Obviously in single game matches it makes no sense. I would be more inclined to play multiple game matches if the doubling cube was put into play here at brainking. It adds more strategy to backgammon matches as well.

5. September 2004, 14:50:11
Subject: Re:
No what Fencer. Say it Fencer. I need a laugh. LOL

4. August 2004, 04:27:47
Subject: Re: semantics
Yes I can read that. I was just looking at a time table as to when we can expect it. Sabotage has been on that list what seems to be an eternity. So were these newest games until the BK2.0 upgrade. It would be nice to know how soon we could expect something new like sabotage, since it is being advertised in the forum heading.

4. August 2004, 04:12:06
Subject: semantics
I think we are getting caught up in the semantics. I dont care if you call it autopass or whatever you want to call it I think it would be a good addition to the battleboats games. IYT doesnt have it so lets have something else they dont have. IN addition to my game idea, I would like to see sabotage games here soon. If Fencer is reading this, when can we expect sabotage and its variants??

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