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27. August 2005, 10:54:43
Nice idea........!

16. August 2005, 15:28:18
Modified by Chessmaster1000 (16. August 2005, 15:30:36)
not to mention this moron, who not only used this tactic, but cheated by playing himself to guarantee winning.

Oh really? And i thought he is a very good player.....I invited him to some games but no answer.....And how do you know he has played with himself.....? This is serious....

Agreed! I propose subtracting 50 points for every month of inactivity in a particular game type.

Nah, this is not fair at all......
Also the rating showing their superiority on the game will be always there, floating in the air, even if it's hidden or decreased. It doesn't matter if Fencer hide it or reduce it. The truth will be that they will have that rating. And why we should care if they have many years to play......? We shouldn't......

Pedro Martinez:
If you have no BKR and play four games with the same opponent with a BKR of, say, 2300, and you win the first game and lose the following three, your prov. rating would be 2500+.But if you lose the first and win the other three games, your BKR will not be that high. I bet it would even be under 2000.

I don't think this is true.....If it is, then this is a most serious flaw on BKR system.....

I hadn't noticed that before the 5th move or I'd have deleted the game.

Relax, you should become less BKR-addicted........Enjoy the games.........!


I believe Molotov has any right to play 2 games, 3 games, 6 games and stay there forever!
We also don't have any right at all compaining about her, for doing that......
She can compain as well for you for playing many games instead of staying on a specific number....
She wants to stay at 6 games. No problem for me.......I don't see any problem?
Do you have any problems with number 6.....? 6 is the first perfect number! It's not a bad number aftar all........

And about reseting the rating in a specific type of game. Well, "reseting the rating" is too general. For example if Fencer allows that statement to be true, then with the current BKR's !!!!!!!_____awful_____!!!!!!! way of handling and establishing an initial rating, anyone who is not satisfied with his initial BKR on his first 4 games, he would simply reset it.....! Also he could do it any time he is not happy with his results.
The only thing i think is worth looking, is to be able to reset ALL the rating you have so far and start from the beginning.....

Also a nice idea is to be able to reset all loses you had so far....That would make anyone happy and i don't think there would be many that will complain.
So if most users of Brainking agree, and they will, then Fencer should understand that in the democratic world we live, he should listen the big crowd and offer this happiness.....!

7. July 2005, 00:01:02
A key?????? An envelope is perfectly clear.....
For me........

4. July 2005, 17:21:38
No, it's a logical for you statement that you have grown hearing that and with that logic, but mathematicians have another opinion. They defined majority and plurality different.
Here is how:

We have a large group of N different teams/smaller groups.
Ans we know that
team-1 counts X1 members in the group,
team-2 counts X2 members in the group,
team-N counts XN members in the group.

And that TotX = X1 + X2 + ... + XN

Then we say that: team-G is the majority of the whole group if and only if XG > (TotX-XG)

Also we say that: team-G is the plurality of the whole group if and only if for every K from 1 to N except G, is true that XG > XK

4. July 2005, 17:03:40
Subject: Re: Majority
Czuch Chuckers: As a non-native English-USA speaker i didn't know the majority/plurality definitions. Now that i've learn them i see that you are just wrong...........Just read AbigaiIII's link........

4. July 2005, 17:00:05
Modified by Chessmaster1000 (4. July 2005, 17:01:43)
Actually i would more correctly say, that players declaring USA as their country are the plurality here.......
Perhaps they live in France and declare USA.....

And we should not forget that USA = 278E6 while Czech is about 10.2E6
But that is more or less meaningless anyway.......

24. June 2005, 16:32:51
Subject: Crowded Backgammon
In a Crowded Backgammon game, when i'm being hit or if i hit my opponent, it would be very useful and in fact it should be a standard feature, if i could recognize the bar-checkers that come from a hit, from the one that are there from the start of the game.

Because when i open a Crowded Backgammon game, i have to go back one or more moves to see if i or my opponent has (and this is more difficult to find-have to go back in game history) any checkers that have been hit........
But we should be able to know ALL INFORMATION about the current position without having to investigate the game history. It is simple: Just highlight the checkers that have been hit. Then we would know with just a glance if we or our opponent have any "captured" checkers........

13. June 2005, 00:54:34
Subject: Re:
Andersp: Please, do not suggest people to uncloak. It's too dangerous! We might see what they are doing............

12. June 2005, 01:32:19
Subject: Live games...........
I guess this must be far away from the philosophy of Brainking (or not), but is there any possibility this site to have any live-games option in the future? My personal opinion is that this would make Brainking MUCH more perfect and attractive........!

11. June 2005, 22:45:16
Subject: Cannibal Chess.......
Modified by Chessmaster1000 (11. June 2005, 22:47:06)
Here is a very interesting variation of Chess. Cannibal Chess! This is not the game described at but another one that Karl Scherer designed. I prefer highly the Cannibal of Karl than that at's a kind of Loop Chess but it's way more complicated and fun..........!

Just like Chess (with checkmate )except:
  • Every piece can eat (capture) any friendly piece except its King. The King can also capture any friendly piece.
  • The captured piece it's removed from the board and it's available for playing it anywhere in the board from the next turn.

    So simple..........! For anyone that has Zillions of Games registered here is a link that you can download Cannibal and some other variations:

    I believe that what is between Brainking and perfection is the lack of : Real(pro) Backgammon, Cannibal Chess, Fevga, Progressive Chess, GO, Maharajah-changed somehow.......(Perhaps some more.....)

  • 29. May 2005, 22:50:21
    Only this..........?

    15. May 2005, 23:24:50
    Subject: Re: Privacy
    Walter Montego: I must say, what does it matter to you guys if someone is cloaked? They either move in their games, or they don't. I do not like the cloak feature because, as pgt has pointed out, it interfers with me knowing if my opponent is checking out our game or not and if I want to stay online or call it a night.

    You answered yourself.......!
    I like to play some Backgammon and Hypergammon games almost live. And if the damn thing at online opponents shows "cloak mode" then how should i know to go to the game..........It is very nice to see an opponent to play and then going there to play too, and looking forward for what he replied ...etc. With cloak-thing this can't be done with all opponents.........Hopefully there are others that hate this cloak-thing........

    15. May 2005, 22:45:59
    Subject: Re: Privacy
    grenv: It's definitely NOT about privacy. But like you i wonder for what it is........? Why people use this. What do they have to hide......
    Perhaps they try to diverge from what the "world-holders" try to do: to have the ability to watch everyone of us, every second.......An eye is watching us........ But that's another story.......

    15. May 2005, 12:33:01
    Subject: Re: Pro Backgammon
    Fencer: What about Crawford rule? Will you apply it here.......?

    15. May 2005, 12:03:00
    Subject: Re: Pro Backgammon
    Modified by Chessmaster1000 (15. May 2005, 12:32:19)
    Walter Montego:

  • Gammon = A finished game, where the player who lost has not borne off any checkers. The winner receives 2 times the value of the doubling cube.......

  • Backgammon = A finished game, where the player who lost has not borne off any checkers AND still has one or more checkers on the bar or in the home board of the winner. The winner receives 3 times the value of the doubling cube........

  • Doubling cube = A hypothetical cube is used with values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16,....,2^n (Many times maximum is for n=6 that is 64 but Yahoo had 512).
    At the start of the game both players own the cube that has a starting value=1.
    At any point of the game***, except the starting move, and exactly before one player's turn (before the player rolls the dice to start his turn) a doubling offer can be made by one player to his opponent to continue playing at twice of the current game value.
    -The opponent may refuse the double, in which case he resigns the game and loses the current game's value.
    -Otherwise the opponent accepts the double, in which case the game continues at twice of the game's value(because cube's value has been doubled), with the opponent having the ownership of the doubling cube, that now has the double value of what had before.
    After a double, only the player that most recently accepted a double (the player who owns the cube) may redouble.

  • Game value =
    1)If we don't have a Gammon or a Backgammon then the game value = value of the doubling cube.
    2)If we have a Gammon situation then the game value = 2· value of the doubling cube.
    3)If we have a Backgammon situation then the game value = 3· value of the doubling cube.

    ***And except some other situations that i will describe here. These situations are the Crawford rule. I don't know if Crawford rule will be applied here at Brainking but i hope so, because it's the best way to deal with some positions..........
    So the situations where a player CAN'T double when it is his turn, is when we have a Crawford game.
    A Crawford game is a game in which the leading player has FOR THE FIRST TIME a match score, one point behind of gaining the victory. For example in a 11 point match, the player A wins 9-4 and has won a 1-point game so he now leads 10-4. The game that would follow will be a Crawford game and neither player can double. After the Crawford game AND if of course the leading player hasn't won, there would not be any other Crawford game and doubling cube can be used........

    As for the rules flaw, the rule is simple: You should use the maximum number of the dice possible!
    If you have a 52 for example and you can use both you should do it.
    If you can use/play "5 but not 2" OR "2 but not 5", then you should use/play the "5 but not 2" as then you would use/play 5 pips and not only 2 as in the other case........
    Brainking will let you play in a similar situation (incorrectly of course) the "2 but not 5" instead of only letting you play the "5 but not 2".......

  • 15. May 2005, 00:15:13
    And how the whole procedure at the "Feature Discussion board" works, so the requests will not be buried.........?
    And why this procedure is not applied here too........?

    15. May 2005, 00:09:50
    From the Feature Discussion board:
    Use this board to discuss features you would like to see on Brainking.
    Why this board is needed? Since we have this........

    This way, features will not be "hidden" on the main Feature Request board.
    What is this "hidden" means.........? Too confusing........

    14. May 2005, 23:02:12
    Subject: Re: Cloak Mode
    pgt: This is the worst feature introduced to BK...
    Feature........? Hehe. That was funny.... Cloak-thing is a major flaw of how Brainking works!

    13. May 2005, 21:09:24
    Subject: Re: Cloak Mode...
    Czuch Chuckers: I liked that......!

    7. May 2005, 16:20:43
    Modified by Chessmaster1000 (7. May 2005, 16:21:01)
    Any idea of when "pro-"Backgammon would be available.......?
    1 day?
    1 week?
    1 month?
    1 year?
    1 century?

    1. May 2005, 16:16:52
    Damn, i had a controlled situation of 370 games and know i have 670 games to play with this HITMAN tournament..........
    Difficult thing.................

    29. April 2005, 17:38:08
    And what was the verdict.........?

    29. April 2005, 17:32:14
    Hmm, sorry. I wan't watching this board until recently........
    What has been turned down.........?

    29. April 2005, 17:23:47
    Modified by Chessmaster1000 (29. April 2005, 17:24:44)
    One small wish for Backgammon, is to add an indicator that would just show if one player has broken the contact.
    This would be a bit helpful, at least for me, since it would have saved me from looking all the board, at positions with a big pipcount in favour of me, so i could play instantly........

    But the bigger wish is to have forced moves to be played automatically. For example the bar situations where i can't move, is very annoying to have to press sumbit........Also at late bear-off it would be good to have it move for me automatically in forced moves.........

    28. April 2005, 17:38:15
    Perhaps this is what you looking for.......

    28. April 2005, 10:40:38
    What is "Ludo" that is currently under development, in order to be added here...........?

    23. April 2005, 14:51:17
    Modified by Chessmaster1000 (23. April 2005, 14:56:04)
    Become a Knight or Rook and the truth will be revealed...........
    ∗141∗ is something like a man behind the bars of a jail......

    17. April 2005, 23:15:55
    And me......
    I know a better game with such a similar rule:
    We have a Chess game, but when a piece(not-Pawn) takes another then it takes it's power also.....For example if a Knight takes a Bishop then it becomes an Archbishop (Janus or Knight+Bishop or whatever....). If it takes a Queen then becomes a Maharajah. If a Knight captures a Knight then nothing happens......
    It's quite interesting! It is called evolution Chess...........

    9. April 2005, 14:57:05
    All Chess rules are the same except:

  • White makes his first move.....
    Black then has 2 moves to play....
    White then has 3 moves to play.....
    And generally every time one side play +1 moves of the last side.

  • If one side on a series of X moves for example, makes a check then the series stops for this player and the other side starts to make his X+1 moves.

  • The player that could not get out of check in his FIRST move is checkmate!

    Very simple and one of the most interesting variants i know........

  • 9. April 2005, 12:06:40
    Subject: Re:
    I prefer having Progressive Chess first here. Or a Progressive Gothic Chess will be even more perfect!!!!!

    8. April 2005, 18:01:22
    To know what game they were looking at before this action....

    7. April 2005, 23:42:02
    I didn't read all the conversation (i will....) but i think you speak about adding new ways/systems of playing tournaments. I would like to see a ladder system but most of all i would love to see a knock-out system alone or mixed with groups, something like CHAMPIONS LEAGUE.......
    It will bring new life to Brainking tournaments.....!

    1. December 2004, 15:41:43
    Subject: A wish to add a game............
    Modified by Chessmaster1000 (1. December 2004, 15:44:17)
    I would like Brainking to have the Alekhine Chess (or click here) game. It's a very fun Chess variant and i would like to have it here.........

    Fencer how would you rate the difficulty of adding a new game to the site...? Would this take you 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days, 5 months...??? I just want to see how difficult is to add a new game. And also can you give the probability of adding Alekhine Chess in the near future? I hope it's over 1% :-)

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