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 Chess variants (10x8)

Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as
Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too

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- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position
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24. November 2003, 14:24:48
Subject: gothic mimic-king capablanca chess
interesting reading thus has taken me to the conclusion Gothic lacking imagination changed order of four pieces of classic game capablanca to take credit for an entirely new creation.

wording on the gothic chess fiction site thus: Welcome to the Gothic Chess Federation. Gothic Chess is played on an 80 square board that is 10 columns wide and 8 rows in height. There are two new pieces added to the board. These pieces are called the Chancellor and the Archbishop.

new of course being entirely questionable after the creation of the great Jose Raul Capablanca. archbishop and chancellor are previously much tested members of the chess army in variations as demonstrated on

firstly capablanca chess and further here capablanca's chess. comparably, borrowed ideas, credit taken for moving order of few pieces hence gothic chess

it remains a mystery why wishiwashi management allows for farcical gothic instructions always ... ~*~

24. November 2003, 07:22:38
Subject: Careful with word documents
the are statistically the main way which virii are spread.

24. November 2003, 06:42:59
Grim Reaper 
Subject: Website changes
I changed the Gothic Chess website around a bit. I finally got around to adding the Annotated Games section, by popular demand. The games there are posted in Word format, so you can download and print them, not just look at the html pages.

This is the link to that page. There are two cools games there currently, with more on the way.

23. November 2003, 00:05:55
Subject: The bwildman KM Gothic Chess#1 Christmas Bash
In honor of the KM fellowship's "adopt a pawn" program,the winner recieves a 1 year rook membership to the winner is already a paid member,they may sponser a pawn,to become a member.Have fun,and pawns please remember to leave enough openings for the tournament. :)

20. November 2003, 06:19:50
cya peeps 
Subject: Goth Ick Did you write this crap??
From: GothicInventor
Date and time: 19. November 2003, 10:38:46
Subject: Policy Change
This is not for public posting. As I can read all boards and everything
you write or have ever written here on BK, I strongly suggest you
consider this carefully.
There will be a policy change on BrainKing.
Everyone has a chance to start over with a clean slate, as if they have
just come from the Vatican, meeting with the Pope, and they never posted
anything on BrainKing.
Over the next 96 hours, review everything that is posted. Notify those
that you want to still be here if they have any negative posts. They
will be responsible for removing their own.
If they do, and the boards are free from meaningless diatribe, they can
If there are any negative posts remaining, those people will be
contacted directly, and asked to either remove it (or others like it) or
else be removed from BrainKing.
It is that simple.
These boards were made for meaningful discussions, and they are
degenerating into public smearing and gang sessions.
Fencer does not want to undertake such a policy or its enforcement, it
is not his cup of tea. I, however, have already agreed to take it over,
and I will enforce it.
I am not looking to go on a witch hunt, but certain members of the KM
have deliberately taunted me beyond reason. They will be gone, no doubt
about it, if they do not reform in 96 hours.
Those certain few KM members are being asked to make a private apology
to me, and I think you know who they are. This will not be posted or
copied anywhere. If they cannot, I will delete their accounts and
everything associated with their existence here on BrainKing within 96
Things have gotten out of hand. I am setting it straight by force. Don't
like it? Get the hell out of here and don't come back. There is no
longer a need for paying memberships, I will refund everyone 200% that
Fencer will have a full time job forever, so will Liquid. There is no
collective bargaining power from paying members, since there will be so
subscritpion fees.
Want to play on a free site? Just hold your tongue. Feel infringed upon?
There is the door.
It's that simple.

18. November 2003, 14:33:49
Grim Reaper 
Subject: Re: Who wants to teach
Sure whenever you are ready. Choose your color as well.

18. November 2003, 08:51:25
Subject: Re: Who wants to teach
Shall I send the invite? :)

18. November 2003, 07:33:08
no acidic remarks from me Ed ;0)
but I must admit your remark has me feeling as tho i have gathered something from "lichens"

18. November 2003, 07:05:38
yup....looks like 7.1 to me.

18. November 2003, 07:04:20
the "gothic Glitch"seems to be at it again.

18. November 2003, 06:59:42
Grim Reaper 
I detect Litmus paper in the form of a Bernice post :)

18. November 2003, 06:56:58
and thanks for explaining that to me :)

18. November 2003, 06:55:16
boy,I fully expect it will be a simple game.

18. November 2003, 06:52:01
had to go look..didnt you.

18. November 2003, 06:47:38
gunna enjoy playin you in the upcoming tourny.

18. November 2003, 06:37:59
*takes 2 steps backwards and holds hand over heart*
you mean You LIED?????

18. November 2003, 06:30:31
Grim Reaper 
You guys know there is no Archmoderator function right? I just made that up.

18. November 2003, 06:26:25
kinda like the message box boo boo's g ?

18. November 2003, 06:23:35
Grim Reaper 
But this is too be expected, since the ArchModerator can move like a Moderator or a Knight on any turn.

18. November 2003, 06:22:46
Grim Reaper 
Subject: And, of course...
...the ArchModerate function is stil a little buggy, occasionally producing some strange side effects.

18. November 2003, 06:20:05
Grim Reaper 
Subject: Re: Variants debate
Very funny Matthew (when I met Matt in Philadelphia this summer with ChessCarpenter, I told them how much I despise Omega Chess.)


18. November 2003, 06:19:59

18. November 2003, 06:17:48
Grim Reaper 
Yes I had to "hide" the person name "fraud". Whenever he posts, nobody will be able to see it except him, but the counter will increment.

18. November 2003, 06:12:13
well now that is strange :( it said there were 2 new messages, but when i get here there is only matthewhall message.....strange :(

18. November 2003, 03:24:30
Subject: Variants debate
If anyone is interested in the relative merits of an enormous number of chess variants, check out:

(sorry, not exactly sure how to include a link in the text). Literally thousands and thousands of variants, divided nicely up into categories such as large board variants (gothic, janus, grand, and Mr. Trice's favorite, omega, among them), small board, etc, including "officially recognized variants" (gothic is among them! Yeehaw!) and variants that do not use what we could consider the standard board and pieces (i.e. many of the Asian games). The site also includes links to any official webpages of federations official and unoffical, and an occasional game engine against which you can try the variant out. Good for hours of mind-numbing rules permutations.

17. November 2003, 21:22:51
Bernice 2003/11/18, 06:21:09
im here to test as well....just wish i could play the fancy versions of chess :(
this is an edit
Well i posted, edited and deleted....they all appear to work :)

17. November 2003, 19:41:15
test test

17. November 2003, 19:40:02
Subject: Re:


17. November 2003, 19:38:32
Grim Reaper 
Subject: Re:

17. November 2003, 19:37:04
Grim Reaper 
Subject: From my web page...
Most people are unaware that chess was not always the "packaged game" that it is today. It has already undergone countless changes over the centuries! The earliest form of the game, called chaturanga (Hindu for the four branches of the Indian army) bore little resemblence to the 64 square board shown above on the left. Depending on whether or not you subscribe to the belief that the ashtapada was used to play chaturanga, the earliest form of chess may have involved rolling dice! (Note: The Indian ashtapada was a general purpose playing surface which was used for many different recreational board games that almost invariably used dice to determine the course of play.)

It was because that chaturanga was so interesting that a great many people were enjoying it. The Hindu players took to adopting variations of the game, including making a four-player version of the game, both with and without dice. The diceless four-player game, which involves only eight pieces per side, is still played in 21st century India.

As chaturanga made its way further east, local customs, local fauna, and even "bad translations" had influenced the game. For example, the four branches of the Indian army from chaturanga had names that translate roughly to elephants, horses, chariots, and foot soldiers. As the game made its way into Arabia, the Hindu word for elephant was translated to al-fil. The Spanish still call this piece the alfil, but the Italians sought a phonetically similar word, which was alfiere, meaning "standard-bearer." We know that the traditional design for this piece featured a split mark at the top to signify the tusk of an elephant, but the English players had mistaken it to resemble the miter of a Bishop. The French also misinterpretted the context of the split mark, and believed the "hat" to be one that a "court jester" would wear. The modern day French player would call the Bishop fou which literally means "fool", but means "jester" to the players of the game.

As the game evolved, and the "bad translations" and other factors molded the game, one thing remained common across all cultures.

A game of shatranji, ajedrez, xadrez, scac, ... chess, could get rather long.

It was in the Middle Ages, believed during the 13th century, that the rules of the game of chess started to resemble the present day 64-square board. There was still some tinkering going on, however. The Bishop was only permitted to move two squares diagonally, but it could leap over a piece blocking its path! This is far different than the Bishop of today! If you could believe it, the Queen was even weaker. Originally called the Counselor, our modern day Queen could only move one square diagonally at a time. This means the Queen was actually weaker than a pawn at one point in time!

It was shortly after 1500 that the Bishop was given full reign over the diagonals as it does today. The Queen was likewise given the full power of horizontal and vertical Rook motion as well as the newly strengthened diagonal capabilities of the Bishop. The Rook and the Knight, the two strongest pieces from the Medieval era, were the only pieces that were never augmented in power.

With the added power of the Bishop and Queen, combined with the fact that pawns could now opt to promote to the compelling Matriarch, games were not requiring as many moves as the antiquated version of chess. The European adoption of the new rules was so rapid, that it surely proves that players welcomed brevity and profundity over exaggerated exercises in recalcitrance. But this new power came at a price: now the King needed some defense!

An entire mini-odyssey regarding the modern day castling manuever began to unfold. At first, the King was permitted to move to any two (or in some cases, three) squares during the course of one turn, placing the Rook leisurely at his side wherever he landed. The rules gradually become more restrictive in this regard, but the Italian School was still holding out for "freeform castling." The "freeformers" eventually gave in to the modern version of the rule regarding only the horizontal displacement of the King during castling. It should be noted that this debate was contested for decades.

The French had one last hand in the shaping of the contemporary rules of 8x8 chess, that being the strange en passant pawn capture. Depending on whose story you read, the French viewed the bypassing of an infiltration achieved by a pawn as an "act of cowardice." Basically, if you moved your pawn twice on the first move to get passed a pawn that was pressuring the pawn you moved, the French reserved the right to remove the "cowardly" pawn as if it had directly impaled itself by moving forward only once. This special capture, known as en passant, (on the passing) can only be made on the turn following the "cowardly advance." This peculiar rule was finally universally accepted by the 1880's, but it had been used widely for over 200 years prior to this.

17. November 2003, 19:35:38
Subject: Re:
The C stands for Cute! :D

17. November 2003, 19:34:00
And what of the addition of new pieces or the moves they make. I think the queen originally could only move one square in all direction, just like a King except, of course, it was not as important as it could be lost without losing the game.

17. November 2003, 19:32:57
Grim Reaper 
OK, I get the "LM" and "AO" part, and I am used to seeing an "F" where there is a "C" will Scarlet please enlighten me as to what the "C" stands for?

17. November 2003, 19:30:18
Grim Reaper 
In the historical framework, the en passant move was really the French's "pet peeve". Even while Paul Morphy was still playing, en passant was not universally agreed upon, although most players did play this way. Howard Staunton was instrumental in getting the rules and standards written down, and I think it was 1881 that the official description on en passant made its way into "chess law."

The most interesting evolution I think was that concerning castling. The Italian players wanted the king to move ANY two squares, with the ability to place the rook next to wherever the king landed! Now that would be confusing! I think it took 80 years for the "freeformers" to be tamed to just horizontal movements of the king.

17. November 2003, 19:29:43
Subject: Re: If all posts that are edited are here...
Yes.. and I assume a certain doc is waiting for you to return to the dungeon.. LMCAO!!

17. November 2003, 19:28:22
Welcome to the "where the hell has my post gone" club :)

17. November 2003, 19:28:06
Subject: Re: If all posts that are edited are here...
your back to the business at hand! ;)

17. November 2003, 19:26:31
One of my posts, timed around 1:45 (it now being 3:26) has gone but no problem.

17. November 2003, 19:25:52
Subject: Re: Whisperz post
GothicI: RE your last comment, not being a chess history buff I don't know, but I wonder if it was not more a process of assimilation than replacement. Take for instance the en passant move or the double move of the pawn from the 2nd rank.

17. November 2003, 19:22:04
Grim Reaper 
Subject: Re: Whisperz post
Very well said! I was grappling for the concept in trying to stratify the Gothic and Suicide variants, but I just did not summarize it as well as you did.

Interesting to note that there are two forms of the #3 item. There are those variants that bloom and become a different stand alone game, and there are those that become so dominant that they took over and the previous iteration of the game withers and dies.

17. November 2003, 19:19:30
Grim Reaper 
Subject: If all posts that are edited are here...
...and none disappeared, I think the problem is resolved. Thanks for all who participated.

17. November 2003, 19:18:21
ok Ed...I posted,then edited my post....both showed up...anything else?

17. November 2003, 19:16:52
Subject: Re: Who wants to teach
Thank you.. :)

I will go review the rules of the game..

17. November 2003, 19:16:13
Grim Reaper 
Subject: Re: Who wants to teach
I will volunteer.

17. November 2003, 19:15:33
Subject: My previous post ...
discussed chess variants, suggesting there are three types ...
1. Alternative rules which might emphasis one (or more) particular aspects of traditional chess which has the effect or limiting chess.
2. Alternative starting arrangements lke fortress and corner chess, which only provides alternative strategies and tactics without expnading the game.
3. Alternative boards and/or pieces, such as Gothic, Janus, Grand and Shogi which work to expand Chess.
Further, the argument over suicide vs Gothic was not a real one as they are different types. I think the first type will always be around as they can be used to hone strengths and weakenesses, the second will come and go as they really offer little except the burning of opening books, and the third will always be the largest group where many will come and go but few will remain. The ones which remain are more likely to be established as an independant game (such as Shogi ... here with some discussion over which is the actual variant Shogi or traditional chess) or contribute to the gradual change which does happen within chess over generations.

Or something to that effect :)

17. November 2003, 19:14:35
Subject: Who wants to teach
me how to play Gothic Chess?? I believe I am getting some free time in my busy schedy.. and would agree to a venture for a variation of Chess.. I am a fairly decent player.. Not a Master but, I put up a good challenge..

So.. who will do the honors.. ?

17. November 2003, 19:14:28
Subject: Re: helpin out
heres the first draft
edit number one.......

17. November 2003, 19:03:58
Grim Reaper 
Whisperz, what was your previous post about?

17. November 2003, 18:54:57
Subject: RE: Suicide Chess
I think I play like that anyway (at least some games as Gothic can attest :)

17. November 2003, 18:51:45
Grim Reaper 
OK, you play soooooooooo lousy that you can force your opponent to accidentally checkmate you :)

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