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 Chess variants (10x8)

Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as
Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position
... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

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29. May 2009, 00:18:23
SMIRF Engine 
At there is a free SMIRF version to be downloaded, which might work also under Linux Wine or Mac Crossover. Maybe some are interested to get some experiences. Feedback at best to my email address.

27. May 2009, 23:02:02
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: Looking for a game or two, Embassy Chess, Dark Chess
happy hermit: I hadn't realized that we'd played before. An old alter-ego or account it would have to be. Embassy Chess coming next.

27. May 2009, 22:58:43
happy hermit 
Subject: Re: Looking for a game or two, Embassy Chess, Dark Chess
Walter Montego:

Thanks Walter. I'll try not to time-out this time. -Eric

27. May 2009, 22:53:07
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: Looking for a game or two, Embassy Chess, Dark Chess
happy hermit: Sure, I'll send you a few invitations.

27. May 2009, 19:24:52
happy hermit 
Subject: Looking for a game or two, Embassy Chess, Dark Chess
Anyone interested in playing?


21. April 2009, 19:45:06
Clandestine 1 

P.M Caissus, he may be able to guide you in the right direction.


20. April 2009, 08:24:56
Subject: Janus Chess sets?
I have read where Janus Chess is popular in Germany. I am told there are even tournaments for the game.

That being the case, can someone tell me where I can purchase a Janus Chess set? Preferable one with a vinyl board.


6. January 2009, 09:04:16
Subject: Re: differences
mahavrilla: Starting positions of the King and the Marshall are reversed.

20. September 2008, 15:24:36
Subject: Hello!
I am trying to get an Ice Age Chess Team going in the GBU Fellowship. This is a fun and friendly Fellowship. I am not good at this game but I like it.
Pm me and ask for an invite if you are interested and available. Thanks very much.

17. July 2008, 01:26:43
Subject: Rules would have the rules. Not really that different from regular 8x8 chess except for the entering pieces.

16. July 2008, 15:50:59 
Subject: Re: Seirawan Chess
mahavrilla: Even though this site has been bringing other non-chess games to this site, the site owner at heart is a chess player (as the 34 chess variants on this site can show)

So a good chess variant probable has a very good chance of being brought here. Does anyone have a good link to some good rules for the game?

30. June 2008, 17:09:23
Subject: Re: Seirawan Chess

Lets play a 2 game match. Lets email here.

29. June 2008, 04:52:36
Subject: Seirawan Chess
Anybody like to try it the old fashioned way with notion by email or email on this site? I have not played a complete game although had seen a few games scores that were posted by Bruce Harper.

26. June 2008, 02:22:30
Subject: Re: Seirawan Chess
mahavrilla: Sadly, I don´t think so, lately Brainking is only hosting no-brainers (Dice Chess, Behemot Chess, Ludo, etc) or member´s inventions which mostly are boring or flawed (one side has huge advantage)...

25. June 2008, 07:31:47
Subject: Re: Seirawan Chess
I have tried it and like it. Will Brainking host it?

18. June 2008, 00:47:13
Subject: Seirawan Chess
Anybody have a chance to try out Seirawan chess? I know it is an 8x8 variant technically, but it does use the B+N and R+N movers found more frequently in 10x8 or 10x10 variants.

16. June 2008, 20:21:43
Paladin is another name for a B+N mover at least according the the website. Having a R+N mover at the edge or close to the edge of the board would avoid having a couple of pawns unprotected at the beginning of the game, which is one criticism that Janus chess and some other 10x8 variants recieve.

I think the chess variants site also has in the zillions of games engine a big board variant that does use two R+N movers, but I can't remember its name. I think traditionally it has been more typical to mix the two pieces like in Embassy or Gothic Chess rather than having two of the same. Carrera's original 1617 suggestion contained an array similar to Janus chess, but had the R+N mover on the same side of the board as the king. More recently Aberg's variant of Capablanca Chess has used a similar arrangement, but with free castling. (The king and rook can interchange with each other anywhere along their castling path.) However Janus chess seems to work pretty well and maybe a variant with two R+N movers would as well.

Changing the subject slightly, In my view variants the 10x8 variants that move the minor pieces in closer to the middle of the board have sharper and more concrete opening play. Where the minors are further from the center like in Embassy or Gothic chess you often have to spend another move to have them properly developed, which slows the opening play down somewhat.

16. June 2008, 18:05:09
SMIRF Engine 
Subject: Re: Palladan Chess?
cpaul_d2004: SMIRF pages and more at

16. June 2008, 16:30:07
Subject: Palladan Chess?
I once heard about a game called "Palladan Chess, I believe. It was set up the same as Janus Chess except for having two Arhcbishops (Januses) it had two Chancellors (Palladans).

Has anybody else heard anything about this?


16. June 2008, 16:26:45
Subject: Re: Castling
SMIRF Engine: HI Reinhart!
Which is your new URL? I can´t found your page anymore...

16. June 2008, 09:40:25
SMIRF Engine 
Subject: Re: Castling
mahavrilla: O-O (two "O" symbols) will bring the King on the second square from the right side.
O-O-O (three "O" symbols) will bring the King on the third square from the left side.
The involved Rook will be placed then at the King's inner neighbour square.
This is similar to how castling is performed in traditional chess or in Chess960.

15. June 2008, 19:50:47
Subject: Castling
Can anyone tell me which sqaures the white K and R will land on in Capablanca Random Chess in algerbraic notation?

15. June 2008, 19:47:53
Subject: differences
Do you happen to know the difference between Gothic chess and Embassy chess?

15. June 2008, 18:09:11
Subject: Re: most popular 8x10 chess?
mahavrilla: Here on BrainKing, the number of running games (see
67. Janus Chess 120
73. Embassy Chess 96
117. Capablanca Random Chess 41

15. June 2008, 17:25:57
Subject: most popular 8x10 chess?
Does anyone know which of the 8x10 chess variants is the most popular?

27. May 2008, 22:17:17
Subject: Re: castling in Capablanca random chess
mahavrilla:How does one generate an acceptable random position in Capablanca chess without a computer?

I suggest using a standard 6 sided die.

  1. First place all pawns on the 2th (7th for black) row. Then fill the first (eight for black) row using the rules below.

  2. First place the a bishop on a white square using the following technique. Roll the die. If you roll a six, re-roll (keep re-rolling till you don't roll a six). Count that many white squares from the left and place the bishop there. Do the same thing for black squares.

  3. Now we are going to place the queen and the archbishop. One of them has to be placed on a white square, the other on a black square. Roll the die; if you rolled even, the queen goes on white (and the archbishop on black), otherwise the queen goes on black (and the archbishop on white). Roll the die, re-roll a five and a six. Count that many white (or black depending on the odd/even roll) squares from the left, skipping squares containing a bishop, and place the queen. Do the same for the other coloured squares and the archbishop.

  4. You now have six unoccupied squares left. Roll the die. Count that many unoccupied squares from the left. Place the Chancellor on this field.

  5. Roll the die again, re-roll on a six. Count that many unoccupied squares from the left, place a knight here. Roll again, re-rolling on a five and a six. Count that many unoccupied squares from the left, place the other knight here.

  6. You know have three unoccupied squares left. Place the king in the middle of the three. Place the rooks in the remaining two.

This requires at least 8 throws of the die, and 10.1 throws on average.

26. May 2008, 23:33:40
Subject: Re: castling in capablanca random chess
SMIRF Engine:

Thx. How does one generate an acceptable random position in capablanca chess without a computer?

26. May 2008, 22:59:24
SMIRF Engine 
Subject: Re: castling in capablanca random chess
mahavrilla: there is no identified K-side. As in traditional chess the King is moving to the c-file when castling O-O-O (three squares from a-side) or he is moving to the i-file when casting O-O (two squares from j-side). The involved rook will be placed upon the kings' inner neighbour square. Thus the resulting castling positions of K and R are identical (seen from outer sides) as known from traditional chess or from Chess960 / FRC.

26. May 2008, 21:31:04
Subject: castling in capablanca random chess
Which side is the k-side from white's perspective? What are the possible positions for the king and rooks after castling?

12. February 2008, 18:38:56
Hi 10*8 chess friends,

the Gothic Chess live site is re-opening. You can play at

Hope to see you there sometimes.

11. November 2007, 05:23:52
Subject: Re: Tournament win
Walter Montego: Thanks!
I recommend reviewing last game:
Embassy Chess (panzerschiff vs. tenuki)
which involves a knight sacrifice with black pieces at an early stage of the game.

9. November 2007, 06:38:35
Walter Montego 
Subject: Tournament win
Congratulations tenuki on winning the Second Quarter 2006 Embassy Chess tournament. Wow, that can take some time, can't it? I'm glad I set the playoff to two wins. Three can take along time.

2006 Second Quarter Open Number 2 Embassy Chess

2006 Second Quarter Open Number 2 Embassy Chess
DeleteReply (box)Edit

30. October 2007, 23:34:34
Subject: KnOcKy kNoCKy

Yoo Hoo Dlezzzzzzzz Peeps!!

Wakey on Up.. ya gotta see this.. May I have your attention Pleeezzzzzzzzzzzzeee! We have a celeb here..

LOOK Ma!!! No handzzz!!!

Enjoy.. Oh and Ed.. you LQQk Fab!!

8. October 2007, 19:52:37
SMIRF Engine 
Subject: Re: Vortex vs. SMIRF "Blog Game"
Walter Montego: You wrote: "It's way too much trouble for me to try to play through it at home without a 10 × 8 board and pieces."

You could download a Donationware version of SMIRF from This will give you the cance to cut and paste the PGN and to replay it at the SMIRF GUI then.

8. October 2007, 19:47:48
SMIRF Engine 
Subject: Re: Vortex vs. SMIRF "Blog Game"
Walter Montego: Well, SMIRF won that game, this has it been in PGN:

[Event "Longtime 10x8 Game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2007.10.07"]
[Time "00:25:48"]
[Round "Blog-Game-1"]
[White "Gothic Vortex"]
[Black "Smirf MS-168i"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Annotator "RS"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "rnbqckabnr/pppppppppp/10/10/10/10/PPPPPPPPPP/RNBQCKABNR w KQkq - 0 1"]

1. Nh3 g6 2. d4 Nh6 3. g3 c6 4. Bf3 Na6 5. Bf4 f6 6. Be3 Qb6 7. Nc3 Qxb2 8. Cd3
Qa3 9. Ne4 Qa5 10. d5 Qxd5 11. Cxd5 Axd5 12. Bxh6+ ixh6 13. Nd6 Cxd6 14. Bxd5
Cxd5 15. Qxd5 cxd5 16. Af3 e6 17. O-O b6 18. Ah4 j5 19. Ni5 hxi5 20. Axi5+ Ke7
21. Axh7 Rj6 22. h4 Nc5 23. h5 g5 24. h6 Ba6 25. Ag6+ Kd6 26. e3 Be2 27. a4 Bf3
28. Rh2 Be4 29. Ah5 Bxc2 30. a5 Rb8 31. axb6 axb6 32. f4 Bh7 33. fxg5 fxg5 34.
Af7+ Kc6 35. Rc1 g4 36. Ag5 Rj7 37. Af4 Rg8 38. Ah5 Rj8 39. Af7 Ra8 40. Rd2 j4
41. Ag5 Be4 42. Rg1 j3 43. i3 Be5 44. Ai4 b5 45. Ah5 b4 46. Axg4 d6 47. Rdd1 b3
48. Ah5 b2 49. i4 Rji8 50. Kh2 Rah8 51. Af7 Bf6 52. Axh8 Rxh8 53. i5 Ri8 54.
Ri1 Bxj2 55. Rj1 Bg5 56. Rxj3 Rxi5 57. g4 Ri6 58. Rjj1 Rxh6+ 59. Ki2 Bf3 60.
Rb1 Bxg4+ 61. Ki1 Ri6+ 62. Kh1 Ri2 63. Rj4 Bf5 64. Rb4 Ne4 65. Rxe4 Re2 66. Rb4
Bxb1 67. e4 Bxe4+ 68. Kg1 b1=Q+ 69. Rxb1 Be3+ 70. Kf1 Rf2+ 71. Ke1 Bxb1 72. Kd1
Bd3 73. Ke1 Rf1# 0-1

8. October 2007, 06:51:56
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: Vortex vs. SMIRF "Blog Game"
Modified by Walter Montego (8. October 2007, 06:52:28)
SMIRF Engine: Did SMIRF win this game? The link no longer has a game board that I can play through to see how the game was played. Is there another place or link for that? It's way too much trouble for me to try to play through it at home without a 10 × 8 board and pieces.

22. September 2007, 08:40:34
SMIRF Engine 
Subject: Vortex vs. SMIRF "Blog Game"
That game is still running. It might be interesting to read about it at:

15. September 2007, 00:11:20
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: Was my 24th move sound?
SMIRF Engine: So this means that SMIRF had White ahead when he took the Pawn with the Knight? Maybe there's hope for me yet. :)

14. September 2007, 17:55:47
SMIRF Engine 
Subject: Re: Was my 24th move sound?
Walter Montego: Hi Walter, before executing 24.Nxe5 SMIRF calculated in 08 min 28.4 sec on level 13 with the first to be tested move (intermediate best candidate) within this level an advanrtage of 2.496 pawn units, if White would proceed with this suggested move. But the question concerning a move 29 is unclear to me.

14. September 2007, 07:14:10
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: Was my 24th move sound?
SMIRF Engine: I hadn't thought of using a program to check the moves. Thanks for entering it in. After the 29... P-J6, how does SMIRF have it scored?
Is this the evaluation? 08:28.4 (13.01=) +2.496
Is this before move 24, or after move 29?

14. September 2007, 06:51:08
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: Was my 24th move sound?
SMIRF Engine: That's all right Reinhard. I sometimes am on the winning side. :)
I played through those moves and it looks like Black would get a Rook and I'dve taken a Pawn and a Bishop. All those pieces would be lined up on C7 too.I didn't think of this line that your program did, but when I finally gave up trying to find a move I rationalised going for it as I'd at the least just be down the exchange of a Rook for a Bishop and I have his King exposed with me also having a passed Pawn. With SMIRF's moves I'd have the Knight on G6 too and he wouldn't be easily dislodged.

All these pieces can get quite overwhelming looking for moves. I imagine with a clock running it'd sort out the masters in a hurry.

14. September 2007, 02:14:52
SMIRF Engine 
Subject: Re: Was my 24th move sound?
SMIRF Engine: Sorry, Walter, you have been the one with White!

14. September 2007, 02:11:23
SMIRF Engine 
Subject: Re: Was my 24th move sound?
Walter Montego: Hi Walter! After about ten minutes of thinking the current SMIRF Engine is regarding your opponent White to be about 2.5 pawn units better and would be expecting:

08:28.4 (13.01=) +2.496 24.Nxe5 (Bxe5) Bxd1 25.Mxd1 Ae6 26.Ng6 Mf7 27.b6 Bd8 28.Nb5 Na6 29.j4 j6

14. September 2007, 00:23:53
Walter Montego 
Subject: Was my 24th move sound?
Embassy Chess (Walter Montego vs. jindrasek)

Here's the game after my opponent's 23rd move. I took the Pawn with the Knight and left the Rook for the taking. Lots of things can happen. It went the way I was planning, but I'm not sure if my opponent had better moves or not.
He didn't take the Rook right away as he must've saw that I had some serious threats coming. The Rook was indirectly guarding my action on E5 with a threat of moving to D8 if lots of trades started happening. So he took the Knight and I took the Bishop. Then he took the Rook. I took the Pawn on C7 throwing a check on his King. I think I had 'im beat at this point, but he could just move his King instead of taking the Bishop with his Marshall pinning it there for my Pawn to do the deed. What do you think?

9. August 2007, 23:39:56
Beren the 32nd 
Subject: Re: Games from brainking
Beren the 32nd: Apologies, although it seems no-one has pointed out my mistake. I get those clever sisters confused sometimes. It is Susan's younger sister, Judit, who is the best female chess player ever. Susan is just as famous though.
So you don't have to be playing in super GM tournaments to quickly learn the rules of GC and then give Mr T a good beating. There's hope for us all.

4. August 2007, 19:22:01
Subject: Re: Games from brainking
Beren the 32nd: Yes, I forgot to post that link too (it was posted in The Chess Club fellowship some time ago)

4. August 2007, 12:51:54
Beren the 32nd 
Subject: Re: Games from brainking
Modified by Beren the 32nd (11. August 2007, 14:04:16)
tenuki: Thanks for the link. We cannot say too much about GC on this site can we? But your link led me to this link:, which although it is about GC, actually contains some great insights into the differences between 10x8 chess and standard chess. To top that, it also has an annotated game where the best female chess player ever demonstrates her enduring talents by trouncing Trice at his own invention!
Susan, please give up beginners chess and promote the adult version: 10x8 chess - thanks in advance.

1. August 2007, 04:34:57
Subject: Games from brainking
Our friend Grim Reaper (Ed) sent me this link:
for games of brainking to reproduce.

16. July 2007, 11:50:53
Beren the 32nd 
Subject: Re: news?
SMIRF Engine: Thank you for this detailed news, and good luck with Octopus. I think quite a few people here will be interested if you give us an occasional update on how it is going. All the best!

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