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23. November 2003, 01:16:28
Subject: pafl
right :-)

23. November 2003, 01:23:33
taurec: great! :-)

23. November 2003, 02:16:16
Subject: And Pink Floyd
at dream. :-)

23. November 2003, 03:40:12
Subject: C2766 - 12$95
A life is just worth too little in Modern Times. :-(

24. November 2003, 05:33:53
2007 Lady 
Subject: Re: Pink Floyd
"I can't think of anything to say except...
I think it's marvellous! HaHaHa!"

lol... just to quote 'the end' to this timeless tune.

24. November 2003, 05:42:14
2007 Lady 
Subject: More Pink Floyd

All that you touch
All that you see
All that you taste
All you feel.
All that you love
All that you hate
All you distrust
All you save.
All that you give
All that you deal
All that you buy, beg, borrow or steal.
All you create
All you destroy
All that you do
All that you say.
All that you eat, everyone you meet
All that you slight, everyone you fight.
All that is now
All that is gone
All that's to come
And everything under
The sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
"There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

24. November 2003, 08:19:41
2007 Lady 
Subject: Moody Blues
While I'm traveling in the same time warp, how's this for a classic song from a great and memorable band?


Us, and them
And after all we're only ordinary men.
Me, and you.
God only knows it's not what we would choose to do.
Forward he cried from the rear and the front rank died.
And the general sat and the lines on the map
Moved from side to side.
Black and blue
And who knows which is which and who is who.
Up and down.
But in the end it's only round and round.
Haven't you heard it's a battle of words
The poster bearer cried.
Listen son, said the man with the gun
There's room for you inside.

"I mean, they're not gunna kill ya, so if you give 'em a quick short, sharp, shock, they won't do it again. Dig it? I mean he get off lightly, 'cos I would've given him a thrashing - I only hit him once! It was only a difference of opinion, but really...I mean good manners don't cost nothing do they, eh?"

Down and out
It can't be helped but there's a lot of it about.
With, without.
And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?
Out of the way, it's a busy day
I've got things on my mind.
For the want of the price of tea and a slice
The old man died.

24. November 2003, 08:25:51
Subject: She's Always A Woman
She can kill with a smile

She can wound with her eyes

She can ruin your faith with her casual lies

And she only reveals what she wants you to see

She hides like a child

But she's always a woman to me

She can lead you to love

She can take your or leave you

She can ask for the truth

But she'll never believe you

And she'll take what you give her as long as it's free

She steals like a thief

But she's always a woman to me

Oh--she takes care of herself

She can wait if she wants

She's ahead of her time

Oh--and she never gives out

And she never gives in

She just changes her mind

She will promise you more

Than the Garden of Eden

Then she'll carelessly cut you

And laugh while you're bleedin'

But she'll bring out the best

And the worst you can be

Blame it all on yourself

Cause she's always a woman to me

Oh--she takes care of herself

She can wait if she wants

She's ahead of her time

Oh--and she never gives out

And she never gives in

She just changes her mind

She is frequently kind

And she's suddenly cruel

She can do as she pleases

She's nobody's fool

But she can't be convicted

She's earned her degree

And the most she will do

Is throw shadows at you

But she's always a woman to me

Billy Joel

24. November 2003, 18:22:09
Subject: Intuition
(John Lennon)

My intentions are good, I use my intuition
It takes me for a ride
But I never understood other people's superstitions
It seemed like suicide
As I play the game of life
I try to make it better each and every day
And when I struggle in the night
The magic of the music seems to light the way

Ah, Intuition takes me there
Intuition takes me everywhere

Well my instincts are fine
I had to learn to use them in order to survive
And time after time confirmed an old suspicion
It's good to be alive
And when I'm deep down and out and lose communication
With nothing left to say
It's then I realize it's only a condition
Of seeing things that way

Ah, Intuition takes me there
Intuition takes me anywhere
(Takes me anywhere, alright)

Ah, Intuition takes me there
Intuition takes me there
Intuition takes me there
Intuition takes me there
Intuition takes me there
Intuition takes me there

24. November 2003, 18:36:11
Good one Greg! Never underestimate a woman's intuition...of course a man's gut feeling can be right sometimes too LOL

24. November 2003, 21:30:40
Love that song!!! "Lost in a Lost World". Pindar my favorite Moody Blue. :o)

24. November 2003, 21:35:20
Wow, didn't know he did solo stuff after his departure from the Moody Blues. Here's my favorite Pindar song with the group:


I’m a melancholy man, that’s what I am,
All the world surrounds me, and my feet are on the ground.
I’m a very lonely man, doing what I can,
All the world astounds me and I think I understand
That we’re going to keep growing, wait and see.

When all the stars are falling down
Into the sea and on the ground,
And angry voices carry on the wind,
A beam of light will fill your head
And you’ll remember what’s been said
By all the good men this world’s ever known.
Another man is what you’ll see,
Who looks like you and looks like me,
And yet somehow he will not feel the same,
His life caught up in misery, he doesn’t think like you and me,
’cause he can’t see what you and I can see.

[A Question of Balance (1970)]

24. November 2003, 21:47:39
I'll take a look, thanks! I agree with you about our musical tastes. First Lennon & now Pindar. Perhaps it's more than the music itself but the view of life that we appreciate and identify with. If you're a fan of William Blake too, that seals it. LOL :o)

24. November 2003, 21:55:00

24. November 2003, 21:58:30
Subject: When You're a Free Man
Time... quickly passes by
If only we could talk again
Someday I know I’ll see you smiling
When you’re a free man again

High... on a mountain side
We laughed and talked of things to come
Someway I know I’ll see you shining
When we’re all free men again

You left your country for peace of mind
And something tells me you’re doin’ alright
How are the children and rosemarie
I long to see you
And be in your company

Someday I know I’ll see you smiling
When you’re a free man again
I often wonder why
Our world has gone so far astray
Someway I know I’ll see you shining
When we’re all free men again

You gave love freely to those with tears
Your eyes were sad then you saw the need
You know that love lasts for eternity
Let’s be god’s children
And live in perfect peace
Peace perfect peace
Perfect peace
Someway I know I’ll see you shining
When you’re a free man
When we’re all free men again

When you’re a free man

[Mike Pinder, Seventh Sojourn, 1972]

25. November 2003, 00:28:39
Subject: Re: She's Always A Woman
Billy Joel's the man

25. November 2003, 00:40:03
Yes and we won't discuss the woman. LOL (j/k)

Yes I like Billy Joel too.

25. November 2003, 02:26:58
Subject: oh
That's a good change of approach and avoids trouble. :P

25. November 2003, 02:30:45
Subject: Listening Wind
Mojique sees his village from a nearby hill
Mojique thinks of days before Americans came
He sees the foreigners in growing numbers
He sees the foreigners in fancy houses
He thinks of days that he can still

Mojique holds a package in his quivering hands
Mojique sends the package to the American man
Softly he glides along the streets and alleys
Up comes the wind that makes them run for cover
He feels the time is surely now or never...more.

The wind in my heart
The wind in my heart
The dust in my head
The dust in my head
The wind in my heart
The wind in my heart
(Come to) Drive them away
Drive them away.u
Mojique buys equipment in the market place
Mojique plants devices in the free trade zone
He feels the wind is lifting up his people
He calls the wind to guide him on his mission
He knows his friend the wind is always

Mojique smells the wind that comes from far away
Mojique waits for news in a quiet place
He feels the presence of the wind around him
He feels the power of the past behind him
He has the knowledge of the wind to guide him...on.

The wind in my heart
The wind in my heart
The dust in my head
The dust in my head
The wind in my heart
The wind in my heart
(Come to) Drive them away
Drive them away.

*** Talking Heads

25. November 2003, 14:10:26
2007 Lady 
Subject: Re: Moody Blues
Boy, do I feel the fool! LOL! But of course "Us and Them" was by Pink Floyd and not The Moody Blues. It must of been that time warp I was caught up in ... warped the memory ...
((((best excuse I can come up with!!))))
Sorry all .... and thanks Magenta Spiral for the correction.

25. November 2003, 21:01:49
2007 Lady 
Subject: Re: I miss the Edit button! :·/
No Doubt!!
((it's like 'white out' ... a great tool for those who ... ahhh ... errr ... well, you know))
Giggle Giggle

25. November 2003, 22:37:07
Subject: Re: When Bush Comes To Town...
Marvelous lyrics.

28. November 2003, 15:29:59
David S 
Subject: Neil Young-Old King
Greek Theatre, LA, 9/22/92
After a few warmup chords on the banjo just before Old King...

"This a song about my dog. His name is Elvis. Elvis is riding on Jimi Hendrix's bus now. He traveled with me for many years. Well, I changed his name to 'King' in the song to avoid any confusion.
"Elvis had quite a nose. That was his whole thing, was his nose. But, you know, he was very sensitive about it. I'll tell you a little story about him.

"He used to go on the road with me all the time, and, you know he kind of smelled like a hound, 'cause... he was a hound. But it smelled good to him, and uh, you know we would take him to a veteranarian place or something and they'd clean him up a little bit so when he got on the bus he wasn't too comfy, you know?

"After a while we all kind of got used to each other on the bus, so it was okay, but right at first he was a little strong, so. . . so anyway, once, uh, someone took him that usually doesn't take him and took him to some fifi dog place. He came back smelling, uh, kinda like some bad toilet paper or something? Non-environmental and all. It had this odor to it that was like, (groaning) 'oh no, wow.' He kind of smelled like one of those things that hangs on people's mirrors, you know, that smell? Anyway, it was bad for me, but to him it was hell, 'cause he was, you know, sensitive.

"And uh, so I was sleeping on the side of the road, I was on my way out to Eureka, California to play this gigantic gig... And ah, uh, you know, he woke me up, it was about six o'clock in the morning, I get this nose, you know, 'snnnfff, snnnffff, snnff, snnff,' He woke me up... I'm going, 'What's happening?'

"It's this, this big nose, it's lookin' at me, kinda, you know, desperate. You know, I said, 'God, you smell terrible. You stink.' And he knew he stunk. He wanted off the bus. He said, 'I want to go roll in some cowsh.. on the side of the road.'

"So, you know, he was a smart dog, and he was purebread, actually, he was a beautiful hound, and uh, he had all his senses that he needed, he knew how to get back. You know, hounds will circle, uh, an area, and keep going in wider and wider circles, and they count how many times, somehow they know how many times they've been around it, so when they come back in they just count it like the, like the lifelines on a tree or somethin', you know, you just come right back in and, right to the core and that's where you started from, you know. Anyway, he knew that. He taught me that.

"And uh, so, I said, 'Okay Elvis, take a shot.'"

(addressing someone in the crowd) "I'll get to the point when I'm ready to get to the point!" (collective laugh from the crowd) "Get to the point, he says. What a dick....! I'm tellin' a dog story. 'Get to the point.' Am I in LA, or what?"

(addressing the audience member again) "You're tough, right? You can take it? You know, we know, so. . . that's right. So anyway. . .

"Jeez, I might have to start over again, I think I forgot. So anyway... thanks. Now you've got me goin'. . .

"Naw, really. . . he took off, I let him go. And uh, there's only one thing that can go wrong if you do that. That's if it rains, then, and then he can't find his way back, 'cause he can't smell over the little rains, you know. He just loses it.

"So, he lost it, he got lost. It's like three o'clock in the afternoon, we're still waiting for him to come back, and we gotta go to the gig pretty soon or we're gonna be late, you know, and I'm going, 'Sh.., I lost my dog. What am I gonna tell everybody?' You know, I can't leave him behind, I can't, you know, what can I do? So I went out hunting for him.

"There was a railroad track there, and I walked up and down the railroad track. I was going all by myself up there, from the railroad track, (in a loud, anguished shriek) 'Elvis!!!!' And uh, I couldn't hear a thing, not a hound around, and uh, so I gave up after a while, 'cause this Rolling Stone guy was following me around, taking random notes.

"You know, I saw him write it down, you know, I was out on this railroad track in the middle of nowhere yelling out Elvis, and uh, so I got, I knew that wouldn't be good for my image.

"So I went back to the bus, and uh, I got out my lucky shirt, which I don't have with me tonight, you may have noticed. I know, but it's too hot for my lucky shirt. So anyway, I, he, I took it out there and I put it down by the bowl, put his bowl out there, and left the shirt, he'd come back eventually, you know, find his way back to the shirt. And I'd figured after the gig I could come back.

"So, I get back on the bus to take off. So I'm leaving, and this guy in a pick up truck pulls up and says, 'Hey Neil, what're you doing?' Well, so, I told him, I'm not gonna tell it again here, I told him, and then, uh, then uh, he said 'Well that's okay, Neil, I'll, me and, I'll go get my wife, and we'll wait, we'll wait right here until he comes back, and then we'll bring him to you in Eureka.'

"I said, 'Wow, what a great guy, you're, you're great.' Yeah, so he did. You know, so I took off, and uh, just before, uh, I was about half an hour late - nothin' like Guns n' Roses or nothin', but uh. . . but I lost my dog... What did they lose, you know what I mean?

"So, uh, so I, so I got there. Ah, hey, that's rock n' roll, you gotta do what you do. And ah, you know, just as I was going on he called me and said they found him."

Old King

King went a-runnin' after deer
Wasn't scared of jumpin' off the truck in high gear
King went a-sniffin' and he would go
Was the best old hound dog I ever did know

I had a dog and his name was King
I told the dog about everything
There in my truck the dog and I
Then one day the King up and died

Then I thought about the times we had
Once when I kicked him when he was bad
Old King sure meant a lot to me
But that hound dog is history

King went a-runnin' after deer
Wasn't scared of jumpin' off the truck in high gear
King went a-sniffin' and he would go
Was the best old hound dog I ever did know

That old King was a friend of mine
Never knew a dog that was half as fine
I may find one, you never do know
'Cause I still got a long way to go

I had a dog and his name was King
I told the dog about everything
Old King sure meant a lot to me
But that hound dog is history

King went a-howlin' after deer
Wasn't scared of jumpin' off the truck in high gear
King went a-sniffin' and he would go
Was the best old hound dog I ever did know

28. November 2003, 18:50:04
Subject: War of Man
The little creatures
run in from the cold
Back to the nest
just like the days of old
There in the safety
of a mother's arms
The warmth of ages,
far away from harm again.

Ears ringin'
from the battle fire
The tired warrior
aims a little higher
The black falcon
or the little sparrow
The healing light
or the flash of the barrel.

No one wins
It's a war of man,
No one wins
It's a war of man.

Silver mane flyin' in the wind
Down through the planets
on the run again
No one knows where
they're runnin' to
But every kind is comin'
two by two.

Out on the delta
where the hoofbeats pound
The daddy's runnin'
on the frozen ground
Can't smell the poison
as it follows him
Can't see the gas and machines,
it's a war of man.

No one wins
It's a war of man,
No one wins
It's a war of man.

The windows open
and the little girl dreams
The sky's her playground
as she mounts her steed
Across the heavens
to the other side
On wings of magic
does the little girl ride.

The baby creatures
run in from the cold
Back to the nest
just like the days of old
There in the safety
of a mother's arms
The warmth of ages,
far away from harm again.

No one wins
It's a war of man,
No one wins
It's a war of man,
No one wins.

** N. Young

29. November 2003, 17:24:59
Princess Kammy 
Subject: Sons Singing Fav Song Its Funny
Becky was beauty from south Alabama,
Her daddy had a heart like a nine pound hammer.
I think he even did a little time in the slammer.

She snuck out one night and met me by the front gate,
Her daddy came outside a wavin that 12 gauge.
We pulled out the drive he peppered my tail gate

Oh i knew there'd be hell to pay
but that crossed my mind a little too late.
Cuz i was thinkin bout a little white tank top sittin right there in the middle by me.
I was thinkin bout a long kiss man just gotta get goin where the night mught lead.
i know what i was feelin...BUT WHAT WAS I THINKIN'

by the county line the cops were nippin on our heels.
we pulled off the road and kicked it in 4 wheels.
shut off the lights and tore through a cornfield.

out the other side she was hollerin' faster
took a dirt road had the radio blastin
hit the honkey tonk for a little close dancing

oh i knew there'd be hell to pay but that crossed my mind a little too late.

cuz i was thinking bout a little white tank top sittin right there in the middle by me.
i was thinking bout a long kiss man just gotta get goin where the night might lead.
i know what i was feelin but WHAT WAS I THINKIN"

when a mountain of a man with a "BORN TO KILL" tatto
tried to cut in i kocked out his front tooth
we ran outside hood sliding like Bo Duke.

I got her home at a half past 2
her daddy in lawn chair sittin in the driveway
put it in park as he started my way.

then she gave a "come and get me" grin
and like a bullett we were gona again...

cuz i was thinkin bout a little white tank top sittin right there in the middle by me..
was thinkin bout a long kiss man just gotta get goin where the night might lead.
i know what i was feelin



30. November 2003, 21:46:26
Subject: Re: Get It
Cute little duo. I also like Ballroom Dancing from that LP.

30. November 2003, 21:54:42
Subject: Re: Get It
The terrible news???? uh oh what did I miss?

30. November 2003, 22:09:43
I never picked up on that. Thanks!

30. November 2003, 22:30:28

2. December 2003, 17:13:03
Subject: Rudolph the Brown nose reindeer
Prancer stopped to fast

2. December 2003, 21:30:29
Subject: Re: Rudolph the Brown nose reindeer
Yes and besides...aren't the reindeer in jail now for running over grandma?

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