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2. December 2003, 21:46:31
You left one out.

2. December 2003, 21:55:08
LMAO My bad. That Rudolf dude just has to be mythical.

2. December 2003, 22:04:29
President Santa pardoned him.

2. December 2003, 22:38:26
You're giving him too much credit. lol

2. December 2003, 23:41:48
Subject: Two Cds to get for Country Music lovers
Alan Jackson/s greatest hits volume 2
George Strait Live at the Dome
Both are Excellent

3. December 2003, 05:05:27
Princess Kammy 
cool runningwolf thanks will check those out...thanks for info regarding music :) i also enjoy country music....could it be cuz im country myself LOL

3. December 2003, 05:06:53
Princess Kammy 
but i want the cd from 3 doors down that has the most recent song i have been hearing...just not sure of name of album grrrrrrr

3. December 2003, 16:14:08
I Know you will enjoy those two Cds i mentioned
Didnt Dolly Parton sing Three doors down???

4. December 2003, 11:33:19
Yes she did runningwolf :-)

4. December 2003, 11:33:55
Or was it Two doors down? LOL

4. December 2003, 12:21:33
Subject: Re: The Ostrich
cool, another John Kay fan...
my favorite line... My sole philosopy, is everyone's a freak but me.
tho I can't remember what tune it's from at the moment...

5. December 2003, 15:53:05
Subject: Your Time Is Gonna Come
Lyin', cheatin', hurtin, that's all you seem to do.
Messin' around with every guy in town,
Puttin' me down for thinkin' of someone new.
Always the same, playin' your game,
Drive me insane, trouble is gonna come to you,
One of these days and it won't be long,
You'll look for me but baby, I'll be gone.
This is all I gotta say to you woman:

Your Time Is Gonna Come
Your Time Is Gonna Come
Your Time Is Gonna Come
Your Time Is Gonna Come

Made up my mind to break you this time,
Won't be so fine, it's my turn to cry.
Do want you want, I won't take the brunt.
It's fadin' away, can't feel you anymore.
Don't care what you say 'cause I'm goin' away to stay,
Gonna make you pay for that great big hole in my heart.
People talkin' all around,
Watch out woman, no longer
Is the joke gonna be on my heart.
You been bad to me woman,
But it's coming back home to you.

Your Time Is Gonna Come
Your Time Is Gonna Come
Your Time Is Gonna Come
Your Time Is Gonna Come

(Jones/Page) Led Zeppelin (1969)

5. December 2003, 18:38:23
Subject: Stairway To Heaven
COOL!!! I like Led Zepplin also :oD This one is one of my favorites.

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying a stairway to heaven.


6. December 2003, 02:04:21
Subject: Thank You
Here's another great one:


If the sun refused to shine,
I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea,
There will still be you and me.

Kind woman, I give you my all,
Kind woman, nothing more.

Little drops of rain whisper of the pain,
Tears of loves lost in the days gone by.
My love is strong, with you there is no wrong,
Together we shall go until we die.

My, my, my, an inspiration is what you are to me,
Inspiration, look see.

And so today, my world it smiles,
Your hand in mine, we walk the miles,
Thanks to you it will be done,
For you to me are the only one.
Happiness, no more be sad,
Happiness....i’m glad.

If the sun refused to shine,
I would still be loving you.
When mountains crumble to the sea,
There will still be you and me.

(Led Zeppelin II)

6. December 2003, 02:09:06
Subject: Re: Thank You
Beautiful! :-)

6. December 2003, 03:26:35
Subject: Solitary Man
Melinda was mine
’til the time
That I found her
Holding jim
Loving him

Then sue came along
Loved me strong
That’s what I thought
Me and sue
But that died too

Don’t know that I will
But until I can find me
A girl who’ll stay
And won’t play games behind me
I’ll be what I am
A solitary man
Solitary man

I’ve had it to here
Bein’ where
Love’s a small world
Part-time thing
Paper ring

I know it’s been done
Having’ one
Girl who’ll love me
Right or wrong
Weak or strong

Don’t know that I will
But until I can find me
The girl who’ll stay
And won’t play games behind me
I’ll be what I am
A solitary man
Solitary man

(Neil Diamond)

6. December 2003, 18:52:24
Subject: The Kinks - Act nice and gentle
Im trying to find this song, title is probably wrong...any ideas?

6. December 2003, 19:23:48
red dragon 
Subject: Re: The Kinks - Act nice and gentle
You don't need no fancy clothes
Where'd you get them, goodness knows?
Just show some civility.
Act nice, act nice and gentle to me.

I don't need no luxuries,
As long as you are understanding,
I'm not difficult to please.
Act nice, act nice and gentle to me.

Well I'm the kind of guy who likes
To take you as I find you
So throw away those false eyelashes and,
Act nice, act nice, baby.

Come on baby, hold my hand.
Come on baby, understand, you gotta
Act nice, act nice and gentle to me.
Act nice, act nice and gentle to me.

Come on baby, hold my hand.
Come on baby, understand, you gotta
Act nice, act nice and gentle to me.
Act nice, act nice and gentle to me.

6. December 2003, 19:25:47
Subject: Re: The Kinks - Act nice and gentle
Thanks you know if Act nice... is the title..cant find it

6. December 2003, 19:27:08
red dragon 
Yes it is.


6. December 2003, 19:28:08
No doubt :)...thank you

6. December 2003, 19:29:01
red dragon 
Pleasure! :-)

6. December 2003, 22:24:50
Subject: Dave Davies
My makeup is dry and it cracks on my chin
I'm drowning my sorrows in whiskey and gin
The lion tamer's whip doesn't crack anymore
The lions they won't bite and the tigers won't roar

La la la La
So let's all drink to the death of a clown
Won't someone help me to break up this crown
Let's all drink to the death of a clown
La la la la la la la la la la
Let's all drink to the death of a clown

The old fortune teller lies dead on the floor
Nobody needs fortunes told anymore
The trainer of insects is crouched on his knees
And frantically looking for runaway fleas

La la la la la la la la la la
Let's all drink to the death of a clown
So won't someone help me to breakup this crown
Let's all drink to the death of a clown
La la la la la la la la la la

10. December 2003, 20:20:51
Princess Kammy 
Subject: Forever and For Always
In your arms I can still feel the way you
want me when you hold me
I can still hear the words you whispered
when you told me
I can stay right here forever in your arms

And there ain't no way--
I'm lettin' you go now
And there ain't no way--
and there ain't not how
I'll never see that day....

'Cause I'm keeping you
forever and for always
We will be together all of our day
Wanna wake up every
morning to your sweet face--always

Mmmm, baby
In your heart--I can still hear
a beat for every time you kiss me
And when we're apart,
I know how much you miss me
I can feel your love for me in your heart

And there ain't no way--
I'm lettin' you go now
And there ain't now way--
and there ain't no how
I'll never see that day....

'Cause I'm keeping you
forever and for always
We will be together all of our day
Wanna wake up every
morning to your sweet face--always

(I wanna wake up every morning)

In your eyes--(I can still see
the look of the one) I can still see
the look of the one who really loves me
(I can still feel the way that you want)
The one who wouldn't put anything
else in the world above me
(I can still see love for me) I can
still see love for me in your eyes
(I still see the love)

And there ain't no way--
I'm lettin' you go now
And there ain't no way--
and there ain't no how
I'll never see that day....

[Repeat Chorus (2x)]

I'm keeping you forever and for always
I'm in your arms

10. December 2003, 20:27:14
Princess Kammy 
Subject: God Only Knows
I've been sittin' here trying to find myself
I get behind myself I need to rewind myself
Looking for the payback listening for the playback
They say that every man bleeds just like me
And I feel like number one yet I'm last in line
I watch my younger son and it helps to pass the time
I take too many pills that helps to ease the pain
I made a couple of dollare bills still I feel the same
Everybody knows my name they say it way out loud
A lot of folks f... with me it's hard to hang out in a croud
I guess that's the price you pay to be some big shot like I am
Out strecthed hands and one night stands
Still I can't find love and when the walls are tumbling down
I will always be around

And when the walls are tumbling down I will always be around

People don't know about the things I say and do
They don't understand about the s... I've been through
Its been so long since I've been home
I've been gone, I've been gone way too long
Maybe I've forgotten all the things I miss
Oh, somehow I know there is more to life than this
I've said it too many times and I still stand firm
You get what you put in and people get what the deserve
Still I aint seen mine, no I aint seen mine
I've been given but just aint gettin' I've been walkin that thin line
So I think I'll keep a walking with my head held high
I'll keep moving on and only God knows why
Only God, Only God, Only God knows why
Only God knows why,why,why,why
Only God knows why
Take it to the river, hey..
Take it to the river, hey..

Kid Rock

11. December 2003, 22:51:27
Subject: I'm so afraid
I been alone
All the years
So many ways to count the tears
I never change
I never will
I'm so afraid the way i feel

Days when the rain and the sun are gone
Black as night
Agony's torn at my heart too long
So afraid
Slip and fall and i die

I been alone
Always down
No one cared to stay around
I never change
I never will
I'm so afraid the way i feel

*** Fleetwood Mac

11. December 2003, 23:04:41
Subject: Hornet
The target is me, a monster you flee
I hate what you say and you do
A mirror is there and look if you dare
The fool that you see's only you

Oh, no you won't nail me to you tree
Or hang my head up high
No kingdom reigns over me
Despite all the liars I see

Don't give me your "Save my soul" cure
I - I'm still alive, and
I, am a soul survivor
You can't understand why
I - I'm still alive, and
I, am a soul survivor

Damn you holy man - alive
Can't understand, the lord of the land
You heart and your head made of stone
Lay in the sand my blood on your hands
For God's sake just leave me alone

Oh no, you won't nail me to your tree
Or hang my head up high
Restless is all I can be
Ruthless and reckless you see

I don't need your "Save my soul" cure
I - I'm still alive, and
I, am a soul survivor
You can't understand why
I - I'm still alive, and
I, am a soul survivor

Damn you holy man - alive
Force suppression, that's what you do
Tell me what's in it for you
Listen, I'm on to your game
All your lies are the same

** Wasp

12. December 2003, 02:13:02
Subject: Joe South
Oh the games people play now
Every night and every day now
Never meaning what they say now
Never saying what they mean

And they wile away the hours
In their ivory towers
Till they're covered up with flowers
In the back of a black limousine

La-da da da da da da da
La-da da da da da de
Talking 'bout you and me
And the games people play

Oh we make one another cry
Break a heart then we say goodbye
Cross our hearts and we hope to die
That the other was to blame

Neither one will give in
So we gaze at our eight by ten
Thinking 'bout the things that might have been
It's a dirty rotten shame

Repeat Chorus

People walking up to you
Singing glory hallelulia
And they're tryin to sock it to you
In the name of the Lord

They're gonna teach you how to meditate
Read your horoscope, cheat your faith
And further more to hell with hate
Come on and get on board

Repeat Chorus

Look around tell me what you see
What's happening to you and me
God grant me the serenity
To remember who I am

Cause you've given up your sanity
For your pride and your vanity
Turns you sad on humanity
And you don't give a da da da da da

13. December 2003, 03:27:07
Subject: White Room
In the white room with black curtains near the station.
Blackroof country, no gold pavements, tired starlings.
Silver horses ran down moonbeams in your dark eyes.
Dawnlight smiles on you leaving, my contentment.

I’ll wait in this place where the sun never shines;
Wait in this place where the shadows run from themselves.

You said no strings could secure you at the station.
Platform ticket, restless diesels, goodbye windows.
I walked into such a sad time at the station.
As I walked out, felt my own need just beginning.

I’ll wait in the queue when the trains come back;
Lie with you where the shadows run from themselves.

At the party she was kindness in the hard crowd.
Consolation for the old wound now forgotten.
Yellow tigers crouched in jungles in her dark eyes.
She’s just dressing, goodbye windows, tired starlings.

I’ll sleep in this place with the lonely crowd;
Lie in the dark where the shadows run from themselves.

*** jack bruce and pete brown

13. December 2003, 03:36:06
Subject: Heal
Fall for me, my southern cross, my star
Shine for me when love has gone too far
I've got you belly-deep in me.

Just a little breath on the water is all we need
Just a little strenght in our hearts -
Enough to heal, Enough to heal.

Dig me out, can't leave this love for dead
Hand to mouth we're picking up the thread
I've got you belly-deep in me.

Just a little breath on the water now is all we need
Just a little strenght in our hearts,
Enough to heal, Enough to heal.

And the sea glistens, And the waves pull us in
There's something rising up and up.

Just a little breath on the water now,
Just a little strenght in our hearts,
Enough to heal, Enough to heal.

*** Heather Nova

19. December 2003, 15:23:36
My fave Xmas song!

Fairytale of New york

It was Christmas Eve babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me, won't see another one
And then he sang a song
The Rare Old Mountain Dew
I turned my face away
And dreamed about you

Got on a lucky one
Came in eighteen to one
I've got a feeling
This year's for me and you
So happy Christmas
I love you baby
I can see a better time
When all our dreams come true

They've got cars big as bars
They've got rivers of gold
But the wind goes right through you
It's no place for the old
When you first took my hand
On a cold Christmas Eve
You promised me
Broadway was waiting for me

You were handsome
You were pretty
Queen of New York City
When the band finished playing
They howled out for more
Sinatra was swinging,
All the drunks they were singing
We kissed on a corner
Then danced through the night

The boys of the NYPD choir
Were singing "Galway Bay"
And the bells were ringing out
For Christmas day

You're a bum
You're a punk
You're an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed
You scumbag, you maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy Christmas your arse
I pray God it's our last

The boys of the NYPD choir
Still singing "Galway Bay"
And the bells were ringing out
For Christmas day

I could have been someone
Well so could anyone
You took my dreams from me
When I first found you
I kept them with me babe
I put them with my own
Can't make it all alone
I've built my dreams around you

The boys of the NYPD choir
Still singing "Galway Bay"
And the bells are ringing out
For Christmas day

21. December 2003, 01:33:34
Subject: Sometimes When We Touch
You ask me if I love you
And I choke on my reply
I'd rather hurt you honestly
Than mislead you with a lie

For who am I to judge you
In what you say or do
I'm only just beginning
To see the real you

And sometimes when we touch
The honesty's too much
And I have to close my eyes
And hide
I wanna hold you till I die
Till we both break down and cry
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides

Romance's an honest strategy
Leaves me grappling with my pride
But through the years of maturity
Some tenderness survives
I'm just another writer
Still trapped within my truth
A hesitant prize-fighter
Still trapped within my youth

At times I'd like to break you
And drive you to your knees
At times I'd like to break through
And hold you endlessly
At times I understand you
And I know how hard you try
I've watched whil love commands you
And I've watched love pass you by
At times I think we're drifters
Still searching for a friend
A brother or a sister
But then the passion flares again....

21. December 2003, 02:54:50
Subject: Sometimes When We Touch
Beautiful Chief! One of my favourite songs! :-)

21. December 2003, 04:17:11
Princess Kammy 
Subject: Re: Sometimes When We Touch
oh wow chiefy absolutely heart melting song...whatever inspired you to post it?

21. December 2003, 04:23:37
Subject: Re: Sometimes When We Touch
Princess..Chiefy ain't talking. As if. :)

21. December 2003, 04:25:02
Subject: Re: Sometimes When We Touch
Thanks Donna. It says so much.

21. December 2003, 04:40:15
Princess Kammy 
Subject: Re: Sometimes When We Touch
LOL....Chiefy speechless...impossible :)

21. December 2003, 15:46:15
Subject: Never My Love
Never My Love

You ask me if there'll come a time
when I grow tired of you;
never my love, never my love.

You wonder if this heart of mine
will lose its desire for you;
never my love,
never my love.

What makes you think love will end
when you know that my whole life
depends on you?

You say you fear I'll change my mind
I won't require you,
Never my love,
never my love.

How can you think love will end
when I've asked you to spend your
whole life with me?

(by Don and Dick Addrisi)

21. December 2003, 15:55:19
I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her too
I love her

She gives me ev'rything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her

A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her


21. December 2003, 15:57:28
Subject: Re: Never My Love
Very great Usurper one of my favorites too. What could inspire us to post such great music? Who knows? If the crown fits wear it. LOL

21. December 2003, 16:27:36
Princess Kammy 
Subject: Re: Never My Love
oh my chiefy...such a crown must be a unique size...whoever it does fit must be very special :)

21. December 2003, 19:53:51
Subject: Re: Never My Love
Very special indeed.

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