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17. July 2004, 03:00:24 
Subject: Re: Beach Boys
Not sure - my wife made the comment like "well there is really only 1 beach boy that is going to be there", but I'm not sure.

I just know her and her mom are going to the concert, and I'm going to stay home with our son ON HIS 3rd BIRTHDAY!

17. July 2004, 02:58:47
Subject: Re: Favorite Singers
Jim Morrison...

Joni Mitchel

17. July 2004, 02:52:48
Subject: Tammy Wynette
One of her first hits was 'D-I-V-O-R-C-E'...but came to be the most well known for Stand By Your Man"..and had to endure slurs by the public as she was married 3 times...divorced twice... to her first husband...Tammy was a teenage bride....
And to George Jones.
At the time of her death, Tammy was still married to husband #3, song writer, George Riley.

17. July 2004, 02:44:49
Subject: re : You're So Vain
rumor had it at the time this song came out that she was singing about the actor Warren Beatty

17. July 2004, 02:39:41
Subject: Re: Beach Boys
BBW is it the Beach Boys with Mike Love?

17. July 2004, 02:35:23
Subject: Re: What is your favorite song?
At the moment my favorite is Rainy Day, Dream Away by Jimi Hendrix. :o)

17. July 2004, 02:31:41 
Subject: Beach Boys
My wife is going to the Beach Boys concert Sunday.

17. July 2004, 02:28:13
Princess Kammy 
Subject: What is your favorite song?
I will have to say that at this moment my fav song is California Dreaming by the Beach Boys :)

17. July 2004, 01:53:18
Subject: Some Say (I Got Devil)
Some say I got devil
Some say I got angel
But I'm just a girl in trouble
I don't think I'm in danger
Don't think I'm in danger
No, I know I'm not in danger
But some have tried to sell me
All kinds of things to save me
From hurting like a woman, and crying like a baby
Something like a woman, crying like a baby

And all the things that I have seen
Qualify me for a part in your dream
Qualify me for this dream

And though I'd like to tell it
Exactly how I feel it
Somehow the music
Hides it and conceals it
Hides it and conceals it
Oh, it hides

And all the things that I have seen
Can be hidden in a part of my dream
Gonna hide it in my dream

Some say I've got devil
Some say I got angel
But I'm just this girl in trouble
I don't think I'm in danger
No I'm not in danger
No, I know I'm not in danger

by Safka Melanie

17. July 2004, 01:42:17
Artful Dodger 
Subject: You're So Vain - Carly Simon
any idea who Carly had in mind while singing this one? ;)

17. July 2004, 01:35:47
Subject: Re: I was curious also about Andersp female choice.
ABBA had a good sound

17. July 2004, 01:10:38
Subject: Chrise De Burgh
I wonder if any of you knows Chrise De Burgh.
I have no time to go through all the board to see if one has already spoken about him!

here's a lyric I find most amuzing:


There's a Spanish train that runs between
Guadalquivir and old Saville,
And at dead of night the whistle blows,
and people hear she's running still...

And then they hush their children back to sleep,
Lock the doors, upstairs they creep,
For it is said that the souls of the dead
Fill that train ten thousand deep!!

Well a railwayman lay dying with his people by his side,
His family were crying, knelt in prayer before he died,
But above his bed just a-waiting for the dead,
Was the Devil with a twinkle in his eye,
"Well God's not around and look what I've found,
this one's mine!!"

Just then the Lord himself appeared in a blinding flash of light,
And shouted at the Devil, "Get thee hence to endless night!!"
But the Devil just grinned and said "I may have sinned,
But there's no need to push me around,
I got him first so you can do your worst,
He's going underground!!"

"But I think I'll give you one more chance"
said the Devil with a smile,
"So throw away that stupid lance,
It's really not your style",
"Joker is the name, Poker is the game,
we'll play right here on this bed,
And then we'll bet for the biggest stakes yet,
the souls of the dead!!"

And I said "Look out, Lord, He's going to win,
The sun is down and the night is riding in,
That train is dead on time, many souls are on the line,
Oh Lord, He's going to win!.."

Well the railwayman he cut the cards
And he dealt them each a hand of five,
And for the Lord he was praying hard
Or that train he'd have to drive...
Well the Devil he had three aces and a king,
And the Lord, he was running for a straight,
He had the queen and the knave and nine and ten of spades,
All he needed was the eight...

And then the Lord he called for one more card,
But he drew the diamond eight,
And the Devil said to the son of God,
"I believe you've got it straight,
So deal me one for the time has come
To see who'll be the king of this place,
But as he spoke, from beneath his cloak,
He slipped another ace...

Ten thousand souls was the opening bid,
And it soon went up to fifty-nine,
But the Lord didn't see what the Devil did,
And he said "that suits me fine",
"I'll raise you high to a hundred and five,
And forever put an end to your sins",
But the Devil let out a mighty shout, "My hand wins!!"

And I said "Lord, oh Lord, you let him win,
The sun is down and the night is riding in,
That train is dead on time, many souls are on the line,
Oh Lord, don't let him win..."

Well that Spanish train still runs between,
Guadalquivir and old Saville,
And at dead of night the whistle blows,
And people fear she's running still...
And far away in some recess
The Lord and the Devil are now playing chess,
The Devil still cheats and wins more souls,
And as for the Lord, well, he's just doing his best...

And I said "Lord, oh Lord, you've got to win,
The sun is down and the night is riding in,
That train is still on time, oh my soul is on the line,
Oh Lord, you've got to win..."

17. July 2004, 01:08:28
Princess Kammy 
Subject: Re: What is your favorite era of music?
let me guess....wide open spaces on the dixie chicks right? LOL

17. July 2004, 01:04:08
Princess Kammy 
Subject: Re: What is your favorite era of music?
Modified by Princess Kammy (17. July 2004, 01:05:57)
the beatles are definitely an excellent example of culture changing music....i like several of thier songs.

(edited for typos)

17. July 2004, 01:00:51
Subject: Re: What is your favorite era of music?
For me George Jones, Anne Murray, Roy Orbison..some of Springsteen. Today the Dixie Chicks.

17. July 2004, 00:52:04
Subject: Re: What is your favorite era of music?
Me too was lucky to grow up to the 60's. The other day I managed to download The Beatles first appearance in Swedish TV (1964)...gave me goosebumps!! LOL

17. July 2004, 00:47:01
Subject: Re: I was curious also about Andersp female choice.
Agnetha Fältskog is one of the girls in ABBA the swedish group. She has (had) a wonderful voice.

17. July 2004, 00:40:27
Subject: I was curious also about Andersp female choice.
Wondering if Agnetha Faltskog is from Sweden?

17. July 2004, 00:42:17
Princess Kammy 
Subject: What is your favorite era of music?
I must say it is hard to choose but I grew up with classic country and 50's and 60's i tend to prefer the older music.

17. July 2004, 00:36:10
Princess Kammy 
Subject: Re: Favorite Singers
I agree that both Frank Sinatra and Johnny Cash are extraordinary singers. however i have not had the privelage of hearing any work by the female artist you m entioned.

17. July 2004, 00:22:56
Subject: Re: Favorite Singers
No easy choice...
Male has to be Frank Sinatra with Johny Cash as "runner up"
Female: Agnetha Fältskog

17. July 2004, 00:14:51
Princess Kammy 
Subject: Re: Fellowship
sounds like an interesting fellowship i am sure you will have a great time there.

16. July 2004, 22:44:17
Subject: Re: Favorite Singers
Tough choice, too many good singers to pick from. I'll go for Glenn Danzig and Joan Jett.

16. July 2004, 22:20:41
male choice! didn't read it properly! trust me! LOL...

That is hard... my brain wont think...

Probably Cliff Richard.... or Elvis Presley

16. July 2004, 22:06:26
Meatloaf and Madonna.

Some days. Its impossible to choose! Meatloaf has to be an all time favourite though!

16. July 2004, 21:54:20
Subject: I like Cher, but then I like so many so hard to just
pick one performer.. for the male.. hmmm.. I would have to say Billy Joel..

The fortune queen of new orleans
Was brushing her cat in her black limousine
On the back seat were scratches
From the marks of men her fortune she had won
Couldn’t see through the tinted glass
She said, home james and he hit the gas
I followed her to some darkened room
She took my money, she said, I’ll be with you soon

Dark lady laughed and danced
And lit the candles one by one
Danced to her gypsy music
Till her brew was done
Dark lady played black magic
Till the clock struck on the twelve
She told me more about me
Than I knew myself

She dealt two cards, a queen and a three
And mumbled some words
That were so strange to me
Then she turned up a two-eyed jack
My eyes saw red but the card
Still stayed black
She said the man you love is secretly true
To someone else who is very close to you
My advice is that you leave this place
Never come back and forget you ever saw my face


So I ran home and crawled in my bed
I couldn’t sleep because of all the things she said
Then I remembered her strange perfume
And how I smelled it once in my own room
So I sneaked back and caught her with my man
Laughing and kissing till they saw the gun in my hand
The next thing I knew they were dead on the floor
Dark lady would never turn a card up anymore



16. July 2004, 22:00:04
Subject: Favorite Singers
tie between Kenny Rogers and Luciano Pavarotti and Sarah Brightman

16. July 2004, 22:00:35
Subject: and yet another
song from Cher

I don’t need your sympathy
There’s nothing you can say or do for me
And I don’t want a miracle
You’ll never change for no one

I hear your reasons why
Where did you sleep last night?
And was she worth it, was she worth it?

’cos I’m strong enough
To live without you
Strong enough and I quit crying
Long enough now I’m strong enough
To know you gotta go

There’s no more to say
So save your breath
And then walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I’m strong enough to know you gotta go

So you feel misunderstood
Baby, have I got news for you
On being used, I could write a book
You don’t wanna hear about it

I’ve been losing sleep
You’ve been going cheap
She ain’t worth half of me it’s true
I’m telling you

Now I’m strong enough to live without you
Strong enough and I quit crying
Long enough now I’m strong enough
To know you gotta go

Come hell or waters high
You’ll never see me cry
This is our last goodbye, it’s true

I’m telling you
That I’m strong enough to live without you
Stron enough and I quit crying
Long enough now I’m strong enough
To know you gotta go

There’s no more to say
So save your breath
And you walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I’m strong enough to know you gotta go

16. July 2004, 22:01:58
Subject: Re:
No male choice Chattytea? Those are two very good female singers though for sure.

16. July 2004, 21:58:52
Whitney Houston and Diana Ross

16. July 2004, 21:45:34
Artful Dodger 
Subject: Re: Favorite Singers
James Taylor and Emmylou Harris

16. July 2004, 19:25:19
Subject: Re: Favorite Singers
Modified by Stevie (17. July 2004, 12:52:13)
Luther Vandros and Whitney Houstan

Bill and Kammy, I hope your ficticious love fails and breaks your hearts. Couldnt happen to a better couple.

16. July 2004, 19:20:28
Subject: Favorite Singers
Who are you favorite all time singers? One male vocalist and one female. It should be interesting.

16. July 2004, 18:52:28
Artful Dodger 
Subject: Here's an on-topic post
Everyone is invited to join a new fellowship. It's all about music and called Music Fellowship. click to join. All the fun of this fine fellowship without the restrictions.

You can join too Purple! ;)

16. July 2004, 18:49:42
Subject: Re: Bigger Person
Stardust heavy handed insults were HERE in public so in this one case Kam's support was also here. Further personal attacks won't be posted and that will eliminate the need for breaking AD's rules. :)

16. July 2004, 18:38:48
Artful Dodger 
Subject: Re: Bigger Person
for example: this post belongs in her personal mail box. It was addressed specifically to her, not the group. It violates the posting rules for this DB.

16. July 2004, 18:36:54
Artful Dodger 
No, I wasn't doing that at all. I was applying the MODERATOR'S rule which you have broken once again in both your posts. I'm not the one debating it, you are Purple. I'm just responding to our off topic comments.

16. July 2004, 18:33:31
Subject: Re: Bigger Person
Kammy you have once again shown yourself to be a BETTER PERSON than those who insult you. By now I shouldn't be surprised but my admiration grows daily.

16. July 2004, 17:44:16
Subject: Your Cheatin Heart,
This is true Hank Williams.

This even has the chords for the song!

16. July 2004, 18:23:51
Subject: Re: AD..if you want to tell someone you love them here I don't see the harm.
Maybe love and music go together. Are YOU arguing for people staying ON TOPIC now? I thought you were taking the other view. As much as you would like to take center stage in a debate we must ask you to stick to music related subjects. You got the wrong forum again AD.

16. July 2004, 17:26:59
Artful Dodger 
Subject: AD..if you want to tell someone you love them here I don't see the harm.
How about because it's off topic?

16. July 2004, 15:44:13
Princess Kammy 
Modified by Princess Kammy (16. July 2004, 15:45:42)
And of course everyone is entitled to thier own opinion Stardust. And i happen to like that song. I aso sang that song as I was leaving my job of 8 years.

(edited for a typo)

16. July 2004, 15:32:48
I think it's obvious Kammy,that you are not the best choice for moderator here. The problems here did not exist until you became moderator.
Now here is my song:

Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more

I will not get all the pieces
I've been working for
Paper cups, minimum wage
Just walk on out the door
Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more
Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more
I will not get all the pieces
I've been working for
Paper cups, minimum wage
Just walk on out the door
Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more

They'll have you in this factory
From now on for fifty years
All this time I see my woman
Drowning in her tears
I see a lot of people who
Got to have a piece of me
I'd give the shirt right off my back
If I had the nerve to say

Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more
I will not get all the pieces
I've been working for
Paper cups, minimum wage
Just walk on out the door
Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more

Let's all go use our sick leave up
And then we'll shoot some pool
Got brand new skinhead hair cuts
You think he's a fool
One of these days I'll blow my top
Or somebody's gonna pay
I'd hate to see the process
As you enter the factory and say

Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more
I won't let that shit bother me
That I've been working for
Paper cups, minimum wage
Just walk on out the door
Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here no more

Take this job and shove it
I ain't working here, ain't working here, ain't working here no more


16. July 2004, 15:25:25
Princess Kammy 
Subject: Re: Moderator Kammy
I see no reason why we can't take the approval off the board....but not at the moment. There have been off topic posts on here and personal attacks. I do want people to enjoy posting about music..and I never said the approval mode was permanent. Iwas not added until there were derogatory posts made that were off topic.

16. July 2004, 15:18:43
Subject: Re: Moderator Kammy
You want everyone to enjoy this board? What a crock! Let people post then perhaps they will enjoy this board. You haven't allowed my previous post and I'm sure you won't allow this one,but others have posted similar posts to mine and have been allowed. Can I have a logical explanation,please?

16. July 2004, 15:12:13
Princess Kammy 
Subject: Re: Moderator Kammy
I totally agree that we would all love to see more lyrics posted here and even any interesting facts regarding those lyrics or any info you find interesting regarding music. I want everyone on BK to be able to enjoy the Music board as always. And I will make sure that your posts will be added to the board as quickly as possible. We are not wanting or trying to punish the members with this type of moderating. But we also do not approve of using this board as a vehichle for rudeness.

The "All posts must be approved" mode will remain for now.

16. July 2004, 14:04:04
2007 Lady 
Subject: Circle of Life
Harley ... Thanks for bringing that song into play here. I went and saw 'The Lion King' in Hollywood & hearing it live took my breath away!
So meaningful ....

16. July 2004, 13:53:32
2007 Lady 
Subject: No debate on Pawns
Wrong choice of words ... sorry

16. July 2004, 13:50:13
I went to see my son's school play the other day, and they performed 'Lion King'. This song has been in my head since...

From the day we arrive on this planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done

There is far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round

It's the circle of life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle
The circle of life

It's the circle of life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle
The circle of life

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