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21. February 2004, 03:14:21
Any woman's perfume made him weak

9. February 2004, 14:03:08
Was Sabasian up to it. Could pipen find his portal too?

9. February 2004, 14:01:29
Backtracking back to the spot of the portal, Limtrot decided the only way to get to it (Since tey fell down from it was to get Jerky to carry them one at a time. But was Jerky the same?

2. February 2004, 14:52:40
Amother night and they placed Mariam & the young canible on a bed of flames, a form of cremation. The arrow was removed and Lorgs leg was bandadged

31. January 2004, 02:47:33
Limtrot placed it in his pocket as he lifted Sabasion up as Lorg cussed up a storm. I should have had him, he had some magic to help him flee. Lorg looked at the dead Jerky and with the Amulet he seemed to bring the dragon back to life.Pipen walked over saying. We best find your portal..

28. January 2004, 13:16:21
Sabasion, after greeving over Mariams body grew furious to. Grabbing a timber from a burning building he ran full charge at Malatan, while Lorg lifted himself up. Now Malatav had two to contend with. Malatan kept dodging Sabasian's torch and Lorgs spear. Behind him Limtrot was taking on 3 mercenaries. With the youths last dying breath he grabed Malatav's leg and triped him.

27. January 2004, 15:12:48
One of the arrows hit Lorg in the leg, barrreling towaards him was Malatan in rage. With his last breath the yound mercenary stabed Malatav with his spear, yet Malatav's armor was to strong.

27. January 2004, 15:05:59
The mercenary was being bit by Jerky in the net, he tried wigling out of the mercenaries hands. The mercenary tried cutting Jerky's neck yet it was to tough. Limtrot used the only thing he could use. Picking up rocks he threw them at the mercenaries. Lorg and the young mercenary ran towards Limtrot. After a while the mercenary picked up an axe and killed Jerky

25. January 2004, 21:49:57
Out of the sky flew in Jerky who flamed alot of the mercenarie's while the rest dispersed. Sibasion cried over the death of Mariam as pipen draged him out of danger. Lorg and limtrot scattered to.

23. January 2004, 21:35:25
"thanks to your friends my mistress now looks worse than my wife because of burns, the huts can easily be rebuilt, but I am afraid none of you will live to see that" said the chief as his medicine man sat in a nearbye corner rubbing his pot belly. "I will hang your skins like tapestries after they have been flailed off your hides!!"
At that several dozen men appeared from seemingly nowhere with short bows and strangly angled swords. The cheif began to calmly explain how captives were buried up to their necks and the swords were used to open their skulls...

21. January 2004, 03:39:27
Pipen pulled out a map of Queen Hercala's world. "This map shows where most of the portals are in that witches land. The portal I came is on it and I know where I came through, but the two humans Mariam and Sebasian will have to remember your portals. Can you two(Limtrot and lorg) show us where the portal was to this world? Lorg didn't want to help them but Kindhearted Limtrot went back to the burned to the ground canibal village. Yet as they passed by the church still in tact out jumped the head Canible. being in anger and grabed the woman Mariam,and ready to cut her throat

20. January 2004, 01:37:57
Limtrot was really angry with Lorg yet greeted the 3 strangers's. I am Sabasion, this is mariam. We are from London, England" introducement from the male human. "I am Pipen, The Short,once King of the great country of Gaul , we were inprisoned in that ring by Queen Hercala. Thank you for freeing us. But we must run and hide from her wickedness. Limtrot explained "Pipen, do not worry, she is another world I think she will not
harm you. That night all 5 told their stories. Seems the Human came from earth's 1940 during a War called WW2, The Dwarf came from the same world but a different time. Limtrot told of How he met the Dragon and Lorg

19. January 2004, 14:23:40
The glow got brighter and th Diamond literally chattered. Soon poof there were two humans and a dwarf. FREEDOM! cried one of the human's. The shattering of the Diamond woke Limtrot as Jerky roared instead of churped.Jerky was the size of a human now. One woman, one man and a dwarf all stared around and did not reognize they're surroundings. Limtrot yelled at Lorg. What the Hell's goin on. Lorg explained about the Diamond Bracelet.

17. January 2004, 22:08:42
the glowing braclet began to throb and felt warm in Limtrot's hand. As he looked closer at it he could see tiny figures trapped within it...they looked like they were in did they get trapped in there he wondered...considering getting a rock to break them out and deciding against might suck him in as well...

17. January 2004, 21:27:04
They soon went up a mountain that was barren of trees. That night the made camp and saw the forest burning below them. The bracelet in lorg vest called to him while he was asleep. Lorg pulled out the Diamond bracelet to admire it and it began to glow.

17. January 2004, 21:22:17
Meanwhile, the head cannible, was beside see his mistress was with his wife when their hut caught on fire....As the fires ingulfed the village jerky flew bck and limtrot got Jerky to bote his ropes, Limtrot then untied Lorg.. as they left the burning village the flames ate the forest. A major forest fire. What else could go wrong?

17. January 2004, 15:51:20
It was hard to believe that such a tiny flame could cause such fires....then again most of the huts were dried straw.
Lorg knew that they were in REAL trouble now. The Natives obviously hunted in this area and knew the terrain much more intimately than Lorg or Limtrot ever would. The tattoos and filed teeth still filled Lorg with shivers as he tried to ignore Limtrot's plees to just stay and have some soup.
"But I'm hungry..." whined Limtrot as they ran...

17. January 2004, 15:01:13
Jerky was perched in a tree just watching his masters draged to a pit. The canible warriors were chanting and dancing to a mystical god. In an instant Jerky flew down and bit one of the warriors holding lorg on the face as Limtrot kicked the other warrior in the (UHUM). Both Limtrot and lorg ran for whe swamp. Jerky was stil indanger backat the village. Limtrot could see that Jerky's wrath had gone full circle and was burning all the huts and buildingsdown with his Fire breathing. Limtrot aproved what his pet was doing yet He thought he had created a monster

17. January 2004, 01:18:10
The villagers were obviously cannibles, and from the collections of shrunken heads, Lorg immediately knew he was in fact, while limtrot kept asking what kind of soup they were making Lorg could not help but notice the human bones they were grinding up....

16. January 2004, 02:36:36
As Lorg leaped through the portal he muttered what a stupid idea this was....and wondered what dragonmeat tasted like.
The impact of leaping through a portal into a stonewall was a painful one. Half dazed, Lorg realised he was sliding downwards. It seemed the floor was nowhere in sight.... It felt a long time before he landed right next to limtrot. They were now in a swamp covered in fog. They could here everything...Frogs crocking, birds chirping. walking aways they saw Danger signs that read "Beware, go no further" and Keep out. Limtrot steered the group away from those areas. A graveyard and church appeared and beyond followed a village, Sign read Calastang. Limtrot did not kow this village.

15. January 2004, 13:10:03
Lorg didn't know what to do. Then an echo came from the othere side "Hurry lorg, this portals closing up. Lorg thought it might be Limtrots voice so he ran in saying GERONIMO!!!!

15. January 2004, 13:07:06
Before limtrot knew it, Jerky flew into the portal. Without looking at Lorg, Limtrot ran through the portal

15. January 2004, 13:05:28
After miles of walking they came to a ripple in the air. It was a portal to another place. "Should we go thuoght? Limtot asked lorg. "Oh no, we don't know what's in there. Litrot dared putting his hand into it and felt a soothing vibration...

15. January 2004, 12:36:51
As the queen rode off Limtrot notice her and the unicorn changed. Lorg looked at Limtrot and asked "why did you kiss that thing's paw?" As he watched the strange and disgusting lizard creature ride off...little did he know the illusion it had cast on Limtrot..."did ya see the fangs in that thing's maw? I thought it was goin ta devour ya...whatever that gurgling noise it was making as it drooled...kinda like a lizard centaur thing like that just gives me the creeps...hope that thing doesn't have any friends around here...."He looked around fearfully...and a little at Jerky hungerily....after would be centuries before that thing would be bigger than a chicken...Limtrot was so glad he turned down that things invite. After breaking up camp both human's walked down the only path they saw. Still not a sound was heard.

14. January 2004, 14:44:08
Lintrot was still asleep but he was dreaming about Malatov destoying his castle when a vision of a woman in white gown riding what looked to be a unicorn. He had awakened and thought the woman and unicorn was in his dream, but no she was riding right up to their camp. She had a glow around her. In her right hand was a staff that was also white and glowing with a green stone on it's tip. Lorg moved in astonishment towards Limtrot, who was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Jerky was cherping and staying near the stump. "Welcome strangers. I'm Queen Hercala." All of a sudden Lorg remembered the stumps ingravings. One name was herc? Could this be the queens initials? All of a sudden the Diamond Bracelet was making lorg feel guilty for taking it. "Hi mylady" Bowed Limtrot "We are limtrot, lorg and that noisy Dragon over there is our pet Jerky." The Queen smiled."We are sort of lost."Explained lorg." You are in my domain of Triad and I rule here." The queen said hoping off the unicorn." We are from the providence of Uricar".Limtrot moved forward to Bow and kiss the Queen's left hand. Lorg wasn't of noble linkage so he stood there. "I have not heard of that place? I hope you gentleman will come to my Castle to rest and get your bearings straight? I would love to hear of your place."" No mylady we are trying to get back home. My land is being taken as I speak." With disappointment She says "Then it must be, Godspeed my friends" The queen rode off." Lorg breathed a sigh of relief

14. January 2004, 13:50:33
Both Limtrot and lorg were not familiar with the area. There were no birds singing that was odd, but they could here the river flowing. Jerky flew over to a stump. Lorg noticed the letters Fig & herc carved in it. Inside the stump lorg found a diamong bracelet which he hid from Limtrot. Lorg was still as greedy as he ever was.

14. January 2004, 00:30:41
Lorg thought of a really stupid name Jerky. Behind the two men the troll tried spitting and cussing at them. Lorg grabed the troll's collar and Barked. Your going to show us the way outta here. "Why should I? Grumbled the troll. I've lved down here all my lfe, I wouldn't know where to look. Lorg draged the troll back to the water and dunked his head under it . The troll wasn't persuaded to help. They couldn't swim through to the river Limtrot fell in for the dragon couldn't swim and Limtrot almost drowning. The walked blindly through the tunnel Lorg came by, Maybe they canturn up at the well.

13. January 2004, 15:27:53
Limtrot shook the uncinscience troll as Lorg pulled ot some jerky that he had been surviving on. The troll awokeand the Black Box produced itself. The troll ran yet lorg triped the troll. "So that's how the box had vanished" thought Litrot"If the troll is asleep or unconscience, that box is tied to it. The troll had a secure system ten. If he was killed, sleeping or unconscience, no more box. Lorg grabed the box out of the troll's arms and threw it to Limtrot. "I guess we are partners then?' Limtrot told Lorg. I gues we are" Lorg agreed with a smile

13. January 2004, 14:36:56
After the voices quieted, to Limtrots amzement, came a human from one of the tunnels. Low and behold it was Lorg who had been walking many days after finding the fakeamulet Malatav droped. Malatov never helped him get out of the well so he had been wandering all this time. Limtrot staired at him. Who the hell are you. With a timmid answer, "I am Lorg.Once I served Maatav, but since he has abandoned me down here to die, I would like to help you kill him. I do not wish to Kill anyone Explained Limtrot not even Malatov. I just want to help my People to be rid of the Raiders. Limtrot went to the troll and tried waking him for answers to te Key he no possessed.

13. January 2004, 14:11:17
with its handle ingraved with a wolf. Limtrot gasped in outright anquish and horror as the box disappeared. It had been an illusion...somewhere in the darkness something chuckled a deep evil sound of malignant mirth...he could hear a whispery voice in his ear "follow my words and you will be safe" from all around the deep baritone of evil boomed"Foolish mortal, I will play tortuously with your soul for eons before devouring it!!" Limtrot began to think he'd better listen to the whispery voice...

12. January 2004, 13:39:55
All of a sudden the troll slid on theicy foor of the cave right into a stalagtite. The troll was knocked out cold.

12. January 2004, 03:22:00
Yet how would Limtrot get the box. Should he fight the troll, grab it from the trol, or con the troll?

11. January 2004, 19:52:06
What amazement Limtrot discovered a troll about 3 feet hiogh holding a cane in one hand and a small blackbox in the other that he could see had symbols on it

10. January 2004, 18:21:32
a cave with walls covered in silver flouresant paint and saw a light down the tunnel. It opened up to a big cavern.

10. January 2004, 13:40:32
A treasure map leading into the catacomes of the Limtrot Castle. Ahha"scoffed Limtrot. The irs agent was a liar, all he had Limtrot was a scam to get hs land and castle. While Malatan came closer limtrot ran till he fell in the river. Lucky the sachel was waterproof. Yet he founnd out he couldn't swim. As he sunk he found an underwater cave that he quicly swam(The best he could til he came up into an Air pocket. To his amazement he found...

9. January 2004, 21:31:02
"So what worry was the IRS now?" thought Limtrot "unless another agent was sent out. Soon he paid more attention to the battle going on. A bout 5 volunteers died.He hid under the signing table as he saw Malatan approach.

27. December 2003, 17:28:59
"Amulet!!?? What Amulet" beged Limtrot

27. December 2003, 17:27:28
The Old Guard wanted the powerful Amulet from Malatan....

27. December 2003, 04:28:04
"What man shall fight beside me against these hoodlums? About 15 ran towards the Raiders with swords, one had a pitchfork another was brave enough to pull a raider off his horse and kicked him hard in the gut, another had a bow and arrow.

23. December 2003, 21:26:25
Had men lined up by a the river Elgar waiting to sign forms. Out of the woods roamed Malatan with his sword and 50 raiders.

21. December 2003, 00:45:43
Malatan did not even know that the amulet he won while beating a blacksmith at cards was powerful. How did the Blacksmith get it from the surviving Monk?

19. December 2003, 12:47:08
His castle was once a Monastery and the monks had laid dead monks down there. I f a Blizzard had not wiped them out theywould still be there. Legend began growing the castle was haunted, but limtrot showed
no care when he moved into it

19. December 2003, 03:22:06
My horse and sword. I will have the pleasure of defeating this stupid Lord. With about twenty raiders,Malatan could not penetrate the castle for lord Limtrot had no gate or windows. He had a secret passage that only he knew of..

18. December 2003, 15:42:30
But a raider had been calabanting among the bars and saw the sign and took this iformation back to the Raider leader Malatan who was in a rage after that

18. December 2003, 14:41:48
Lintot had gotten word from the village and knew there were only a few young males capable to fight. He aquire a messanger to go to the next village(not in his jurisdiction). To post a sign asking for men to protect his village.

18. December 2003, 14:32:48
the gardens and buildings

18. December 2003, 14:32:11
That the villagers needed more protection. Raiders had been coming in there once a week taking money from them so the Raiders wouldn't burn

13. December 2003, 13:43:01
with a faint fog strolling in. A large castle stands on a plateau overlooking a small village called LIMTROT..

12. December 2003, 20:07:49
I guess

2. December 2003, 05:15:20
Stickfo saw these foolish antics. And lead his small band of wards to a barracks to prepare for clases he would be training. The amulet only had so much power yet not enough to give alot of people knowledge...

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