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21. August 2006, 03:49:09
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: The story so far:
Out from the woods comes a Fox with a few mouse traps and sets them around the island.

21. August 2006, 03:36:57
NOT a floosie 
a tiny field mouse.

20. August 2006, 23:32:45
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Please note
If people collectively want the storyboard guidlines modified and EVERYONE can agree, then whatever the group decides works for me.  Until that happens, the above applies.  Many "chatty" posts were deleted.  They were old and in the way.  My reasons should be obvious.  People have complained on this board about the chat.  It interrupts the storyline.  Introducing a new story also interrupts so it only makes sense to do one at a time.  If after a story-tag story is finished and people want to just chat about stories, that's fine.  What every everyone wants (and in agreement) works for me.  I don't care.  It's not my board, it's my responsibility.  The board belongs to all of you who participate here.  But if you think everyone can have their own way here, that won't happen.  I believe there is a consensus about chat and I've implimented a no chat rule because off that.  I believe the rest of the guidelines fit within the expectations of those who regularly post here.  If not PM me and if I see a need we'll open the storyboard up for discussions etc. 

20. August 2006, 21:50:13
Foxy Lady 
Please follow the guidelines Groucho set up other wise your post will be deleted.

Thank You

19. August 2006, 04:29:57
Subject: Re: The story so far:
Jim Dandy: THUMP...THUMP...THUMP...THUMP... Jim looked up at a placid Kong... SCREAM! They both looked towards the high-pitched SCREAM source but saw the T-Rex first! It was bearing down on a golden haired slight woman in a flowing flimsy white wrap, who gathered herself and dove into the deep blue stream...

Jim pointed- Well don't just stand there king! Go save her! Help her!

The giant ape ROARED and sprang forward covering ground fast and low... almost losing Jim as he jumped on and clung on to the ape's hairy calf with both hands...

The T-rex skidded to a stop on the thick green verge at the stream and BELLOWED a challenge back!

14. August 2006, 22:03:07
The Col 
Subject: Re: The story so far:
Modified by The Col (14. August 2006, 23:22:06)
Groucho: Then,all at once Jim sensed a presence from behind.The ape had returned and was running its fingers through his hair while making grunting sounds.In an act of defiance Jim swung around and screamed at the top of his lungs "get your stinkin paws off me you dirty Ape."

Edited to remove a word

14. August 2006, 20:57:49
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: The story so far:
*BOB*on*Bush*:  But no matter how hard he tried, the huge ape just wouldn't disappear.  Land mines continued to explode as coconuts continued to fall.  Suddenly, another huge creature appeared in the distance.  "How can that be?"  thought Jim.  "I wasn't thinking of a creature of any kind!"  Then just as suddenly, the huge ape disappeared and the explosions ceased.  But the beast in the distance grew bigger and bigger as it came closer and closer.

"This is madness!"  Jim screamed as he desparately thought of peceful things.  A quiet stream running through the valley appeared.  That was Jim's thought.  But the beast wasn't.  And then it suddenly occured to Jim.  Not only was he not alone, but the thoughts of others became a reality to him as well!  It was one thing to control his own thoughts but the thoughts of another?  Impossible. 

And then he saw the other.  The person was running towards him with the beast following.   They were too far away to tell if it was a man or a woman.  But whoever it was, the beast was chasing after them.   And both of them were running straight towards Jim.

14. August 2006, 16:45:10
The Col 
A couple of hours passed and Jim had arrived to the top of the hill. All that was left of the ruins of Ghylopia were a few fallen big stones. Jim took out a flat stone he had with him and placed it on the ground. On it was inscribed:


14. August 2006, 06:22:38
Subject: Re: The story so far:
Jim Dandy: the ground trembled, the trees shook in the distance... it reminded him of the old king kong movie... coconuts were falling everywhere... BOOM! earth geysered! BOOM! BOOM! ROARRRRrrrrr! The giant ape retreated in anger! the coconuts were setting off land mines! jim thought "oh this is just dandy" and forced himself to think of 'good' thoughts...

13. August 2006, 21:49:39
The Col 
Subject: Re: The story so far:
Modified by The Col (13. August 2006, 22:49:52)
Groucho: The very idea that Jim could manifest his own best or worst fears intrigued Jim.For to even dread the worst meant he must at least revisit that minefield of emotions.

13. August 2006, 01:36:13
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: The story so far:
Modified by Papa Zoom (13. August 2006, 01:36:38)
Groucho:  "What strange place is this?"  Jim thought.  "Whatever one thinks about, the Island creates a mirage of it. "

Suddenly it occured to him that such a situation could lead to trouble.  What if he were thinking of something that led to a dangerous or even deadly mirage?

He hardly had time to think about that last question when a shudder surged throughout his body.  Was he now seeing things?  What was his last thought?  He didn't have time to wonder any longer.  Something was moving in the distance.  Something big.  And it was coming his way.....

12. August 2006, 23:49:48
Papa Zoom 
Subject: The story so far:
Beyond the Bermuda Triangle 9. July 2006

Jim was flying his lear jet over Cuba on his flight to Brazil. He was a representative of a coffee company in Florida who was checking on companies in South America. All of a sudden all his gages were malfunctioning and he was loosing control of his plane....

...He found out a bird had hit one of the engines...

...Suddenly, the plane started to dive!

...The engine sputtered and choked as it tried to stay alive...

...As his plane spiraled down out of control Jim spotted a flash of emerald and tan through the clouds. As his plane sank lower he realized it was an island in a part of the ocean where no island should be.

...Was his fantasy becoming true?

...What fantasy was that?

...The island was incased in a fog or clouds. Soon his plane floated down. Till it reached the island.

...The fatiague from such a disorienting experience had caused Jim to question his perception of his surroundings.Could it be?......could that really be a Chuck E Cheese in the distance?

...Jim had dozed off and woke hours later on the island and his plane was no where in site. No wreckage whatsoever.

...He saw the Chucky Cheeser again and discovered that the island fabricated marages of what ev er you think about.

12. August 2006, 23:49:34
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Storyboard Guidelines
I've posted new guidelines. Feedback via PM only. Thanks and have fun.

12. August 2006, 15:27:54
Subject: Re: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
Skyking: He saw the Chucky Cheeser again and discovered that the island fabricated marages of what ev er you think about.

12. August 2006, 14:37:18
Subject: Re: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
Jim Dandy: Jim had dozed off and woke hours later on the island and his plane was no where in site. No wreckage whatsoever.

11. August 2006, 06:14:05
Subject: The Old College Try
You know how all your life people kept telling you “college is tough.” As a freshman I was carrying more than a full load, but the counselor allowed it because some were a few "easy" classes....
So on a clear, mild and sunny summer day, the first day of a “pushover” class, at least three to four dozen of us were following this lanky guy like he was the pied piper leading us to the promised land. Or out to the deserted campus gridiron.

He stopped, turned and asked, “How many of you have ever played golf?” Not more than ten of us raised our hands. He pointed to me, “What’s your handicap?”

“My best is 18, but that’s at my home course” I answered. He asked where, and I told him, (Arbuckle), and that my dad was the club pro. With that he motioned me over; we walked out in the middle of the lush green football field, leaving the rest of the class on the sidelines.

As he gave me a 9 iron he pointed and said, “The end zone is the green.” Then he tossed a golf ball on the grass. “The goal post is the pin.”

Now I don’t know if you’ve ever played golf, or football for that matter, but your average “well manicured” lawn probably would probably qualify as a decent “fairway”, whereas this overgrown football field would definitely be the “rough” on a golf course.
Here I had this beat up old 9 iron, a wedge would‘ve been the club, and a ball that didn‘t look all that whippy either- what I could see of it!
“Let’s see what you can do,” he challenged," as he backed away towards the crowd.

I squinted at that silvery metal “H” on the goal line (some high schools still have them yet;) about 60-65 yards distant, glinting in the sun on that clear day. My first thought- I can’t take a “full” swing- maybe 3/4 strength.
Then looked down at the ball nestled in the grass, but I can’t let up either, it’s got to be a firm follow through.

While all these thoughts of the upcoming golf shot were demanding priority in my head, niggling for equal time was- Now everybody knows where you’re from BIG MOUTH! The course you play at, who your dad is, and you just made 18 handicap only recently!

“You can take a couple of practice swings if you want,” the instructor offered. So I did. I’m not even sure if the first practice swing grazed the grass. But the second one riffled through it, grazing the ground, cutting a satisfying swath and sending the bladed grasses briefly skyward.

No divots for me! Courteous golfers replace their divots (those big clods that you see on TV;)- I on the other hand found that it was easier to pick the ball clean off the ground with a good stroke of the club- Rather than to hit the ball first, take a divot in front of the ball (the correct way;), walk two- ten paces up, pick-up the divot, return to the "scar", and replace the divot correctly (using a tee- Dad was a greens keeper first;).

Holding the club in my left hand, I placed the club head behind the ball as I stepped up to it. Then my right hand joined my left in the "interlocking" grip.

Exhaled quickly, then filled my lungs with air. Opened up my stance a little, let’s hit it straight! The grass is a little high, exhaled sloooowwwwly, toed the club in a little, the grass is going to catch it and inhaling (sloooowwwwly), taking the club back thinking, Whatever I do, I’ve got to get it in the air, just don’t let me “top the ball.” Keeping my eye focused on the it, Or hit a “worm raker!” pausing at the top of the swing, But don’t make a divot so big it goes further than the ball! then I started the downswing....

Still keeping my eye on the ball, I heard the whoosh of the club coming down, and the grass swished-click!
The ball disappeared- it was airborne!
A few strands of grass blew back towards me as I followed through, and tried to catch a glimpse of it, no divot to speak of; I’d picked it clean off the field! I couldn’t spot the ball; out of the corner of my eye I saw the heads of the crowd turning towards the end zone. You could’ve heard a pin drop.


It hit the crossbar! It had hit the crossbar of the goalpost! "WHOA!" Is the only thing I remember people saying for sure, and I think some people said things like, “Did you see that?” "Unbelievable!" "Awesome" "You got to be kidding me!" and there was some genuine applause (not "golf clapping";)

Then the instructor almost shouted, “you got an “A”, I’ll see you at the end of the semester!” People were patting me on the back, shaking my hand and congratulating me as I walked off the field to the student co-op to relax and play cards. (Another story;)


Oh yeah, if the goalpost had been the pin, I probably would’ve been 10 or 20 yards over the green! (I don't think it would have bit, much less drawn back after coming out of that rough!;)

Never bettered that 18 handicap, haven't played in years, plan to go soon... Never did get that "A"- was sidetracked by Viet Nam.

Danny, (the best step-father I've ever had), died years later in a small private airplane crash, on his way to play in a golf tournament.

The moral of the story-
Be careful of what you volunteer;
You could get called...
To "walk the talk?"

So keep your head down,
Your mouth shut,
And your eye on the ball;]

9. August 2006, 05:18:16
Papa Zoom

This way to General Chat

28. July 2006, 20:10:15
The Col 
Subject: Re: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
Skyking:The fatiague from such a disorienting experience had caused Jim to question his perception of his surroundings.Could it be?......could that really be a Chuck E Cheese in the distance?

28. July 2006, 06:25:03
Subject: innocence vs.superstition
She was a sweet and loving mother of a purky and very inquisitive child with a spirit full of life.

27. July 2006, 04:00:50
Subject: Re: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
volant: The island was incased in a fog or clouds. Soon his plane floated down. Till it reached the island.

25. July 2006, 02:08:10
The Whisper 
Subject: Re: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
volant: Was his fantasy becoming true?

14. July 2006, 16:48:28
Subject: Re: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
Groucho: As his plane spiraled down out of control Jim spotted a flash of emerald and tan through the clouds. As his plane sank lower he realized it was an island in a part of the ocean where no island should be. 

14. July 2006, 11:58:01
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
The Whisper: The engine sputtered and choked as it tried to stay alive.....

14. July 2006, 02:03:45
The Whisper 
Subject: Re: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
Skyking: Suddenly, the plane started to dive!

14. July 2006, 00:07:44
Subject: Hi Readers
Every story I start is for anyone to feel free to add to it.

14. July 2006, 00:02:34
Subject: Re: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
...He found out a bird had hit one of the engines..

13. July 2006, 01:46:38
The Whisper 
Subject: Re: Well, I suppose I woulnd't be doing my job unless
Groucho: OK everyone, I understand now...and thank you. No more chat or questions from me! :)

12. July 2006, 06:26:27
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Well, I suppose I woulnd't be doing my job unless

I pointed out that we should chat on GC and story only here. ;)  I think people will appreciate it more if we stick to what this board was created for in the first place. ;)  I get lost in all the chatter too.  so.....




12. July 2006, 04:33:09
Subject: Re: A Question?
The Whisper: I have to agree with Rose on your story. With posting bits and pieces, and so much chat in between, it's hard to follow the story.

12. July 2006, 02:11:19
Subject: Re: A Question?
The Whisper: Makes sense. The old format here a while back was folks would start a story with a paragraph or few sentences, then some folks would add to it so that everyone involved contributed to the story, made it very interesting. Other folks post stories they have written or are writing also.

12. July 2006, 02:03:59
The Whisper 
Subject: Re: A Question?
Rose: Thank you for responding. :) I am sorry that his story was ignored. I understand his feelings now. As far as my own stories...I thought that it might be more intriguing for the readers to tell bits and pieces...keep everyone wanting to come back - you know. Also, if I told the whole story at once, I would be typing forever and you ALL would be reading forever. :)

12. July 2006, 01:53:09
Subject: Re: A Question?
The Whisper: Well in his defence he did try to start a story that was ignored a bit ago. Simple chat can go on General chat too don't forget. Also your own stories might be better read if you posted them as one post instead of many short posts? Just a suggestion mind you. Not telling you what to do.

12. July 2006, 01:49:44
The Whisper 
Subject: Re:
Rose Hi there! It IS the same across the country...I think!? I have never looked into raise a good question! Thanks!

12. July 2006, 01:46:44
The Whisper 
Subject: A Question?
Skyking has expressed to me that he thinks that I am behaving like I "own the Stories page." Really? Any thoughts from anyone?

12. July 2006, 01:45:09
is minimum wage the same price across the country? In Canada is it anywhere from $6.50 to $8.50Ca depending on the province you are in

12. July 2006, 01:43:10
The Whisper 
Subject: Re: Homeless
The Whisper: Geez, I made a HUGE mistake in my last post. Congress DID VOTE to raise their wages. They refused a raise to the working class. My apoligies.

12. July 2006, 01:40:47
The Whisper 
Subject: Re: Homeless
The Whisper: Our government just recently decided to NOT raise the minimum wage. Well...the price of everything keeps going up, up,up,up,up!!! How are our citizens supposed to make it on the meager wages we are paid? And our Congress votes to NOT raise their wages. Minimum wage has not been raised since the latter 90's. The powerful control everything. The poor are here for a reason. They do the jobs that others (the wealthy) don't want to do.

11. July 2006, 01:22:46
The Whisper 
Subject: Re: Homeless
gogul: Most of our homeless ARE the weakest in our society. Sad we can not do anything about that. The government will not...anyway.

11. July 2006, 01:20:11
The Whisper 
Subject: Re: Homeless
gogul: I commend you for learning languages other than your own.

11. July 2006, 01:17:19
The Whisper 
Subject: Re: Homeless
gogul: :) I am happy to hear that things are so much better in your country...and they should be better here! Everyone thinks that this is the land of opportunity...but more and more are finding themselves homeless for many different reasons. I would like to finish my story before I go on...and SkyKing...I thought you were going to add on here... not confuse me...LOL

11. July 2006, 01:14:29
The Whisper 
Subject: Re: Homeless
gogul: Hi there. I am not joking about homeless either. As I posted before... one of our families was headed by a Grandmother who could spin a sad story to make it funny. I am only relating her ONE story here.

9. July 2006, 20:25:34
Subject: Re: Devil Storm
Tom could not find any lifeforms. He roamed around starving. The sky was red and dark

9. July 2006, 20:22:36
Subject: Re: Tickwater
The Doctor built a human size robot in 20 minutes to Sarahs Amazement. Inside the castle Tickwater was being placed on a chopping block.

9. July 2006, 20:00:24
Subject: Beyond the Bermuda Triangle
Jim was flying his lear jet over Cuba on his flight to Brazil. He was a representative of a coffee company in Florida who was checking on companies in South America. All of a sudden all his gages were malfunctioning and he was loosing control of his plane....

8. July 2006, 03:45:39
Subject: Re: Family #1
The Whisper:

Your tale is unfolding nicely. Thank you for sharing it with us.

8. July 2006, 03:42:05
The Whisper 
Subject: Family #1
I must ask for feedback at this time. I love telling my stories...without interruption...but at this point I want to know what everyone thinks.

7. July 2006, 02:48:24
The Whisper 
Subject: Re: Family #1
Rose: Thanks Rose!

7. July 2006, 02:47:12
The Whisper 
Subject: Re: Family #1
Groucho: Gotcha!

7. July 2006, 02:45:59
The Whisper 
Subject: Family #1
The children in tow were ages 1 & 3. I could only imagine...and in the rain. The family began asking directions of people on the street. No one had a clue where this family needed to be. The grandmother tried to flag down a police patrol car - waving her arms about. The "unit" drove on by. Along the long walk that they had, the young daughter saw a man on a bicycle and asked directions. The man was obviously drunk as he pointed to two places at 180 degrees apart. The Grandmother reported to me that she said to the daughter, " Of all the people you wanna ask, you gotta ask a wino!"

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