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Subject: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
Foxy Lady: he broke his fever.. and they were able to reconstruct his chin.. he is still comatosed.. and I am sure they only put him under for so long due to that.. my daughter for the most part is holding out.. although, she sounds as though she could a great big hug.. She lives in Dallas.. TX.. I know there would have to be some sort of support groups similar to what she is going through.. I have told her to start reading scripture again.. and to take a bubble bath.. or do a facial masque for herself.. I told her she shouldn't feel badly for taking time out for herself.. even renting some comedy's and popping popcorn one night.. I hope she can find a group she can be part of .. she beats herself up so badly.. I most likely will be visiting her after I am a bit more stable.. I went through my surgery.. and am recovering just fine.. just want to keep sending prayers out for Bree and John.. Thanks..
Subject: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
Pedro Martínez: Not sure about the other peeps involved.. although, from the sound of it.. I don't think any of them were injured.. I could be wrong.. will have to ask.
He has been rubbing my daughters arm and even playfully patted her thigh .. he opened his eyes up a bit yesterday. So my daughter believes he is awake.. I told her.. it sounded as though his face and especially his eyes were too swollen to really open before.. she is really sounding much better this week. This is where I wish I didn't have to live so far away.. she is much more positive..
They still haven't done surgery on his face.. he is running a fever.. the nurse told her. They won't do the surgery till he goes two days in a row without fever or infection..
I think things are going to be A okay for them.. I believe this was to make the couple stronger in their relationship.. Thanks for those prayers.. and I will let you know if anyone else was hurt..
Subject: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
ScarletRose: John has an infection on his forehead.. so they postphoned the surgery..
My daughter is getting stronger day by day.. she is more positive which is great.. she needs to be strong to get through these months ahead.. Oh.. she mentioned that he still has his teeth.. and they still look really great.. She had worn braces and so she notices that stuff.. imagine that.. his teeth lasted through it.. LOL
Thanks for the prayers and keep them coming.. not sure when they will reschedule..
Subject: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
He had a tracheotomy today to prepare for the surgery he will be undergoing tomorrow. He broke multiple bones in his face and they will be reconstructing it tomorrow.. So we need some prayers to help him through surgery tomorrow..
The doctor also mentioned to my daughter that they don't feel John will have any major brain trauma.. which to me says he should recognize her when he wakes up fully..
She was a bit more positive also since he was squeezing her hand most of yesterday when she was by his bedside..
So your prayers are helping.. but, we need more.. Thankyou!
mybirthdaysoon: Hey you.. don't you ever think your troubles or your condition is anything to shake off.. although, I hope your doing way better now.. but, you are just as important..
Thanks for all the prayers.. I will keep you all updated..
Modified by ScarletRose (6. January 2007, 06:52:12)
was in a motorcycle accident on Dec. 30th, 2006..
He went through a red light hitting two paralell cars.. he rushed past the grill and bumper on the first car and was flung into the second to where he was thrown into the air.. he is being sedated so they can monitor him yet let his body heal.
His right upper lung collasped although they have tended to his lung.. he had 4 fairly good lacerations on his leg and he lacerated his liver. His arm had several fractures. He also broke his femar, pelvis, skull, and several areas of his face. They also were draining fluid from his skull.. and he did something to the collateral artery.
I ask for prayers for his strength in healing.. and getting through everything he will have to face in the future.. as well as prayers for my daughter Bree. She has been facing all this on her own.. her father who she lives close to doesn't know how to be a father.. she has been suffering from panic attacks and I can't even imagine the inner pain she is having to go through. Nor can I get down to her at this time to help her. For anyone who has had to go through something like this.. please feel free to offer suggestions privately.. I can always pass them along to her.
She learned today what they will have to do to his face to repair the fractures.. she said you really can't even recognize him. Any way.. I ask for prayers for her strength as well.. and to help her use her energies in a positive helpful way.
baddessi: Thanks Do and Bad.. I knew something about that, but appreciate the link.. Hopefully if they go to Denver they can be accomadated.. I am not sure about what Utah has.. I am thinking more though that they would go to the Childrens Hosp. in Denver.
Thanks everyone.. I haven't had a year of bad news since 1980.. and it just seems this year has been extremely testing..
everytime my phone rings I get sweaty palms..
Foxy.. thanks for the link.. I have another Friend, Helen.. who also has one of those.. the other night we all met at my brothers cafe after learning about Carol and when we mentioned how Trudy had died Helen told us about hers.. said if it comes out she has to get to the Hospital..
prettymama: I will say a prayer tonight for your family during this difficult time. I am sorry to read such sad news and hope your family can become strong again soon..
Modified by ScarletRose (30. September 2006, 05:19:58)
My mom and I both have lost 2 very dear friends of ours this past week..
Trudy died on Saturday night after her Cather ?? came out.. A tube into her heart.. (I am still confused on what the proper name of the procedure was).
Carol died of a heart attack earlier this week.
These are both sudden losses and have really shaken up our small towns.
We also had a family of 5 get hit with a car in front of the Court House yesterday evening.. we knew this family very well.. the baby and mother escaped without injury, the father ended up with scrapes and bruises.. the 2 year old ended up completely under the car and managed to just have bruises and scrapes as well.. but, the 4 year old has a broken pelvis and a broken femur. She is going to be in the hospital for quite some time. They are still uncertain about her growth plate. She will also be moved to a larger city hospital such as Childrens in Denver, or maybe one in Utah.
This family needs your prayers due to the long distance which can't be avoided. The family is not that financially set to get a home in the new area.. so let's pray for temporary housing to which the mother and other children can reside during the time her 4 year old daughter is being medically treated.
Also.. Elaine is a liver transplant survivor.. she is over her first 3 years from surgery.. she ended up getting Strep throat and is having difficulty fighting it off. She is limited with intake of antibiotics. And was put into the hospital this morning. Let's pray for her to become strong enough to fight off the strep and allow her to heal quickly.
Radiant Aunt: You over extend yourself like I do.. You need to just say NO to others.. just for a day at least.. to get in some serious sleep.. Your body needs to recharge.. if not.. you will be in worse shape..
Foxy Lady: I am too foxy.. more like in shock.. My heart goes out to his family. He was a very nice man and gave himself to help others. He will sadly be missed..
Modified by ScarletRose (20. October 2005, 06:13:34)
I sure hope you get yourselves to shelter.. it could be a big one.. and there won't be any excuses this time.. we just don't wanna worry about anyone..
So please take shelter when they tell ya to!
Subject: I would like to send out my thoughts and prayers to the below mentioned families
due to the events that transpired this past weekend..
to the two young ladies who partied Saturday night and then ended up in a roll over on the far west end of town.. My heart and prayers go out to your families and friends for their loss of such young beautiful girls.. they were in 10th and 11th grade..
To the parents of D**** who thought no one liked him.. So saddened by his feelings he threw himself onto the tracks in front of a train..
To the family and friends of a well known receptionist at the clinic here in town.. She passed after her illness and battle with cancer..
and to the family of the gentleman who was out riding his horse in the mountains.. When his horse ended up spooked ending in a fatal accident with the rider..
My thoughts and prayers go out to all for this trying and sad weekend..
I wanna put a prayer out there for my Friend Margaret.. she rolled her truck tonight and ended up braking a few ribs and dinging herself up pretty good.. although, she will recover she will be very sore.. :(
she totaled her truck completely.. but, her little doggy made it through the accident.. so lives were spared.. :)
AD went in for an angioplasty today, and I would like to send out my prayers for a happy ending for the results.. I don't exactly know what all is involved with this procedure.. but, I do know he has been having problems with his heart.. Hopefully he will regain strength .. and the results will be to his benefit.. :)
I'm thinking of you AD.. please recover soon! and get some rest!
Today while driving back from a day at Disney Land.. my friends Daughter, Hillary rolled her car killing her 15 year old daughter, Desire.. I would like some prayers tonight to help guide Hillary so she doesn't place blame onto herself for this terrible tragedy.. and some prayers out to the grandmother Shelly, and great grandmother Helen who will both be driving out to be with Hillary. Please help them have a safe journey and comfort their empty hearts at this sad time ..
Subject: Thanks so much for the prayers.. Good News!!
He is doing much better.. they did a catherization on him and learned that his arteries, ventricles and veins were all looking good.. they don't feel it was a heart attack.. but, it was something electrical ?? with him.. his bp was up to 250 and they had stablized it at 100 with nitro.. then it started rising again so they flew him up to Billings..
Mom called and said they want to monitor him tonight.. and run some more tests.. he will probably be released tomorrow..
he suffers from Diabetes and hasn't done well these last few days.. Today he was rushed to the hospital with conditions of a heart attack.. he is stabilized now and being flown flight for life up to Billings as I type this.. to a better hospital..