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6. September 2006, 14:57:22
wieso kann ich nicht ziehen

28. June 2006, 13:34:23
Subject: Re: - White; Chess Opening: PH2-H3...
Chicago Bulls: Yes, another match with Deep Blue would have been good publicity for chess. Unfortunately IBM did not have anything to gain by it as the win they had was already worth millions in publicity. Kasparov's accusations of cheating and his general behavior after the 2nd game in the 2nd match also did not help his cause for bringing about another match. "Trash talk" has its place in sporting events and can help generate interest in boxing and other types of sports, but when dealing with corporate types there are different rules. Kasparov and other top chess players haven't always caught onto those rules and they now suffer for the lack of reliable corporate sponsorship in chess events. One big consequence is having to put up with the Kirsan and many of his reforms!

28. June 2006, 12:14:40
Chicago Bulls 
Subject: Re: - White; Chess Opening: PH2-H3...
panzerschiff: .
Yes i would like to see Kasparov's revenge against Kramnik but also i would be thrilled to see these old days (1997-1998), the revenge against Deep Blue after his tragic loss....

28. June 2006, 04:59:12
Subject: Re: - White; Chess Opening: PH2-H3...
Chicago Bulls: Poor Anderssen didn't have much luck with the Spanish game either just getting a draw and a loss with it in his other two whites. Actually 1.a3 could have been a success if he had followed up his opening advantages better. Morphy did not handle the closed positions very well that arose out of this reversed Sicilian. Beim's books "Paul Morphy a Modern Perspective" gives some interesting analysis on these games. Anderssen should probably have won the 6th match game that he lost with 1.a3, but a lack of practice and the speed of the play did not help his chess in that match.

It is too bad that Morphy did not give Anderssen a rematch or play Kolisch a couple of years later. Unfortunately we chess players have missed out on a number of interesting matches, because of players losing interest in the game or refusing to play worthy contenders in the good old days before FIDE or after if for that matter! If we count Kramnik's refusal to play Kasparov before the latter retired from chess.

27. June 2006, 23:24:29
Chicago Bulls 
Subject: Re: - White; Chess Opening: PH2-H3...
Correct! There is no reason Anderssen(and not Andersen) to want to play "black moves" when he had white, since in that match he lost all his games as black against Morphy except one. So there was no reason to want to play black lines....
Also with 1.a3 he succeeded an equal result of 1 win, 1 lose and 1 draw that is 50% while against Morphy in the same match when he tried other opening he had 75%(1 win, 1 draw) so we can't consider 1.a3 a success for him.....
Also Anderssen may tried 1.a3 because he may liked to play a kind of reversed Sicilian Defense after 1...e5 Who knows what he had in mind?!?!
The best responses i know are 1...Nf6! 1...g6 and 1...d5 but 1...e5 is playable too.....

27. June 2006, 22:49:05
Subject: Re: - White; Chess Opening: PH2-H3...
Actually Andersen would most likely have played 2. c2-c4 as he did in his match with Morphy three times in 1858! Hugh Myers would have liked an e4 follow up more likely and he wrote something about it in a couple of his books. I think he called it something like Mangarini's Opening, but my spelling may be off on that.

27. June 2006, 20:41:28
Subject: Re: - White; Chess Opening: PH2-H3...
Modified by Kili (27. June 2006, 20:42:41)
cruz abdul:
Clemenz Opening
I think Franz Kafka played this opening sometimes.

27. June 2006, 16:27:57
Subject: Re: - White; Chess Opening: PH2-H3...
cruz abdul: I don't know anything about h2-h3 but I know that Andersen played 1.a2-a3 a couple of times as white ... his idea was (a) to confuse the opponent (b) simply, to "make white black" - after, let's say 1.a2-a3 e7-e5 he would follow along the usual lines of the black ... 2.e2-e4, etc.

24. June 2006, 23:59:33
Subject: Re: - White; Chess Opening: PH2-H3...
cruz abdul: Well I think you can play h2-h3 some what the same which you play with white. You should not try too much punish from that move. This is how I have been thaught about this kind of moves.

9. June 2006, 19:19:50
cruz abdul 
Subject: - White; Chess Opening: PH2-H3...
is anyone familiar with White PH2-H3, and later White PG2-G3, and later White King-side Castleing openings. i, am particularly interested [as someone who has played Chess "on-and-off" for 30 yrs: ] how to Play an Offensive against this initial PH2-H3 ..etc. - thank you for your time.

20. May 2006, 02:31:42
Clandestine 1 
Subject: Re: re: Strange
lukulus: lmao

19. May 2006, 09:21:33
Subject: re: Strange
I think, because I am one of the players I have right to say something about this game.

This game is played, well, there was intention to play it, as a tournament game in fellowship. In this tourney prize were offered and because friendly atmosphere in fellowship no time limit were choosen. Backgammon tournament were finished after couple of week and chess wont be finished ever (Prize was removed and another tourney were set). As a club player I know opponent shouldnt be asked to move. But after careful deliberation I did it after first month w/o move and second time after 2 month w/o move. In both cases I received message "OK, I will play soon, I have no time". My opponent only use weaknesses of the system to his favour. Its not right behaviour, I think, but it is his right. But it is good to know, when I will lie in cold tomb, I will still play chess game on BK

17. May 2006, 01:44:17
Subject: Re: Rose
Czuch Chuckers: I kept your original post and didnt edit it. I removed your post as you were in total violation and you knew it. I have you on block? HMMMM dont you also have me on block or did you just remove that to message me just now? You cant have your cake and eat it too.

Please stick to the topic of I have no choice but to hide you until a moderator comes online

14. May 2006, 22:03:27
Modified by Czuch (14. May 2006, 22:05:43)
Not bad for someone playing in a beginners tournament! 15 wins no losses!

Maybe he is just a fast learner? Can someone who knows take a look at his games and tell if he knows what he is doing, or if he is really just lucky and beating people who just suck?

5. May 2006, 00:06:39
Subject: Re: BKR Ratings
rednaz23: Yes and yes. although when you have a large number of completed games the differential is minor.

4. May 2006, 20:13:26
Subject: BKR Ratings
Has anyone done what was talked about a couple of posts ago? You have two games that are going to end, and you wait to submit your win until you lose the other one...? I am almost certain that your BKR will be higher that way, and it will work with every type of game!

27. April 2006, 05:25:54
Subject: Re:
Nightstorm: Thanks Nightstorm. I think that is what I was trying to say. I just couldn't... So... Chess... en passant?

27. April 2006, 05:20:09
As long as he is playing within the site rules it is nobodys business how he plays his games. Now back to chess talk before someone gets hidden.

27. April 2006, 05:15:13
Subject: Re: Deceased
Modified by rednaz23 (28. April 2006, 14:20:13)
[Text deleted - WQ]

Regarding the "lightning fast play when he wins", well, if you think about it, it is better for the person losing if the soon-to-be-winner plays the game faster. (This also goes into effect when a player that is losing resigns a game.) Do the math for a lose and then a win, and a win and then a lose. With the way BK does its ratings you will end up higher if you count the lose first and the win second in comparison to the win and then a lose. Interesting! He is actually doing you a favor in playing those games he is going to win faster. :-) This is a good thing for anyone that may be concerned about their ratings. I am! ...well not really... afterall, I think we are forgetting the point of sites like this, to have fun playing games!

27. April 2006, 01:03:40
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re: Deceased
Modified by Pedro Martínez (28. April 2006, 14:14:30)
mctrivia: He's here every day, and definitely more than 3 hours a day. He's got plenty of time to move but for some reason, he delays his moves almost to the last second. He [modified - WQ]uses the vacation system in order to have for instance 12 days for a 7-day-per-move game. However, you wouldn't believe how fast he is in making moves when it's clear he's going to win a particular game. Lightning is a snail.

27. April 2006, 00:53:10
Subject: Re: Deceased
Pedro Martínez: Your right I didn't notice that it was a tournament. Well I have a feeling that terniment will never come to an end. As for him only having 15min a day or so. Since September 2005 he could have played atleast 1 move nomater how busy he is. You can select those games and make a move manually.

26. April 2006, 21:51:40
Subject: Re: Deceased
Modified by rednaz23 (28. April 2006, 14:06:36)
Pedro Martínez: [In response to the deleted part of Pedro's last post - WQ] You should never make assumptions. What if he has a lot of games? What if he always has another game that fills in with time remaining before he can get to that game? What if he can only play 15 minutes a day? There are a lot of things it could be! you shouldn't jump to conclusions unless you know for a fact. [Text deleted - WQ]

26. April 2006, 21:37:17
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re:
Modified by Pedro Martínez (28. April 2006, 13:55:19)
mctrivia: It's a tournament game. Such games can't be deleted. [Text deleted - WQ]

26. April 2006, 21:35:06
Subject: Re:
rednaz23: The game is within the first 2 moves so it could be canceled without affecting there BKRs. I suspect they decided to try and make the record for longest running game.

26. April 2006, 17:27:33
I don't understand why you have a really really long one instead of not used. Like 1 year. If someone can't play in 1 year, I don't know what to say. Unless they are in the military... and get sent overseas... :-(

26. April 2006, 17:11:19 
Subject: Re: Strange
furbster: A good leason to not use the "no time" option

26. April 2006, 15:46:36
Subject: Strange
Surely this should NOT be allowed, it's ridiculous.

26. April 2006, 09:25:12
Subject: Re: En passant
DragonKing: Your welcome, thanks ... and yes,it is important to add that it must be the next immediate move.

26. April 2006, 04:26:05
Subject: Re: En passant
WhisperzQ: Do you mind a small correction of your translation? En passant means 'in passing." I pass you would be "Je te passe." And we should point out to new players that capturing "en passant" is unusual in chess because it must be done immediately after the opposing pawn completes its move- otherwise the chance to capture that pawn "en passant" is lost. Thanks!

21. April 2006, 21:03:59
Subject: Re:
HalfPawn: I think 3.Nc3 is a better move. After 2...Bf5, the white player can attack the squares "d5" and "b7" with Nc3 and Qb3 so it´s not a good defense for the black.

21. April 2006, 20:57:06
Subject: Re: Decline
HalfPawn: It's not that interesting. Go to a database - has at least 1000 games with 2...Bf5 - amd you can figure it out for yourself.

21. April 2006, 19:58:13
Subject: Re: No. no, no
HalfPawn: 1. Making a bad move to take your opponent out of the book doesn't work in correspondence chess.
2. It's not out of the books anyway.
3. 3. cd isn't even the best reply. Kasparov recommends 3. Nf3.

21. April 2006, 14:29:51
3. cxd5 definitely doesn't deserve any ?! marks. While you are giving up all your good pieces, white can ignore the a2 pawn and get 3 or 4 pieces developed before anything but the black queen is out. Even better than the real Queens Gambit.

5. e3 Qxa2 6. Bd2 followed by Rc1 is great. Even if black doesn't chase after the pawns, white gets a good position and the two bishops. Something like 5. e3 e6 6. Bd2 Nf6 7. Rc1 Bd6 8. Nf3 O-O 9. Bc4

5...e5 6. Ne2 seems to work out well for White but it looks like Black's best option to me.

20. April 2006, 08:24:28
Subject: Re: 2...Bf5
HalfPawn:The reason this is bad for black is that after 4. cd, white has a flexible center and two pawns against one in the center. Best, I think, is 2...c3, where 3. cd cd equalizes and where black often can safely play Bf5. Most common though is 2...e3.

20. April 2006, 04:26:29
1. d4 d5 2. c4 Bf5 3. cxd5 Nf6 (3...Qxd5 4. Nc3 is much better for White) 4. Nc3 should be better for White since at some point he will get e4 in. 3. Qb3 may be even better than that.

In other words, no it's not a good counter.

19. April 2006, 15:23:04
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:

19. April 2006, 11:20:05
Subject: Re:
Groucho: Hi Al Groucho :)

19. April 2006, 06:13:46
Papa Zoom 
My wife tells me I'm a smart-alec

that must count for something! ;)

19. April 2006, 06:06:27
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re:
fitzmertz: Fortunately.

17. April 2006, 21:35:57
Subject: Re:
Modified by Czuch (18. April 2006, 04:42:57)
JinkyOng: Its a beginners tournament *******!

Modified to remove possible offensive wording.

17. April 2006, 18:07:29
Surrounded by weakies.

17. April 2006, 15:00:34
Subject: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: Your opponents move is called "en passant", is abbreviated e.p., and basically is French for "I pass you" which is what his pawn has just done.

You can read the particluar rule at!g=1560943$i=21 about 4/5th of the way down the page (or just search for "en passant".

This is not a "bug".

17. April 2006, 14:34:12
Will someone please look at this game for me? This is my last move, then look at my opponents next move! What happened????

5. April 2006, 02:43:45
Papa Zoom 
Subject: last chance....under 2200

3. April 2006, 17:03:29
Papa Zoom 

28. March 2006, 16:10:48

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