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17. March 2009, 02:26:05
Subject: Re:
Bernice:ahhhh THAT is a good price then! I thought you meant $40 just for the name!

17. March 2009, 02:07:24
Modified by Rose (17. March 2009, 02:07:49)
There are places to get domain names much cheaper than $40 a year..,  domainsatcost etc
Type in and search for domain names. They all follow pretty much the same rules and once you purchase one , no matter from who, you own it outright until it expires. You can get them for about $5 a year or less even.. I pay 12$ a year for most of mine . I have purchased over 150 in my line of work and I have never seen them $40, That is really high!

After you buy the domain name, then you need to find a hosting company to house your website. Again places like godaddy etc offer hosting at very reasonable rates as well.

13. January 2009, 14:35:39
Subject: chrome
Don't know if this has been asked before. Is there a way to get rich text editor and the smiley drop down to work or be visible in Google Chrome. FF is too much of a memory pig these days so switched to chrome but no rich text capabilities or able to add smilies.

4. September 2008, 16:08:06
Crome doesn't let you use rich text editor (same I find with Safari) the top area is blank, just has 'switch to plain text editor'

30. July 2008, 17:16:30
I have a high rating in Google for many of my client sites plus my own and NONE of them are showing up in Cuil yet.. Not KOOL lol

19. June 2008, 00:09:14
Hey kool Bernice.. I tried right click an copy then paste but paste was greyed out..

12. March 2008, 00:02:04
no  all sites

11. March 2008, 21:02:41
Subject: Firefox
Any one else who uses the Firefox browser getting black diamonds with question marks in them where certain english symbols like apostrophes etc should be? Anyone know how to remove them so I can see the pages I view correctly?

29. November 2007, 04:21:56
It has been 10 years or more since I used a free website outfit.. But if you go to Google and type in free websites or something similar like free homepages, you will find what you need. Back in the day there was Geocities, Homestead, Angelfire, Tripod.. No clue if those still exist anymore or if they do if they are still free!

28. November 2007, 16:21:15
Subject: Re: Firefox spellchecker
volant: It doesnt work here for me either but in all other sites that I type in it does work well. I never understood why it didn't work here. I find it really helpful since Im horrible with punctuation as all who read my message can tell!

25. May 2007, 18:46:58
Subject: Re: DSL vs. Broadband
rod03801: Great offer at only 15 bucks a month! It is $30 here.. If you are using dialup now wait until you get high speed.. Swooosh! What a difference in page loads!

8. May 2007, 13:54:13
Subject: Re:
ljeffers: Any questions at all about computers *ask away. We have about 4 different levels of expertise here. If I cant answer you likely one of the more advanced users can!

** This is for all folks with questions*
When posting questions give as much info as you can in your question. That way the less general it is the easier to diagnose and help fix.

8. May 2007, 03:01:33
Subject: Re:
ljeffers: Trust me I keep learning every day. it is the only way to keep up.

P.S. my hubby is a puter tech, he teaches me all the geek stuff so I can pass it on here!

8. May 2007, 02:38:21
Subject: Re:
ljeffers: fans are supposed to run always while your machine is on. If it stays on when u shut it off then you have a problem

8. May 2007, 02:35:43
Subject: Re: Help
ljeffers: U dont want the fan to shut off.. if you do it can over heat your processor if thats the fan u mean..then your machine goes kaput.
Power supply fans an case fans can over heat the power supply if they are shut off. we have fans for a reason! If you want it shut off cuz its noisy that means its time for a new fan.

20. April 2007, 01:00:59
ctlr+f5 will make em dance again!!!

18. April 2007, 23:05:19
Subject: Re: Smileys
Marfitalu: Have him do a hard refresh.. Ctrl+F5.. that should unstick them

18. March 2007, 03:09:22
Subject: Re:
Oceans Apart: You sure it expired? that isnt suppose to expire. It just came out
Go to this link    double check to see if its the OLD one that expired.. it was to run out very soon if not already.. the newest shouldnt expire on you

16. March 2007, 14:48:53
Subject: Re: FireFox
BIG BAD WOLF: I have a feeling it could be that. Which is a shame as I do notice a bit more speed using it but I have so many usernames and passwords to use daily that this is a huge pain in the patootey having to enter them in every time I go to a site that requires em.

16. March 2007, 14:28:35
Subject: Re: FireFox
Gordon Shumway& BBW:  I looked at the privacy tab on FF and the clear private data is not check boxed. I never had this problem before this week ( The only change I made this week was I installed Fasterfox so wonder if there is a correlation there?)
 Gordon you must mean in FF and IE, NOT windows to check the tools , privacy I am assuming. There is no tools, privacy with in WIndows XP tools area.

16. March 2007, 12:32:09
Subject: FireFox
Everytime I come back from a boot or even from shutting down FF all my passwords are gone. Anyone had this occur in FF before and know how to make the change so I dont have to put my password in here an every where else online every time I go to the sites that need them? Im at a loss.. Even the settings here arent being kept for the new site look. I switch to simple view from castle but every time it goes back to castle mode

13. March 2007, 22:56:39
Subject: Re: faster firefox
"Snoopy": I installed it yesterday and I do notice a bit of change in site speed.

11. March 2007, 15:48:21
Way kool. Our local news was saying they werent sure if the computer clocks would change. I am sure mine uses the atomic clock so I thought it would figure out the change even tho its weeks earlier than usual and it did!

11. March 2007, 13:29:06
Curious question

For those of you whos time went ahead last nite, did your PC's clock automatically change as well?

7. March 2007, 13:02:59
Subject: Re: A dumb question about smileys
rod03801:Ctrl+F5  Thats a hard refresh.. I have to do it all the time to get my smileys to move again

3. March 2007, 23:47:07
Subject: Re: Web designers
Mousetrap: Likely as this is a computer hardware software issue/problem board.. I think there is a fellowship tho for folks who want to show/share their websites. 

28. February 2007, 18:15:35
Subject: Re:
Gordon Shumway: 100% in agreement on that and get AVG!

27. February 2007, 00:21:30
Subject: Re: Alt tags in Firefox
Fencer: Very kool! It is so weird how something works in IE but has to be changed to work in FF. Yet, using Title works in both browsers.. DOH!

Thank you oh-great-one!

26. February 2007, 22:46:18
Subject: Alt tags in Firefox
Anyone who created websites knows or I assume should know what an alt tag is. I have been having trouble recently with alt tags not showing up in FF but work as they are intended in IE. Anyone else heard of this happening?

6. February 2007, 17:34:29
slapping forehead!

YUP or a USB flash drive.. cant believe i forgot that method, I just bought one for me! DOH! Sorry about that Jessica

6. February 2007, 17:26:35
If you have a burner ( CD writer or DVD writer) that is your best most efficient way to save your files to transfer them. If you cant or dont have a burner the other options are the old fashioned Floppy drive back up which would take you dozens of floppies to save your files to. OR there are free storage sites online that you can upload your files to then download them on to your new system once it is online.

Hope that helsp

16. January 2007, 14:12:50
Subject: Re: anyone know
Gordon Shumway: I had zone alarm and had a lot of troubles with it was it kept blocking my net access if my machine was idle.. real pain.. so that is gone. I fully recommend AVG ( the free one) Ive had it for about a year and recommend it over Norton. My hubby tries to disuade folks from buying Norton and when he works on their PC's he puts on AVG.  The down side is we get fewer returns lol. Folks arent getting the viruses they were getting with other programs so less work for him!

15. January 2007, 23:02:27
Subject: Re:
Czuch Czuckers:  Guess it depends on if you got an upgrade or a brand new version.. if it upgraded you may not be able to uninstall the upgrade and go back.

15. January 2007, 22:50:21
Hardest part may not be uninstalling but trying to find the old version

29. December 2006, 18:59:58
Subject: Re: I know the answer to this question but want to see if there is an easier way
diogenysos:I find when u do that it doesnt always go in the graphics program as a clean image. It can be grainy or be distorted for some reason. 

29. December 2006, 14:23:45
Subject: Re: I know the answer to this question but want to see if there is an easier way
Gr☺uch☺: Save the doc as an html page on to your desk top, it will then (or should) create a folder with the photo/picture in there..
Or you can some times click the image click save then go to your graphics program that is open. click new and paste.. most times that works but it can give you a grainy photo for some reason.. but saving as an htm or html page you normallly get the image the way it was intended to look/

25. December 2006, 00:10:26
we determined the beeps already Groucho.. get with the program! hehehe..
Its likely memory or vid card.. either way that beeps are internal not a stuck key

Hey groucho.. Merry Holidays!

24. December 2006, 20:10:44
Subject: Re:
NOT a floosie: Ram doesnt have wires sticking out from it.. the item or items you are looking for as there may be two, just stick in to the machine in to prongs...
and in all honesty with all the info we are giving you to see if it is the ram it may not be.. Any chance you know anyone at all who is a tad technically inclined on PCs that can take a look?

24. December 2006, 19:55:22
click this

The bottom right corner on this one is where the ram stick or sticks are .. they are located on the mother board

24. December 2006, 19:53:14
Subject: Re:
NOT a floosie:Hang on.. Ill find you a photo

24. December 2006, 19:39:55
Fooz the memory is a long thin stick that looks like it has a magent on it, that pulls out.. careful how you take it out if you are going to do that.. dont jam it back in too hard or you can damage it

24. December 2006, 16:40:56
Subject: Re:
Marfitalu: Youll have to explain BIOS I think as this is new to Flooz if Im not mistaken

24. December 2006, 16:24:39
Subject: Re:
NOT a floosie: The battery idea isnt correct.. PC's only need batteries for keeping the clock going not the PC
If its a long series of beeps then it is major issues. My hubby is telling me what to write here..
You hadnt mentioned if when you turn it on if you see anything come up on the screen or not.. if it goes in to safe mode or anything like that..

24. December 2006, 14:03:08
Modified by Rose (24. December 2006, 14:04:01)
How many beeps? My hubby is a tech..when a computer first boots up it is supposed to have like one beep or something on start up and youd see stuff come up on the screen.,. a series of beeps with out seeing anything on screen gives you an indication I think if the trouble is with the memory or vid card and mother board thats the most common.. So its a sick computer by the sounds of it.

14. December 2006, 21:10:57
Subject: Re: Seamonkey
Marfitalu: I had never tried it before. I clicked the scroll wheel and it opened up a new browser window! I'm learning all kinds of intersting things today!

14. December 2006, 21:00:47
Subject: Re: Seamonkey
Marfitalu: All the same features with right click (new window, new tab, bookmark etc etc)
Ctrl+T makes a new tab. thanks for that tip! LOL

13. December 2006, 18:33:07
Subject: Re: Seamonkey
"Snoopy": No worries. It was because when I first installed it the tab wasnt visiable. It had to be set up in preferences. I couldnt see it for the life of me..
As Jason would say, DOH!!

13. December 2006, 18:15:55
Subject: Seamonkey
I've been pointed in the right direction! Anyone else that can't find it, check preferences.. I had something checked that wouldnt show me the tabs.
Thanks Groucho!

13. December 2006, 14:07:44
Subject: Re: Mozilla Q
Mr. Shumway: Thanks dude. I dont need an html editor or an irc client or a newreader. I jus switched to this when my smiley disappeared using FF.. IF someone using Seamonkey can tell me how to access tabbed browsing that would be kool. Maybe its the wrong version I am using? 1.0.6

13. December 2006, 02:05:54
Subject: Mozilla Q
Does anyone know what the purpose of Seamonkey, the browser is? It is no where near as good as FireFox, no tabbed browsing, doesn't stop pop ups and sucks for many java applications.. I'm stumped as to why they promote it.

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