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 Chess variants (8x8)

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2. March 2008, 00:51:28
Subject: Re: Cheshire Cat Chess
joshi tm:
I think 11.dc it´s a ilegal move because any piece can go to square c6 and if white could play en-passant then the white pawn would go to c6.
You suppose 11.dc is a legal move, then as consecuence black could play 11...bc and a black pawn could land in the square c6.
c6 is closed until the end of the game so 11.dc it´s, in my opinion, a ilegal move.

16. July 2007, 20:19:13
Subject: Re: Rules of Behemoth Chess
Fencer: Ok, so there are not two movements, only one. The movement of the player and the movement of the Behemoth is indivisible.

16. July 2007, 19:48:34
Subject: Rules of Behemoth Chess
In this game, after 30...,Kxh6, the white player losed his king but the game didn´t finish in this moment because the Behemoth played to h8 from h7. In case of playing to h6 capturing the black king, the game had would be a draw. It´s not clear in the rules if this possibility is correct.
If the king is captured before of the movement of the Behemoth, could the Behemoth move too?, could it capture to the other king?

15. January 2007, 21:48:23
Subject: Rules of Dice Chess
The rules say : "If a pawn is to be promoted (would advance to the last row), the player
can move it even if the die does not show 1. However, he can only
promote it to the piece chosen by the die roll - for example, if 3 is
rolled, the pawn can be promoted to a bishop only. If 1 is rolled, the
pawn can be promoted to any piece."
I have two questions:
(1) What does it happend if it´s rolled a 6? Could be promoted to a second king?
(2) In case of a pawn in the 7th file: If there isn´t queen on the board, is it possible to get a 5 and get a queen playing the pawn to the 8th. file?

8. November 2006, 20:17:37
Subject: Re: Dark Chess + en passant = ?
Modified by Kili (8. November 2006, 20:20:02)
King Reza:
(1) You must register -> "Registro gratuito" means "Register free"
(2) In red required: Nickname, Clave (password), Repetir clave (confirm password), Sexo (sex)
(3)You must connect -> "Usuario:" (Nickname:) , "Contraseña:" (Password) and click in "Entrar" (Come in)
(4) Click in "Jugar Ajedrez" (Play Chess)
(5) Now, a java applet will open in a new window
(6) You have basically 2 options:
[a]  Take a challenge
Click onto a challenge in the main window. If you put the mouse over one challenge then you´ll see the conditions:
Clasico (classic) -> standard chess
Tuerto (one-eyed) -> dark chess
Comepiezas (EatPieces) -> similar to antichess (there are checks and checkends)
Alocado (rash) -> like FRChess
PasaPiezas (PassPieces) -> Loop Chess
Atomico (Atomic) -> similar to Atomic but with checks
[b] Put a challenge
Click onto button "Desafiar" (Challenge)
Tiempo de la partida (Time per game)
Incremento por jugada (Increase per move)
Quien desconecta pierde QDP (If you disconnect then you´ll lose)
Permitir observadores (Let observers)
Partida con rating (Game for rating)
El servidor elige color (The server chooses the colour)
Quiero jugar con blancas/negras (I want to play with white/black colour)
Sin ordenadores (Without PCs)


And in the first window "Cerrar sesión" means Logout

8. June 2005, 23:05:36
I hope the choice of this word was because of an unexperienced english speaker :)

6. April 2005, 20:29:59
The reason is easy: there is not a software machine for playing dark chess.

22. February 2005, 01:23:18
Tompark, your definition is a particular case of move and it´s only one consequence in standard chess, but in a cylindrical board or in other surface is not correct geometrically.

18. February 2005, 00:35:29
Thanks and congratulations Caissus

26. January 2005, 00:45:59
In the example of redsales the queen of b1 is black. The only piece of the white is the king. White king is in a1 and he is surrounded, so the king in atomic can´t capture and he hasn´t any legal move.

22. January 2005, 02:26:25
Interesting. I think it´s a legal move because the piece does a move around of the board. The definition of move is independent of the initial and final square but i have never tested it here.

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