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is there anyone that is not already in a team that would be willing to join my team so i can enter the team tourney ? if you are not already a member of my fellowship you can join here jasons games room
how about a type of blackhole amazons , simmilar to blackhole reversi , im not sure if it would limit the game too much but would stop people from having a good starting point ...what are other opinions ??.
A mistake could drastically reduce ones territory even when the game is "decided". Of course such mistakes don't happen if the players know what they are doing and are giving a bit of attention to the game. But that's not always the case.
However, i also think that it is very annoing to play out the end when the territories are enclosed. I will resign when i see i have lost and wish my opponent would do the same. But if they choose to fill the board then so be it.
And of course a game of chess can be won without the queen. With experienced players playing that is very unlikely and at top level it's next to impossible. But at general BrainKing level it happens all the time.
It is not impossible to win without a queen. I (a very poor chess player) have won at least a few games having lost my queen rather early. Against an experienced opponent, however, that is different.
Good reference BuilderQ. I am by no means in the upper echelons of chess as
QuoUsque seems to be but I have witnessed a fair number of Chess games where after the Queen was taken the 'Queenless' player went on to win. I will duck now and try to avoid your arrows ;)
I agree. Why force some one to quit when they think they can still win? Or maybe your opponent is doing what the game is ment for, having fun. I think most of us forget to actually sit and enjoy the game and rather focus more on winning. Maybe your opponent enjoys actually finishing a game rather then trying to get wins.
I also feel it is better to play a game to the end. If the "winning" player is bored? with the game then they can choose to resign themselves. But,to ask an opponent to resign seems presumptuous. The tables can turn if a mistake is made by the one who thinks they inevitably will win. There is a chess player who requests that his opponent resign whenever he captures their Queen first ! That seems to be 'jumping the gun' a bit and being rather short-sighted. If someone is ahead in Amazons or any other game and is bored with playing they always have the option to resign. But to ask another to resign seems to be poor etiquette.
to be honest I feel it is better to play the game out and looserather than just give up. I feel giving up is wose than loosing cause if you loose then at least you tried. though if it is painfully obvious that one person has...lets say 6 moves left and the other has 25 then I under stand where you are coming from. but if it is 23 and 25 one person may make a major mistake (which can happen) then I think it should be played out.
not sure if that made any sence but thats how I see it.
You also have to remember that Amazons is still a new game for many, so some may not see that they are in a losing situation, plus others might also like to play the game out to help them actually see the end of the game.
Just because another player does not see the futility of a give position, that does not make it OK to ask them to give up. Some other games are actually enjoyable to get the final "kill", (even though Amazons isn't) so why not just offer a "GG" comment when the outcome is determined - maybe the other player will get the hint. Maybe their skills are so low, that they need to see the bitter end before they understand. Maybe they are just being difficult & it is the only satisfaction that they will get out of the game. Whatever the circumstances, it just seems rude to tell someone to give up (even a lost position)
Yes, it is that I make also. Regrettably, some players do not accept it and we oblige to fill automatically the squares. When one knows the final result and when the reflection does not exist any more, it is not very pleasant.
For my part, I do not agree to replay with opponents who have a practice so.
If there are two separate enclosed sections the only way you can change the outcome is by enclosing part of your section, eliminating some of your moves - as long as both players fill in their section completely, "perfect moves" are every move.
When territories belonging to the two players are closed, it is possible to know who won by counting the number of squares which remain free.
Nevertheless, I notice that certain players who are losing, continue to play instead of resigning itself.
What you think of it?
just as an impartial observer, i offer that this leaves open the question of why someone with whom GothicInventor has neither played nor spoken would put him on their Enemies list... ;)
I am not Danoschek and he is not me. Nellaf is a sort of play on words, you are correct only on this. The rest of your comments are yours to deal with. Fencer knows who I am that is why nothing has or will be done.
First, i don't always agree with what other users post in other board, and I don't believe I have ever posted out of line about anyone (including you) without having a specific reason to reply - And if I did, I appoligize.
I'm sure our feeling toward each others are about the same, but public message boards on this great game site is not the place to hash those out (like we have done in the past.)
I never like to see negative comments on public boards about ANYONE, even if I believe they are true.
As a user, I appricate knowing who may have multiple accounts since I like to watch myself to make sure the site isn't being cheated (which hurts everyone.)
Well if you want to get technical, the new user agreement offically was in place on July 18th - the game in question was completed before that, on July 14th.
I would also appricate if personal comments about another player (no matter how annoying the person may or may not be) should be kept off the public boards - with any suspicion of cheating or rating manipulation should be handled directly by Fencer, and not the public boards. Thanks.
I am in my first couple of games. I like the idea of a disc instaed of an arrow. I also find the game is quite complicated enough, and so many amateurs as to not need to be talking about more complicated variants quite yet :)
I don't know, thinking of it reminds me of the first time I played silent hill and was too afraid to turn the corner because I thought a monster was there when it was actually safe. maybe a few test games will prove if it would be a good variation to try. just seems so difficult.
I haven't looked at the games, but it could have been a case of either 2 friends just trying the game (and did a draw since it was a "test" game), or they might not have really figured out the game and decided to draw.
Same as backgammon - not ever a draw, but at times there are situations where people may accept a draw.
I notice in the stats there are a couple of draws showing.
The way I figure it, there is no way there can be a draw, because there is always going to be a player able to do the last move. And that would be Black.
I would understand though if two players have enjoyed a game so much and its a down to the wire type of game. :o)
Another idea would be some sort of "Dark Amazon" game - that is where you can not see the other players piece unless you in the same row/colum/diagnal - and there are not arrows between you and him.
You can see the whole board, and where current arrows are at (and last shot arrow), but only the other players piece is hidden (unless it is in view)
So you would add an extra step to the game. Step 1, move your piece and SUBMIT/COMMIT to having your piece there. At that point, you would be able to see what is in view so you will then know where to shot your arrow.
Congrats to the winner of that tournament, BIG BAD WOLF! :-)
OK, sorry - had to gloat a little since I've already seen a couple people who I think are better then me, plus as soon as more people learn to play the game... I quickly move back down the ranks! :-)
Water - I like that idea - possible like the 4 middle squares be water, which you would use to help make your border, but have to be carefull because the other person can fire over it.
I still don't knoe if I like the idea of a piece shotting 2 arrows. It would make for quicker games, but I would think the first person to move could get a good advantage with that extra shot.
There could be a spot of water on the board where you can fire over, but you can't cross.
Being able to fire two arrows or more in one turn would make it much easier to trap a piece. That might be okay if the piece had some drawbacks too, for instance a rook piece being able to fire 2 arrows in a turn.
What about having the two other gothic chess pieces in the game too, but the knights would not be able to jump. Only if they can make their 1-2 or 2-1 with a clear path they can move that way.
... think of it as fire arrows - when they hit the spot where the land, the fire spreads into this perfect disc-shaped fire spot where the other player can't move into. (Plus easier to see then a small black arrow) :-)
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