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 Garden and Winter Chat

Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.

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25. September 2006, 01:21:26
Subject: Re: Amaryllis
Modified by Bernice (25. September 2006, 03:16:54)
I sent her the website for Amaryllis Belladonna.Thank you for your post but being this is an open board i had to remove it.

17. September 2006, 02:22:33
would it be the vegie that has the e-coli...or has it been handled by someone with the filthiest hands etc...I mean the garden isnt the cleanest of places either if you thinks of birds pooping, cats digging and dogs spraying, but if you wash it, there isnt a problem....I never buy bagged vegies...i used to but found that in the centre of the bag it was all starting to break down, so now I dont buy that way....If I cant put it in a paperbag myself, i sure as hell dont want anything in a plastic bag.

5. September 2006, 05:29:36
we had rain last saturday and sunday :)....very unusual in winter. But it was so nice to get sunshine on monday and even nicer to see mushrooms growing in the yard this morning.

My garden is in full producing stages at the moment.

Cuecumbers are hanging on the vines...heaps of them, silver beet is producing like it is going out of fashion but no matter I love silverbeet. Zucchinis arent doing as well as I would like and neither are the beans :(

Tomatoes are going great guns as are the cherry variety....chokos are starting to climb the fence and the pumpkins are also doing well....My potatoes are in flower and the sweet potatoes are growing quite prolifically.

Grapes will be the best season I have ever had :) but apart from all that nothing exciting is happening here HAHAHAHAHA.

Steve Irwan"bought" it of course...very sad, but he did put his life (and that of his children) in the way of danger.

Apparently the whole thing was filmed and they didnt realize that he was in trouble until he came to the surface on a "cloud of blood"

all very sad and I feel for his wife and the young children

6. August 2006, 07:23:20
Subject: Re: my pond:)
BerniceC: got the motor and the underground power is being installed as I write LOL

it works just great and is such a soothing thing to have in the garden.

6. August 2006, 01:59:38
Subject: my pond:)
this was built yesterday and today Im going to get a motor to run the waterfall part of it :)

3. August 2006, 08:51:54
I have tomatoes...both Grosse Lisse and Cherry...have Cues, Capsicum, Zucchini,10mil silver beet plants LOL...beans..both Green and Butter, potatoes, and am putting in sweet potatoes over the next week. My soil is a very sandy loam and anything will grow....we have just taken 1/2 of my 1/4 acre and are turning it into a tropical rainforesty type thing....I have before pics, and will also get pics when it gets a bit more established....we have already planted about 200 plants (including moses edging and mondo grass)...have about 50-60 more cuttings to plant when they establish a bit more....but will give pics when i am able to.

Foxy sorry about the down load timing of the pics but didnt have time to doctor them as geo cities is a bugger of a sight to upload anything to these days....not like the olde worlde days LOLOL

3. August 2006, 01:55:52
Subject: query???
can anybody identify this flower for me...we found cuttings at the local dump and I have never seen it before....Looks as though it could belong to the ginger family.

view the pics here and they will take a while to load

4. June 2006, 00:10:32
Subject: Re:
Dolittle: have you checked closely to see if there are little tiny ants? really minute they are and are hard to see ....I had that problem last year and had to get some powder to put around the plants :(

17. May 2006, 08:56:34
Subject: i have an air fern
it is growing in my pergola and is juist growing wild.....they call it "Grandfathers Beard"
It is beautiful and the honey eater birds just love building nests from the bits that drop off.

Will see ifff i can remember to take a pic and show you :)
been busy of late :(

22. April 2006, 08:10:39
Subject: Did you know???
a sprinkle of salt on pineapple will help sweeten it if it is on the sour side, also the same with lemons.

If you have a curry that is a bit too hot, lemon juice will take the heat off it a bit.

Sorry Foxy, not exactly gardening...LOL

22. April 2006, 08:07:55
Subject: Re: Sprouts
plaintiger: itty bitty wee tiny cabbages and I love 'em. LOL....after I have cooked them I add a knob of butter and sprinkle them with lemon juice...beautiful...In fact had that last night hehehehe

17. April 2006, 08:00:53
Subject: Re: Happy Easter
ajtgirl: I just adore Clematis

15. April 2006, 08:39:07
Subject: Re: quick tips for the impatient mushroom hunter
plaintiger: hahaha....we have what we call "gold tops" they are very dangerous, but you would be surprised at the number of people that get poisoned by them....they look much like a real mushie, but have a gold tinge to the top.

15. April 2006, 07:32:09
Subject: Re: quick tips for the impatient mushroom hunter
plaintiger: hahahaha....well there wont be too many left later today as Im going to mow the lawns but after the next rain....hopefully LOLOL

15. April 2006, 06:52:39
Subject: Re: quick tips for the impatient mushroom hunter
plaintiger: 5. Most wild mushrooms should not be eaten raw or in large quantities, since they are difficult to digest.

Would you class the ones in my yard as being wild??
they arent farmed....I bought mushroom compost and spread it around and as it still had spore in it when it rains now they grow...what i do with the first 1/2 dozen or so is break them up and spread them around the lawn again....keeps them going LOL

14. April 2006, 07:35:19
Subject: Re: I found some puffballs
nobleheart: at the moment in my yard there are dozens of mushrooms growing after all the rain we have had...I break a few up and throw them around to let the spores keep growing for the future...My friends have been twicce this week and picked a feed...I love mushrooms :)

as far as puffballs are concerned I heard that they are all poisonous but really have no idea:(

7. April 2006, 08:19:18
Subject: Re: Bernice
ajtgirl: Foxy's idea of a man sounds good ROFLMBO...just to do the work mind you...none of that funny stuff hehehehe....DONT talk candle wax to me ROFL....what a terrible thing to get off concrete...Oh but that is another story...thanks to you both LOL

7. April 2006, 07:32:02
Subject: Re: Thanks Foxy
ajtgirl: thank you for that...sounds a bit hard for me to do being on my own so will stick to the "Gurney" jet water cleaning.

29. March 2006, 07:16:55
Subject: Re:
plaintiger: No i dont really want to paint the concrete because i also have a very long concrete drive and that would have to be painted as well....another reason is I sort of like the natural look....I did think of getting it stencilled but $$$$ and I dont have enough LOLOL....thanks for the suggestion :)

26. March 2006, 08:49:20
Subject: Re:
Foxy Lady: thanks :)

26. March 2006, 08:30:19
OK Foxy here it is lOLOL

can someone tell me how to get mould/algae (black) off concrete that has been wet for a while....Ive tried bleach and chlorine and neither worked...

at the moment i just water blast it but it takes so long....Im looking for something permanent...

25. March 2006, 06:30:45
Subject: Re: Christmas Cactus
Foxy Lady: we call them Zygocactus, and they seem to flower from about may to september, which would be our winter such as it is in the tropics....

22. March 2006, 07:07:53
Subject: Re:
Foxy Lady: just checking...... yup the space is there da real one

22. March 2006, 06:57:36
It isnt gardening but if it hits us it well could mean a lot of gardening LOLOL

it appears that it will bypass us completely tho

21. March 2006, 06:26:05
you lot stop talking holidays, surf etc heheheh....get over here and help me clean up and I will show you surf, great barrier reef, flattened rain forests, and flattened banana farms

18. March 2006, 07:26:58
Subject: Re: Collards
ScarletRose: ta very spinach :)

18. March 2006, 06:51:06
Subject: Re:
Eriisa: OK....what on earth are "collards" and what do you do with them?

16. November 2005, 07:49:09
the wollemi pine is australian from memory and was discovered (rediscovered by a group)
the find was kept secret for years until the propogated and started to grow them for distribution within australia.....I havent read the links but would assume they arent available yet to overseas....only within australia?

i have just looked for stockists in our area and there isnt any but WhisperzQ would be able to buy it readily if he had the $55 hahahah

25. October 2005, 23:55:30
Subject: Re:
harley: I have just given him a shirt with a tissue in the pocket that I found in the was going to be washed before I dispose of his clothing and he seems to be sleeping happily, but we will wait and see. It doesn't seem to be bothering the cat altho he has gotten more smoochy with me LOLOL....He was Verns cat.

25. October 2005, 23:37:55
Subject: Re:
harley: thanks Harley I will try the article of clothing and see what happens....he pooped twice last night...once on a mat that I was able to wash (I put him outside, first time ever at night) and he got up this morning when I let him in and he pooped on the carpet :(

Thankfully I have a good cleaner and there arent any stains.

24. October 2005, 09:09:54
this isnt gardening but.....???

has anybody had personal experience in losing someone thru death?

what have or has been done to console and comfort pets???

My wee Bear (shih-tzu) is pining (sp) for Vern...will not go outside...pee'd on the mat in the night and is generally got a sad hang-dog look.

Im sorry Foxy, but gardening, pets, digging holes, and crap on the lawn seems like it all fits in...*:)*

11. October 2005, 07:54:47
Subject: Re:
Modified by Bernice (11. October 2005, 07:55:15)
nobleheart: never heard of arica so did the old google bit australia we call them golden canes....well i think that is the same....can be inside or out.

*FOXY*I havent tried to buy the oil yet but have kept its name for later.

8. October 2005, 23:39:46
What a great link that was Foxy :) thanks....we get our lawns mowed for us there is no way I can do it and of course Vern with his lungs being stuffed cant do it either....

8. October 2005, 23:28:08
Subject: Re:
Foxy Lady: no, not sore...disheartened
it is nearly 7.30am sunday here and went outside to put the sprinklers on and overnight the seeds have fallen again and i reckon there would be about a bucket full waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.
looks as tho i will have to be doing this cleanup daily :(

8. October 2005, 07:32:44
Subject: Re:
Modified by Bernice (8. October 2005, 07:33:43)
Eriisa: yes that is exactly right :)

been busy today....I have a huge Bismarkia palm in my front yard and it has thousands of seed falling to the ground. Some are as big as a small wine glass and other are nearly as big as a tea-cup (small). I have been picking them up today ....2 barrow loads full of them...nearly killed me.

Here is a pic of a bismarkia...1/2 the size of mine, they are beautiful palms but very messy :(

to add link LOL

7. October 2005, 23:22:56
Subject: Re:
Foxy Lady:it isnt a problem and I dont think you can check that....only Fencer would have it on his data base...but lets test.... underneath my last post on red numbers is a post I made....I will delete that and you check if you can see that it has been deleted....I dont think you can....only Fencer :)

7. October 2005, 23:01:59
Subject: Re:
Foxy Lady: it is a case of the red numbers on the outside and no posts on the inside.....somebody deleted a post.

7. October 2005, 11:13:46
who deleted?

7. October 2005, 08:20:54
Subject: Re:
ScarletRose: GFC

7. October 2005, 07:14:10
Subject: Re: Desert Rose
tinksbell: thank you thank you thank you :) wonderful links :)

7. October 2005, 02:05:40
Subject: Re: Desert Rose
tinksbell: yes there was something there on sturts desert rose, but no pics, and no growing information :(...thanks anyway

7. October 2005, 02:01:51
Subject: Re:
CleverHunk: yes that is my web site and that is a pic i took today....about an hour ago :)
on the right is a black looking thing....that is a solar light in the pot LOLOL....and yes it is pretty
...very hard to grow apparently

7. October 2005, 01:19:31

7. October 2005, 01:12:26
im just uploading a pic i have just taken....

7. October 2005, 00:59:31
Subject: Re: desert rose
nobleheart: no that isnt it either....I just looked at the leaves of mine that is in flower and there are no jagged edges...just straight and very dark green....I might get camera out and take pic and post to my site for you to see :)

7. October 2005, 00:55:44
Subject: Re:
Eriisa: no Hun :(...that isnt it....thanks anyway

7. October 2005, 00:38:21

this is about the most I can find on Desert Roses

6. October 2005, 23:52:33
Does anybody know anything about the Desert Rose??

I have recently been given a pretty with white centre, and i bought one that isnt flowering yet but is a pink.

At our local nursery to buy one approx same size as the one i was gifted costs about $60..
I bought the small pink one for $10.

I cant find too much about them :(

2. October 2005, 23:35:24
Subject: Re:
nobleheart: that arch is simply stunning isnt it :)

2. October 2005, 08:20:22
ah ha :) they are not indigenous to australia but are also found in Africa.....well thats what my search revealed and i searched 28 pages on Google :)

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