Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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For us anyways our garden is just about cleaned out.We have a very short Summer in Central NY.Were heading into Fall and its fun with all the fairs going on.I'm sure not looking towards Winter tho.
Looks like Fall is on it's way were dropping down into the 40's now.We got our garlic drying and most of the garden picked except some tomatoes.I did get lots of beet greens and little beets .Guess we need to work that area better since the soil is clay.
ajtgirl: Ahhhhhhh fresh sweet cider,i love it.We have an apple orchard here thats called Twin Orchards and they have every kind of aple you can think of.They also make fresh cider.
Rose: Our Summers here are very short.I hit the Farmers Market while i wait for mine to ripen.Right now were in a bad heat wave and my lettuce is all wilted.I buy my plants already started,i tried starting them in the house.Didn't work the dog got to them.
I just went out and watered our garden,picked 3 nice size zucchini and gonna have some with breakfast.Were in such a heat wave it's already in the 80's and it's early.
skipinnz: Pole beans are a climbing bean but are flatter than the ones you normally see.Italian which i am usually cook them,drain add more water with cut up potatoes with a little olive oil,and garlic.Ya got to have Italian bread of course.
I forgot yesterday to post we picked 6 nice zucchini and i'm ready to make bread,fried zucc and a veggie stew.Got some pole beans also. Don't go for big squash it's all seeds and no meat.