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 Garden and Winter Chat

Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.

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17. May 2006, 05:22:31
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Tillandsias and Epiphytes
ajtgirl: Thats a pretty plant

17. May 2006, 03:42:33
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC: How about an AIR plant needs nothing but air.

16. May 2006, 10:05:58
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Those plants just never seem to die.

16. May 2006, 05:28:33
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Yes, I have one in the kitchen
plaintiger: Ummmmmmmmmm

16. May 2006, 05:04:17
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Yes, I have one in the kitchen
plaintiger: Those plants just never seem to die.

16. May 2006, 04:12:25
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Yes, I have one in the kitchen
Mousetrap: Those spider plants just keep growing.I've made 2 more hanging plants from the babies.Thats what i call them

16. May 2006, 03:23:16
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Spiders Plants
plaintiger: It's plants were talking about right?

15. May 2006, 09:29:18
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC: Welcome aboard

15. May 2006, 09:23:43
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
WatfordFC: Oh you'll learn,you got a green thumb if ya can't kill a plant.I have a spider plant that just keeps growing.

14. May 2006, 09:36:06
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
Dolittle: Depending on where you live Do.My sister is in Fla and has a huge Gardenia bush that was a plant once.If you get winters forget it.

14. May 2006, 09:33:22
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Happy Mothers Day
May you all get served breakfast in bed.

13. May 2006, 21:46:50
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Is it raining everywhere?
plaintiger: We were supposed to get more rain,the sun is out and its 62.

13. May 2006, 04:22:14
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Is it raining everywhere?
ajtgirl: We've had some rain,not too much tho.

8. May 2006, 07:16:47
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Did anyone plant this weekend?
plaintiger: Our days are warming up but not safe to plant yet,the end of May is warmer.

8. May 2006, 06:49:17
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Did anyone plant this weekend?
plaintiger: You see what are nites are running,frost and all.

8. May 2006, 05:34:09
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Did anyone plant this weekend?
plaintiger: I'll send ya our forcast,like i have before.

8. May 2006, 05:20:40
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Did anyone plant this weekend?
Modified by Foxy Lady (8. May 2006, 05:21:49)
ajtgirl: We did get the garden tilled today,a load of topsoil added.Got the peatmoss,and pearlite in.Hopefuly we can get the compost tilled in tomorrow its ripe. Were too early to plant anything been running in the 30's and 40's nites.

8. May 2006, 05:16:41
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Hydroponics Foxy and Plaintiger
Mousetrap: Thanks for the advice i'll be sure to make sure its done outside.

6. May 2006, 05:41:30
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Hydroponics Foxy and Plaintiger
Mousetrap: Hey i may get my oldest one of those greenhouses.I saw a TV program where they had tomatoe plants growing in water.It amazed me how big they were.

Toys R Us great store

5. May 2006, 19:10:27
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
nobleheart: We have a pretty good size veggie garden,right now our garlic is up.Can't plant here yet the nites are too cold,by the end of May is safe.We use alot of compost,and peat moss.Being our soil is clay we have to add soil every year.

5. May 2006, 19:07:00
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Hydroponics
Mousetrap: Is that growing plants in water?

5. May 2006, 11:12:29
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
plaintiger: Sure you were.

5. May 2006, 03:47:52
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
plaintiger: Tapping foot with arms crossed

but i do have a sense of humor today that is.

3. May 2006, 20:11:27
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: A type of bromeliad I think
plaintiger: Awwwwww thats too bad,i love fresh berries.

3. May 2006, 19:13:24
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: A type of bromeliad I think
plaintiger: Have you checked out any wooded areas,sometimes you can find lots of wild berries.

3. May 2006, 04:37:53
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: A type of bromeliad I think
ajtgirl: That shows a pawn has posted and waiting for approval.

3. May 2006, 04:36:36
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: A type of bromeliad I think
rednaz23: We have a rabbit family and a chipmonk that lives in our yard all year.We share the garden with them.It's no big deal since our garden is good size.So is my neighbors.

3. May 2006, 03:49:09
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: A type of bromeliad I think
plaintiger: Yes we do and this year were putting in a strawberry patch.That will produce next year.

2. May 2006, 11:04:12
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: A type of bromeliad I think
plaintiger: My rosebush is coming back i hope the worms don't get it this year.Ted sprayed it so i'm hoping it get's a chance.My blueberry bush is all budded loves those coffee grounds.

2. May 2006, 10:23:45
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: A type of bromeliad I think
plaintiger: That is pretty,has alot of color.

29. April 2006, 00:36:24
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Mother's Day!
Modified by Foxy Lady (29. April 2006, 01:00:29)
rednaz23: We don't plant here until the end of May.I only plant veggies and have lilac bushes.Maybe ajtgirl can help you more on the flowers.I use alot of hanging plants that i buy and put around my yard.

29. April 2006, 00:14:20
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Mother's Day!
rednaz23: Better to be safe than sorry.:)
Is it warm enough their to plant? Our nites are still in the 30's,I'm in Central NY

28. April 2006, 09:04:59
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Mother's Day!
rednaz23: Before you go ahead and plant anything i'd check with her,just to make sure she doesn't have her own ideas.

27. April 2006, 13:47:38
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Enough
Modified by Foxy Lady (27. April 2006, 13:49:28)
This is a Gardening Board not a Chat Room.I allowed the chat during the winter,this is Spring
Any post will be deleted.

27. April 2006, 13:42:06
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Enough
read the rules

24. April 2006, 17:03:52
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Peonies
ajtgirl: Maybe because they were just sprouting.I play it safe and put tomato cages around them so they don't get mowed down.

24. April 2006, 07:27:29
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Peonies
ajtgirl: Thats odd i cut mine down every year and never had a problem.I put them in the fall and they bloomed every year.I give them a good compost tea every fall and so far so good.

23. April 2006, 11:08:49
Foxy Lady 
Wow you guys were busy yesterday.It nothing but rain here.My Peonys are coming up nice,i can't wait too se them in bloom.

23. April 2006, 11:06:33
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Standing up for Hollyhocks
amandalove: LOL you tell her Mom.

22. April 2006, 11:01:04
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Sprouts
plaintiger: we can use this

22. April 2006, 10:53:30
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Sprouts
plaintiger: Yes food you grow in a garden.

22. April 2006, 10:42:51
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Sprouts
plaintiger: Now i'm hungry

22. April 2006, 09:58:40
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Did you know???

21. April 2006, 22:56:22
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Sprouts
Mousetrap: I hope it works out for ya,lets us know.

21. April 2006, 11:39:38
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Sprouts
plaintiger: Oh i'm sorry

21. April 2006, 10:48:50
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Sprouts
Mousetrap: Hi Mouse how ya be.......Ya sprouted the sprouts too early.Can you get a wooden box big enough to put them in? I don't have my thinking cap on yet,too early in the morning here.I did that one year with tomatoes and had to get a box built or would of lost the seedlings.Not to high just enough so i could keep them.You could use a cardboard box line with plastic,to keep the dirt in and transplant the sprouts for now.

21. April 2006, 10:26:34
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Spring
plaintiger: My daffys are plenty this year.Good old cow manure did a great job.

21. April 2006, 10:11:31
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Spring
plaintiger: It sure is great getting the yard picked up and seeing my pretty daffys,Everything is budded and i can't wait for the Lilacs to open up.

21. April 2006, 09:32:42
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Spring
Anybody start their gardens? Were getting ours ready but its too cold to put any plants in.

21. April 2006, 09:31:11
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: PMIAFA
plaintiger: Thats why i have it that way.

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