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BerniceC: Thats very true about watching the kiddies.I use moth balls when i pack our winter clothes.Ever see what Moths do to sweaters they look like Swiss Cheese(thats cheese with holes in it.
bumble: Yes moth balls work for dogs so should for the cats.My Granmother puts the moth balls around her flower beds and her trees.Keeps the dogs away.
BerniceC: You should see my poor grapes.They were so little and now poof almost all gone.I hope to get some more before fall.I'm armed now with my soapy water bottle
LOL the soapy water is doing the trick.I took a magnifying glass out to the vine and inspected the leaves. My hubby thinks i'm nuts but i'm so proud of that grape vine.Oh Bernice the grapes are Concord i was told.
BerniceC: I was thinking the same on the garlic,thats what i used on the rose bushes for the green worms.Yesterday when i sprayed the vines with the soapy water out ran the bugs.
Never would of known it if i wasn't showing off the grapes to my cousin.I was so exited over having grapes.Now i'll have to drown my sorrows with a bag of Tootsie Rolls.
I got bugs on my grapevine ate the little grapes and chewing on the leaves.I sprayed with soapy water fingers crossed.Anyone got some ideas on natural bug be goners?
BerniceC: Ten will do, yup for the first year.I'd be happy with that.This vine was given to me and it's quite huge and has already produced so i'm keeping my fingers crossed.My husband built gee i can't think of what it's called, but anyways,were going to put our picnic table under it.That brings me to memories of the one my Granmother had not a hint of sun on her picnic table,and about 10 degrees cooler.
Eriisa: We trim ours in the fall.If i have trouble this year with the green worms i'm digging up that bush and stating over.LOL we got snow showers coming can ya beat that.
BerniceC: LOL I also freeze grapes for a treat for my oldest.For some reason the dark color are good for you,which is why my granfather uses only the red ones to make homemade wine.I read somewhere the darker ones are good for your heart.
BerniceC: I love watermelon juiced and Mangos yummy i'll get my full when we go on vacation.
Juicing can run into alot of money,you don't get very much,but it's all power pack with vitamins.
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