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 Garden and Winter Chat

Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.

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2. March 2005, 05:07:08
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: hannelore sais I should post my response to her here...
nobleheart: This is the place and thanks for the info.

25. February 2005, 09:37:42
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Snow
It looks great........sure wish Spring was here.

22. February 2005, 09:56:37
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Snow
Ok i'll check it out.

22. February 2005, 09:03:30
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Snow
Oh where is Spring? I'm so sick of Snow.

31. January 2005, 02:54:27
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
Oh i know what you mean......and trust me we do the squirrels no harm.You should hear them running thru the eves at 4 in the morning.These have to be families that have been here for years.Talk about being bold they come with suit cases and leave in the Spring.

31. January 2005, 02:34:08
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Re:
LOL i tried the pepper and these squirrles at us.

31. January 2005, 02:31:28
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Re:
Reason i don't want squirrels around my home is they have become way to tame.They come on the porch tore up my wicker chair cushion for nesting.
That's not to say what only god knows thats in the eve of our house.My 6 yr old plays on the porch weather permitting and i don't need to have her get bit.I don't starve them nor do i feed them i
don't want them moving in as they have.They can be very destructive.

30. January 2005, 04:10:13
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Re:
Mothballs also work great keeping the dogs from going potty on my trees.

29. January 2005, 20:47:49
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: squirrels
Once we have the house resided this Spring they won't be able to get in.I hope anyways.

29. January 2005, 20:39:30
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Birds
Squirrles oh please we have a family that lives in the eves of our house every year.They move out in the Spring.We had them removed and taken away but they came back every year,so we gave up .

29. January 2005, 20:34:18
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Birds
They get fluids from berries and etc........I also see them pecking at snow.......

29. January 2005, 20:32:13
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Birds
For sure huh

29. January 2005, 11:20:23
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Birds
Don't forget to feed our feather freinds.

16. January 2005, 12:31:43
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: snow peas
Modified by Foxy Lady (16. January 2005, 12:34:02)
Can't plant nothing here until the end of May.I'm in Central NY and it's been crazy weather this year.

15. January 2005, 11:44:26
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: snow peas
Where abouts do you live? Our ground is froze here even with the few days of warm weather.

14. January 2005, 21:15:59
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
Yes we've done that it also keeps the birds from eating the seed.......Yuk i don't like peas.

14. January 2005, 11:42:35
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Weather
Wow our weather is crazy it was like SPRING YESTERDAY high 53.Today it's cold and SNOW on the way.

28. December 2004, 11:44:26
Foxy Lady 
Subject: SR try this site

13. December 2004, 23:49:21
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Oh kewl..
I can use the help since i'm busy with the girls.

21. November 2004, 10:32:54
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Happy Thanksgiving
Hope you all have a blessed day.

10. November 2004, 08:13:55
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Game
Sure i'll play i'm not good at that either.

10. November 2004, 08:08:39
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Bernice C
Glad to see ya

10. November 2004, 07:54:03
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Snow
We got some snow so the gardens are to bed here in NY.

6. November 2004, 04:43:54
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Roses
Roses love potassium also,i throw a banana peel in the hole than plant the bush.

6. November 2004, 00:52:51
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:Fishbones
I trust miracle_gro,don't have to worry about any cats digging up the bones.

2. November 2004, 11:43:16
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: cuttings
Thats one i never heard of but i'd try it to see if it works.

2. November 2004, 11:40:14
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Garlic
Hi BW just the regular small cloves,but you gave me an idea.:)

1. November 2004, 08:27:42
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Garlic
Depending on where you live its garlic time........I planted 12 cloves and hoping i get some good sized bulbs.Garlic comes up in the Spring but not ready till late August early September.

18. October 2004, 08:45:39
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Foxy Lady
No problem

18. October 2004, 02:57:32
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Peony Bushes
Thanks guys i guess i'll have to get hunny to start cutting

15. October 2004, 05:30:03
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Peony Bushes
Does anyone know if you have to cut them in the fall?

12. October 2004, 13:10:40
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Recipes
Modified by Foxy Lady (12. October 2004, 13:12:18)
There is a recipe board for those that don't know it.

12. October 2004, 13:07:34
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: FoxyLady??
You can post or ask someone for what your looking for,this board is for gardening.

11. October 2004, 16:02:55
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: tulips
This is used to scare birds,chipmunks and etc from the garden not for fertilizer.

11. October 2004, 15:52:03
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Thanks Dano :)
Check out the recipe board

10. October 2004, 14:40:47
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: tulips
I found taking all the hair off my brushes and putting it in netting,place it around your flower garden or veggies.The critters smell human and stay away

29. September 2004, 13:05:31
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Garden Tools
Depending on where you live it's time to clean your tools,and put them away for winter.

24. September 2004, 21:09:01
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Compost etc
A friend of mine does it that way.He puts twigs on the ground and in between the compost,seems to work for him.

18. September 2004, 11:16:48
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Compost etc
Your right bw my husband put holes all around the metal we have our compost in for the air to circulate.I like making a tea from the compost and watering my garden with that.

12. September 2004, 11:05:25
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Dolittle
This is a great site pass it along.

12. September 2004, 11:00:58
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: I'll post it here
it's a great site from A to Z

11. September 2004, 07:44:18
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Oak Tree!
Dolittle which site? The one about the tree or the one with all the hints?

10. September 2004, 08:03:34
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Compost
Human waste omg i heard of that.I never eat the meat in chinese restaurants only the veggies.Oh yuk i'll stir fry at

10. September 2004, 08:00:41
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Oak Tree!
Dootlittle maybe this site can help.

10. September 2004, 07:54:39
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Compost
I have a corner in my yard that i have a large piece of heavy metal around it.My husband turns it with a big pitch fork and he pours pepsi on it to get it cooking.Than he covers it with a metal covering.I also use manure when our garden is first tilled.

9. September 2004, 06:11:21
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Compost
Anyone making or using compost?

9. September 2004, 06:08:49
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Blueberries
Modified by Foxy Lady (9. September 2004, 06:09:53)
In the beginning of this board i told about blueberries.My bush was doing nothing.I looked it up to see what i could do and found it needs acidic soil.Ahhhhhhhhh coffee grounds to the my surprise it picked right up and bore some fruit this year.
So now i give it a drink of coffee once a week.

9. September 2004, 05:57:10
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: bamboo
Seven this may help.

9. September 2004, 05:47:39
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re: Garlic
Garlic can be very hardy, this year i'm doing mine in containers.It really does help the garden since you don't harvest it till fall.Marigolds are great around the garden.

8. September 2004, 08:38:35
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Garlic
Almost time to think about planting garlic in my zone.

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