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I don't play Alquerque much anymore, because the board is too large, and it frustrates me to scroll up and down constantly to see the whole board. I enjoy the game, though! If Fencer shrinks it, in the future Groeneveld, I will start playing again.
Groeneveld Alquerque Super Tournament request 2. april 2006, 03:00:03
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When the running tournaments are over
I find it nice idea,when a tournament will be hold,where all or allmost all of the ranked players will appear,
the 28 players with a rating an let's say 36 with a provisional rating
do you find this a good idea,
and are you free,just
drop a note,to say you will enter
and top 28 players,do specially....
how more of you will enter,how greater the tournament
have you asked your opponent for a draw already, with an explanation of why it's a draw???
I think I have heard of Fencer "drawing" games for people in a situation like that when one person refuses a definite draw.. but maybe I imagined it.. Worth a try though.. :-)
Up until now I've only ever played tablut on here. The addition of alquerque piqued my interest, but unfortunately the forward-only movement rule put me off--I might as well play draughts (or checkers, to those of you who prefer American English).
Now I've got a real alquerque board to play on, so I've got interested in the game again. I will, however, wait patiently until the time when Fencer creates an Alfonso variant, before I join in. I say patiently, as I've already mentioned elsewhere the possibility of more tafl variants to complement tablut :-)
rod03801: well, since he did his recent re-shuffle..... I would assume that this board and Jarmo are here to stay for a while - I certainly dont know any different.....
For me, the size of the graphics keeps me from playing it much now.. Takes WAY too long to load on webtv, and I hate scrolling back and forth to see the whole thing, to decide on my move..
So, I'm wondering what the progress is on making the graphics smaller?
He plans on shrinking them eventually. I hope it is soon, because it is such a pain to play the game having to scroll up and down to see the whole board..
I think, that even with the present rules there is still the possibility to draw if both players are equal in pieces and none of them want to attack (or to make a senseless attack). If one of the players has an advantage in material after the middle game, he should IMHO win. It means: There would be probably more draws with the Alfonso's rules. There is a lot of draws in chess or checkers - so what? Playes who can't or don't want to see a draw and want to play forever to make their opponent tired are not worth playing with. :-)
If i can suggest one thing Fencer don't implement those variants... One has the problem of making impossible the task of one coulor the other if one player wants to stuck the game, the game could last forever, and the win will become for tireness not for strategy...
I know i'm not the majority of the players and I'm just a pawn but please reconsider, now you have one game that nobody (in his sense) wants to play don't transform in 2 variants that no one wants to play it ...
just my 2 cents of course...
I don't know exactly which move (number) are we talking about. I tried to explain how I understand the rules.
Let's say, that there is
(a) a black piece on c1, white on c2 and nothing on c3 = black can't jump, because he can't move backward at the beginnig of his move...
(b) a black piece on a1, white pieces on b1 and c2, and c1 and c3 are empty = black can/must jump from a1 to c1 and because he's already moving, he must jump further to c3.
Piece on last row can't move except horizontal jump is correct.
Piece on last row can jump backwards too, but only in a multiple jump where the first capture must be horizontal.
Don't know... Its difficult to see and test it... The empty row will have what links? I think black could (depending of the links) start the game with one piece less with just the first white move. In that assumption they will be better than actually...
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