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22. April 2011, 03:10:43
Dark Prince 
Subject: Suicide attack
That depends on what you mean.
It is implied already if what you mean is losing a piece running it up onto an enemy piece that it can't capture.
A capture of any kind shows up in the capture list.
If it doesn't show up in the capture list, it isn't a capture and will not reset the the 50 move count.

22. April 2011, 01:50:12
Subject: Re: 50 Moves/49 moves
Dark Prince: we also should take into account that a suicide attack should count for a capture of a piece. thus resetting the 50 move count.

21. April 2011, 22:13:32
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: 50 Moves/49 moves
Dark Prince:
If the player to make move #50 wants to call it a draw and 50 moves by the opponent were already made without a capture, that player may invoke the draw rule before moving by stating the intention of not making a capture on that move. It must be clear, however, that the move choices available do not require any piece to move onto a square occupied by an enemy piece.

Offering a draw to the opponent under those conditions is considered invoking the draw rule even if the opponent refuses the offer. I would hope that support would be able to verify that the offer had been made. If that's not the case, and the opponent declines or doesn't respond to the offer quickly, the player wanting to invoke the rule should inform support before moving, and then move to avoid timing out.

21. April 2011, 21:55:23
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: 50 Moves
In chess, the 50 move rule is 50 moves for each player.
That being the standard, it is implied unless stated otherwise. If one player makes 50 moves and the other had made only 49 since the last capture, the latter could prevent the draw rule taking effect by capturing that move. In any case, if a capture is not made and neither player invokes the draw rule, the game continues. The draw rule could be invoked any move thereafter until a capture is made. Once a capture is made without the draw rule being invoked, the 50 move rule starts over notwithstanding it could have been previously called a draw. That is to say, if a player wants to invoke the 50 move draw rule, it must be done both after 50 moves without a capture and before a capture is made.
A sapper deactivating a bomb is considered a capture.

21. April 2011, 11:54:22
Subject: Re: refused Draw
Nothingness: I assumed 50 moves = 50 moves for each player.

20. April 2011, 18:37:51
Subject: Re: refused Draw
Chaos: 50 moves for each player or 25+25 moves = 50

19. April 2011, 22:57:33
Subject: Re: refused Draw

Dark Prince: I agree that a capture of a piece is an easy and objective criterium and a clear indication that the game is still in progress. I like your idea to have a 'starting point', only it would be nice to have 1 rule for all variants, to keep it clear.

Maybe 50 moves without capture starting after move 50 for the 3 volcano variants (the small volcano variant is often slower than Fast Espionage) and 50 moves after move 25 for Open and Small fast, to keep it simple?

13. April 2011, 01:17:20
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: refused Draw
The advantage of such a rule is that, if refused and the indicated number of moves has been reached without a capture, it could then be enforced even though the opponent refused the offer.

I don't think advancement to some particular rank indicates enough of an advantage to justify it as a measuring stick in the draw issue. It would create difficulties in verification and possibly allow a temporary advancement. Whatever the number of moves, I think the capture of a piece by either player must be the criteria.
To allow for slow starters, the 50 move rule could start at move 25 and the 35 move rule for smaller boards could start at move 15 for the open variations.
50 moves starting at move 50 and 35 moves starting at move 30 for the volcano variations.

13. April 2011, 00:30:56
Subject: Re: Draw
" I'm in a game with Mark now that is about move 30 and no one has taken a piece or revealed a piece yet. This will take about another 50-100 more moves until the game gets "started".

You spoke too soon... just moved forwarded and I can see you! Still no capture, though this will surely follow soon. As you are white, thought I would make the first move and save you the embarressment of having to offer a draw, which I would have refused anyway

13. April 2011, 00:05:07
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: chess draw
Yes there are other differences too as chess is a very different game. In chess, a stalemate is a draw. In Espionage, having no legal move is a loss.
The issue on the number of moves without a capture should not be related to the overall length of a game but a reasonable number of moves for a SKILLED player with an advantage to be able to either win or increase that advantage with a capture or sacrifice.
If there is no advantage, the same rule applies (as it does in chess) to attempting to gain the advantage.
I think 50 moves is a reasonable for Open Fast.

12. April 2011, 23:52:31
Subject: Re: Draw
Dark Prince: with no volcanoes a 50 rules is reasonable. however with volcanoes it should be more than that. I regularly have games that take about 100 before a piece is taken from the board, its just how the game is played.

i dont think a 50 move rule should be worded like chess but perhaps 50 moves without advancement. perhaps a like chinese checkers where all pieces need to be at a certain point by a certain move. you need to advance to a specific rank on the board. Forcing a move forward. This would work best for non volcano games. and perhaps a similar rule for the volcano games. I'm in a game with Mark now that is about move 30 and no one has taken a piece or revealed a piece yet. This will take about another 50-100 more moves until the game gets "started". It's far from over/drawn. a draw rule does need to be implemented, i can agree with that.

12. April 2011, 19:50:00
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: Draw
I appreciate the attention given in discussing this issue by both the players and staff including any in opposition to my proposal.
You are correct that this forum is a big plus for this site.

12. April 2011, 19:49:00
Chess rule is not only 50 moves w/o capture,but also w/o pawn move.

In case this rule, it should be definitely more than 50 moves w/o capture. In chess is such rule applied after, say, 60th move, so there is near same ammount of moves available to realization of advantage as was length of games - and 60 moves is already considered as long game.

But I think there is no need for such rule. There is possibility to contact Fencer to claim game as draw and it should be sufficient.

12. April 2011, 18:04:52
Subject: Draw
I promise to accept every draw offer after 50 moves without capturing any piece on the big board - and after 35 moves on the small board respectively.

12. April 2011, 17:38:49
Subject: Re: Draw
Dark Prince: We can request Fencer to add a draw rule to the rules. And since we already have the agreement of fair play regarding illegal moves, we may just as well add a draw situation to it in my opinion.

12. April 2011, 06:48:52
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: Purpose of a Draw
In chess, the 50 move rule has the purpose of ensuring that the player with the advantage exploits it efficiently.
A case in point is that of an endgame with Knight, Bishop and King versus King. A skilled player can win within 50 moves with that advantage while a player uncertain of how to coordinate those pieces may well take longer. In the latter case, the game is a draw because of the inefficiency of the player with the advantage regardless of the fact that it would otherwise not be considered a draw position.

12. April 2011, 05:51:38
cookie monster 
Subject: Re: Draw

There's no reason not to have a rule as to when the game can be declared a draw.

There are ways to reach a positions near the end of the game where a win cannot be forced and even more ways to reach a position where a player needs to take what might be deemed unacceptable risks to attempt and force a decision.

A 50 move rule without a capture seems a very fair rule.

12. April 2011, 05:19:38
Subject: Re: Draw
Dark Prince: The purpose of a draw is to avoid a game going on forever. Yes i agree that there should be a rule for this. What the rule is needs to be voted on by the people who play the game the most. Generally if two players are of equal skill level and we are at a point early in teh game where no one wants to advance and both plays thus build two walls. The player who attacks first will probably have to sacrifice a piece. Then the 2nd player pounces on that advantage and considers themselves the better player in an eventual win. (not always the case) . This is a strategy and should not be punished. if you are unable to crack a defense then you are not skilled enough or knowledgeable enough to exploit that defense. Asking for a draw b/c a he/she has no way of breaking a defense is simply weak! There is a way to guarantee draws. we need to vote.

10. April 2011, 21:44:10
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: Draw
With no draw rule for Espionage here, it has lost all appeal to me and I won't be participating in future games.

10. April 2011, 20:04:00
Subject: Re: Draw
I have never known the 50 move rule come into play personally in practise in chess although I have played over 1000 competitive games in leagues and tournaments. I've heard of it a couple of times in grandmaster play but that's it. The fact that such a rule is a problem in espionage illustrates why the game will always appeal to a small group of enthusiastic players rather than have popular appeal.

10. April 2011, 16:23:25
Subject: Re: Draw
SL-Mark: The volcano version would have to have a different set of rules due to the merry go round technique. If i have a 1 and you have a 5 remaining and both of our flags are protected than no side can ever win since you will never be able to capture anything. Having to use a strategic sacrifice in order to get a draw is a thought out plan but boring an opponent is tricky. This where the volcano versions should be ruled differently. I alwayswinsam was a master at this. Those versions simply are flawed/difficult in that you really need to wait for a mistake and be patient. the open versions however will require a rule to prevent an unwinnable situation from going on forever. 50moves in this game would not be practical. we need a different rule. ill put some thought into it. and post a poll

10. April 2011, 13:40:34
Subject: Draw
The only situation that I can see a draw occuring in espionage is when both players are left with one piece each. Even if you are left with the stronger piece, you can be left in a situation where you cannot capture the opponent.

This has happened to me once, back in the era of IYT and indeed it was with Nothingness, who had the weaker piece, but had forced the draw by his thought out final exchange. In this case if a player refused to accept a draw, I'm sure Fencer would overrule this, and no need for any game knowledge to see this.

As to stalling, and no capture in 50 moves, well I don't accept this. There are two people in the game and I will keep capturing, even if not captured in 50 moves! If a 50 move no capture rule was implemented, then white would always lose in a long dancing play from the start, or would be forced to make the first capture. So black wins simply by avoiding capture in the first 50 moves!

Yes, there are some jokers who keep offering the draw when losing, guess they are hoping you hit the wrong button :)

10. April 2011, 07:28:03
Dark Prince 
Subject: Reversal?
You previously said:
"That would be reasonable since that is the way it pretty much goes in chess. So 50moves without a capture of a piece..."
That isn't the site forcing a draw situation.
That is a player failing to make a capture to prevent a draw. "Enforce" is not the same as "force." Hence, the rules drive the strategy/tactics.
From my perspective, a player failing to make a capture in 50 moves is stalling. A 150 move game sounds exceptionally boring to me no less a 400 move game.

10. April 2011, 06:31:12
Subject: Re: Draw
Dark Prince: I am dead set against requesting a site to force a draw situation. That is not fair to all parties. UNLESS the opponent is intentionally stalling for time. If it takes a long time it takes a long time. I have had 400 move games on IYT. There was 1 player that would ask for draws all the time. Classless. But we need to have some sort of rule in place to prevent it. A point rule could be used. BUT never asking for support. This was one of the reasons for a committee. They can rule on such situations. Only an advanced player can really rule on such a situation.

10. April 2011, 06:10:41
Dark Prince 
Subject: BTW
Dark Prince:
The 50 move rule for chess is listed but not automatic, so a player still has to contact support to have the game declared a draw. I'm suggesting the same for Espionage.

10. April 2011, 06:02:22
Dark Prince 
Subject: Why any less than chess?
The chess rules include one for draw situations.
Why would it be any less necessary for any other game that could potentially go on and on?
Fencer responded to my message to him and apparently doesn't think such a rule is necessary for Espionage.
If a rule doesn't exist prior to such a situation to cover it, enforcing a rule that doesn't exist or one made retroactively would be unfair to the other player. Rules themselves drive strategy and tactics. They must be clear before the situation arises or can apply only to games started after the rule is added except by agreement of both players.
Existing rules don't require agreement to be enforced even if program quirks allow them to be broken.

9. April 2011, 23:31:03
Subject: Re: Draw
Dark Prince: It is always worth it to try to write to Fencer if the situation arises. I'm sure he would take care of it if it was necessary.

9. April 2011, 22:43:01
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: Draw
It may be a rare thing to get into that situation, but I have at IYT. There, my opponent didn't agree to a draw, so I had to request support to enforce the rule. The game was declared a draw even though my opponent didn't agree. With nothing in the rules here, a game could go on indefinitely with no progress. The more patient player could effectively force the less patient player to resign a game that should be a draw.
Unfortunately, there seems to be little interest in adding a draw situation to Espionage rules here.

7. April 2011, 05:36:06
Subject: Re: Draw
Dark Prince: That would be reasonable since that is the way it pretty much goes in chess. So 50moves without a capture of a piece or depending on having to look at the situation.

7. April 2011, 03:02:47
Dark Prince 
Subject: Draw
I could find nothing in the rules about draw situations for any Espionage variation.
I think 50 moves without a capture for the regular board size and 35 moves for the small variants is reasonable.
I would like to see that covered in the rules whether with those numbers of moves or other.

15. March 2011, 17:01:19
Subject: Tournaments
looks like interesting tournaments for all espionage players.

Championship world BK 2011

5. March 2011, 06:07:42
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: illegal move???
Dark Prince:
I just looked again at the game to see how many pieces the player making the illegal move had on the board and noticed that there was another illegal move prior to the one I indicated.
On moves 54 and 55, the 5 was moved from h1-g1 then g1-h1.
In this case, the player making the illegal move had 3 movable pieces and 2 in the other case.

9. February 2011, 04:21:05
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: Entire Game?
I thought that bug was only an issue when attrition became a factor with very few pieces left for the player moving the piece back where it came from.
Does the bug show up earlier in the game?

9. February 2011, 02:18:04
lol i see it now.. it would be nice to have known the move number prior to playing through the entire game and stopping on the move it happened. i see it now.

8. February 2011, 18:43:21
Put me on the list too...

8. February 2011, 11:55:28
Subject: Re: illegal move???

Don't be sorry Nothingness--we're all human and fallible 

put me on the list too if BK don't get this sorted

8. February 2011, 06:32:14
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: illegal move???
Look at White moves 58 and 59
You'll see the 5 moves from i1 to h1
Then from h1 to i1
It violates the rule that a piece cannot move back to the square it had vacated on the previous move..

8. February 2011, 05:58:38
Subject: illegal move???
sorry but there is no illegal move in the game celtic jim posted. everything was within the rules.

8. February 2011, 01:19:28
Dark Prince 
Subject: I intended that as a suggestion.
Dark Prince:
What would be the point of having such a list otherwise?

7. February 2011, 23:55:00
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: Both players agree...
The agreement is indicated by having the name on the list.
Once the name is on the list, it will be up to the player against whom the illegal move was made to decide how to proceed and agreement by the opponent won't be needed if it's clear that an illegal move was in fact made.

7. February 2011, 23:49:21
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: reversing the move
I'd prefer the bug were fixed and this wouldn't be an issue.
I don't intend to have games against players that aren't skilled enough to know a move is illegal or that a particular position could lead to such a move.
A player can look at the previous move prior to beginning the move and look at the move list during the move to verify that all pieces are moving according to the rules.
Anyone who doesn't want to risk making the agreement certainly doesn't have to.
Nevertheless, I don't mind adding to the description:
It will be at the players discretion against whom the illegal move was made to either ask the opponent to resign or allow the opponent the opportunity to have the illegal move reversed.

7. February 2011, 23:02:43
Subject: Re: List description
Dark Prince: Personally I'd prefer reversing the move if there are no side effects like identification (in whatever way) of pieces. Both players should agree ofcourse.

7. February 2011, 21:47:16
Dark Prince 
Subject: List description
Dark Prince:
Slight change in wording for description so intent is not implied. That is if the illegal move is unintentional, inadvertent or unknown to the player, the agreement stands.
"I hereby agree to resign any game against another player on this list if during the course of the game any piece of mine is moved back to the square it had vacated on the previous move."

7. February 2011, 19:24:56
Dark Prince 
Subject: inevitable side effect
Pedro Martínez:
That's enough for me, however unlikely it may be, to go with the list and agreement by opponents to resign in case an illegal move is made.

7. February 2011, 19:17:19
Dark Prince 
Subject: Previously unidentied pieces
refers to identification by SPY, but also indirect identification.
i.e. a "1" runs up on a bomb and explodes identifies that piece as a bomb narrowing the choices to attack to destroy the BASE.

7. February 2011, 19:11:26
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re: Time to Reverse illegal move
Dark Prince: Unless Fencer is on a vacation or something, the reversal will definitely not take longer than a few days.
I believe your assumption would be correct indeed. The problem with undesired identification of pieces would have to be taken as an inevitable side effect though.

7. February 2011, 19:04:20
Dark Prince 
Subject: Time to Reverse illegal move
Pedro Martínez:
If reported to Fencer by Private Message, would it take hours, days or weeks to reverse an illegal move?
Would I be correct in assuming it would still be reversed even if several moves had been made since it was reported? The potential problem with previously unidentied pieces would apply here too.

7. February 2011, 18:19:18
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re: illegal move
Dark Prince, Chaos:

Have such moves been reversed?
Yes, they have.

How long does it take?
It depends on the method of reporting the illegal move. It takes Fencer much less time (and effort) if reported to him directly via PM than if reported in the BugTracker (or at least this is what my experience tells me).

What happens if unidentified pieces become identified as a result of the illegal move?
I have no idea. Good question though. :)

7. February 2011, 18:11:38
Subject: Re: illegal move
Pedro Martínez: Is it at all possible to have the move reversed? At BK some things seem to be impossible while they seem logical and wanted, like the next round of a tournament starting as soon as the winners of the previous round are known. In that case we have to wait untill all games of the previous round have finished, whether or not their outcome is relevant. That's why I wonder if it's possible to have a move reversed. My guess is it can't.

7. February 2011, 17:29:46
Dark Prince 
Subject: Re: date irrelvant
based on your post and that of Pedro, I agree.
No date should be necessary and leave out the part in the parenthesis on the description.

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