Adrenal weariness is an illness which can be described as an interruption of your adrenal organs' capacity to produce cortisol in the required amounts whenever needed to fight against stress. If you think that you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue then visit an expert doctor who can offer the best treatment for adrenal fatigue.
Here are a few steps that will help you to fight against adrenal fatigue. Have a look.
You Must Follow The Adrenal Diet Properly
This implies disposing of food items which you’re allergic to and foods that cause inflammation. You need to consume lots of green and bright coloured vegetables, healthy protein, gluten free carbohydrates and whole grains. Depending on your case, the doctor might ask you to remove dairy products from your diet, if he finds that you’re sensitive to them. Remember, a strict no-carb diet can put more stress on the body, making adrenal fatigue even worse.
Sleep Early
Going to sleep before 11pm is an absolute necessity in any phase of adrenal fatigue. Numerous individuals get a second cortisol rush after 11pm, which upsets sleeping patterns even more.
Fill Your Adrenals With Vitamin B
Vitamin B such as B5 and B6 specifically are ideal nourishment for the adrenals and can be low in a low-carb, high-fat diet. In production of energy, B12 and folate additionally play an important role.
Reduce Inflammation
By utilising omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, and vitamin C supplements you can bring down your inflammation levels permitting proper recovery of the adrenal glands.
Go For More Vital Nutrients
Zinc, magnesium, selenium and vitamin D are extremely vital for the appropriate thyroid function and help to cure adrenal fatigue.
Stay Hydrated
Remember, dehydration is a sign of adrenal fatigue. There are supplement available which will help you to assimilate more water into your cells. You can likewise include lemon juice or sea salt to your water.
Use Special Herbs
You can include licorice root, ashwagandha and rehmannia, to make an herbal formulation that helps to balance and empower the adrenal glands.
Incorporate Rest In Your Day
If you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue then ensure that you don’t indulge in activities which further increase your burn out. Don’t go for extreme exercise, cardio routines or high intensity yoga. Just save as much energy you can and take power naps whenever possible. While relaxing, try to do some easy breathing exercises.
Change Your Perspective
Are working extremely hard to achieve success? If failure to reach your target killing you? Are you getting stressed emotionally and physically? If yes, then it’s time to stop, take a deep breath and change your perspective. Just remove the excess burden from your shoulders which is putting stress on your body, especially on your adrenal glands. To cure adrenal fatigue, you need to stay stress free as much as possible.
The Amazing Benefits You Get From Chelation Therapy
EDTA chelation is a treatment in which applications of a weak synthetic amino acid such as EDTA, steadily decrease atherosclerotic plaque and other mineral deposits by actually dissolving them away in the cardiovascular system. EDTA chelation has every now and then been compared to a draining technique in the cardiovascular system, since it expels plaque and makes the blood vessel system a smooth, solid, pre-atherosclerotic condition.
Intravenous technique is an obviously better analogy for conventional treatments for heart illness, all of which have firmly fixed to the idea of the cardiovascular system as pipes. At the point when a pipe (in this case artery) gets choked up, basically ream it out or straighten the deposits (angioplasty). In the event that doesn't work, simply remove the bad section and substitute it with another pipe (CABG – coronary artery bypass graft).
It is typical for doctors who routinely endorse EDTA chelation therapy to see patients’ suffering from heart diseases who have been disappointed with all the standard medications yet who make wonderful even mind blowing recoveries after getting EDTA chelation therapy.
EDTA applies its gainful impacts on the body since it is to a great degree capable of chemically mixing with metal and mineral particles. This holding procedure, known as chelation therapy, is a natural and vital procedure that always goes on in the body. Since EDTA is so successful in expelling undesirable metals and minerals from the blood, it FDA approved treatment for lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminium poisoning for many decades.
Here a list of a wide range of benefits you can get from Chelation therapy. These benefits have been identified by some of the most experienced and renowned doctors from around the world. Have a look.
# Decrease in the level of liver-delivered cholesterol
# Reduced insulin needs in people suffering from diabetics
# Reduced blood cholesterol levels
# Decreased hypertension (high blood pressure)
# Standardisation of heart arrhythmia
# Relief from leg muscle spasms or cramps
# Decrease in symptoms of allergies
# Standardised weight
# Enhanced mental and emotional condition
# Improved sensory input such as better power of taste, hearing and sight
# Less unreasonable heart contractions
# Reduced pigmentation of varicose vein
# Age spots are diminished
# Decrease in the number of pain and aches, arthritic and anything else
# Less dependence on pain medicines
# Problem of hair loss ends or even reversed
# Impotence is reversed
# Reversal in the symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease
# Lessened requirement for diuretics
# Better ability to face cold
# Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome
# Improvement in memory and mental concentration
# Vision loss is restored significantly after cataract surgery
# Changes in looks, such as more glossy hair, extra sparkle in the eyes, stronger nails, healthy skin, less wrinkles, fewer signs of ageing and a more young appearance.
Proper nutrition is very important for your health when you’re suffering from Lyme disease. However, many doctors fail to advise this to their patients who have Lyme disease. You need to understand the proper healthy nutrition can play a significant role in the Lyme disease treatment.
When a person is suffering from Lyme disease his or her immune system works harder. You might inflammation in your body, if you don’t consume proper diet. You’ll lose the battle with Lyme disease, if you fail to incorporate healthy food items in your diet.
Just like other diseases that are caused by bacteria, Lyme disease can be successfully fought off by healthy people.
Lyme is not a new disease. It has been documented for a minimum of a hundred years. Many people wonder why so much buzz is going on about Lyme disease now? Well, we've reached a tipping purpose on health wherever folks are sick, very sick most the time and that makes it easier for all diseases to unfold. Additionally, Lyme comes with many different bacterial co-infections that make it difficult to diagnose.
These co-infections were things that folks in the last century simply ignored. Their immune system was strong enough to fight with them naturally. For instance measles, they were able to repulse the infections and become healthy within a few weeks.
Here are things folks should eat and which they seldom do, food items that we know are key in fighting with the infections:
* Yellow and orange vegetables which are high in vitamin A. A few decade back doctors used to recommend these vegetables for measles. Vegetables were the only reliable food items which were safe to feed a small sick child. These vegetables were also known to fight against the disease effectively.
* Knotweed, astragalus, teasle, and dandelion – some green leafy vegetables which we now refer as a weed.
* Winter squash and parsnips – vegetables which were rich in Niacin.
* Fermented foods - the higher probiotics you've got in your gut, the higher likelihood you've got at equalisation the bacterium in your body. It enables the immune system to perform where it's needed, which is fighting against the Lyme disease.
Did you see that all the above mentioned food items are vegetables and healthy foods. However, just do not go outside and bring the weeds while not knowing what you're doing. That’s not the right way to do it. First visit your doctor and consult with him, and if he recommends then you can find the above mentioned food items in a medical store.
Water additionally plays a crucial role in your fight against the Lyme disease. If you’re dehydrated, your blood and joints start becoming thick. Your immune system finds it tougher to fight against the infections. In addition, your energy is just too low to perform tasks and fight the infection.
Remember, apart from medications, you need to consume a healthy diet (consult with your doctor) to fight against the Lyme disease problem.
Do you feel unenergetic and weary after getting from the bed even after a full night's sleep? Do you feel troubled to sleep even after and exhausting and tiring day? If yes, then these are some of the major symptoms that you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue.
People who’re suffering from this health issue have over-tasked adrenal glands which aren’t getting the care it requires. If you've got a feeling similar to this, then you're actually searching for a method to cure your adrenal fatigue problem.
What Are The Adrenal Glands
They are 2 adrenal glands present in our body. Both of them are positioned on top of our kidneys. These glands produce vital endocrines, together with adrenaline and noradrenalin that are neurotransmitters and help your system in managing stressful situations.
At some point of time your endocrine, additionally referred to as the adrenal glands, cannot perform fully up to its capability, such situation is known as dysfunction of the adrenal glands. Usually, a long, stressful and acute strain can create problems for the endocrine, ensuing to a constant feeling of uneasiness.
Indications that you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue are:
* feeling overpowered
* feeling weak for no definite cause
* lack of the power to recover after an illness or during a stressful situation
* not feeling fully awake even after a few of hours once you've got up from sleep in the morning
* feelings of helplessness and sluggishness
* a resurrection of energy in the late evening
Recommended Diet For Adrenal Fatigue
By consuming the right foods to fight adrenal dysfunction you can ensure that adrenal glands can perform well in aiding you to get back loads of energy.
Studies have found that diets to treat adrenal dysfunction ought to have protein, carbohydrates and oils such as olive oil, fish and flax. By consuming different parts of vegetables everyday you can help aiding your adrenal glands to regain balance and perform properly once more.
By taking meals on time and avoid skipping your breakfast, you can do your job. Additionally, avoid meals which contain sugar, caffeine, junk foods, simple carbohydrates and hydrogenated fats. Also, the introduction of sea salt helps significantly to restore electrolytes which might have become off-balance at the time when your adrenal glands weren’t functioning in the right manner.
Adrenal Fatigue Treatment
Apart from consuming a good diet which is inclined towards adrenal fatigue treatment, you should consume dietary supplements (after consulting with your doctor) which add these categories of foods such as: pantothen, vitamin E, B-complex vitamin and magnesium. Also, small amount of minerals like chromium, zinc, molybdenum, iodine, selenium and copper. However, you should first consult a renowned doctor to know more about the diet needed to fight the adrenal fatigue problem.
Struggling from mental, physical or emotional stress? Read these shocking facts to know more about the problem of stress.
1. General reasons behind the occurrence of stress incorporate big life changes, fear, threats, and a feeling of uncertainty, excessive worrying, personal life developments, conflicting behaviour or thoughts and lack of adaptability.
2. Major signs and symptoms of stress incorporate anger, nausea, irritability, moodiness, body aches, memory issues, low temperament, lack of concentration, constipation or diarrhoea, modified consumption patterns, etc.
3. Having adverse affects on the body and the mind, stress damages the general well-being of an individual and takes a heavy toll on someone’s health. A number of the stress-related disorders incorporate depression, body pains, sleep disorders, heart diseases, digestive issues, immune system disorders, and weight issues.
4. More glucose is produced by the liver, which leads to type-2 diabetes, when cortisol and epinephrine hormones are discharged.
5. Stress results in weight gain or even obesity. Cortisol increases desire for sweet, salty and high fat foods, which ultimately results in obesity.
6. Stress may give a person stroke, particularly in older people.
7. Excessive release of hormones into the blood ends up in many physiological changes like increased blood pressure, heart beat, fast respiration, etc.
8. During stress, the muscles start becoming tensed and might start migraines, headaches, and different system issues. Premature ageing and vulnerability to depression and anxiety are some of the effects of stress.
9. Stress will have negative impacts on the system. In males, sperm count decreases and stress might even lead to impotence. In females, irregular menstrual cycles and painful periods are usually common.
10. Chronic stress could even result in Telogen effluvium, which is a scalp disorder, resulting in hair loss.
11. Healthy ways to handle stress are useful in the long run instead of opting for unhealthy ways of de-stressing such as alcohol consumption and drugs use, as it will only worsen the condition.
12. The main goal of stress management is to find the stressor. Keeping a watch on one’s behaviour, emotions, thoughts and lifestyle will assist in handling stress.
13. Setting your priorities, hanging out with people who offer emotional support, and look for assistance from a doctor will help in addressing the problem of stress.
14. Exercise done on a regular basis increases cognitive function, enhances alertness and concentration, and helps to manage stress effectively.
15. Techniques like deep breathing, laughter, meditation, and rhythmic exercise can help to fight stress. These exercises facilitate in leading the nervous system back to normal.
Final Thoughts: Stress can damage your health on a great extent. So, it becomes quite important for you to manage your stress levels. Stress is major sign and symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome. If you’re dealing with stress then there’s a high chance that you’re suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. Visit an expert doctor today, if you think you have signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment should only be done by an experienced doctor who holds the knowledge to successfully diagnose the patient suffering from CFS.
Again and again, we often hear health specialists say many things in the praises of vitamin C. Have you ever wondered that why is it so essential? Well, experts say that Vitamin C is the reason behind the production and maintenance of collagen, which is the glue that holds the body together. It’s important to mention here that Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels and provides skin strength and elasticity.
You should also know the fact that Vitamin C is water-soluble, which means that your body will not store or accumulate it. That is the reason why health experts recommend a daily intake to be extremely necessary. Still not convinced? Then check out how a daily dose of vitamin C can work wonders for your hair, nails, and skin.
Vitamin C Helps In Hair Health
Vitamin C is amongst the most effective nutrients the offer assistance in the growth and strengthens hair. To offer your hair a significant dose of vitamin C, mix a half-boiled sweet potato, 3 strawberries, a half cup of gooseberries and half red bell pepper to make a smooth and creamy paste. Then apply this mixture on your hair and scalp. Rinse the paste off with warm water after leaving it on your head for fifteen to twenty five minutes.
Vitamin C Make You Look & Feel Extra Energised
Vitamin plays a significant role in iron absorption in your diet, and you should know that iron contributes to your overall health and beauty. Health experts also say that vitamin C boost the energy level of your body and make you look and feel younger in 7 days. You will feel weakness and fatigue, and develop anaemia when you wipe out your iron stores. And that definitely will not assist you to look and feel vivacious or energized.
Vitamin C Promotes Nail Growth
Vitamin C maintains the health of our nails by providing strength to the skin, bones, tissues, and walls of blood vessels.
Vitamin C Helps To Avoid Hangnails
Since vitamin C provides strength to the nails and assist in their growth, so it can also prevent hangnails. Consuming vitamin C is surely the best way for excellent nail health, thus make sure to consume citrus fruits daily.
Vitamin C Prevents Signs Of Ageing From Appearing
A recent study reported that middle-aged people, especially women who took additional vitamin C from different food sources in their diet appeared to have developed far less wrinkles and skin dryness. Specialists recommend that vitamin C may delay the ageing signs as it damages the free radicals.
Final Thoughts: You should consume different types of food items to reach your vitamin C requirement. However, Intravenous vitamin C is an excellent medically approved treatment that can provide high amounts of Vitamin C directly into your body, if you want to get a high dose of vitamin C. Visit an expert health specialist before choosing Intravenous Vitamin C treatment.
8 Natural Food Items With Loads Of Vitamin C Vitamin C is vital for us as it keeps our health in the best condition. Not solely it keeps the skin young, it helps to reduce cholesterol levels, manages glucose levels in blood and features a lot of alternative health advantages. Here are top foods which are filled with Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Incorporate these food items in your diet to fulfil your body’s Vitamin C demand.
Oranges are superb in supplying of ascorbic acid to the body. Oranges are not only available round the year; they're cheap in price too. Even one orange is more than enough to fulfil your daily demand of this nourishment.
If you think orange was high in ascorbic acid, you'll be stunned to find out that guavas contain rather more of it. One guava will offer you a double of your daily demand of ascorbic acid. And it has solely thirty eight calories. The sole problem is its shortage in summers.
If you have got ascorbic acid deficiency it’s high time that you should include lemons in your diet. 1 lemon can solely fulfil 1/2 your daily demand, you can eat additional of it throughout the day. Squeeze lemon juice into a cup of water and begin your day with it to achieve its full advantage.
Bell Pepper
Who doesn’t likes to add vibrant bell peppers in their meals and salads? You’ll be happy to know that Bell Peppers contain 99% of your daily demand for ascorbic acid. The very best are often found within the yellow ones followed by red and green bell peppers.
Many of us, especially kids make a mistake of removing broccoli from our plates? Well, you'll need to rethink doing that the next time. Broccoli is filled with ascorbic acid content. Even a small cup of broccoli will offer you loads of your daily dietary demand of vitamin C and have only thirty one calorie.
Get lots of ascorbic acid by consuming a cup filled with papaya. Papaya can offer you a high percentage of vitamin C which implies you’ve achieved your quota of that day. Pregnant mothers have to be more cautious regarding consumption of raw papaya.
It’s not easy to eat a full pineapple in one sitting however even an enormous slice can satisfy your ascorbic acid demand because it has high content of daily dietary demand. Pineapples have a sweet taste which implies you'll be able to eat them as desserts whereas obtaining essential nutrients.
Strawberry might not be available the whole year however you ought to positively replenish with them as they'll satisfy your ascorbic acid demand with ease. A cup of Strawberry has a high dose of vitamin C in it.
Final Thoughts: There are many food items that fulfil your vitamin C requirement easily. However, if you want to get high dose of vitamin C, then Intravenous vitamin C is an amazing medical therapy that can deliver high amounts of vitamin C directly into your body. Consult an experienced doctor before getting Intravenous Vitamin C treatment.
Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne illness in Europe, USA and Australia. People who live or spend time in wooded areas are more vulnerable to this disease. Also, people who have pets that are let out in outdoor areas.
Lyme disease happens in 3 stages, which are early localised, early disseminated, and late disseminated. The symptoms of Lyme you feel will largely depend on that stage the illness is in.
Stage 1 – Early Localized Lyme Disease
Symptoms of Lyme disease begin 1 to 2 weeks later when the tick bite occurs. The earliest signs could be a “bull’s-eye” rash. This is often a symptom that bacterium is multiplying within the blood. The rash happens in the area where the tick has bitten as a red spot encircled by a transparent spot with another circle of redness covering the transparent circle. It might be warm to touch, however it isn’t painful and won’t cause any itching.
After four weeks, this rash can disappear. The scientific name for this rash is erythroderma migrans. The rash erythroderma migrans is claimed to be the main characteristic of Lyme disease. However, many patients won’t develop this symptom. On the other many patients will develop a rash that's solid red. People with dark complexions might have a rash resembling a bruise or injury.
Stage 2 – Early Disseminated Lyme Disease
This stage of Lyme disease happens many weeks after the tick bite. Bacterium starts to unfold throughout the body. This stage is mainly identified with flu-like symptoms, such as:
* Fever
* Chills
* Sore throat
* Headaches
* Muscle aches
* Fatigue
* Vision changes
* Enlarged lymph nodes
There is a common feeling in the patient of not being well during this stage. A rash might occur in areas aside from the tick bite. Neurological signs like tingling, numbness and Bell’s palsy might also appear. This stage of Lyme disease might become difficult due to an infectious disease (meningitis) and cardiac issues. The Lyme disease symptoms of stages one and two might overlap.
Stage 3: Late Disseminated Lyme Disease
Lyme disease of late disseminated happens when the illness isn’t treated in first and second stages. Stage three will occur weeks, months, or years after the individual is bitten by the tick. This stage has symptoms, such as:
* Mental fogginess
* Difficulty in concentration
* Short-term memory loss
* Severe headaches
* Numbness in the arms, hands, legs, or feet
* Problems following conversations
* Disturbances in regular recurrence
* Arthritis of 1 or more joints
* Encephalopathy (brain disorders) involving sleep, mood, and memory
If you think that you’re suffering from Lyme disease then immediately contact a Lyme disease Australia based doctor today.
Have you been additional tired and exhausted than usual nowadays? There might be a means to correct that. Try these top 5 tips to increase your energy level and get rid of exhaustion.
Get Some Energy From Sun
Sunlight helps to increase serotonin level in our body and would make us feel alive, and it improves the level of happiness. Lack of solar energy can actually produce symptoms of stress, depression, which might lead to a problem known as Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Sun is important for strength, growth and proper development of our body. With lack of sunlight we fail to produce vitamin D, which is an extremely essential vitamin that assists to improve bone strength and the immune system.
Stay Hydrated
Hydration is a necessity for proper cellular regeneration, and it is truly is important for proper functioning of the body. Dehydration can cause an inefficient supply of oxygen to muscles, creating exhaustion and an absence of strength and waste may not be taken out appropriately from the body, triggering other difficulties which include toxic build-up, which prevents the body from performing proficiently.
Have at least two-three litres of healthy liquids including water, coconut water, and fresh juices. Make sure to drink juices and smoothies which don’t incorporate additional sugars.
Have Naturally Energising Food
Eat lots of fruit. The natural sugar present in fruit gives a quick boost of energy when you're experiencing sluggishness. The high fibre present in fruit stabilises blood sugar levels, unlike with the intense highs and lows in blood sugar you experience while eating candy bars. Drink up an energy-boosting smoothie packed brimming with minerals and vitamins.
Drink Green Tea
Green tea plays a significant role in enhancing immunity and increases your strength. Green tea includes caffeine, which itself has been proven to enhance general physical performance by utilising fatty acids present in the fat tissues and making them available for use in a form of energy.
Green tea is already known to lessen cholesterol levels; additionally it detoxifies the body and reduces untimely cravings for food. The benefits of Green tea are countless, which makes it an incredible thing to add to your routine.
Stay Away From Cigarettes & Alcohol
Should you smoke or consume alcohol regularly, it becomes important for you to realize that by quitting smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol will boost your energy levels. Within just 1 to 3 months of stopping smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, circulation increases, making all physical activities for example running, walking, and swimming, notably less complicated.
There are many extra benefits of quitting smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol liked enhanced life span, younger skin, improved fertility, better breathing and whiter tooth.
Final Thoughts: These tips can help you to fight fatigue and boost your energy levels. However, there can other reasons for your fatigue and low energy levels such as Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and adrenal fatigue. Visit a doctor today if you think that you’re suffering from Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, or adrenal fatigue.
The problem of joint pain has increased among people over the years. There are a lot of misconceptions about joint pain which majority of people believe in.
Here are the top misconceptions about joint pain and the truth behind them. Have a look.
Misconception About Joint Pain #1 – All Joint Pain Is Arthritis
There are more than fifty kinds of arthritis, however if you have an achy, swollen joint does not mean you have any kind of arthritis. You are required to be appropriately treated and diagnosed, says expert arthritis and musculoskeletal doctors. In many cases a person may not even have arthritis, but rather a soft tissue injury, chronic fatigue syndrome, bursitis or Lyme disease. Visit an experienced doctor to know about the exact cause of your joint pain.
Misconception About Joint Pain #2 – Cracking Knuckles May Give Arthritis
You must have heard this misconception about Arthritis before for sure. The elders always said, that stop cracking your knuckles or you will get arthritis. According to expert doctors, cracking your knuckles is just a vacuum phenomenon. When a person pulls knuckles, little amount of excess nitrogen gas which is diluted in the blood creates a cracking noise. Therefore it’s quite clear that you won't get arthritis from cracking your knuckles.
Misconception About Joint Pain #3 – Weather Has No Effect On Arthritis
The truth is that warm, dry weather keeps you away from joint pain According to many expert doctors, people suffering from arthritis might feel a bit of more pressure on their joints on days with high humidity and low pressure, especially right before a storm. A drier climate clearly indicates a minimum of pressure. To see if it works for you, it's better to test out drier weather for a few weeks, before you plan any major move.
Misconception About Joint Pain #4 – Exercise Can Make Joint Pain Even Worse
There should be absolutely no doubt that exercise is an excellent choice for everyone, with or without arthritis. Still only 15% of men and 9% of women suffering from knee osteoarthritis achieve the minimum recommended amount of weekly movement. Stay away from intense exercise and try some light stretching, if you’re in pain. You can also choose workouts that are less laborious on the joints, like the stationary bike or swimming.
Misconception About Joint Pain #5 – Diet Has No Role To Play In Prevention Of Arthritis
Many expert doctors have clearly stated that diet can be a deciding factor in preventing arthritis. By simply maintaining a healthy weight can help you to stay away from different types of arthritis. Having an ideal weight can provide excellent protection against osteoarthritis because osteoarthritis of the hip and knee has been linked with obesity. So lose excess weight to stay away from joint pain.
11 Interesting Facts About Stress You May Not Have Heard Before
The mind and body of humans are severely affected due to stress. Overall health and well-being is also extremely impacted due to stress. If we fail to manage stress, then it can simply increase the risk of mental and physical problems such as obesity, diabetes, illness, depressive and anxiety disorders, and heart disease.
Check out these 11 surprising & interesting facts about stress and anxiety.
1. Health problems such as high blood pressure, chest pain, heart disease, and an irregular heartbeat can occur because of too much stress. When stress begins to build up, people do not take it too seriously, which is why Stress is also called as ‘silent killer’. Your body will force itself to take a break, if you do not give it a break once in a while, although a little stress is a good thing.
2. Neurochemical composition of the human body can change due to stress. A study has revealed that for approx 30% of the infertility problems, stress is the major cause. Maturation and releasing process of human eggs is affected by stress in women. It impacts implantation, as this could result to spasms in the fallopian tubes and the uterus. Extreme level of stress could affect sperm count in men.
3. The pupils dilate in situations that are highly stressful, and this is a lot similar to how pupils dilate when you see someone you’re attracted or seduced. This happens because a natural reaction of our body, which tries to gather more info about the situation.
4. Stress-related disorders are more common in men. Studies have revealed that females are better at dealing with emotional issues and males have a higher risk of developing stress-related disorders. Hypertension, aggressive behaviour, and abuse of drugs and alcohol is found common in stress-related disorders.
5. The hair loss problem can occur if a person is suffering from stress for a long time. Extreme cases of stressful situations could act as a catalyst in hair loss problem.
6. There’s a direct effect on blood because of stress. Apart from high blood pressure, stressful situations can also impact your blood.
7. Condition of your acne can even become worse, if you’re suffering from high levels of stress. An increase in sebum is related to stress-related inflammation.
8. Stress hormones like epinephrine, adrenaline, and cortisol can be lowered with laughing!
9. Stress can be easily reduced with the help of simplest things such as laughing, music, dark chocolate, exercise, proper sleep and sometimes meditation. These small and simple things can leave you feeling fresh, bright and rejuvenated.
10. Premature ageing can occur due to increased stress levels for a longer period of time. Many fine lines in different areas of our body can be added by stress.
11. Stress is one of the major symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. So, next time you feel stressed for a long time, then there’s a chance that you might be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.
Here are top facts about Lyme disease that might scare the hell out of you. Have a look.
1.The Classic Bull's Eye Rash Is Developed By Only 1 In Every 2 Patients
This statement is creepy enough because it clearly states that a person has a 50% chance of not getting diagnosed correctly after a tick bite. Almost 70% people who are suffering from Lyme disease have no memory of being bitten by a tick.
2. General Blood Testing Done For Lyme Disease Has An Approx Sensitivity Of Less Than 50%
So, this statement implies that diagnosis performed by the current antibody serology has 50-50% chance of giving the right results. There are laws in the USA (not in Australia) which states a doctor has to inform the patients that a negative result does not mean he/she do not have Lyme disease.
3. Majority Of Ticks Carry Pathogens That Cause Multiple Disease Called Co-Infections
Up to 30 different types of pathogens can be hosted by a tick. Mycoplasma, Bartonella, Babesia, Anaplasma /Ehrlichia and many more are some of the species which are not tested frequently. A large number of these co-infections don’t respond to Doxycycline (standard Lyme treatment).
4. A Person Suffering From Lyme Disease Might Take Almost 2 To 3 Years To Get Diagnosed Properly
Isn’t that an alarmingly lot of time for pathogens to get comfortable in a person’s body? This late diagnosis makes Lyme disease becoming chronic and treatment provided in late stage increases the risk of treatment failure.
5. More Than 300 Different Types Of Symptoms Can Be Caused By Lyme Disease
A wide range of symptoms can be produced and multiple body systems can be affected by Lyme disease pathogens. The symptoms of Lyme disease are so diverse that in most of the cases, doctor fail to diagnose the problem correctly.
6. Bacterium Of Lyme Disease Has The Ability To Withstand Short-Term Antibiotic Treatment
A 2 to 4 week course of oral antibiotics is often recommended by majority of expert doctors for Lyme disease treatment. However, there’s no surety that this treatment will eliminate all the pathogens. Latest research shows that these pathogens evade destruction by antibiotics and are highly adaptable.
7. Tick Bites Might Not Be The Only Reason Behind Transmission Of Lyme Disease
Fleas, mites, and mosquitoes might also carry and transmit Lyme disease, apart from ticks. The disease is not only vector-borne because some theories have even indicated that transmission can occur by contact with saliva, food, blood and breast milk.
8. Standard Serology Test Only For One Out Of 12 Strains Of Borrelia That Causes Lyme Disease
Borrelia agent is known to cause Lyme disease and it has many strains that cause various types of symptoms. Right now, blood test only searches for a single laboratory strain, which increases the possibility that the patient might go undiagnosed for a less known strain.
Top 7 Anti-Ageing Foods That Can Make Your Skin Beautiful
We all love to have a smooth and radiant skin. What’s surprising is that with proper diet you become closer to achieve your goal. There’s no magic food which can make your skin immediately. However, by including certain food items in your diet can surely work wonders for you.
You should always consume foods which are jammed with nutrients naturally, such as fruits, veggies, fish, nuts, whole grains, beef, and other types of lean protein. All of these things will help you look and feel younger, so eating these food items is a sensible thing to do.
Here are top foods which are great to start with your quest to achieve beautiful, soft and glowing skin. Have a look.
This super tasty fruit is an excellent source of water, so it plays a crucial role in keeping your skin and cells hydrate. Vitamin C helps in increasing the production of collagen and vitamin C is present in abundance in oranges. Collagen works to keep your skin healthy and supple. Overall, fruits and vegetables are great for your skin. Apart from oranges, you can also try tomatoes, pink grapefruit, and parsley.
Want high intake of vitamin C instantly? Intravenous vitamin C treatment is the ultimate solution for you wish.
Top dermatologists in the world advocate consumption of oats (which are complex carbohydrates) in the diet because they're low-glycemic in nature. Foods that don't increase your blood sugar are termed as low-glycemic. High-glycemic foods such as pasta, rice and refined breads are known to cause acne and wrinkles.
These are packed with monounsaturated fat, which is a healthy type of fat and it helps the skin to stay hydrated. This healthy fat plays a crucial role in absorption of various vitamins and nutrients in the body which are required by your skin.
Lean Beef
Lean beef, especially top sirloin is considered as an excellent food item, which provides the much needed high-quality protein in our body, and ultimately this protein helps build collagen in the skin. You can also add eggs, fish, chicken, tofu and beans in your diet to get the necessary amount of much needed protein.
To get healthy omega-3 fats in your, salmon fish is considered as the best option. Various studies have revealed omega-3s, found in fish can prevent skin cancer cells from growing and spreading.
Brussels Sprouts
The skin-friendly vitamins A and C, and folate are found in abundance in Brussels sprouts. Again, vitamin C promotes the production of collagen in the skin. You can also add broccoli, kale, collard greens, and cauliflower in your diet.
Resveratrol, which is found in the skin of grapes, fights against inflammation. Studies have suggested that it slows the process of ageing, and also counters the effects of UV light and sun damage.
Fun Fact: What’s surprising here is that these are not only excellent Anti-Aging Foods, but these also work wonders for the patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. So, these food items should also be included in their diet by patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.
There’s no doubt that cases of Lyme disease are increasing every year in Australia. Unfortunately, there are many people who fail to identify Lyme disease as a threat to their health and well-being. This mostly happens due to the myths attached with Lyme disease.
Here are Top 5 myths about Lyme disease. Have a look.
Myth Number #1 – A Bull’s-Eye Rash Will Always Develop In Case Of Lyme Disease.
People who reside in regions where cases of Lyme disease are common often look for a red and swelling kind of a rash known as erythema migrans. It’s somewhat a shape of bull’s-eye and usually emerges near about a week after a bite has been made by an infected tick. Almost half of Lyme disease patients will develop a rash. However, in only about half of those cases the rash will resemble a bull’s-eye shape. It might develop as a simple rash which might be mistaken for a skin infection or insect bite.
Myth Number #2 – Joint Pain Is The Most Indicative Symptom Of Lyme Disease.
Arthritis is developed by a majority of Lyme patients. They also suffer from extreme pain and swelling in the joints which generally hampers the knees and other joints in the body. However, it isn’t necessary that every Lyme disease patient will develop this symptom. Therefore, just because you don’t have pain and swelling in the joints doesn’t mean that you aren’t suffering from Lyme disease. You might develop symptoms such as fatigue, memory loss, concentration problems, headache, stiff neck etc.
Myth Number #3 – It Is Quite Easy To Diagnose Lyme Disease With The Help Of A Blood Test.
If you develop symptoms of Lyme disease then the doctor will recommend at least two different types of blood test to determine if you’re really suffering from the disease or not. One of these tests is the ELISA test, performed to find the exact number of antibodies generated in the body as a reaction to the Lyme bacteria. If the results are positive then doctor will conduct the Western blot test which searches for particular protein patterns related to Lyme disease.
Myth Number #4 – Lyme Disease Can Be Cured Quickly With Doxycycline
Tetracycline antibiotics, including doxycycline, penicillin or cephalosporin are given to the patients who are diagnosed with Lyme disease. However, this might work well at the start, but in the later stages you need a full medication and treatment under an expert Lyme disease specialist. Visit a doctor who cannot only diagnose, but should also be able to cure Lyme disease effectively.
Myth Number #5 – Medication Is The Only Solution To Cure Lyme Disease
Don’t get confused, of course you need medicines to cure Lyme disease, but apart from this you also need to change your lifestyle and should start consuming a balanced diet. So, medicines and a healthy lifestyle both are crucial to fight against the Lyme disease.
A person who is suffering from a vitamin C deficiency usually develops a wide range of symptoms.
Here are some of the most common symptoms which indicate directly towards the shortage of Vitamin C in the body.
Joint And Muscle Aches
This is surely the most obvious symptom of Vitamin C deficiency. Chronic pain in the limbs or joints can occur and trouble an individual who is suffering from Vitamin C deficiency.
Mood Swings
A frequent change in mood is often a major indicator of Vitamin C deficiency. If affected, a person becomes irritable or short tempered.
Another common symptom is fatigue and tiredness. Someone suffering from the deficiency of vitamin C will become easily tired and have minimum energy left in his/her body to perform daily tasks. Since chronic fatigue symptom is related to many illnesses, it becomes hard for the doctor to figure out vitamin C deficiency on this symptom.
Weight Loss
A common symptom of many diseases, weight loss also occurs in a person who is suffering from vitamin C deficiency.
Dry Hair And Skin
It’s a clear sign that a body is not getting adequate amount of vitamin C when hair and skin of an individual starts becoming extremely dry. This condition also occurs due to deficiency of other essential vitamins and minerals.
Skin Bruising
People who are dealing with a vitamin C deficiency start getting bruises easily. Excessive bruising is a clear indicator that the chemistry of a body requires extra attention and care.
Occurrence Of Infections
If a person lacks the required amount of vitamin C in his or her body, then as a result the body faces negative impact in its healing and fighting power against wounds or infections. In some cases, even the immune system of the body also gets affected due to deficiency of vitamin C.
Dental Problems
For healthy teeth and gums, a daily and prescribed dose of Vitamin C can give wonderful results. However, deterioration of the gums can occur in case of vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C deficiency causes periodontal problems, which if neglected can develop to a disastrous level. This deficiency was called as scurvy when it usually occurred among mariners who had almost zero availability of required nutrients due to long trips at sea. Nowadays, it is a rare but frightening disease.
Treatment For Vitamin C Deficiency
Generally, deficiency of vitamin C is cured by providing supplements or food products which are rich in this nutrient. Intravenous vitamin C treatment is one of the most reliable and effective treatment through which high doses of vitamin C can be directly given to any individual’s body. Consult a qualified doctor to know more about Intravenous vitamin c treatment today!
: People who are suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome know that how it feels on some days, and even brushing your teeth can become a marathon. The best treatment for chronic fatigue is to take medicines and follow the instructions prescribed by the doctor. However, after consulting your doctor, you can follow some natural ways to get treatment for chronic fatigue.
Here are some natural ways that are quite effective in treatment for chronic fatigue. Have a look.
A Good Exercise Therapy
Many researches done by expert scientist have found that graded exercise therapy helps to eliminate the problem of Chronic fatigue syndrome significantly. In graded exercise therapy, a person begins exercising quite slowly with stretching and a few guided movements only. After some time, the person has to increase the duration and intensity of the exercise. A study revealed that people who’re undergoing graded exercise therapy reported better recovery compared to other people who only got usual treatment.
Get Proper Sleep
People who are suffering from CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) quite often also suffer from broken or disordered sleep, and some patients may even have to deal with insomnia. If you want to replenish the body’s energy and heal its muscles, then increase your sleep time and quality. This has been proved by many studies performed by expert physicians. In people who are suffering from CFS, good amount of sleep can provide strength to the muscles, improved energy and reduced tiredness. Set your goal to sleep at least for 8 hours every night, and if you are facing problems in sleeping then contact your doctor to get prescribed medications.
Ribose is a highly essential sugar used by our body to boost the production of energy. It is not common sugar at all, so don’t make attempts to eat more sweet dishes! Within our cells, an important role is played by Ribose in the energy-creation process. You can consume it as a supplement and it is easily available listed as D-ribose. Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, especially pain, mental stress and sleep problems are significantly reduced by D-ribose. Consult your doctor before consuming Ribose as a treatment for chronic fatigue.
Get More Vitamin D
In up to 50% of the overall population, deficiency of Vitamin D has been found. The studies are still going on to find a link between CFS and Vitamin D, however, we know for sure that after adequate vitamin D supplementation, you will get pain relief if you’re suffering from chronic fatigue. It is recommended that you should consult your doctor before consuming Vitamin D as a treatment for CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome).
It can be quite frustrating and challenging to live with chronic fatigue syndrome. Visit an expert doctor to get treatment for chronic fatigue today!
12 Ways Vitamin C Helps You To Stay Fit & Healthy!
How many of us know that Vitamin C is an excellent nutrient that helps in the treatment of diabetes, cancer and heart disease? Vitamin C has lots to offer and with Intravenous Vitamin C treatment, you can get high doses quite easily.
Here are top 12 ways how Vitamin C helps to keep your body fit and healthy. Have a look.
Vitamin C helps to treat common cold symptoms. Various studies have clearly shown that vitamin C reduces the severity and the duration of colds.
It’s an excellent source of natural cure for a wide range of skin problems. Vitamin C reduces the elasticity of skin, which results in the prevention of wrinkles sagging.
It helps to heal wounds quickly. Vitamin C is needed for the production of collagen, so it is quite helpful in healing all types of wounds and speeds up the healing process.
Vitamin C protects your brain and nervous system from the harmful or adverse effects of stress. It is needed for adrenaline and nor-adrenaline, which fight against stress.
Vitamin C helps to lower the cholesterol in the blood. It increases the conversion of cholesterol into bile salts that can be easily removed from the body.
Vitamin C helps to improve blood flow. During a heart attack, majority of the harm caused to the blood vessels is when the blood vessels fail to dilate and obstruct the blood flow.
Reduces the risk of heart diseases and stroke significantly and has an amazing antioxidant property. It destroys free radicals which cause damage to the arteries wall and increase the risk of heart diseases & stroke.
Vitamin C controls sugar levels in diabetes. Diabetic people can surely get multiple benefits from foods which contain vitamin C. It protects against diabetes complications by regulating blood sugar levels.
Vitamin C helps in cancer treatment. A recent study had stated that a high-dose of vitamin C can increase the cancer-killing effect of medicines used in chemotherapy. Vitamin C can be a safe treatment for lung, ovarian and many types of cancers.
It reduces the development of neurological disorders. Studies have suggested that increasing vitamin C levels may help in reducing the development of dementia and other neurological problems such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Reduces breathlessness – A recent study stated that vitamin C helps to reduce bronchoconstriction, or narrowing of the airways, which is caused by extreme exercise and physical activity.
Vitamin C not only plays an important role in improving your vision, but it also stops the development of cataracts significantly. Cataracts, in which clouding of the eye lens occurs cause blindness in older people. Vitamin C destroys all the free radicals which are produced because of direct exposure to sunlight.
In modern times, our daily routine has changed remarkably. Nowadays people are so busy in their lives that they have simply failed to identify the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Fatigue and lethargy have become common complaints amongst adult people.
You may be suffering from adrenal fatigue Syndrome, if you develop symptoms like fatigue, depression, anxiety, lethargy, arthritis, allergies, fearfulness, tiredness, insomnia, always feeling worn-out, difficulty in concentration, reduced memory, frequent influenza, and the inability to lose weight.
According to adrenal fatigue's experts, the problem affects individuals who endure & continuous stretches of physical, mental or emotional stress for a long time.
Here Are Some Facts About Adrenal Fatigue
• The adrenal glands are found on top of the kidneys • Adrenal glands are affected by a number of disorders • Adrenal glands are crucial for homeostasis • Adrenal fatigue occurs when adrenal glands are overworked and they start producing too little hormones • A few supplements meant for adrenal fatigue might be dangerous, so it’s important that you visit only an expert and qualified doctor. • Tiredness, salt craving and loss of body hair are often termed as the alleged symptoms of adrenal fatigue.
Major Function Of The Adrenal Glands
In the human body, there are two adrenal glands and they’re located on top of each kidney. Cortisol and aldosterone are produced by the adrenal cortex, which is the outer section of the adrenal gland. Adrenaline and norepinephrine are produced by adrenal medulla which is the inner section of the adrenal gland.
A number of vital tasks are carried out by these hormones, such as:
• Managing the "fight or flight" response which is related to stress • With glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids it regulates salt and water balance • Indicates the beginning of sexual maturation and manages its progress through puberty • Maintains pregnancy • Maintains metabolism, including blood sugar levels and inflammation management
Here is a list of most common symptoms you’ll find in a patient suffering from adrenal fatigue.
• Light-headedness • Unexplained weight loss • Skin discoloration • Loss of body hair • Tiredness • Craving salt and sugar • Dependence on stimulants such as caffeine • Problem in trying to sleep and waking up
How To Diagnose Adrenal Fatigue
Some expert doctors, who are well known for curing adrenal fatigue, suggest that blood samples should be taken or "stimulation" tests should be conducted to find out whether or not a person is suffering from adrenal fatigue. There’s not a specific way to diagnose this illness and doctors use different types of methods and tests to determine if a person has adrenal fatigue or not.
If you think that you’ve developed symptoms that indicate towards adrenal fatigue then immediately visit an expert doctor to get proper diagnosis and treatment.
Adrenal glands are a vital part of our body and these functions to keep us fresh, focused and provide a support to energy levels of our body all through the day. The adrenal glands might stop working properly, when they have to constantly produce high levels of cortisol.
Stress hormones are immediately produced by adrenal glands whenever they get signals from a wide range of stressors each day. Our adrenal glands start working due to various physical and psychological reasons such as emotional stress, stressful work hours, family responsibilities, financial problems, relationship issues, extreme dieting and lack of proper sleep.
After the adrenal glands become active, they start generating different hormones like cortisol and adrenaline in small and required amount. This affects our body’s short-term response to stress and minimises the ability of glands to produce and balance other hormones such as testosterone, DHEA and progesterone. It’s important to note that these hormones are considered as quite important for our overall health.
How Symptoms Of Adrenal Fatigue Develop
Symptoms of Adrenal glands’ imbalance are usually a warning sent by our body that it is not being delivered the support it requires to function effectively. Actually, adrenal fatigue has no direct relation with the symptoms, but expert doctors can find a unique pattern after considering different types of factors. You need to find out with the help of an expert doctor, if these developments have a pattern or not.
Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms
Here are the common signs and symptoms that are linked with adrenal fatigue.
• Low stamina, drop in energy levels, current fatigue problem, anxiety, lack of desire to get up from the bed, feeling tired all the time, having weird feelings.
• Fluctuation in weight, a person develops a strong crave for food, abnormal weight gain in your body’s thigh area and abdomen region. You’ll develop a strong craving and desire for salty and sugary food items.
• Fluctuation of blood pressure between high and low. You’ll feel light headed due to low blood pressure.
• Sleep problems, waking up multiple times at night, difficult to fall asleep. Sometimes you might have a good sleep, but wake up feeling completely exhausted.
• Adverse affects on immune system and you may become prone to infections. Your body will take more time while recovering from various illnesses and infections.
• Feeling overwhelmed most of the time, emotional outburst and failure to cope up with different issues, and you might also find it difficult to deal with stress. Anxiety, problem to work, and bad thoughts.
• Feeling foggy, problem in staying focused on work, fuzzy thoughts.
• Perimenopause symptoms can become worse, changes in libido and hormones, low libido and decrease in sex drive.
Always keep in mind, adrenal fatigue can be cured with early diagnosis and effective medication.
Lyme disease is a far more common disease than you think. The problem with Lyme disease is that it is hard to diagnose, which makes people unaware of the fact that they’re suffering from Lyme disease.
Here is a list of top 10 celebrities who suffered from Lyme disease. Have a look.
Avril Lavigne
OMG! Yes that’s true. Avril Lavigne the famous pop singer from Canada suffered from Lyme disease. She was quoted saying about her Lyme illness, “I felt like I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t talk and I couldn’t move. I thought I was dying,” Shocking, right?
Ashley Olsen
Since Avril Lavigne’s announcement, Ashley Olsen (Yes, the cute girl from sitcom Full Hose) the actress-fashion entrepreneur is the latest celebrity who has been reported to be suffering from Lyme disease which made her hide away from the public appearance since 2012.
Debbie Gibson
Debbie Gibson was diagnosed with Lyme disease in the year 2013. In her interviews to tabloids, Gibson has talked about the pain and cognitive difficulties afflicted with Lyme. She told how her back used to hurt and how she was unable to even lift her head sometimes.
Neneh Cherry
Neneh Cherry is another musician who has suffered from Lyme disease. However, you might not find much media coverage about her fight with this illness. Shortly after releasing her album ‘Raw Like Sushi’, the singer got affected by Lyme disease.
Kathleen Hanna
Kathleen Hanna is a musician, punk zine writer and feminist activist. In 2005, Kathleen Hanna was diagnosed with late stage of Lyme disease. Since then she has been struggling with this disease regularly and even had to cancel a 2014 tour to focus on Lyme disease treatment.
Daryl Hall
Daryl Hall best known as the co-founder and lead vocalist of Hall & Oates, is an American rock, R&B and soul singer, keyboardist, guitarist, producer and songwriter. About his Lyme disease experience, Daryl Hall said in an said in an interview, “It can make you wanna die if you’re not dead,”.
Richard Gere
A very good case of early Lyme detection and treatment is actor Richard Gere who had to postpone his work in 2000 while resting and taking a course of antibiotics.
Ben Stiller
In 2010, Ben Stiller was suffering from a lingering knee injury that became quite painful and wouldn’t go away then some expert doctors diagnosed him with Lyme disease. He was fully recovered from the disease by 2011.
Jennifer Capriati
Jennifer Capriati, the famous tennis player and three-time Grand Slam winner revealed in 2013 on Twitter that she’s suffering from Lyme disease.
Amy Tan
Amy Tan is a writer whose works explore the genre of Chinese-American experience and mother-daughter relationships. She is a lead advocate for Lyme awareness and research.
How To Protect Yourself From The Dangers of Lyme Disease
Here is a list of things that happen when a tick bites your body and you eventually get affected by Lyme disease. Have a look.
Things That Will Happen Within 24 Hours Are:
A substance will be spitted out by the tick which minimises the pain and sensation you feel due to tick bite. There’s a high chance that you won’t be feeling any pain around the skin where the bite has been made by the tick.
Glue-like saliva is secreted by the tick, which makes it stuck with your skin and it become difficult to brush the tick off.
After this the tick will start the sucking process and extract water from the blood to feed itself. It spits back in your body the things which it doesn’t require.
For the first 24 hours, this process will continue, and this will be enough for the Lyme disease bacteria to enter your body from the tick.
If you fail to remove the tick then this cycle can continue for almost a week. The more time tick is stuck to your body, the danger of getting infection increases.
How To Protect Yourself From Getting Affected By Lyme Disease?
The best way to prevent Lyme disease is by outsmarting it. Here are things you need to do.
If you live in an area where ticks and bugs are huge in number then you should try to buy clothes that have built-in tick repellent. If that’s not possible then simply apply some permethrin on your clothes, tents, sleeping bags, or other gear if you’re going outdoors for camping or trekking (don’t apply permethrin on your skin). The insecticide is hard to remove from clothes and provides protection for a long time.
Check your body to remove any ticks. Remove all your clothes and look properly at areas where ticks might get stuck on your body.
You should know the correct way to remove the tick from your body. Use tweezers to grab the tick and pull it quickly from your skin. Don’t try methods like washing or burning the tick away from your body. Plucking with help of tweezers is an ideal way to get rid of the ticks.
If possible, don’t throw off the tick and put it in a plastic bag. Show the tick to your doctor as it will help him to find out the type of tick which has bitten you. This will help him to provide the best possible Lyme disease treatment.
Only visit a Lyme disease specialist in Australia. This will help you to get better treatment for the disease because every doctor can’t provide treatment for Lyme disease. Dr. Peter Dobie is a renowned Lyme disease specialist in Australia.
Are You At The Risk Of Getting Affected By Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)?
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a kind of illness in which a patient feels extremely tired constantly (regardless of the fact that he/she hasn't done any physical work). If a person gets influenced by chronic fatigue then he won’t be able to do even normal tasks and daily activities. Researchers are still trying their best to find the definite reasons of chronic fatigue syndrome. This sickness is also extremely hard to diagnose and only specialists can identify its symptoms. However, chronic fatigue syndrome treatment is available for its major symptoms.
Causes Of Chronic Fatigue
The exact causes behind the occurrence of chronic fatigue are unknown. Some scientists have stated that a weakened immune system, hypertension (low blood pressure), hormonal imbalances and even viruses can be the major reasons behind CFS. There is also a chance that some patient develop chronic fatigue syndrome due to genetic reasons.
Who’s At Risk of Getting Affected by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)?
Specialists have estimated that big numbers of Australians are suffering from chronic fatigue currently. CFS influence more people in the Australia than lupus, multiple sclerosis, and even some sorts of cancer. Researchers around the globe are constantly working to discover the exact reasons and causes behind the occurrence of CFS. They are also researching to find the risk factors involved with chronic fatigue.
There are many questions that still stay unanswered; however here are few points that will help you to get an idea about who is at the risk of getting influenced by chronic fatigue syndrome. Have a look.
• Women are four times more vulnerable of getting chronic fatigue compared to men. However, the illness is widespread in both genders.
• A person has a high chance of developing chronic fatigue syndrome when he/she is in the age group of 40 to 50. However, people of all ages can get chronic fatigue.
• Adults are more prone to getting affected from CFS compared to children. Some experts have stated that adolescents might also develop chronic fatigue syndrome.
• Every race and ethnic group faces the problem of CFS around the globe. Studies have shown the African, Caucasians, Hispanics, Arabs, etc can get affected from chronic fatigue.
• Chronic fatigue syndrome can affect people from different economic backgrounds.
• It is often seen the chronic fatigue affects many members of the same family, but this doesn’t prove that CFS is a contagious disease. However, this might indicate that there might be a genetic or familial link to CFS. Research is going on to find out any link between genes and CFS.
Final Thoughts: Chronic fatigue syndrome can affect any person no matter how he/she lives. However, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle to stay away from chronic fatigue.
Effects Of Chelation Therapy On Heart Diseases Chelation therapy is a cure for lead and mercury poisoning. Though it is not a well established therapy for heart disease, still some healthcare practitioners use chelation therapy to treat heart problems and even stroke.
The idea behind employing chelation therapy for cardiovascular disease is that the medicine utilised in the treatment ties-up with the calcium which is in fatty deposits (plaques) inside the arteries. When the medicine ties up with the calcium, the plaques are removed as the medication moves in your bloodstream.
Research is still going on to determine the level of safety and effectiveness of this therapy on the cardiovascular diseases. Doctors have different point of views about chelation therapy.
Why Chelation Therapy Is Done
Doses of a medicine known as EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is given to the patient with help of an intravenous (IV) line. This medication searches and then stuck with the minerals present inside the bloodstream of a patient. After the medication covers completely with the minerals, it generates a compound which gets out of the patient’s body through urine.
It is an effective treatment to cure lead or mercury poisoning. Some medical professionals believe that chelation therapy could start to reverse cardiovascular disease by sticking with the calcium in the plaques (which clog the arteries) and removing it from the body. Research is still going on to validate the effects of this therapy for heart diseases.
How To Prepare For Chelation Therapy
Before undergoing this therapy to cure any heart disease, you must first talk with your doctor to know about all the expectations, results, risks and side effects related to it.
After consulting your doctor, if you’re satisfied with the discussions then you can choose to undergo this treatment. No specific preparations are required before the treatment of this therapy. The length of the treatment session depends on the doctor and number of sessions will also be decided by him.
What You Should Expect From Chelation Therapy
During the Treatment: The therapy is conducted by expert doctor in 5 to 30 sessions. In every treatment session, you’re asked to either sit on a chair or lie on a bed and then an IV line is inserted with help of a syringe in your arm or hand. Then a liquid solution (containing the medication required in chelation therapy) is passed through the IV line. Several hours are needed to complete each treatment. The only discomfort you might feel during the therapy is a temporary stinging or burning sensation on the skin where injection has been inserted.
After the Treatment: Once the chelation therapy is concluded successfully, you can go back to your normal routine soon. After the treatment, you can eat your usual food and do your daily work & chores as usual. There are hardly any side effects of this therapy, but if you notice anything unusual then contact your doctor in Sydney.
Adrenal fatigue cases are rising at a high speed mainly due to lifestyle followed by us nowadays. It can also be called as a syndrome which is related to high level of stress and low energy. Many people have no idea about the symptoms of adrenal disease and think that they’re suffering from some other health issues. Symptoms are similar with other diseases, making adrenal fatigue treatment and diagnosis a difficult job.
Have a look at seven amazing tips which help to reduce the effects adrenal fatigue. Always consult an experienced doctor before following any lifestyle changes.
Try Your Best To Stay Away From High Intake Of Sugar And Processed Grains
High intake of sugar and processed grains can prove enemy of the adrenal glands. Having high amount of sugar or food with starches will increase level of blood sugar and then insulin has to maintain the excess glucose in the blood. A sudden drop of sugar level will be seen which put extra pressure on adrenal glands to make the levels normal again.
When adrenal glands become tired the cortisol levels drops which make it difficult to maintain normal blood sugar concentrations. Adrenal fatigue patients have a higher possibility of getting affected by low blood sugar. Meanwhile, low blood sugar has high adverse affects on the adrenal glands.
Consume A Higher Amount Of Healthy Fats
Adrenal glands health is greatly assisted by healthy fats like olives, organic and natural olive oil, coconut oil and clarified butter. Abdominal fat which is largely behind adrenal fatigue can be greatly reduced by consuming these healthy oils.
Have Good Sleeping Hours
Try to sleep before 10 pm and switch off all the electronic devices like Smartphone, laptop, PC, TV, etc as this will help you get sleep quickly. Make an effort if you’re finding it difficult and have an 8 hours sleep.
Have A Healthy Breathing Habit
Get a decent amount of deep and controlled breathing as it can give positive effects on adrenal glands health by reducing stress. Your health will improve significantly due to this and it hardly takes any time.
Increase The Amount Of Green And Leafy Vegetables In Your Diet
Green and leafy vegetables improve the condition of adrenal glands significantly. To deal with the problem of adrenal fatigue many doctors advise a high amount of vegetables consumption everyday in your diet.
Green Tea Is An Excellent Option
Organic green tea contains a good amount of nutritive chemicals which can play an important role to improve the condition of adrenal glands.
Avoid Stress Completely
Mental and physical stress deteriorates the health and working capacity of adrenal glands. Excess physical and mental stress is consider extremely bad for people as it has adverse affects on their adrenal glands.
Vitamin C helps to prevent oxidation with vitamin A and E. Oxidation process is considered as one of the major factors which cause high stress and damage to the human body. This occurs when an unpaired electron starts pairing and the electrons which fail to pair are known as free radicals. Intravenous Vitamin C is an excellent treatment to get high doses of Vitamin C directly into your body.
You must have heard about free radical in your college, school or in science shows or magazines. Scientists have discovered that free radicals are the main reason behind the development of cancerous tissues in a human body.
One of the most common molecules which have a high chance of turning into free radical is oxygen. The oxygen molecule becomes unstable at a point and this is when it tries to stabilize itself inside the human body.
Free radicals make changes in DNA of the human body. They work to remove electrons from other molecules and then multiply to enhance their numbers. This results in starting a continuous cycle which eventually leads to a complete cellular destruction.
Antioxidants have an amazing power to transfer an electron, which makes them extraordinarily effective in preventing free radicals from causing the damage. After the process of transfer ends these antioxidants maintain their stability, which eventually ends the whole cycle.
Major Sources Of Vitamin C
You must have heard about the major sources of Vitamin C like papaya, lemons, oranges, grapefruit, Brussels sprouts, etc. However, it is not easy to determine if you’re getting enough amount of Vitamin C through these food items. To maintain an ideal health, you need to consume loads of these food products, especially those which aren’t cooked or canned. Intravenous C treatment is an excellent option to get high amount of Vitamin C easily and directly into your body.
There’s no doubt that fruits and vegetables are a good source of Vitamin C, but most of us fail to get adequate amount of these food items on a daily basis. In today’s world, there are loads of toxic materials in the air due to various source of pollution. This is the reason why need heavy dose of Vitamin C and nutrients to ensure a healthy body and you can achieve that by getting Intravenous Vitamin C treatment.
Vitamin C is an amazing nutrient because it doesn’t affects negatively, even if a high dose is consumed. Unlike other vitamins which are usually fat soluble and get stored in the body, Vitamin C is water soluble. Also, unlike fat soluble vitamins such as Vitamin E and Beta Carotene, Vitamin C doesn’t stays in body and neither rise to toxic levels. Scientists have found that Vitamin C shows great improvements patient’s overall health who consumes large doses through Intravenous Vitamin C treatment.
We come in contact with extremely dangerous toxins almost every day. Our health is hugely affected by them and these also reduce our body’s immunity. Environment has a large number of metallic content and we could do very less to change anything. We need to understand that it’s almost impossible to completely remove the toxins present in the environment.
It is quite obvious that if toxins are present in the environment then they surely enter into our body. Our health will be impacted negatively as a result of this process. Toxins are present in air, water, food, etc which makes it quite difficult for us to stay safe from them. Some of these toxic metals are lead, nickel, mercury and arsenic which enter our body through air, water and food.
What’s The Solution For This Problem?
Chelation therapy is a renowned treatment which is performed to help or encourage chemical reactions in human body. In Chelation, natural or synthetic organic chemicals are given to the patient. This begins the removal of highly dangerous and harmful metals from the body while rearranging the metals which needed in our body to increase the essential chemical reactions. For more than 70% peripheral circulation problems, Chelation therapy can be considered as preventive measure before the inception of the problem.
Do These Metals Cause Major Health Problems?
Studies have clearly shown that toxic metals are directly linked with many diseases and health problems in our body. These are connected to different degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s and ALS. They also cause different types of circulatory problems like atherosclerosis, arteries become hard, arteries get blocked, Angina, Peripheral Neuropathies and high blood pressure.
Mercury is one of the most toxic metals it alter and damages electrical pathways present in a body. This type of extreme damaging condition can result in causing various diseases like dementia and numerous neurological disorders. If proper medical assistance is not provided to the patient in time then it could lead to death.
How Chelation Therapy Provides Help?
Chelation therapy offers solutions for majority of these health issues. No matter what people think, chelation therapy is highly effective and has been used by doctors all over the world for a long time now. EDTA used in chelation therapy utilises synthetic amino acid and it is considered as similar to four molecules of vinegar. It was widely used for treating people who get affected because of lead or mercury.
How Effective Is Chelation Therapy?
First, you need to find a good chelation therapy doctor who is expert in this type of treatment. Chelation therapy is highly beneficial in improving the blood circulation and removes toxic metals from the body.
For over a past few years, we have been witnessing a rise in cases of chronic fatigue syndrome. A person needs to meet specific criteria for getting diagnosed for chronic fatigue syndrome. Doctors follow a particular set of rules and guidelines while diagnosing because it’s quite difficult to diagnose chronic fatigue in some patients.
For chronic fatigue syndrome treatment you need to visit an expert doctor who knows how to determine if a patient is suffering from chronic fatigue or not.
Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
It is quite difficult to define Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, especially to people who have less knowledge in medical field. The syndrome is quite unexplainable and patients suffer from fatigue, lethargy, tiredness, sleeping problems, swollen lymph nodes, fever and many other problems. The cause for this illness is not known exactly yet. It can also affect a person without over-exertion and it doesn’t go away with rest.
Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
I have already mentioned some of the common symptoms of this illness, but there’s a long list of other symptoms as well. You can easily identify yourself some of the most common symptoms. However, you need to visit an expert doctor who can identify the other symptoms.
A doctor will diagnose for chronic fatigue syndrome, if for no apparent reason or situation the symptoms keep reoccurring for a time period, also if no treatment seems to be working effectively for your illnesses.
Here is a list of a few symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
• Constant or reoccurring Fatigue • Pain and Aches in muscles • Lymph nodes will become swollen • Cases of acute depression have been reported • Reoccurring Headaches and in some cases even migraine • Always feeling tired, even without doing any physical work • Have problems to concentrate on work and chores • Joints pain • Persistent weakness • In some cases loss of memory is also reported.
Doctors have failed to find the exact reason behind the occurrence of chronic fatigue. However, it might occur when a person is under extreme stress or he/she has been sick with other illness for a while. It seems that chronic fatigue attacks a person when his/her body is weak due to other illnesses or reasons. Doctors say that this syndrome usually occurs after suffering from flu, common cold, hepatitis or bronchitis.
The syndrome usually lasts for months and this is quite a bad news for people suffering from chronic fatigue. In some cases, the syndrome keeps on affecting people constantly while in other cases it can reoccur from time to time. Chronic fatigue wouldn’t fade away on its own and keeps damaging the health of the patient. You should visit the best doctor to get proper chronic fatigue syndrome treatment.
Scientific name of Vitamin C is ascorbic acid. It is water soluble and exits the body if present in excess quantity. Vitamin C is quite essential to maintain our physical and mental health.
Here are some of the best known benefits provided by Vitamin C to human body.
It Neutralises Free Radicals
Our body keeps fighting free radicals as these are not good for us. These can damage the immune system, mutate the cells, increase the process of ageing and cause diseases like cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer and others. Poor digestive system, toxins, diseases and pollutants are the major reason behind the occurrence of free radicals.
Vitamin C is considered by experts as one of the strongest biological antioxidants and body can fight against free radicals with help of antioxidants. Other antioxidant such as Vitamin E which is already there in human body is also regenerated by Vitamin C. So, apart from removing harmful free radicals, it also helps other antioxidants to fight against them.
Provides Strength To Our Immune System
Three essential elements present in our immune system are IgA, IgM, and C3 (Ig means immunoglobulin). Immunoglobulin plays an important role inside our body by protecting it from viruses and harmful bacteria. Vitamin C increases the concentration of these elements in the blood stream, also increases the effectiveness of the immunoglobulin.
Plays A Significant Role In Killing Viruses
Vitamin C is one of the safest and highly effective treatments available currently to cure a variety of viral infections. Apart from providing excellent treatment, it also prevents viral infections. There are two types of Vitamin C treatment used by doctors, one is consuming medicines orally and the other is Intravenous vitamin C.
Expert physicians recommend that patients should consume the needed Vitamin C doses, whenever they started feeling ill or think that a disease is at its initial stage. A large number of doses can be consumed throughout the day because a human body can’t store for long. You don’t have worry about over consumption because excess amount is automatically flushed out from our body. The length and severity of viral diseases are cut down by Proper Vitamin C intake.
Some Other Benefits of Vitamins C are:
Produces interferon (a natural antiviral compound)
Destroys viruses, harmful bacteria, toxic substances and tumour cells.
Breaks down histamines and prostaglandins which cause inflammation
Prevents and cure arthritis
Maintains blood pressure
Protects against negative reactions of vaccine
Generates vaccine-stimulated antibodies
Recycles cholesterol which is needed for transport of nutrients.
There’s no doubt that Vitamin C has a lot to offer, but we can’t consume large amount orally. However, with Intravenous Vitamin C technique, we can get the required amount easily in our body.
Samantha Stosur Lyme Disease Story – How She Survived Lyme Disease
The famous Australian tennis player Samantha Stosur is a survivor of Lyme disease. Read her story to know how she fought with this chronic disease.
In July 2007, Samantha Stosur started getting symptoms of Lyme disease. She was participating in Wimbledon and noticed a lump on the side of her neck. She immediately went for some medical test, which failed to find out the exact reason behind the lump and doctors weren’t sure about the problem.
After a few days, Samantha Stosur started developing more signs of the disease. These symptoms were headaches, rash all over her body, inflamed glands, extreme tiredness, body aches, puffiness on her face and neck, swollen hands and feet. Every single day, Samantha Stosur visited new doctors who failed to find out the exact reason behind her illness.
She visited nearly 4 doctors while her stay at Wimbledon. She got a few blood tests which failed to show anything too definitive. Some doctor suggested that it might be rubella. She returned home after these tests.
Samantha Stosur took a break from all types of tennis activities for a few months and started feeling a little better. Her physical puffiness made it looked like as if she has gained weight, though her weight was still the same. She was determined to tennis again, so she started practicing, and later went To USA to play in a tournament as a preparation for the US Open tournament.
She wasn’t prepared enough and performed badly, losing in the first round of the US Open. Affected by Lyme disease, (which was still not diagnosed) she became completely exhausted after playing only the first four games of her first-round match. She got really upset with the developments and stayed within her apartment for most of the time.
After suffering for weeks, visiting numerous doctors and undergoing loads of tests, finally a Lyme disease specialist diagnosed her with Lyme disease. Samantha Stosur had no idea about this disease and had never heard about it before. The doctor helped her to understand what the disease is all about. The doctor explained that Lyme disease is hard to diagnose as we need proper tests results and base it on symptoms to ensure that the patient is suffering from Lyme disease.
Samantha Stosur then went on a 2 weeks of oral antibiotics which were followed by 4 weeks treatment of intravenous antibiotics twice a day for 4 days every week. Later, a treatment for another 2 weeks of oral antibiotics was given to her.
While the treatment was going on, she was told to not do any exercise and opted out of all the remaining tournaments for the year. She realised that Lyme disease is a dangerous illness and followed every single step told by the Lyme disease specialist to recover soon.
Samantha Stosur regained full health and hasn’t felt any symptoms since then. She has been playing tennis for Australia again.
Lyme disease is transmitted through a tick bite and at least three or more types of Borrelia bacteria are the main reason behind this health problem, these bacteria are B. Afzelii, B. Garinii, Borrelia burgdorferi etc.
A person who is affected by Lyme disease develops various types of symptoms like fever, rashes (bull’s eye shape), headaches, joints pain and fatigue. Diagnosing this disease is quite difficult and a wide range of medical tests are conducted by the Lyme disease specialist to determine the actual presence of the illness.
Thousands of people suffer from Lyme disease in Australia, and you will find millions of people suffering from this disease, many of those don’t even realise that they’re suffering from this chronic disease. The Lyme bacteria are quite similar to the one behind syphilis. Bloodstream and body tissue are used by these bacteria to move the body of the patient. It changes its shape from spiral to ball and develops fibrin (a protective shell). By doing this, it successfully stays away from the clutches of a body’s immune system.
Lyme disease can be divided into three different phases:
• Skin inflammation and body rashes in early stages • Heart and nervous system gets affected in middle stages • Arthritis, brain inflammation and nerve damage might occur in the later stages of this chronic disease.
Here are some of the negative effects of Lyme disease on our body.
Painful and swollen joints are developed in patients who don’t receive proper medication after getting infected. Severe recurrent attacks have to be faced by patients and these effects can last of many days. Usually, knee is most affected joint and pain switches from joint too joint. Near about 20% patients of Lyme disease develop arthritis. Joints can be damaged beyond repair if proper medical care is not taken.
Bull’s Eye Rash
Within a week (in some cases a month) a rash in the shape of Bull’s eye will appear, usually around the area where tick bite occurred. It might begin from a small red spot and then becoming quite large in shape. The shape of the rash is generally circular and these rashes are not itchy or painful. Even if the patient doesn’t receive treatment for Lyme disease, the rash disappears after a month.
Heart Problems
In some patients, Lyme disease might slow down the heartbeat causing breathing problems & dizziness. Generally not every patient of Lyme disease suffers from heart problems. The symptoms of this disease vary from patient to patient. Visit a Lyme disease specialist to know more about this illness.
Neurological Issues
Lyme disease severely affects nervous system of a human body. It causes a variety of issues in human body such as numbness, pain and weakness in limbs, stiff neck, severe headache and Bell's palsy (temporary paralysis of facial muscles).
Final Thoughts: Cases of Lyme disease in Australia have seen a recent surge. You should visit a Lyme disease specialist before it affects your body negatively.
Adrenal fatigue occurs when adrenal glands in your body are disturbed. This damages adrenal glands function of making cortisol in the required quantities, which is needed at times of stress.
The adrenal glands in human body are considered as the kitchen of hormones. These are 2 glands located on our kidneys, and they are vital in coordinating approximately each hormone in the body.
Have A Good Adrenal Dieting Plan
This suggests removal of food items which are sensitive to your body and even cause inflammation. You need to feed on plenty of dark green colour vegetables, healthy protein, and gluten-free whole grain carbohydrates. This will help you a lot in your fight against adrenal fatigue.
For example, if you’re sensitive to dairy then get rid of dairy products from your diet. You can then increase the amount of vegetables and carbohydrates in your diet. Remember, there’ll be an adrenal burnout, if you ditch carbohydrates completely from your diet.
Sleep Early
If you are suffering from the problem of adrenal fatigue then you should get into your bed by 11 pm. Many people have disruptive sleep as they suffer from a surge in cortisol after 11 pm.
Increase Intake Of Vitamin B
All types of Vitamin B, especially B5 and B6 are considered as ideal choice for the health of adrenal glands. Vitamin B can ensure a high-fat and low-carb diet. Production of energy is also boosted by Vitamin B12 and folate.
Problem Of Inflammation Is Reduced
By consuming prescribed supplements of Vitamin C, Curcumin and omega-3 fatty acids you can reduce the levels of systemic inflammation. It allows adrenal glands to recover at a good rate.
Include Vital Nutrients In Your Diet
Zinc, magnesium, selenium and vitamin D are extremely vital to ensure proper functioning of your thyroid as well as adrenal glands.
It has been estimated that thousands of Australians are suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Chronic fatigue syndrome is an illness which results in high fatigue even without any physical and mental exertion. A person might not be suffering from any other disease, yet he/she experiences extreme level of fatigue then there’s a high chance that he/she might be suffering from CFS and should immediately sought for treatment for chronic fatigue.
If a person is suffering from CFS then even simple tasks like bathing, brushing or travelling can become monstrously difficult to perform. To get treatment for chronic fatigue, you must visit a specialist doctor in Sydney, Australia. However, you can fight this disease by making some alterations in your daily routine.
Here are 4 ways which can help you to combat chronic fatigue syndrome naturally.
Categorised Workout Therapy
Scientific tests have frequently revealed that categorised & graded workout therapy assists people suffering with CFS. This sort of therapy permits you to commence exercise properly step by step with stretching and guided moves. With time you should be able to boost the power and duration of the workout routine.
A study was done recently, in which two groups of people suffering with CFS were made. One group was asked to perform guided exercises and consume prescribed medicines, while the other group was asked only to consume prescribed medicines. The results of this study clearly stated that the group which was doing exercise and consuming medicines was able to fight with CFS in a lot better way compared to the group which was only allowed to consume medicines.
Get Proper Sleep
Individuals suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome have frequently reported disordered sleep and may even experience insomnia. A recent study stated that proper sleeping hours helps to refresh the body’s energy and recharge muscles. Suitable rest & sleep decreases the level of tiredness and increases energy, muscle toughness in those who suffer from it. You should try to sleep at least 8 hours every night to recharge the energy levels of your body.
Consume Ribose
Ribose is not the common sugar you have in your house, in fact it’s quite an important sugar needed for production of energy in our body. Ribose plays a vital part in energy production procedure inside the cells. Also known as D-Ribose, it is consumed as a dietary supplement, though some doctors give it intravenously also. Ribose helps in minimising the problems such as sleep disorders, pain, mental stress, etc. It’s highly recommended for people who’re suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.
Go For Vitamin D
More than 50% of Australian suffers from deficiency of Vitamin D. Many healthcare experts have stated that an important role is played by Vitamin D in treatment for chronic fatigue. Ensure you consume the right amount of Vitamin D everyday to combat chronic fatigue syndrome effectively.
Whenever there’s a talk about the benefits of Vitamin C, most of us simply mention that how good it is for flu and cold. However, majority of people don’t have much idea about the high level of beauty benefits they can get from Vitamin C. Intravenous vitamin C is an excellent way to get high dose of this excellent nutrient without any need of oral intake.
Here are top benefits provided by Vitamin C which will make your beauty increase drastically. Have a look.
Long & Healthy Nails
Vitamin C provides the much needed strength to our nails and preserves their health. Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen, which maintains the health of the nails.
Stops Signs Of Ageing
Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant, so it assists in reducing wrinkles and skin dryness by dealing with the damage caused by free radicals.
You Will Feel & Look More Energised
Iron deficiency causes anaemia which results in extreme cases of weakness and exhaustion in human body. Vitamin C will help you soak up iron from all types of food items consumed by us helping to feel and look far more energized than we can imagine.
It Shields The Skin From Damage Caused By Sunlight
Vitamin C not just provide assistance into stopping problems caused by UV (Ultra-Violet) rays, it also acts like a moderate natural sunscreen. Furthermore, due to its strong free radical fighting properties Vitamin C helps to reduce the damage already caused by harmful UV rays from sun.
Helps To Increase Strength & Volume Of Hair
By consuming the right amount of vitamin C, the problem of dry hair and split ends can be reduced significantly, also strength is provided to the follicles which stimulate hair growth. As a matter of fact, deficiency of vitamin C is often the reason of hair loss and other similar problems.
Makes Skin Firm & Tight
An Important role is played by collagen in the production of collagen, which in turn provides the much needed tone and firmness to our skin. If there’s a deficiency of collagen in skin then it turns dull and lifeless. Right quantity of Vitamin C is critical to make sure that your body is developing the required amount of collagen. This will ensure that you have plump and healthy skin.
Repair Blemishes & Gives Silky Smooth Skin
Vitamin C is used by our body to replace damage tissues, which helps to reduce the effects or blemishes of wounds and acne. Increase intake of Vitamin C to get rid of blemishes & redness from your skin. It also plays a vital role in removing lumps and rough patches from your skin, making it smooth & silky.
Want to increase the intake of Vitamin C? Intravenous vitamin C is an excellent procedure which helps you to take large quantity of vitamin C directly inside your body. Visit an expert doctor in Sydney today to know more about Intravenous Vitamin C procedure.
4 Important Questions about Lyme disease In Australia
Want to know more about Lyme disease in Australia? Here are top 4 most commonly asked questions about Lyme disease in Australia. Have a look.
I Got Bitten By A Tick. Am I Suffering from Lyme disease?
First thing you need to ensure that the tick is removed from your body with help of fine-tipped tweezers. The type of tick, how long the tick was attached to your body and the area where you get infected are some of the major points that determine the probabilities of you getting infected with Lyme disease. In Australia, people get bitten by numerous types of ticks, but Lyme disease is only caused by the bacteria transmitted through black-legged ticks.
On top of that, only black-legged ticks within the highly endemic parts of Australia are generally contaminated. Also, black-legged ticks should be attached to the body for at least 24 hours to transmit Lyme disease into your body. This is one of the main reasons why you need to remove the tick from your body instantly and should keep checking the body for ticks if you reside in an endemic region.
For those who become sick within several weeks of the tick bite, visit a Lyme disease specialist in Sydney right away. A rash, body aches, fever, arthritis, and facial paralysis are some of the most common symptoms of this disease.
Can I Get Affected by Lyme disease Through Sexual Intercourse?
Till date, there’s not a single reliable scientific proof that this disease can be transmitted from one individual to another through sexual intercourse. Biologically, the disease cannot transmit from person to person through sexual contact. However, scientists have been working continuously to find if this illness can transmit sexually or not? A recent study in the U.S.A. find out some connections between these two, but no accurate evidence was found. So, for now we can say that disease doesn’t transmit sexually.
Should I Donate Blood If I’m Suffering from Lyme disease?
Despite the fact that no cases of this illness are associated with blood transfusion, experts have found that Lyme illness microorganisms can survive in blood of an infected person which is saved for blood donation. Blood donation should not be done by people who are under treatment for Lyme disease and consume antibiotics as medicinal drugs. People who have finished consumption of antibiotics meant for this disease treatment can be regarded as potential blood donors. However, it’s better if you get more information and read the criteria before donating blood in Australia.
What Should I Do If I’m Suffering from Lyme disease and Become Pregnant?
Immediately contact a renowned doctor, if you’re pregnant and think that you got infected by Lyme disease. Visit a Lyme disease specialist in Sydney who can take care of the disease and avoids any negative effects on the health of the unborn child & mother.
Top 10 Foods That Help In Your Battle Against Lyme Disease
Cases of Lyme disease are increasing at an alarming rate across Australia. If you’re suffering from Lyme disease then apart from taking medicines prescribed from an expert doctor, you can boost your immune system by incorporating healthy food items in your diet.
There are several foods easily available which offer excellent medicinal support to the human body while fighting with Lyme disease. To get proper Lyme disease treatment, you should visit Lyme disease specialist in Sydney, Australia.
Here are some of the most preferred food items that will help your body to fight with Lyme disease.
Allicin is the active constituent commonly found in garlic. It has anti parasitic, anti fungal and anti bacterial properties. It’s an effective food item to consume if you’re suffering from Lyme disease, however, consult a doctor before including it in your diet.
By focusing on the health of your digestive system, you can easily help your immune system to become strong. Consuming raw sauerkraut everyday has a large number of positive aspects for the digestive system and the human body in general.
Lemons play an important role in detoxification of your body and reducing herx. However, most of the times we fail to eat the peel of the lemon which is considered as equally beneficial. Lemon peel (rind) contains lots of minerals and vitamins which are good for your health.
Parsley plays a vital role in removing harmful toxins from the body. It has an active constituent known as myristicin which starts creating glutathione-S-transferase within the liver.
Pineapple incorporates a variety of constituent such as bromelain known all over the world as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. It is part of the non-core Buhner protocol, which helps to reduce pain caused by inflammation in Lyme disease.
Turmeric has a component known as curcumin which is also the reason behind its yellowish colour. Turmeric is highly beneficial in lessening the effects of pain causing inflammation in people suffering from Lyme disease.
Basil is an amazing herb which can decrease the effects and level of inflammation in human body. Cyclooxygenase is a pain and inflammation causing enzyme, basil has eugenol which is highly effective in blocking cyclooxygenase, thus reducing pain and inflammation from the body.
Olive Oil
Unfiltered olive oil incorporates the antibacterial property oleuropein. You’ll be surprised to know that oleuropein is highly effective in fighting against Lyme disease. By consuming oleuropein in supplement form you can easily reduce the effects of Herxing.
Kale is filled with lots of important elements required by our body such as Vitamin A, C, K, calcium, iron and most importantly Omega-3 content which works wonders as an anti-inflammatory element. Kale consists of good amount of sulphur content which increases bile production in liver, helping in Detoxification from Lyme disease.
Due to its constituent monolaurin, Coconut is considered as an excellent antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal food item.
Lyme disease affects not only the adults, but it’s becoming widespread among children also. Lyme disease is difficult to diagnose and children usually fail to explain the problem they’re feeling inside their body. This is why kids are more affected by Lyme disease and don’t get proper treatment on time.
Children who suffer with Lyme disease have to deal with various specific types of issues and concerns. One of the biggest problems parents have to face is that children often fail to explain what’s troubling them. They start behaving violently and become irritated with the surroundings.
Children have to suffer due to various illnesses in which they have to deal with body pain, sleepless nights and lack of concentration in their studies, and sometimes they even lose the intention of playing with their friends. Parents often fail to recognise the fact that their kids are suffering from a disease, this makes children even more confused, angry and loss of faith in their family.
Most of the parents lack the knowledge about the growth pattern of the child. When a child starts showing irritating behaviour, the parents think that it’s normal among growing children. However, their kids might be suffering for some sort of illness which the parents fail to identify.
Since the signs or symptoms of Lyme disease are usually non-specific, unclear and changeable, parents may not even know that their kids are unwell. Parents might suspect them of creating issues on their own just to seek attention or to avoid school. Kids who suffer from Lyme disease normally have to face difficulty in the school, since the Lyme disease hampers the ability to learn and causes behavioural issues.
Our young ones are more vulnerable to tick-borne illnesses mainly because they‘re physically closer to the ground, and ticks can attack them easily. Kids are generally more exposed to ticks because they often play in the field near trees, leaves, grass and play with the pets at their homes.
Here are some of the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease which are listed by a renowned Lyme disease specialist in Sydney. These signs and symptoms are common in young patients, have a look.
Extreme fatigue which fails to go away even after proper rest
Inability to keep attention or focus
Bad concentration
Short-term memory loss
Abdominal pain
Sensitivity to light and noise
Joint pain
Fevers and chills
Mood swings and emotional outbursts
Uncharacteristic behaviour
Difficulty in making decisions
Facing problem in doing schoolwork or homework
Having problem in reading and writing
Having problem in thinking and expressing views or thoughts
The biggest problems with Lyme disease is that only 40% patients reported remembering a bite by the tick and less than 30% developed a bull’s-eye rash (erythema migrans). This makes the diagnosis of Lyme disease quite tough even for Lyme disease specialist in Sydney. This is the reason that you should immediately contact a Lyme disease specialist in Sydney, if you think your child has developed signs and symptoms of Lyme disease.
5 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Are Suffering From Lyme Disease
You’ll be a bit surprised to know that among thousands of people who suffer from Lyme disease there are some well known faces as well. Here are some the most easily recognised celebrities who suffered from Lyme disease. Be prepared to get shocked because doctors simply failed in their first attempts to diagnose and provide Lyme disease treatment to these stars.
Samantha Stosur
There’s hard to find an Aussie who doesn’t know Samantha Stosur (Yes, the tennis player!). She has won U.S. Open in singles, French and U.S. Open in doubles, Wimbledon and Australian Open in mixed doubles. Lyme disease forced Stosur to withdraw from all types of competitive tennis championships in 2007. Initially, doctors failed to diagnose her properly and it was later revealed that she’s suffering from Lyme disease. Eventually, proper Lyme disease treatment was provided to Stosur.
Yolanda Foster
Television personality, model, and interior designer Yolanda Foster has suffered from chronic Lyme disease since 2012. To make the matter worse, she revealed in January 2015 that due to chronic Lyme disease, she has simply lost the ability to read, write, or even watch TV. She further revealed that she’s unable to process information or any stimulation. She’s now getting Lyme disease treatment in Germany. (For those who don’t know her, she’s mother of Gigi Hadid).
Avril Lavigne
Yes! We know it’s hard to believe, but in 2015 Avril Lavigne revealed that she has been diagnosed for Lyme disease. She has been a phenomenal singer all her life and had been the youngest female singer who reached number #1 in the UK.
Even Avril Lavigne had to face the problem of bad diagnosis. She changed doctors frequently as none were able to diagnose her properly and provide treatment for her constantly deteriorating health condition. Then, she visited a Lyme disease specialist who told her that she’s suffering from Lyme disease. It was recently reported that she’s undergoing Lyme disease treatment and recovering positively.
Jamie-Lynn Sigler
It won’t be hard for the fans of HBO series ‘The Sopranos’ to recognise Jamie-Lynn Sigler (played the role of Meadow Soprano). Wasn’t expecting her on this list? You’ll be shocked to know that in year 2000 while filming in New Jersey, she got paralysed from the waist down for a few days because of Lyme disease. She recovered after getting proper Lyme disease treatment.
Kathleen Hanna
We had to write about her because she has fought with chronic Lyme disease for years. In an interview, Kathleen Hanna said that for 6 years she was suffering with Lyme disease before it was diagnosed. In 2014, her health got bad and she had to cancel her events to get proper Lyme disease treatment.
8 Major Causes behind Occurrence of Adrenal Fatigue
Multiple factors are responsible behind the occurrence of adrenal fatigue in a human body. Stress and anxiety, physical or mental trauma are some of the most common causes of adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue affects the working ability of people extremely. Visit an expert doctor who can cure adrenal fatigue effectively.
The adrenal glands are small sized organs that are located right above the kidney in a human body and they are an integral part in the endocrine system. They are often called as the adrenal glands and are responsible for the production of around fifty hormones that run nearly every function in the body, majority of which happen to be important for life.
Hormones have an effect on almost every single organ, tissue and function in the human body whether directly or indirectly. They respond to one another and reply to ailments in the human body within a complex and extremely sensitive balancing act. The adrenal glands operate closely together with the pituitary gland plus the hypothalamus in a process called as the HPA axis (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis).
Adrenal glands participate in a larger purpose which is fighting against the problem of stress and anxiety. Whenever the brain of a person figures out a potential danger no matter if it’s psychological, emotional or physical then the adrenal medulla unleashes adrenaline hormones to assist the body to deal with the danger (the combat or runaway response), dashing blood to the heart, brain and muscles. Corticosteroids are then released by the adrenal cortex which diminishes the system such as digestion, response of immune system and other similar functions which are not required to ensure immediate survival.
What Are Factors Behind Occurrence Of Adrenal Fatigue?
Adrenal fatigue is a type of illness in which human body and adrenal glands simply fail to keep up and match with the high amount of stress, pressure and anxiety it has to deal with. From time to time adrenal fatigue is misunderstood as an auto-immune dysfunction, and this happens because adrenal fatigue has signs and symptoms similar to many other diseases.
Doctors and medical practitioners have stated that an attack of extreme stress or chronic, prolonged stress can affect the working ability of the adrenal glands, making them ineffective and overloaded. Here are some of the causes of adrenal fatigue pointed out by majority of doctors and medical practitioners:
Long exposure to toxins and pollution which are present in the environment
Sleeping disorder (lack of sleep, insomnia)
Recent emotional trauma caused by various reasons and continuously thinking negative about different issues
Extreme cases of stress and anxiety due to personal reasons like death of a family member, divorce and even surgery
Very poor eating habits and bad food plan
Lack of exercise or minimum physical activity throughout the day
Prolonged stress and anxiety as a result of monetary problems, bad relationships or office setting, and various situations that trigger feelings of helplessness
Some doctors have even stated that Addison’s disease can also be one of the prime reasons behind adrenal fatigue.
Adrenal fatigue treatment is not difficult if you visit the best doctor in Sydney. There is an illness known as chronic fatigue syndrome which has similar effects like adrenal fatigue. Visit a renowned doctor who is expert in treatment of both adrenal fatigue as well as chronic fatigue syndrome.
Chelation therapy is a technique which includes and carries on having a large number of believers and doubters. Scientific world has divided into two parts on the issue of whether chelation therapy is a legit procedure for ailments for instance heart problems and arteriosclerosis. One of the most important point on which majority of scientist agree and come to common terms about chelation therapy is that EDTA, an artificial amino acid, is highly effective at getting rid of poisonous heavy metals from the body.
Some years back this type of chemical EDTA was employed to eliminate elements like aluminium and lead from patients’ bloodstream. Some decades ago, people who were working in the factories which manufactured batteries start falling ill due to lead poisoning. The expert doctors discovered that when they injected EDTA into the human body then the EDTA will get mixed in the blood stream and grab all of the poisonous metals from the body organs. After these toxic metals are collected they’re removed from the body through urine.
This is now considered as the beginning of chelation therapy. After achieving this success the scientists and doctor closely examined the patients who have undergone chelation therapy for the removal of toxic materials from the body. After this close examination, some doctors found that patients started showing improvements and pain decreased which occurred due to their blocked arteries.
The scientist then concluded that the chelation therapy is the reason behind this development and that chelation therapy can prove extremely helpful in fight against various types of heart illnesses. However, some of the scientist contradicted and have doubts about this therapy.
The doctors who supported chelation therapy considered that EDTA was catching on the calcium that caused the blocked arteries by making the plaque to weaken and crack up. The lack of the plaque would allow the arteries recover and the heart problems would simply fade away. Experts who do not support chelation therapy stated that the EDTA was not removing calcium, but actually the free radicals. After the free radicals have been removed the arteries get the time to recover which ultimately reduced the heart problems. Now, scientists are aware of the fact that antioxidants remove free radicals and doses of antioxidants are given in chelation therapy. This is one of the major reasons which make this therapy so effective curing many types of heart problems.
No matter what some people say, there’s simply no doubt the chelation therapy is an excellent treatment to fight with for cardiovascular diseases. So, visit an expert chelation therapy doctor, who can provide effective treatment in Sydney.
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is easily available in vegetables and fruits. An h2O-soluble vitamin and potent antioxidant, it assists the human body form and retain connective tissue, such as bones, blood vessels, and skin.
Why Vitamin C Is Important, Exactly What Vitamin C Does And What Are Its Benefits?
Vitamin C assists your body to maintain and regenerate tissues, protection from heart problems, and helps in iron absorption, protects against scurvy, and reduces cholesterol level in the body. Experts suggest that vitamin C could assist by providing protection for a number of cancers by fighting free radicals, and assisting to neutralise the nitrites effects.
Recently, researches have concluded that some packaged foods might increase the risk of cancer to an extent. Intravenous vitamin C is an excellent option that can be used to lessen the length and signs or symptoms of common cold; protect against cataracts; and assists to obtain a healthy immune system.
What Are The Common Signs And Symptoms Of Vitamin C Deficiency?
Signs and symptoms of Vitamin C contain joint and muscle aches, muscle weakness, fatigue, bleeding gums, and leg rashes. Deficiency of vitamin C for a long time may cause scurvy which is a critical illness.
Can We Get Enough Vitamin C From Foods?
You can easily obtain Vitamin C with proper intake of foods, fruits (In particular citrus) and vegetables have a large amount of vitamin C. Some of the excellent sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, and limes), kiwi, tomatoes, potatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, berries, asparagus, apples, watermelon, kale, spinach, grains, breads, cereal, peppers, especially red bell peppers.
Is There Any Risk Involved With Large Intake Of Vitamin C?
When received from food items sources and nutritional supplements within the recommended amount, vitamin C is normally viewed as safe & secure for human intake. Side effects are not often claimed, but if appear in some rare cases then these side effects might involve headache, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, and abdominal cramps.
For the majority of nutritious men and women, their body can only keep and utilise up to 250mg amount of vitamin C daily and any extra amount gets out the body through urine. Sometimes during sickness, recovery period, or under stress (which includes using tobacco), the human body can appreciate bigger amounts of Vitamin C.
How Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy Provides Benefits?
There’s a limit for every human to consume any beneficial element orally into their body. However, with help of Intravenous vitamin C, a person can be given a higher amount of vitamin C without any trouble. By now, you would have realised the importance of vitamin C in our body. So, with Intravenous vitamin C therapy in Sydney, you can get higher dosage of the much needed vitamin C directly into your body.
Here’s a list of signs and symptoms for Lyme disease and some of its co-infections. You’ll be surprised to see the long list of problems that are caused by Lyme disease. Visit a Lyme disease specialist in Sydney to get the best Lyme disease treatment in Australia.
Let’s take a look at the problems which might occur due to Lyme disease. The list is divided into signs and symptoms which appear on different body parts.
Problems Which Occur In Head, Face And Neck
Facial paralysis (Bell's palsy), migraines, stiff neck, headaches, itchiness in cheek, nose or facial area, swollen glands, increased allergic sensitivities, sore throat, change in taste and smell, stiffness and pain in jaw, twitching of muscles.
Problems Which Occur In Digestive System
Vomiting, nausea, upset tummy, irritable bladder, anorexia, loss of appetite, weight loss or gain due to unknown reasons.
Problems Which Occur In Eye Or Vision
Oversensitivity towards light, red eyes, pain or swelling around eyes, vertigo, wandering eye, vision changes, spots in sight, double or blurry vision, and in some cases conjunctivitis also.
Problems Which Occur In Ears
Extreme Pain in ears, sound sensitivity, buzzing or ringing sound in ears, decreased hearing power.
Problems Which Occur In Musculoskeletal System
Muscle ache or cramps, pain, stiffness, or swelling in joints, muscle weakness, loss of reflexes, poor muscle coordination, loss of muscle tone.
Problems Which Occur In Respiratory Systems
Issues in breathing respiration, unexplained chills, night sweats, irregular heartbeat, and decreased tolerance to physical exercise, upper body pain or rib soreness.
Problems Which Occur In Psychiatric Systems
Depression, anxiety, agitation, irritability, mood swings, impulsiveness, malaise, aggressive behaviour, change in personality, Bipolar disorder or manic behaviour, suicidal thoughts, difficulty in falling or staying asleep, hallucinations, paranoia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, suspiciousness, feeling as if the patient is losing his/her mind or self control, schizophrenic-like condition, including hallucinations, overemotional reactions to situations and feel like crying even on small issues, sleeping either too much or too little.
Problems Which Occur In Neurologic System
Seizures, stroke, burning sensation in feet, Meningitis, Encephalitis, weakness or paralysis of limbs, Difficulty in multitasking, slow processing speed, burning or stabbing sensations in the body, Encephalomyelitis, Increased motion sickness, problem in walking, dizziness, poor balance, light-headedness, problem in word finding, auditory problem in process, problem in organisation and planning, academic or vocational fall, shaking, pinpricks and numbness in body.
Distractibility, attention deficit issues, dementia, disorientation or feeling lost, difficulty in thinking and always confused, poor performance in school or office, short or long term memory loss, forgetfulness, finding it difficult to concentrate.
These are the major signs and symptoms of Lyme disease. Visit a Lyme disease specialist Sydney who can provide effective Lyme disease treatment in Australia.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Identifying Its Signs & Symptoms
Chronic fatigue syndrome also known as CFS is a disease, condition or disorder which is characterised by intense fatigue or tiredness which fails to end even after proper rest, and physicians fail to explain the situation through an underlying medical condition. Chronic fatigue syndrome may also be referred by some physicians as systemic exertion intolerance disorder (SEID) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME).
The reason behind the occurrence of chronic fatigue syndrome isn’t properly understood. Some researches incorporate a viral infection, psychological strain, or a mixture of reasons. Since not a single reason has been recognized, and because a number of other diseases show similar indicators, it becomes quite hard to diagnose chronic fatigue syndrome.
You will find no tests or assessments for CFS, so your physician will have to rule out other causes for your constant fatigue. This is the reason that you should only visit an expert doctor to get treatment for chronic fatigue.
In the past chronic fatigue was considered as a controversial condition and many physicians failed to identify its presence. However, things have changed drastically and now CFS is a recognised medical disorder. Anyone can get affected by CFS, regardless of which age group they belong or healthy they’re.
However, chronic fatigue is more prevalent among people who have 40 years of age, especially women. Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment should only be done by an experienced doctor who holds the knowledge to successfully diagnose and cure the patient suffering from CFS.
What Causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
The exact reason for CFS is still unknown. Scientists and experts state that viruses, weak immune system, hypertension, low blood pressure, and hormonal imbalances can be some of the major reasons behind this medical condition. In some cases, there’s also a possibility that some individuals are genetically predisposed to develop chronic fatigue syndrome.
What Exactly Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue?
The signs or symptoms of chronic fatigue differ with every individual and largely depends upon the severity on the disorder. Fatigue is the most common sign of CFS and it is harsh enough to trouble you excessively, hampering your routine and lifestyle. There’s a high chance that you’re suffering from chronic fatigue, if you feel constant fatigue and tiredness for at least six months, also this fatigue and tiredness fails to go away even with proper bed rest. Apart from fatigue and tiredness, other symptoms should also be present to determine whether you have CFS or not.
Some other signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue are:
Lyme Disease Treatment - How To Become Healthy Again?
People get affected by Lyme disease by the bite of a tick or insect. The infection mixes into the bloodstream and enters the tissues, and then it starts multiplying, destroying the cells simultaneously. When the tick bite is observed immediately, the infection is diagnosed early which helps to have a better approach for the Lyme disease treatment. Early diagnosis increases the chance of quick and successful Lyme disease treatment.
There are several signs and symptoms a person will develop when infected with Lyme disease in Australia. Early phase indications involve fatigue, a skin rash, joint and muscle mass pain, headache, fever and cold or flu like signs or symptoms, and swollen lymph nodes. In some cases, even after getting infected through the tick bite the signs might not become visible for several weeks or months. Typically, the starting sign of Lyme disease is arthritic pain in joints like knees and elbows.
A variety of other signs or symptoms suggest that Lyme disease could possibly be an anomaly in the nervous system, pneumonia, improper functioning of the liver, trouble in respiration and miscarriage. There’s also a strong chance that the bacterium while moving over the placental membrane spreads infection in the foetus making the child infected with Lyme disease.
The cure of Lyme disease has developed into more of an obstacle if it's not diagnosed during the early phases. There are many therapy selections that you can explore along with your doctor. Generally, medical practitioners prescribe antibiotics in Lyme disease treatment. When antibiotics fail to deliver favourable results then the affected individual is put on Intravenous medicine. Also, swollen joint pain is removed with help of injections.
There is a variety of alternative therapies that may be used with medicines to reduce the effects of Lyme disease. Numerous experts sometimes state that prescription medicines are more practical than the alternative therapies for Lyme disease treatment. It is strongly recommended that you must visit an expert Lyme disease specialist Sydney who can deliver effective Lyme disease treatment. Don’t try any alternative Lyme disease treatment without consulting Lyme disease specialist in Sydney.
Treatment method choices will rely upon the stage of Lyme disease in the patient’s body. Lyme disease treatment is a lot easier if doctor successfully diagnose the disease in its early stages. It becomes quite tough even for doctor to treat Lyme disease in its later stages or when it becomes chronic. If you have felt symptoms of Lyme disease in your body recently then you need to visit an expert Lyme disease specialist Sydney to get proper treatment.
A well-known Lyme disease specialist in Sydney, Australia will treat the disease using different types of medicines and therapies depending on the stage of the disease. The doctor will also explain the precautions you need to take to stay healthy while Lyme disease treatment is going on.
Vitamin C, scientifically known as ascorbic acid, is crucial for the right performance of numerous functions in the human body. Such as, it's necessary to expand and mend tissues all through the body. Vitamin C is an excellent solution for the common cold and many other health issues. Intravenous Vitamin C therapy is a way to increase the content of Vitamin C in your body.
Different Types Of Vitamin C Sources
Dietary resources of Vitamin C incorporate lots of fruits and veggies. Natural products with essentially large amount of vitamin C are clean, uncooked citrus fruits, pineapples, papayas, cantaloupes, kiwis, mangos, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries and watermelon. Some other food products which are considered to be excellent source of Vitamin C are cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes, red and green peppers, turnip greens and other leafy greens and Brussels sprouts.
Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, and their juices, also kiwi fruit, red and green pepper consist of a large amount of Vitamin C. This helps to increase its content in the body and fight many bad elements present inside the body. It also boosts immunity of the body.
Advantages Of Vitamin C
Your body employs vitamin C in many various methods. Vitamin C is required by the human body to produce collagen. Your body also works by using vitamin C for making new skin, blood vessels, ligaments and tendons. Vitamin C is also used to maintain and repair bones and enamel, to mend wounds and to create scar tissue.
Vitamin C may additionally avoid cancer by blocking the problems or issues created by the free radicals. It is a significant antioxidant that can help guard cells from harm done by the free radicals that humans are subjected to from the surroundings including air pollution, smoke and ultraviolet light from the Sun. Here, Intravenous vitamin C therapy can work effectively in fighting the harmful elements present in the body.
A lot of medical experts have found vitamin C as an excellent source to cure many diseases. Though numerous of such findings have not been verified yet, but nobody can ignore the important role played by Vitamin C in curing many diseases. Advantages of vitamin C that have been proposed but not scientifically verified contain a decrease chance of some cancers, cataracts, heart problems, diabetic issues and age-related problems.
Intravenous Vitamin C therapy is an excellent method of getting a huge dose of vitamin C directly into the bloodstream. Therefore, the nutrients are promptly immersed into the circulation and they are shipped specifically to the cellular place without any need to go through the digestive tract. So, visit a doctor who is expert in Intravenous vitamin C therapy in Sydney to achieve a better health.
Chronic fatigue syndrome also referred as CFS is usually an illness which occurs without a known cause, though it can be related to a former infection. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a health condition of chronic exhaustion that occurs without any clear explanation for many months. It is accompanied by cognitive problems (health issues with short-time memory or concentration). You might be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome if you’re facing these below mentioned health issues.
• If a person has extreme chronic fatigue for more than 6 months or longer time and all other identified problems that might be the reason behind this problem have been excluded by your expert doctor.
• In case you simultaneously have 4 or even more of these signs or symptoms: sore throat, common issues with short-term memory or focus, changes lymph nodes, muscle mass suffering, suffering in a number of joints with no swelling or redness, headaches which are unique in occurrence or severity compared to previous headaches, feeling tired and unrefreshed even after having a sound sleep, and serious tiredness that keeps troubling for more than one day after you do physical exercise or exert your body in any physical work.
• CFS has an effect on tens of countless men and women in Australia. It has been noticed by expert doctors that this health issue occurs more among women compared to men.
• This affliction occurs commonly in young and middle-aged people. Those with chronic fatigue syndrome are sometimes not able to conduct even ordinary tasks at the office and home on account of their long-term exhaustion and issues with shorter memory. This may result in depression, but depression has no role in causing chronic fatigue syndrome.
Signs And Symptoms
• Fatigue: Individuals who are suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome have to face constant and long-term fatigue (this might last for an even a longer time than six months up to 12 months) that cannot be defined by other disorders. Individuals with Chronic fatigue syndrome might have experienced a previous infection. They might be exhausted and ill during the infection, so the fatigue and exhaustion continues even after the individual has recovered from that specific illness.
• Cognitive Challenges: A standard grievance of individuals suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome is that they have issues with short-term memory, and simply fail to remember anything for a very long period of time. Those who are suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome may have problems obtaining or saying a specific phrase or word through usual speech (known as dysnomia or verbal dyslexia).
• Fatigue After Sleep: Those who are suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome often report of fatigue even after sleeping for many hours.
These days’ people often used the term Adrenal fatigue to define a commonly experienced syndrome related to stress and low energy. Many of us often get confused with the signs and symptoms of adrenal disease with other health problems. The signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue are quite similar with other diseases also. This makes adrenal fatigue treatment and diagnosis quite a difficult task.
Just like in cases of thyroid disorders, people who are suffering from adrenal fatigue experience dullness, tiredness, anxiety and are constantly exhausted, but these problems are not understood by others.
Here are some steps you can take to minimise the effects adrenal fatigue. However, you should first consult your doctor before including these steps in your lifestyle.
Avoid Excess Sugar And Processed Grains
Excess sugar and processed grains are quite harsh for adrenal glands. Consuming surplus sugar or food with starches will induce blood sugar to increase and then insulin will come to manage the extra glucose level in the blood. This will result in a sudden drop of sugar level in blood, and then adrenal glands have to work to bring back the levels to normal.
In case your adrenal glands are fatigued then cortisol levels drops, making it tough to manage standard blood sugar concentrations. People suffering from adrenal fatigue have a higher chance of low blood sugar. On the other hand, low blood sugar is a condition which has adverse affects on your adrenal glands.
Increase Quantity Of Healthy Fats
Health of adrenal glands is supported significantly by healthy fats such as coconut oil, olives, organic and natural olive oil, and clarified butter. These oils are more effective in reducing belly fat which can cause adrenal fatigue.
Sleep More
Make it a habit of switching off all your electronic gadgets (mobile phones, laptop, desktop, television, iPads etc) and sleep before 10 pm. Even if it’s hard to fall asleep, you need to make an effort and sleep for at least 8 hours.
Breathe Properly
A good controlled and deep breathing has some amazing results on the health of your adrenal glands and reduces stress. This can improve your overall health condition and no doubt it’s an extremely easy thing to do.
Consume Green And Leafy Vegetables
Experts have discovered that by consuming green and leafy vegetables, you can improve the condition of your adrenal glands. Many doctors consider proper vegetables intake an effective way to counter adrenal fatigue.
Drink Green Tea
Organic and natural green tea has high levels of nutritive chemicals that help in improving adrenal glands condition.
Stop Taking Stress
Adrenal glands are highly affected if excess stress is taken by an individual. Excess physical and mental stress is bad for your adrenal glands.
If you think that you’re suffering from adrenal fatigue problem then visit the best doctor who can deliver effective adrenal fatigue treatment.
Lyme disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis among medical fraternity, is in reality a bacterial infection. Lyme disease spreads in people through the bites of infected ticks.
Who doesn’t know what ticks are? We all have seen a tick once in a while in our life. These are small and spider-like things which are generally found in forests or similar places. They consume blood of humans, mammals and even birds. Ticks that carry the Lyme disease causing bacteria can be found all over Australia and in some other continents also.
It's believed that near about 2000 to 4000 Lyme disease cases are reported in different parts of Australia every year. However, many Australians get infected with Lyme disease when they are travelling to other places such as North America and Europe.
Lyme disease can normally be addressed efficiently if it is really diagnosed early. However, if it isn't dealt with or there’s a delay in treatment then the risk increases that you might get severe and long-lasting symptoms.
Lyme Disease – Signs & Symptoms
Let’s discuss the early signs and symptoms of Lymes disease:
Many individuals who are suffering from an early-phase of Lymes disease create a unique circular rash at the body part where the tick has bitten, typically around in 7 to 30 days immediately after the bite has been made. This rash is called as erythema migrans.
The rash usually looks like a bull's-eye on the board. The afflicted part of skin or body becomes red, also the edges of the area where rash has developed might be slightly lifted.
The dimensions of the rash may be different in every patient considerably and it may even broaden after a few days or weeks. Generally, the rash is about six inches (15cm) in size, but it can also become larger or smaller in size. A lot of people may possibly get quite a few rashes in different body areas.
However, one in every three individuals who are suffering from Lyme disease might not develop the bull’s-eye rash.
Some individuals with Lyme disease may encounter flu-like signs or symptoms within the early phases, which include fever, headaches, fatigue, tiredness, joint pain, muscle pain and neck stiffness.
Later Signs Or Symptoms
If Lymes disease is not treated early then some of its symptoms might even take months to appear. However, majority of serious signs and symptoms start creating trouble within a few weeks of tick bite. Some of later and more serious Lyme disease symptoms are:
Heart problems
Inflammatory arthritis (discomfort and swelling in the joints)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Many of us simply have no knowledge about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This happens because symptoms of chronic Fatigue Syndrome are similar with the symptoms of other diseases, which makes it difficult for patients and even doctors sometime to determine if a person is suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or not?
Here are some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that will help you to understand this illness better.
Question #1: What Does Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Means?
Answer: Chronic illness is something which is there in your body for a long period of time, normally persisting for more than 3 to 4 months. In most of the cases vaccines fail to prevent chronic diseases, neither such illnesses disappear on their own. There is no specific cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. However, by visiting an expert doctor you can get treatment for chronic fatigue.
Question #2: Is It True Or False That Males And Females Above The Age Of 40 Are Most Vulnerable To CFS?
Answer: This is true that people above the age of 40 are far more prone to CFS compared to younger generation. There are thousands of people in the age group of 40-50 who suffer from CFS across Australia.
Question #3: What Are The Other Diseases That Have Similar Symptoms Just Like CFS?
Answer: Some illnesses which have similar symptoms like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are obesity, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, depressive disorders, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, hyperthyroidism and Hormonal problems etc.
Question #4: Is It True That Sore Throat, Muscle Pain And Joint Pain Are Some Of The Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Cfs)?
Answer: Yes! Sore throat, muscle pain and joint pain are some of the symptoms of Chronic fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
Question #5: How Doctors Diagnose Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
Answer: There is no specific lab test for CFS. You must be clear about the fact that this disease can only be diagnosed by a doctor who’s expert in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Visiting an expert Chronic Fatigue Syndrome doctor is quite important because not every doctor can detect this disease easily. This happens because CFS has similar symptoms to other diseases and is hard to detect.
Question #6: Is It True That Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Depression Can Exist Side By Side?
Answer: These two problems can coexist in a person at the same time. However, there’s no proof that depression can cause CFS. You should know that majority of people who suffer from CFS have no psychiatric disorder.
Question #7: What’s The Treatment for Chronic Fatigue?
Answer: Treatment for chronic fatigue can be done by treatment of related infections, using nutritional supplements (in some cases given intravenously), improving stress management, hormone balancing and management of allergies and sensitivities.
Chelation therapy consists of the supervision of chelating agents by an expert doctor to take care of harmful metal poisoning. Chelating agents which are also called as chelants are applied to get rid of heavy metals from the human body in situations of poisoning, overdose or accumulation. These agents bind to metals inside the blood and tissues.
These develop complexes known as chelates which are inert chemically and it is quite easy to excrete them without interacting any more inside the human body. By doing so, detoxification of toxic metals is done by chelation therapy for example lead, arsenic or mercury. Chelating agents are given by doctors either orally or injected into the body directly through a vein or muscle, but this depends on the type of metals intoxication and the agent used.
Chelation Therapy & Its Uses
Here are some cases of clinical situations in which doctors use chelation therapy to cure patients effectively:
• Poisoning caused due to heavy materials such as lead, mercury and arsenic
• Drugs containing metal ions are overdosed in a human body
• Build-up of huge amounts of iron in your body on account of recurring blood transfusions, which include the case of thalassemia patients who need blood transfusions on a frequent basis
• Amassment of enormous amounts of copper in the human body because of Wilson's disease, a health condition in which the human body struggles to excrete copper easily
A number of scientific tests have already been done to check the consequences of chelation therapy in other illnesses for example cancer, heart problems and autism. Nevertheless, no good evidence to support the application of this therapy for these disorders has still been found.
Here are a few example of chelating agents:
• Organic dithiol compound dimercaprolt was the one of the very first chelators, and it was developed as an antidote for an arsenic-based chemical agent. The agent is also called as BAL.
• DMSA (Dimercaptosuccinic acid) is the most widespread chelants to treat the poisoning caused by lead, arsenic or mercury. It was created in 1970s and in reality it is a modified edition of BAL, and it is also known to have as significantly less negative impacts compared to BAL.
• DMPS (Dimercapto-propane-sulfonate) functions as a mercury and arsenic chelator.
• ALA (Alpha lipoic acid) is often considered as an effective nutritional health intake which transforms into dithiol dihydrolipoic acid, which is a well known chelator for equally both arsenic and mercury.
• EDTA (Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) is well known chelating agent for cases of lead and mercury poisoning. CaNaEDTA (Calcium ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) is given through an injection to the body to treat extreme cases of lead poisoning.
How To Find If You Are Suffering From Adrenal Fatigue
The term adrenal fatigue is often utilised by many expert doctors to state that fatigue along with other indications are attributable to a badly working adrenal gland in any individual who are facing physical, mental, psychological, or stress. However, some medical experts don’t have exact knowledge about this type of fatigue. So, you need to visit the best doctor who can help you to cure adrenal fatigue.
Adrenal glands in our body make hormones and out of these, one is known as cortisol, which aids the body take care of stress and anxiety. According to the concept of adrenal fatigue, if an individual has a quite stressful life then there’s a high chance that his/her adrenal glands might fail to generate hormones in required amount. This results in development of a wide range of symptoms in the body.
You can easily find expert doctors who can cure your problem of adrenal fatigue. Here are some symptoms of adrenal fatigue that a patient might develop:
Feel too tired to get out of the bed.
Extreme chronic tiredness when you awake even after sleeping for more than 8 hours.
Have no energy to finish even your simplest tasks and assignments.
However, some experts also say that these symptoms might occur due to some other illness. These symptoms are so common in people, which it makes it quite hard for even expert doctors to diagnose adrenal fatigue early.
There are many health conditions that have a direct effect on the working ability of adrenal glands in your body. The adrenal glands are found at the top of the kidney in your body and looks like a cap covering the top part of kidneys. Many conditions can affect the working of your adrenal glands.
Addison's disease is one of the reasons that may affect the working ability of your adrenal gland. It can be at times called primary adrenal insufficiency. In case you are suffering from Addison's illness, there’s a strong chance that your adrenal glands will stop producing the required amount of hormones. Contrary to adrenal fatigue, this really is a sickness that can be tested and recognised by doctors. In majority cases of the disease, the adrenal glands have already been weakened with the immune system. Some causes that result in Addison's disease are:
Cancer, including lymphoma
Tuberculosis (TB)
Identify The Reasons That Are Causing Your Fatigue
Speak to an expert doctor who can check you for common health problems that result in fatigue. If you think that you have hormones problem, then you must visit a doctor who’s an expert in treating hormones related illnesses.
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