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Finished tournaments

Name Time control (?) Creator
*1256*~~*26* ~~~ ■■*197*■*197*■●■*1121*■*197*●●■ 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*26* ~~~ ■■*197*● *26*■■*197*■*197*●■● 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*1268**29**29**29* Muoi *29**29**859**29*☆ 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*1268**29**29**29* Chin *29* *29**29**29*☆ 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*1268**29**29**29* Tam *29**672**259**29*☆ 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*1268**29**71**29* Bay *29**29**1252**29*☆ 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*1268**29* *29**29* Sau *29**29**29**128*☆ 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*1268**29**29**29* Nam *29* *26**197**29*☆ 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*1268**29**29* *29* Bon *29**507**87**29*☆ 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*1268*~~~~~~~*26* *320**320* *1274*f*1113* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*1268**29* *132**29* Ba *29**164**29**29*☆ 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*1268**29**1268**29* Hai*29**1274*f*1113*☆ 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*1268**29**29**29* Mot *29* *48* *29**29*☆ 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*1268*{}*1268*{}*1268*●●●●●●●●*1268**1278* 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*1268* {} {} *1274*f*1113* {} {} {} {} {} 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*1268* /••~•/•~••/•~•/ *1268**1274*f*1113* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*46*~《s》《e》《l》《d》《o》《m》 1 dayseldom
November 5 daysmartadip
*1256*~~*150* ~~~ *1181* Typhoon Hagibis *1181* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*150* ~~~~ ■*67*■groundhog■*48*■day■*67*■ 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*150* ~~~~ ■*48*■groundhog■*48*■day■*48*■ 3 daysseldom
*1256*~~*150* *1147* *136**1108**136**1108**136* 2 daysseldom
October 5 daysmartadip
*1256*~~*150* *48**15**48**15**48**15**48**15**48* 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*150* *1271* Fall has fell *1271* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*150* *334**334**15**334**334**339**334* 2 daysseldom
 Beach's fall tournament 3 daysbeach
September 5 daysmartadip
*1256*~~*150* *1188**1188**1188**1188* 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*150**1247**1263**1247**1247* 2 daysseldom
 Summer tournament  3 daysMélusine
The End of August 5 daysmartadip
*1256*~~*75* *180**512**180**75**83* 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*82* *82* *82* seldom *87**82**82**195* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*75**6**1233**6**6**6**6**6**1233**195* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*75**43**1108**43**1108**43**43**195* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*75**42**1255**42**1108**42*••••*75**195* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*42*••••*30**29**30**29**30*⊙⊙*42**195* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*42**320**320* Boats *42**42*•••*42**195* 1 dayseldom
*1244* *84* *525* 4 daysMagrata
*94**107**1152* Boats (3) *1152**107**94* 5 days 12 hoursPCPETC
*1213* *1212* *1223* My favourite games  7 daysPCPETC
*1256*~~*93*s*43*e*43*l*55*do*93*m*43*°°*195* 7 daysseldom
*1256*~~*93**43**43**43**43**43**43**43**43**195* 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*93**43**43**43**93**42**93**43**43**195* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*93*R*93*a*93*i*93*n*259**93*●*93**195* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*25*~~*25*~~*25*~~*25*~•~*25*•*25* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*93*~~*93*~~*25*~~*93*~~*93* 2 daysseldom
*1256*~~*1103* *59**1135**1252**655**13**59**58* 1 dayseldom
*1256*~~*1103*●Chris●Barnes●Elias●*1103* 2 daysseldom

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