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bwildman: can I change my name to Bernie (hehehehe) .....(dig at LJ) and join?
or is this Cave thing really for men and can i expect to be grabbed by the short...(oops) by the pony tail HAHAHAHAH
jfa: if you want a banner made i will do it for NIX, ZILCH, Not much, Zero, nothing LOLOL
send me a pm with your email and i will give you mine and you can let me know what you want and "VOILA" it is done :)
or2ak: I dont think you can retract the invite:( they prolly looked at your fellowship and decided it weren't for them and just deleted the invite, or they could be holding onto it for a later date, at which time you will get a confirmation in your message box and if you dont want them you can delete them then...does that make sense HEHEHE
rod :) you are correct you can join as many as you like but can only be BIG BOSS of 2..I dont think this is enforced at the moment, but from previous posts I think it well could be in the future.
Bumble :) I agree with you completely...especially when it is fully American politics...we are a multicultural games site and the rest of us cant even get a word in :)
But then politics and religion have always be the bane of the debating society :(
I have waited for a reply :) you obviously ...actually ive waited an hour :( it only took you 11minutes to pounce on me...I have replied with a Q??? no reply or cant reply?
If you remember Sir, I was the first person to discoverthe hypocrasy (sp) of LongJohn and posted same to the public boards....since then he has been allowed to denigrate myself and a couple of other (paid members) on the GZ board, and you have done nothing to stop this....was it because i Wasnt a member of such board...or were there other reasons?...It has since been determined he no longer is a member of these boards, but has posted derogative remarks about myself and others and unfortunately we (because we arent members) can not reply to. FAIR????
not in my book but then i dont play by the rules that are played by in other countries.
K :)but tell me does this person get away with all the nasty (sometime) horrible things he says and as soon as myself, or a couple of others post (as below) we get pounced on...Do I live in the wrong part of the world???
and besides...I didnt "start it again" it was in reply to a post below :)
Im sorry hehehe i probably shouldnt answer this but you all know i cant shut up HAHAHAHA....
Poor lil LJ has a habit of starting things, like fellowships/tournaments etc and not bringing anything to did the man? ever have a baby?
awwwwwww......why was i refused entry into the ARCHIVES fellowship???? and im also bnned from joining :(...Im absolutely devastated...If anyone is going to join please ask can i be included...:(
i would love to be a member :(
they think we are all idiots...
they think we will sit down when we are told...
they think we appreciate what they are doing for us PAYING people...
they do not know the power of the pen (or in this case "computer")
with International laws regarding the "internet" a lot of people are going to be getting a lot of shocks...
including people we all know :)
there is a saying...
"times, they are a changing"
and it is about time too....
well we have been edited....why not the bad language below??? or is that special priveledges (sp) for special people?
Im offended at that...please remove it
Backoff :) that would be interesting.....a fellowship in very poor taste, if you want to keep records of what goes on in here..keep them on your own puter :(...but what good are they?
yu cant post them to another board, and if that is being done...they should be banned :)
the gender thingy died a natural death.LOLOLOL
I have a new fellowship that is hopefully to bring together all of us in hilarious/sad/otherwise...sayings...funny sayings, etc etc....
it is open to all but please PM me for an invite :)
hahahahaha worked LOLOL...
thanks everybody. I actually applied to the CAVE for membership LOLOL...of course i expected and received the "no you cant message" being a was hypothetical when I used the word race LOLOL..i wanted to see the general reaction and in turn got it hehehe
Can someone tell me...if you are refused entry to a fellowship on your race or whatever...can that be taken as discrimination? and if so what can you do about it :)
(kaŝi) Ĉu vi emas je ludo garantie finiĝonta post 2 horoj? Kreu novan ludon laŭ via prefero, elektu 'Tempo por ludo' kaj metu 'Tempo' al '0 tagoj, 1 horo', Bonifikacio al '0 tagoj, 0 horoj' kaj Tempolimo al '0 tagoj, 1 horo'. (TeamBundy) (Montri ĉiujn konsilojn)