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Vi ne rajtas afiŝi mesaĝojn en ĉi tiu forumo. La minimuma necesa nivelo de la membreco por afiŝi mesaĝojn en ĉi tiu forumo estas Brain-Peono.
Sorry DO! I haven't been on much- I didn't see your post- I just created my first tourney, as you know. It's real easy- just go to Tournaments and selct "Define new tournament" and it walks you right through- very easy!
But thanks, Eriisa! I'm in too! Yay! A Dolittle Tourney!!!
Modifita de farmer sam (16. Oktobro 2005, 13:32:32)
I'd like to congratulate baddessi on her appointment as a co-mod of this board.
Baddessi is a wonderful, wonderful person and is extremely dedicated to this site. She is a huge asset to the world of online games playing and brainking should be proud to have her here.
(Hey, bumble, this smarm thing is quite easy when you get the hang of it! Now pass the soap, I have to wash my mouth out...)
lol, I would love to have both of you in there.. But it was decided a while back (with input from members) that the fellowship should remain for WebTV users only. It was ammended that anyone who uses a set top box of any sort (like NTL in Britain) could join.
oh well in that case, I wish I could join the web TV F/S too- I hear it's always a good time in there...oh well Eriisa- guess we're doomed cause we have our computers *sniffle, sniffle*
I have been guilty of neglecting that fellowship in the past. I was awfully busy, and my free time was more concentrated on the Club WebTV fellowship.
A month or so ago, I decided to get Brave Eagles back on its feet. Added 10x10 to the fellowship. (At one time, I believe there was a seperate fellowship for each.. Back when they were originally KM fellowships)
The game oriented fellowships don't seem to be doing well. Has anyone noticed that??? I wonder why. The non-game oriented fellowships are quite active. I have a heck of a time getting people to participate in Club WebTV and Brave Eagles Halma.. It's always the same small core of people who participate. Thank goodness for them! lol..
rod03801: I've been really guilty of not checking in with the fellowship. I was so busy the last couple of months, that I didn't know up from down!
Now that I'm working from home, I'm finding time to check in all day. Ahhhhh, the life of leisure! (working 12 hour days of course, since there are no timeclocks! lol)
That 10x10 one should start in an hour or 2.. I changed the start date to Septmember since there are 4 people.. It should be set up and started the next time the system checks. It wll accept a 5th person, if one more person in the fellowship wants to join in.
Eriisa: if you sign up for the 4th person in the 10X10,(in Brave Eagles) then we can start : )
But I'd sign for some regular ones pawns can play as well
In the Brave Eagles Halma fellowship, there is always a mini, fast tournament of 8x8 and 10x10 set up and ready to start as soon as 4 or 5 people are signed up! As soon as it is started, a new one is created.
Those who aren't members of the fellowship can visit the link in this post and request membership.
The current moderator of this board has been away for over 2 months, so we are currently looking for a new moderator of this board. Things to consider:
1) Need to be a knight or above
2) Need to have knowledge of the game / have played some/many games (not necessarly good at the game)
3) Need to be able to get along with people & be fair to all users.
If you are interested, please send Me a Message and a short note that you would like to moderate the Halma board. (and if you want to add other reasons why you would make a good moderator - that is fine.)
In a few days, we will start to look at everyone who applied and decide who would be best suited for this position.
Hrqls.. once you play the game more, you will not find that sort of feature necessary..
I think a number like that would be misleading. It is different with backgammon, as the number of pips remaining is quite straight forward.
*nod* thats true .. but the closer you get to your goal the less steps in a straight line without jumping over other pieces .. just think like bg for calculating the straight line steps, not like halma :)
so the number of steps wouldnt be the actual number of moves, but more of a 'theoretical distance' :)
Hrqls: I think that would hinder the game. Since there are so many ways to move each piece,the number would change with each move.
Although there is a beginning and an end similar to backgammon,the game is more likened to checkers in that number of moves remaining is subject to each subsequent move.
"How to finish a game
The game is finished if one of the following conditions in fulfilled:
One of the players moved all his/her pieces to the opponent's yard. This player wins the game.
One of the players still has some own pieces at his/her yard and made more than 30 (for 8x8 version) or 50 (for 10x10 version) moves. This player loses the game. The player also loses the game if he/she moves one of his/her pieces back to own yard after the 30th (50th) move. This rule prevents the players to block own yard and avoid the opponent to move his/her pieces there."
I believe in the rule that all pieces have to be out of your own yard within so many moves - I have almost won a game by "traping" the opponents piece there.
unless 1 piece is left in both starting yards and a player refuses to move it and just keeps moving another piece. but then that is unaceptable to do that
(kaŝi) Se interesas vin la progreso de turniro en kiu vi ludas, vi povas diskuti pri ĝi kun viaj kontrauŭloj en la forumo de la turniro. (HelenaTanein) (Montri ĉiujn konsilojn)