General talk about movies, TV, radio, and other entertainment discussion.
Discussing favorite movies is a great topic but keep in mind some folks haven't seen the movie yet we may be discussing so don't give the endings away!
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hey skyking have u been keeping up with wwe diva search? The Rock was on wwe raw monday.they're down to 5 diva who u think is going to win the 1/4 million dollar contract?
BBW, Im surprised my son never mentioned this new passion of the clerks as he is more of a fan then my hubby and I are of the Kevin Smith works!
I'm sure the sequel will have a much larger budget then the original! LOL
Any idea when it's set for release? Is there a write up on IMDB?
*edited note:
I heard he recently backed out of the writing of Green Hornet or a dispute with producers and also heard he is doing the latest in the "Fletch" series. Would be kool if Chevy was in that even for a cameo!
For the Green Hornet, Kevin Smith is still writing, but what he is starting to back away from is directing it. (Basicly he is getting cold feet.)
In short - Kevin Smith has always done some-what lower budget films. The studio then gave him lots of money for Jersey Girl which even though a great movie, did not get very much $$ in return. So now the Movie Studio wants to give him even MORE money to do Green Hornet, and basicly he is afraid he might screw it up. So as of right now, he is writing the script, he told the movie studio he may not want to direct it, and the movie studio basicly said lets wait until the script is done and you can let us know then if you want to direct or not. (So the Studio still wants him, so we will have to wait.)
I have not heard anything new about the Fletch film.
As a side note about Jersey Girl, the DVD is also coming out early September the same day as the 3 disk special 10th anniversary Clerks DVD. The Jersey girl DVD will also have 5-6 Kevin Smith "Roadside Attraction" specials as seen on Jay Leno. BUT wait awhile, and there will be a "Special Edition" Jersey Girl DVD soon - so if you like a lot of specials, don't buy this dvd, wait for the special edition one.
PLUS they are working on "An evening with Kevin Smith 2" DVD - which the first one is a MUST for any Kevin Smith fan!
PLUS as always if you want to spend a few extra bucks, you can get autographed versions of the DVD on Kevin Smith's View Askew website. (Plus find news storied - most I read this past weekend, and now repeating in this post. :-)
If you are holding back your comment then dont bother posting that you are. It appears you just want to start something! That wont happen on this board, sorry
Yeah I remember rolly-polly fish heads, eat them up yum! Napoleon XIV wasn't that the one that goes "They're coming to take me away ha-ha, they're coming to take me away ho-ho he-he, to the happy home where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be happy to see those bright young men in their clean white coats and the basket weavers who sit around and twittle their thumbs and toes and their coming to take me away ha-haaaa!
The last one I'm not familar with. I liked 'The home coming queen's got a gun' by Julie Brown. Japanese Car, Pencil-Necked Geek, and Dead Puppies were also a few of the classics I can remember
Modifita de TexasToest (12. Septembro 2004, 19:42:42)
I watched Last Tango in Paris last night. I'd never seen it before. 1972 was one of my depressed times.....haha! I'd just gotten married a couple of years before. That was a great movie. And, it was nice to see why all the women panted in the lines to [EDIT] Brando's (named the wrong model) movies.
Modifita de danoschek (17. Septembro 2004, 17:10:40)
about the dark 1000 years of an obnoxious fantasy empire in germany, 1933-1945
Great Bruno Ganz as main actor in the mission impossible to show even the human
part of a selfish beast who misused new media and claimed 'to appease the masses' ~*~
Sky Captain - I sometimes get to go watch the new releases with a friend of mine who works at a movie theater (and watch new films the night before they are released to check for scratches & other problems with the film) - and it bored me to death... so much, that I decided to leave early to go home and get some sleep (They sometimes preview them like at midnight/1am). So maybe it got better at the end, but it just wasn't something that kept my interest.
Shark Tales - It's an OK movie, but nothing too special.
I think it does not come out for about another month - just in time for Holiday shopping.
Also at that time, I think on NBC they are going to have a new "seinfield reuinion" type show to go along with the release. I don't know if it is actually going to be a "reuinion" show, or just a show trying to get us to buy the DVD.
I would have to look it up - maybe late October, sometimes in November??
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