Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.
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38degC here and too hot to grow anything do have a few apple cucumbers coming up but dont expect them to live for long it is just too hot....have 2very small bunches of grapes on but dont expect them to survive either, they will cook on the vine....other than that,,,wayyyyyyyyy too hot LOLOL
Foxy Lady: Well I've got the best of both worlds not to hot and my grapes are ripening nicely. Just have to cover them so the birds don't eat the lot. LOL
where abouts in NZ Skip.....I was born on the Nth Shore - called Takapuna LOL Lived in Wellington - Lower Hutt and Christchurch - Addington :)
i worked in Hamilton about/more than 40 years ago LOLOL....worked at the Hamilton Hotel which was THE BEST back then and I actually met Vera Lynn and her husband? when they stayed there...
BerniceC:Hamilton hotel has gone, and our weather is great for growing at the moment, half way thru botteling our beetroot. Getting the garden ready for the winter vegies
skipinnz: I should be able to start getting my garden ready for vegies etc late March/early in the tropics really spoils for growing vegies, so we plant our lettuce/summer vegies and also small amount of winter vegies all at the same time...I have had sweet potatoes in since last July....havent got a darn thing off them....just been far too hot
The grand old Hotel has gone? OMgoodness...really? did they build another in its place?...havent been to Hamilton in over 25-30 years :)
NOT a floosie: Most of us are in our Winter and can't grow a thing.Nobody was posting about Gardens or etc.We would love to hear from anyone with a growing season,that would of put us back On Topic.I'm trying to please everybody. When ppl get into Spring were back ON TOPIC and NO CHAT.
we have had so much rain it has made it just terribly unpleasant....I havent been able to get into the spa because the rain made it overflo and of course the chlorine washed away and the water started to go had to empty it half way and refill with extra chlorine... living in the tropics certainly has its downfalls, but it would be better than being snowed in I reckon, but still......
Foxy Lady:only in the wet season and this is the first one for about 5 years :(
the humidity is what kills us....98% isnt uncommon at all and the perspiration just runs down your arms/legs/back is really uncomfortable and AirCons are going day and night....can be expensive, but probably the same as paying for heating all the time :(
BerniceC: So when is it cool enough for your garden.Its interesting to hear from ppl in other countrys that don't have winter. We start our gardens around the end of May and have about 4 months of a growing season.Our Summer is very short where i live.
Foxy Lady: i will start late march early april....and can plant everything then....we dont have a winter, well not what you would call winter....we dont get much below about 60degF, so it is mild all year until about November till March when it is our wet season and very hot.
Modifita de Mousetrap (16. Februaro 2007, 15:18:42)
We are lucky if we get 3 months here for growing tomatoes or anything in the garden lol! Its ok if you have a greenhouse then you get longer but I do not have one as I think someone would have a go at breaking in. I did not even have a garden at the last place so I hit lucky when I moved here.
I am very lucky to be working in a greenhouse Here in NY, USA we just planted our crop of Geraniums and New Guinea Impatiens in 4 inch pots and hanging baskets It's so nice to walk in and see the little cuttings in the soil and smell the air. Even though the ground is covered in snow and ice, you can tell that spring is not that far away.
BerniceC:They didn't build a new hotel, but the place certainly has changed. You might miss out on some vegetable growing in the tropics but you can grow lots more fruit, now thats go to be a plus.
Foxy Lady:We're just about at the end of our season, just put in brassicas for winter and picking the last of the summer vegies, but lots of fruit still to ripen, peaches, grapes, tamarillos,feijoas and persimmons.
skipinnz: that is a yummy LOLOL....actually I found a small nursery here that propogates and growns foreighn tropical fruit....I bought a Feijoa tree last year and am waiting for it to do something special LOL....cost me nearly $40 for a tree/plant about 12 inches high, but if it works here it will be a bonus :)
BerniceC:I've got mine planted as a windbreak for the orchard, so with 29 trees we get plenty of fruit. Friend has a reciepe for feijoa chutney, we supply the fruit she rewards us with chutney
skipinnz: never even heard of chutney, but do adore the jam....gosh I miss feijoa's, and banana passionfruit...would kill for a banana passionfruit......would love someone to send me some seeds but I worry about the customs lOLOL
skipinnz: really....OMG they are the best tasting I actually did a search (google) aussie and you can buy the plants....there are none in stock at the moment but have left a message to contact me when they have them narnie pasho's LOLOL
Foxy Lady: My mam has some beautiful Lilac trees! I have some photos in a cardboard box of them. But there are lots of other photos in the cardboard box too lol! I threw loads of photos away when I was moving, I had bags and bags and I just spent a day going through them all that were not in albums and deciding if I would ever want to look at them again and if not I scrapped them. A shame but I just had too many. And I scrapped all that I though were bad photos too, either out of focus or something wrong with them. Maybe I will look up me mam,s garden ones sometime and post them.
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