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 Chinese Chess

Xiangqi - Chinese Chess

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29. Aŭgusto 2005, 01:12:41
Temo: Re: About the Chinese symbols
Fencer: The Chinese symbols from Alpine Electronics Beijing font, whose international set your current xiangqi pieces most resemble, has a nice set of traditional Chinese characters, as well as alternate internationalized pieces.

Would it be out of place, as you consider variants for xiangqi, to mention that Korean chess janggi is a lot of fun and is similar but not identical to xiangqi.

for rules and for a nice set of piece characters.

25. Aŭgusto 2005, 14:17:54
Temo: Re: About the Chinese symbols
jian: Thank you.

25. Aŭgusto 2005, 13:47:53
Temo: Re: About the Chinese symbols
OK, I prepare you that and makes you the sending in file attached to an email from here this evening.

25. Aŭgusto 2005, 12:51:12
Temo: Re: About the Chinese symbols
jian: If I like them, yes :-)

25. Aŭgusto 2005, 12:49:42
Temo: Re: About the Chinese symbols
If I send you separate images (at the format JPG for example) representing each piece, you could use them?

25. Aŭgusto 2005, 12:44:48
Temo: Re: About the Chinese symbols
AbigailII: Yes, I can. But maybe someone could draw a better looking set. I use them only because I don't have anything else.

25. Aŭgusto 2005, 12:34:42
Temo: Re: About the Chinese symbols
Fencer: Can you use the same symbols as on the Chess Variants page? The pieces currently in use look remarkably similar to the westernized pieces on the same page.

25. Aŭgusto 2005, 12:28:22
Temo: Re: About the Chinese symbols
jian: Can you provide a nice set of Chinese xiangqi pieces? I cannot draw them.

25. Aŭgusto 2005, 12:09:15
Temo: About the Chinese symbols
I note that, for the moment, we do not have Asian players who came played xiangqi on Brainking. It is probable that it will be the case as long as we will not have the possibility of choice between the Western symbols and the Chinese symbols for the representation of the pieces. That is a pity very because we deprive ourselves of the knowledge of the very good players to this game.

24. Aŭgusto 2005, 14:06:52
I dont know, I haven't got Zillions.

24. Aŭgusto 2005, 14:05:39
Temo: Re: Fencer
ughaibu: it's not the one on zillions, is it?

24. Aŭgusto 2005, 11:36:10
Temo: Fencer
There's a mini-xiangqi invented by the inventor of gogo shogi (I've forgotten his name), if you're interested in bringing it to BrainKing I'll see if I can find the rules.

23. Aŭgusto 2005, 20:56:02
Temo: Re: Handling of perpetual checking/chasing
Spirou: no problem. we both did not know it ... but we will play a lot games in the future, so ....

23. Aŭgusto 2005, 16:41:36
Temo: Chinese Chess Pieces
I prefer the chinese names for the pieces;also what they look like. I have my own set and pieces plus a few English translations of Chinese Chess books on how to play. I am very glad they finally included the only other versions of chess I like besides Gothic.

23. Aŭgusto 2005, 07:59:07
Temo: Re: Handling of perpetual checking/chasing
chessmec: So sorry, I feel shameful for having stolen a deserved victory on your part. I apologize. Could you believe, I completely forgot that rule, because it is the truth.

22. Aŭgusto 2005, 14:49:42
Temo: Re:
kleineme: I want to add a check of repeated positions.

22. Aŭgusto 2005, 14:44:08
sorry for pointing you to that game ;) My question was more in the direction of the enforcement of this rule. On other sites this rule is automatically enforced by the "system" itself. Whom would I have to address here if my opp doesn't want to quit checking?

22. Aŭgusto 2005, 14:37:24
Temo: Re: Handling of perpetual checking/chasing
kleineme: ARGH! I threw away a won game - according to the rules: "# Perpetual check is forbidden. A player cannot check opponent's king more than 3 times in a row with the same piece and the same position."

OK, I thought it would be the same as in chess.

22. Aŭgusto 2005, 13:26:01
Temo: Re: Handling of perpetual checking/chasing
kleineme: He probably didn't read the rules carefully.

22. Aŭgusto 2005, 12:23:41
Temo: Handling of perpetual checking/chasing
considering the fact that perpetual checking is not allowed, what measures Red could have taken if he were not satisfied with a draw in ?

21. Aŭgusto 2005, 01:20:47
Temo: Re: interesting endgame with zugzwang
Modifita de Kili (21. Aŭgusto 2005, 01:25:12)
In my opinion white (red) hasn´t a good defence.
Black needs the two rooks for winning.
Are they enough in this position?
Think us about this:
We are going to suposse the black player can capture the two bishops then
Can white do a fortress with the two guards and his king?
The candidate fortress could be "King in e0 + Guard in d0 + Guard in e1" against this Black put his rooks in the squares b0 and e3
What can white player do?
Nothing if the black king is in the column f and it´s the only piece in this column. In this case the move 1.Kf0 is an ilegal move and the white player is stalemate and lost.

In this game white has still two bishops, but it´s not difficult capture first one of them and later the other. After 37...Rd1 the first bishop is captured then white player try doing the fortress against it, the black player puts his rooks in b0 and e3 and his king in f9 without more black pieces in column f, we can suposse the white bishop is in g4 and then
1.Bi2, Re4
2.Bg0, Rb2 and the bishop is lost
If i am right two rooks is enough against two bishop and two guards.

20. Aŭgusto 2005, 17:58:57
Temo: interesting endgame with zugzwang
look at: - with the last rook move from me my opponent came into "zugzwang".

I won in the next moves - but can red defend?

20. Aŭgusto 2005, 17:25:26
Temo: Re: Chinese chess pieces
OK, thanks!
I ordered the pieces on eBay. I thus will wait to know their diameter.

20. Aŭgusto 2005, 17:15:57
Temo: Re: Chinese chess pieces
jian: i suppose whatever fits your pieces the best?

20. Aŭgusto 2005, 17:08:28
Temo: Re: Chinese chess pieces
I want to speak about external sizes of the chessboard.

20. Aŭgusto 2005, 16:57:46
Temo: Re: Chinese chess pieces
jian: yes, we would need use our imagination for the river! most OTC 象棋 sets have paper boards anyway, easy to make. I don't understand what you mean by dimensions? 您是中国人吗&

20. Aŭgusto 2005, 16:53:00
Temo: Re: Chinese chess pieces
If we consider the intersections of the chessboard of chess, we have of them 9x9. For Xiangqi, we needs 9x10 with the river. Therefore, if we use a chessboard of chess, we will miss the river. I rather plan to use a plywood plate on which I will trace the lines. But I would like to know dimensions to be given to this plate. Do you know the most suitable dimensions?

20. Aŭgusto 2005, 15:15:31
Temo: Re: Chinese chess pieces
Caissus: the chessboards, of course, are different, but if you know the lines for the 士and the river, you can do it.

19. Aŭgusto 2005, 21:39:20
Temo: Re: Chinese chess pieces
Modifita de Caissus (19. Aŭgusto 2005, 21:48:10)
jian: hm, do you really think that I could have pieces a n d a board for only one Euro? . I think we can play Xiangqi at home with the regular western chessboard.

19. Aŭgusto 2005, 21:29:55
Temo: Re: Chinese chess pieces

Caissus, I am interested by this purchase me too.
Can you say to me if that set is sold the pieces alone or there is the board with?
If there is a board, which are external dimensions?
If there is no board, how will you proceed for you to get one of them?

19. Aŭgusto 2005, 21:13:52
Temo: Chinese chess pieces
I have buyed a pieceset of Chinese chesspieces at Ebay:
for 1,- Euro,but 7,50 shipping costs .

19. Aŭgusto 2005, 16:17:47
Temo: Re: Game ID: 983378
AbigailII: Oh! Thank you, I so often forget that rule

19. Aŭgusto 2005, 16:10:07
Temo: Re: Game ID: 983378
Spirou: That's because you can't move the Knight. Moving it will mean the two Kings are on the same file, with no pieces between them. That's illegal in Xiangqi.

19. Aŭgusto 2005, 15:43:54
Temo: Game ID: 983378
I can't chose my Knight at e1. Strangely I can pick up any other pieces.

19. Aŭgusto 2005, 10:06:40
Temo: Re: Concern : Game ID: 979841
playBunny: Thank you, it is fixed now :-)

19. Aŭgusto 2005, 09:09:25
Temo: Re: Concern : Game ID: 979841
Fencer: I don't know what happened, now my move is done.

19. Aŭgusto 2005, 08:42:18
Temo: Concern : Game ID: 979841
Modifita de Spirou (19. Aŭgusto 2005, 08:46:39)
Fencer: Exactly the same problem as in Shogi arise in the above mentioned game. I play Nxe7, click 'move' and when I return to that game my move isn't played.

19. Aŭgusto 2005, 05:31:51
The horse is a close fighting piece, which means when it gets into the battle it can really influence the game. Also when there is one cannon remaining it loses a lot of its checkmating power, which is one thing that makes them so cool. Chessmec, that funny mate you talked about with the two cannons is legendary in China and is known as the "Double Pow". Pow stands for cannon, which I always thought was appropriate and funny.

18. Aŭgusto 2005, 20:27:17
Wow... you are fast! thanks a lot

18. Aŭgusto 2005, 20:25:03
Temo: Re:
Fwiffo: No more.

18. Aŭgusto 2005, 20:20:37
again the same bug (no blue squares around the moving piece):
In both cases it was a capture by the cannon.

18. Aŭgusto 2005, 04:55:40
Temo: Re:
Fwiffo: good point about the cannon/horse. Without pieces to jump over, the cannon suffers and the horse is blocked less.

17. Aŭgusto 2005, 22:17:54
I just noticed a minor bug: has no blue square around the piece that just moved.

17. Aŭgusto 2005, 20:51:37
< Chessmec> Yes, I like the cannon, very surprising piece. My only mate this far has been with two cannons behind each other on itsyourturn: deadly indeed! (I went there to play XiangQi - not necessary anymore :) ) looks useful for learning Xiangqi.

17. Aŭgusto 2005, 20:44:52
Temo: Re:
Fwiffo: I noticed that two cannons, which are working together, are DEADLY!

17. Aŭgusto 2005, 20:38:00
I am very greatful XiangQi and Shogi can be played at brainking now.

Redsales: I'm an absolute beginner at XiangQi, but I read somewhere the horse is less valuable than the cannon in the opening but the cannon decreases in strength during the game...

16. Aŭgusto 2005, 19:34:16
Temo: Re: Facing kings...
pauloaguia: definitely.

16. Aŭgusto 2005, 19:25:10
Temo: Facing kings...
In this game, if txaggie had moved her charriot from F3 to F0 would it have been checkmate?
According with my understanding of the rules it would have... but I'd like to know what you have to say about it (still learning this...)

15. Aŭgusto 2005, 21:23:33
Temo: Re: A horse menace
Fencer: Nice. I saw it before moving ... but want have shown it! Congrats!

15. Aŭgusto 2005, 21:14:52
Temo: A horse menace

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