How did you find about BrainKing? What made you stick around?
I really don't remember, but I think that I was just looking for game sites on the web when I found this one.
If this was your site what would be the first thing you'd change? (if any)
I would try to make this site more friendly by thinking about the design, the games and their rules, the discussion boards, the competitions as well.
You have a great average BKR. How are you doing this?
Other players have a better average BKR than mine, and I ask to myself "How are they doing this ?"
How do you feel about being the player with the biggest sum of BKR on the whole site?
It was just a goal to reach when I started to log on Brainking. Now I've decided to let it down cause it makes me feel there is no interest.
What do you think about the ACHIEVEMENTS?
At the begining, I thought it was a good idea, but right now, I think that the concept is not well "achieved".
Have you ever played a live tournament of any " mind games " ??
Yes, I've played various live tournaments at backgammon, chess, reversi, pente, jarnac...
Do you like the system of Brainking about fellowships ? ( you can be big boss of 3 and belong to all )Should put limit to the players on how many fellowships they can join ?
Definitely not, and this is the main reason I've decided to not play in any fellowship for now. I think the way the fellowships runs divide more the players than it should be supposed to do. In my opinion, I would say each player could join just one fellowship, and each fellowship should be limited in the number of members.
Who are your favourite players in Brainking and why ?
My favourite players are those that play anything and not just a couple of kind of games. I also prefer the players that try to play balanced games.
What do you like to do when you're not playing online games (on Brainking)?
When I'm not playing on BrainKing, I usually spend my time with people I like to be with.
From the pic on your profile you smoke .. have you ever tought to quit ?
Yes I did, and as you're asking me, I think that will help me to quit smoking from now. Thanks Francesco !
Are you interesting Snooker? In your opinion is Ronnie O'Sullivan is the best snooker player? If yes or not - why?
Snooker is my favourite kind of pool game. I don't really follow the news about this game, but I've watched some games of Ronnie "The Rocket" and he is really impressive. John Higgins is good as well.
Have you always lived in France?
No, I've also lived in South America (Peru, Chili, French Guyana) during three years, and half a year in Canada (Ontario).
Do you like ponds? Or is it only the way to have established ranking in all games?
I like the game but not the way it runs. It takes too long time to me.
You created the bigest tournaments on BK (296 players). Great! Maybe you should try again? 500 this time?
Fencer can do that if he wants. I just wanted to see if people would join such big tournaments, and I selected mainly pretty fast players avoiding the very slow ones.
Every moment of our live is important to live so I just want to live my life time after time, years after years.
What other Chess variants would you like to see on Brainking?
If I could choose, I would take the "Tempête sur l'échiquier" game, wich is a really funny game that combines many aspect of the variations already present on BrainKing.
What are your least favorite games on Brainking?
Maharajah and Horde Chess, cause they are really not balanced. Go variatons because the missing of the automatic handicap system is not present. But here is some others cause their rules are incomplete and you always have to look at other rules to understand a game.
Where else have you played games online?
My first online game server was on the french "Minitel" 20 years ago. On the web, my first online game server was Yahoo Games, and then I've tried a lot of sites (WordBiz, Petanque52, ludoteka, truemoneygames, Kurnik...).
que pense tu des points de "réalisations" ?
I think that this new system brings people like you to cheat more and more and desserves each time more this site.
I hit Google for "Marfitalu" and I've obtained about 6410 answers. Are all about you?
I've tried as well but I just obtained 6210 results. I'm so lazy to check them all so I can't tell you if all are mine or not, sorry.
What is your favorite color and what it represents to you?
I don't think any color is my favorite one, I almost like the mix of the colours whatever they are.
If you could add/create any Chess variant for inclusion at Brainking. What Chess variant would it be?
I have yet answered your question. "Tempête sur l'échiquier" should be my option.
Do you play at the Poker Tables here on BK? What are your thoughts about them?
I don't play often there. It is fun to discover the game, but it is incomplete. BrainKing allows draws sometimes, and there is never draw in real poker. There is other places more attractive to play this game. I think it has been lot of work for a poor result, but if it will be improved one day.
What sports do you like to watch ? Any major sport events that you follow closely on tv or in the newspapers ?
I don't have TV at home, but when I have opportunity I like to watch snooker and darts.
Which sport(s) do you participate in ? Do you participate in any sport competitions ? With any succes (past or present or future) ? ;)
I don't really practise any sport competitions. I did it years before in cycling.
If you see a cow, do you think "Milk!" of "Beef!"? Where does tofu fit in?
It depends of the moment of the day. Milk in the morning and beef in the rest of the day.
57 won tournaments. Does that mean that you don't like tournaments or you just prefer certain types of tournaments or other?
Very often, the tournaments take too long to finish so I avoid them, or when I'm in the mood, I create fast ones selecting pretty fast players. On the other hand, I think there is too much created tournaments, so I think that too much competition kills the competion.
If Fencer would implement one wish for you, what would you wish for?
I think there is not really any compatibility between my wishes and the way Fencer wants to drive BrainKing, then please forget my eventual wishes.
Is having a rook membership with unlimited games in your opinion a blessing or a curse?
Actually, I'm not able to play hundreds games at once so I can't pronounce on "blessing or cursing". I just think that just the internet is one of our modern addictions.
What you think about the refund money of banned players ? Should they deserve the money back or not? (just happen that 1 loved player got banned ahhahahahahah )
I didn't know that a member with a paid membership has been banned. About the money, I really don't care since it is not my business. I would say that the money should be given back, or the membership shouldn't be saled to an unwishible player. Anyway, I think that the case should be describibed in the policy so everybody could be notified about the issue of their comportment.
Have you learned to lose? Are there losses you can hardly accept? (both in life and BK)
Yes I did. The losses I hardly accept are those for which I consider I played badly.
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