Where does the name bwildman come from?
My first name is Butch,and my friends call me "Wildman".I've used this nic since I first logged on to the internet in 2001.
Is your nickname a way of life, an invitation or something else?
Its really a play on my real name, though in my younger days, you might say it was a way of life ;-)
Are you married, single or have anyone special in your life?
I'm twice divorced, but currently in a great relationship with a beautiful redhead! ;-P
Do you have any children?
I have 5 great kids.2 boys and 3 beautiful daughters. I lost my youngest son to Cystic Fibrosis in 2002.
What type of women do you prefer to stalk? :oD
This one is easy....I dont. ;-) however......there are some individuals who I do constantly stay on top of. These people need to learn, BrainKing is a great place to have fun and meet some really great people from all over the world. Not to terrorize, cheat, or harass...the people who just want to have fun and enjoy the many great benefits that BrainKing has to offer. When they stop...so will I.
Where do you work?
I own a small marine repair service. I fix all types of boats and personal watercraft at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri.
Tell us about the area you live?
well...I have a 102 mile long lake in my front yard, so to speak, and woods on the other 3 sides. Its an outdoorsmans paradise.
What brought you to Brainking and what do you like most about it?
Part one was answered in the previous question, but the thing I like most about BrainKing,is the people.
The first word you typed in your profile description was Caveman... Why?
I am the BigBoss of The Cave,a fellowship just for men, and no women allowed! ;-)
What was the particular game at BK that you enjoyed the most? (Not game type, an actual match against someone)
This game http://brainking.com/game/ArchivedGame?g=214743
And what is your favourite game type at BrainKing? And what is your favourite game that isn't at BrainKing?
I would have to say the chess variants are my favorite game types...and I love to play Scrabble.
Who do you have on your friends and enemies lists? And who have you put on the new hide feature?
all my friends are on my friends list, and all my enemies are on the other. Thankfully my friends list is 10 times longer than my enemies :-) I have no one on hide.
Who would be the top ten BK members to be on your Christmas card list?
I am the worlds worse person for sending out xmas cards!I do however, recieve them from all over the world
Where did you get that cool hat?
That hat is not actually mine(mine is cooler)LOL..its a pic from an "Ol Tyme Photo I took with 2 of my kids 2 summers ago.
What do you like to do for fun when you're not on Brainking?
is there life after BrainKing? LOL:-) I ride my horse,fish,play guitar,look for arrowheads,read,and a few other things I'm sure.
In life, most people have a code of ethics and rules that they put upon themselves to live by. What are yours?
"do unto others,before they do onto you! ;-) j/k Actually,my childhood hero's formed what little ethics and morals I have.King Arther,Tarzan,Davey Crocket,Geronimo,Crazy Horse etc. where very influential to me.Surviving the 70's changed things alittle...but I always remember the medieval code of chivalry. In 2002 Jesus entered my life,and His influence grows stronger every day. Sometimes I forget myself,and allow others to get under my skin...but not for long.
Do you own any pets? Can you tell us what they are and their names?
I have a dog(part German Sheperd part Great Pyrenese),Sugar...and a horse (quarter horse paint) named Cyrus.
Do you like to read? If so, who are your favourite authors?
Though I have little time to read anymore...I do enjoy reading.No favorite authers to speak of...but as a kid I loved Edgar Rice Burroughs,and Ian Fleming.
What kind of music do you like and what are your favourite songs?
I like '70's rock'n'roll,blues,country,alternative rock,and classical.I could probably enjoy listening to any music that was played "live". My favorite all time song....well theres just way too many to have just a "favorite one",but heres a few.. Marty Robbins.."Big Iron Led Zepplin..."Stairway to Heaven" Nazareth..."Love Hurts" Tennesse Ernie Ford.."16 Tons" Black Crows..."She Talks to Angels" and more.....
Where in the world would you like to visit?
A dream I've always had,was to be flown in to the Northwest Territory of Canada,in the spring...with what ever I could carry.Then to live one full year there,only to be picked up the following spring.Survival.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
Having grown up in a somewhat"rowdy" fashion...I always prided myself on the fact I had never been knocked out. About 7 years ago,by brothers and a couple buddies came to visit along with their new girlfriends.We had a big party,and the livations were numerous.LOL:) Having had more than my fair share..I realized I was about to fall out of my chair.Not being of sound mind,at that moment,I decided I should get up and walk around,before I passed out,not thinking that crawling would have been a better option! Anywho...I stood up...took 3 steps...and fell head first into a 4x4 upright post,striking it flush on my forhead.No one said"T I M B E R"...but I went down like a 70 foot tall oak!!!When I came to(what seemed like 3 hours later)the girls were trying to pick me up,because my brothers and friends were ROTFL...how enbarresing.To this day,they enjoy reminding me,it took me and a 4x4 post to finally knock me out!! ;-)
What question(s) did you hope would be asked, and what would your answer(s) have been?
I had hoped Fencer would ask me"bwild...would you please me archmoderator?" and of course my answer would be"YES!!!"