In Japan, don't wash your body in a bathtub! You wash yourself outside a bathtub, like Roman baths.
If in Japan you do a homestay or take a large public bath in a resort hotel, bathing etiquette is the following procedures. (0) Very hot water is filled in a bathtub. (1) You wash your parts (especially crotch, feet, etc.) outside a bathtub. (2) You soak yourself in a hot bath in order to warm your body. (3) You come out of a bathtub. At that time, don't you throw the bath water away. (4) You take a shower located outside a bathtub, and shampoo your hair. (5) You go out the bathroom, (6) Other people use that bath water. Reen al la listo de lagetoj
Lageta tipo: Kuri ĉirkaŭ la lageto Lageta ID: 7077 Minimumo de ludantoj: 16 Maksimumo da ludantoj: 23 Tempo po movo: 23 horoj Starto: 14. Februaro 2012, 19:05:25 Fino: 26. Februaro 2012, 07:05:15
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