6 MONTH BRAIN ROOK PRIZE POND #1 6 month brain rook membership to the highest scoring player out of all three ponds. In each pond scores are as follows: 1st place - 5 points 2nd place - 4 points 3rd place - 3 points 4th place - 2 points 5th place - 1 point players can join all 3 ponds if they want! Reen al la listo de lagetoj
Lageta tipo: Kuri ĉirkaŭ la lageto Lageta ID: 8932 Minimumo de ludantoj: 16 Maksimumo da ludantoj: nelimita Tempo po movo: 2 tagoj Starto: 12. Novembro 2021, 01:05:04 Fino: 3. Januaro 2022, 01:05:03