Lageta tipo: Kuri ĉirkaŭ la lageto Lageta ID: 4353 Minimumo de ludantoj: 16 Maksimumo da ludantoj: nelimita Tempo po movo: 3 tagoj Starto: 24. Novembro 2007, 14:05:41 Fino: 22. Februaro 2008, 13:05:58
(12. Decembro 2007, 23:20:25) for a while any way, she went pond about a year ago but for only a couple of weeks
Movo: 6
(9. Decembro 2007, 15:33:14) This one said ONLY for players with a high of 25 or over, thats what Bernice meant. I see linda is a pawn now so they may all be starting different!
Movo: 2
(27. Novembro 2007, 14:42:46) thats ok, why shouldn't this pond start any different than any other one?
Movo: 1
(26. Novembro 2007, 00:52:18) Sorry, I didn't have time to check the list of sign-ups before start fault.
Now, I wish everybody a GOOD RUN! ...and try to stay away from the water!
(25. Novembro 2007, 06:45:26) how did lindaw4, get in here.....I cant see where these persons ever had a rating of over 2500???
(kaŝi) Se interesas vin la progreso de turniro en kiu vi ludas, vi povas diskuti pri ĝi kun viaj kontrauŭloj en la forumo de la turniro. (HelenaTanein) (Montri ĉiujn konsilojn)