Lageta tipo: Kuri ĉirkaŭ la lageto Lageta ID: 2097 Minimumo de ludantoj: 16 Maksimumo da ludantoj: nelimita Tempo po movo: 3 tagoj Starto: 7. Marto 2006, 00:00:00 Fino: 9. Majo 2006, 14:05:14
(28. Marto 2006, 18:32:20) ?? doh! I'm losing points right and left!
(28. Marto 2006, 12:53:12) bummer
(28. Marto 2006, 08:05:49) Guess weve all hit te wrong key at least once and not checked before pressing submit - oh well thats life.
Best of luck to those remaining R37
Movo: 2
(10. Marto 2006, 19:04:06) obviously I'm new to the game, lol.